I still can't believe Cartoon Network LA did this. Is the show creator aware of this?
Do you guys have this shit on your country?

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They played fnaf a while back

>no undertale show

no that's pretty much a cn la thing, they also did a fnaf one with the cast of villanos being the animatronics.

1 minute in and I already feel too old for this shit.

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Sabes que nunca van a poder hacer un LP completo verdad?

>Cuando sabes que los VA de Mexico hacen cosas como esta y Dr.Goku porque la paga es mala y casi nos le dan trabajo.

Just so Yea Forums knowns, there is a parody of Pawn Stars that features Thanos, Peridot and Lapiz Lazuri voiced by their original LA voice actors.

Are you going to share with the class?

>>just so Yea Forums knowns, there is a parody of Pawn Stars that features Thanos, Peridot and Lapiz Lazuri voiced by their original LA voice actors.
well then

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Forgive me mexibros for subjecting Yea Forums to this, but they asked.

Otra semana en cartoon is fucking trash

I at least like the attempt to make the shows feel connect like in the old cn city bumpers

A chingar a su madre.
El tipo intenta, recuerda que solo hay un tanto que pueden hacer con los 3 pesos de presupuesto y al narrador parece intentarle.

Asi que:
What's the concensus on Jorel's Brother?

Toontorial > Miau/Guau > Toontubers >>> Otra semana en cartoon

God I wish I knew taco language so I could understand this shit, it sounds like a riot

¿Tan mala es la paga en México? Pensé que a los actores grandes tipo Mariano Castañeda les pagaban bastante bien.

>I still can't believe Cartoon Network LA
Y yo que pensaba que este bloque nacio primero en CN EEUU. Parece un YTPH mal hecho.

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Why isnt there any english one I need to watch this

>Otra semana en cartoon
man i hate that shit so much

Now, I want to see Mordecai and Rigby playing CSS:ZE in ze_mako_reactor.

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I'd go for a tripper map

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It's pretty much a "what if Mordecai and Rigby quit their jobs at the park and became Youtubers?"

Their take on the characters is too shallow to make it work

>Is the show creator aware of this?
not their property anymore

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Essentially thanos is trying to pawn the infinity gauntlet and in typical pawn stars style Rick calls an expert, aka Lapis to verify them. Thanos uses the time stone to speed up getting land results to prove the stones are real and he uses the cash to buy a tablet. Part of it is that infinity stones in spanish are actually "infinity gems" hence the SU crossover

that was surprisingly better than I thought it would be, are there other good ones?

Lol, would watch

iirc there was a big outrage because the BigGuys™ decided to change how they were going to pay voice actors. They went from paying them per episode to pay them for x quantity of words said.
Obviously, most voice actors thought that was bullshit and went to on strike. Didn't work. The BigGuys™ did rather fired people who were working there for decades like Humberto Velez.

If they pay was "bastante bien", people like Mario wouldn't be forced to go to shitty smelly conventions to yell "kamehameha"

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Call Toby and ask him for one.

Why lapis acting like a huge slut

Toby Fox is a multi-millionaire. He could hire a crack team of animators and writers for a year and still have it cost less than a million bucks. It would be even more profitable if he kickstarted a cartoon or an OVA, so there's no excuse for him not to. It's clear he just really doesn't want to make a cartoon.

At least CN LA is still making content with Regular Show. Fucking CN US forgot it after the finale aired and now they are only one episode in the entire year and only on Halloween season
>Toontorial that high
It's literally a shitty Odd1sout ripoff

the only similarities toontorial and james is the mc design, the rest of both shows aims to diferent types of entertainment (Story time vs D.I.Y. parodies)

That's how the voice actress's hghhh.

what the fuck is this?

do copyright laws even exist in latin america

No, so that means the mouse has no power here.

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yes, but those laws are enforced very poorly like china's copyright laws

i see they fell for the same two-faced toriel dingdong fell for

Mexico and specially Venezuela pays their VA's like shit, I bet they do this mostly for shitposting, like said many parodies here are made by VA's just feeling like fooling around.

It's still weird to see, but welcome to latin america, copyright laws ain't shit here, many of the biggest restaurants in my city have copyright material all over it.

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dame la salsa amigo

Holy shit so I can get away with making high budget fanfiction over here? This is fantastic news.

>Is the show creator aware of this?
JG is not even fighting for his new show also 9/10 the moment you sell your cartoon you sell your baby for them to do anything they want

I remember seeing this stuff when RS was going through a severe drought here in the states, when CN stopped airing reruns, promoting episodes, and leaving it out of programming events. It made me realize CN LA and CN UK actually gave a shit about the show while CN US wanted it to never exist in the first place.

>so I can get away with making high budget fanfiction over here?
Pretty much, the issue would be getting people to give a fuck about it.

Here you walk outside and there's a local bar called Moe's, a Nintendo, Steven universe and Spongebob food truck, people in the street impersonating Homer to sell you shit, and people dress around as pokemon to get cash on local parks, spics don't give a fuck.

There's also the Villanos shorts where they sell items to villains from old cartoons like Father from KND

What I find awesome is sometimes they have new animation clips from characters that haven't been on TV in nearly 10 years

>spics don't give a fuck.
I remember being called racist because I said in Mexico they have a lot of knockoff bootleg shit of popular IPs.

>I remember being called racist because I said in Mexico they have a lot of knockoff bootleg shit of popular IPs.

Whoever told you that is either white or chicano, we do have a lot of knockoff bootleg shit, and we don't find that fact offensive, we actually tend to find it funny or charming in it's own way.

It's still common to find pissing Calvin and Cholo Taz and other bootleg shit like that. Really nobody cares

I'm pretty sure they were but this was online like 3-5 years ago and I don't remember that time much because it was full of stupid retardation like that. It was a chat where others could see so all it did was make me look racist because if someone is offended that just kind of solidifies the issue because no one wants to hurt the other guy's feelings and say they're being fucking stupid.

I mean how are you supposed to say anything back to that? How is it even ignorable? It's such a basic thing, and it's barley an insult unless you try and overthink it. People man.

They also briefly mentioned the Silver Spooner

Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't this episode banned?

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many "banned" episodes make it to latin america.
The banned PPG episode aired a lot when I was a kid.