What are your thoughts on DISNEY LEGEND™ Jack Kirby?

What are your thoughts on DISNEY LEGEND™ Jack Kirby?

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I love capitalism.

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That's honestly fucking disgusting.

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It's a little poor taste to use someone's name who died decades ago who had nothing to do with Disney. Next you're going to say that the Grimm Brothers are Disney people too. Just what dude.

Eh, the anti capitalist angle of "they're claiming Kirby as their own product" kinda thing pales in comparison to "it's cool Disney is touting him as a legend and actually giving him respect" imo

I hate this

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If no one mentioned his name you fucks would be complaining about how Kirby never gets any credit. Literally can't win

Apparently that was the award they gave him, not what they actually think.

How about saying "comic legend" or "Marvel legend" instead of shoehorning Disney?

>Jack Kirby
>Disney Legend.

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Jim Henson is a Disney Legend™ for the same reason too

Goddamn even after your dead they own your ass.


Did the fucker deleted the tweet?

>only got the rights to his characters after Marvel transferred IP control to Disney
>20 fucking years after he died

Are people calling him out?

Yeah, but it's only like 50 people a few hours ago.

This is the actual slippery slope of capitalism, where branding can be retroactively applied to the lifetime and career of someone, as though they were nothing but a commodity to be bought and sold. It's dehumanization, and we've been conditioned to not only accept it, but to appreciate it. That's bad.

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No fucking shame.

The award is a cheap way of claiming ownership of talent. Every official PR statement is gonna call him Disney Legend Jack Kirby from now on.

Thank you Mickey, very cool!

As horrible as it sounds, I'm kinda looking forward to all the disgust. Forgive me, Mr. Kirby.

Nope still there

Only lizard people at Disney could turn the idea of honoring a legendary creator into an inappropriate and weird brand thing.

I actualy thought i wasn't enough of a nerd for these kind of thigs to peeve me.

Fuck this shit.

It's illegal to call out Disney™ in the land of the free. Soon twitter will classify negative comments toward Disney as hate speech

Apparently it was Kevin Feige who said it.

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Waiting for a "Disney Legend Steve Ditko" one. This would be the defining moment to discover if bodies can recover their life purely fueled by hate.

I am afraid that one will make Ditko rise from his grave.

>"it's cool Disney is touting him as a legend and actually giving him respect" imo

What exactly is cool about it? Did they pay him when he was alive? Are they paying his descendants and friends and loved ones now? If not, then why would it be cool that they are using his name as if they own it?

Kirby would probably love this meaningless title and nod, you dorks, Kirby gave up on comic book work to do (failed) concept art for the movies, loved talking to dorky fans in the then small com circuit, and even though he started working all the way back in the Golden Age he was on the forefront of "superstar" comic book artists, with Stan suceafully branding him in early Marvel (and later screwing him of course), the unprecedented move of hyping up a "hand" when he moved to DC, pushing for other formats other than newstand floppies, always incentivang different takes on characters, status quo changes.
I hate how for some people Kirby has become a symbol for a crystalline complacent Silver Age, that never existed, Marvel, and superhero universes as a whole, have always been smack in the middle of one Crisis, shake-up or introduction, and Kirby was the first rockstar legend creator, he'd like being put in this Hall of Fame more than Morrison liked getting magik sucked by his syccophants in his own self titled con.

And this is why we need a new Stalin. Eco-Stalinism is the only way forward!

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They could give him credit as an inspiration without implying that he fucking worked for them, you evil stooge.

Equally based.

This is what I hate about comics. Yes, you should own a character you created, but there's no reason you should be treated as a godhead and have a 60ft bust made in your honor in front of the White House.

Why would he care? He was a dipshit libertarian wasn't he? They love corporations.

How about Comics Legend or Superhero Legend instead of fucking Disney?

Sometimes its not about vapid shit like monetary gain. This is a matter of prestige and legacy, if you were an artist you would understand. Shut the fuck up this is nothing but a good thing.

You sweet summer children didn't know Disney was already trying profit from the King?

Cadence and by extension the late 60s Marvel management screwed Kirby, not the rat company. The rat company paid them a gigantic amount of money to settle out of court some years back, way more than Marvel proper ever did, so yes, they're quite happy.

So now that Stan Lee state hates Feige they're gonna milk the fuck out of Kirby's name instead?

Did MorrisonCon happen again after the first time?

How about just putting his fucking name in giant letters during the credits before the name of that faggot kevin Feige? That's all fans really want

Wow it’s cool that you were such good friends with Kirby that you’re able to tell us his opinion on this matter.

Shit take, even though early cape creators got screwed over you should absolutely not own characters you create for a company, the superhero genre wouldn't exist without this original sin. But that shouldn't stop people from celebrating these creators, and potentially looking at their other works with characters that they do own.

The bleeding edge 3D model of Kirby for the Hella Fucking Epic Cameos is in process as we speak.

olhhhh goodie

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Kevin spear-heads the movie so obviously his name should go before since he put in the work, then the directors, then the script writers.

Jesus Christ! Not even the MCU started at Disney

>you should absolutely not own characters you create for a company
Speaking of shit takes

Thank you, but it was actually Mark Evanier who worked with him for decades that gave me most of these takes, read his long intro in your Fourth World Omnibus or his 2008 biography fully endorsed by the Kirby Estate.

If you were a human being you would understand that allowing a soulless corporation to steal your hard-earned prestige and legacy is not something to proud of, or a good thing.

I much more preferred Disney Legend Jack Kirby's work with Warner Brothers.

>The Vice President and Executive Editor of Marvel's Digital Media posted this

Here comes their turn at The Last Jedi level disaster

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Disney Legends used to be about honoring important people at the company, even if they weren't necessarily all that well known by the public. It only started becoming more of a soulless circlejerk over the crap Disney bought once they started the D23 Expos.

Mark my words, they're gonna induct Matt Groening next Expo.

>Kirby Estate
Lmao who cares about the opinion of worthless leeches.

And then you have to work single handedly on anything related to that character, because any work-for-hire implies ownership. Based 5D Cosmic-level IQ user killing the entire animation industry and the entire superhero and Imageshit conglomerate for a superior Yea Forums that'll only discuss true cartoonist autheurs like Crumb and Clowes.

Evanier actually wrote what Kirby’s hypothetical reaction would be if his comics legacy was co-opted by a unrelated corporation? Wow that’s amazing. Glad you could share this with us.

Based complex trips of basedness.

Tom King and What's her face are going to poison the New Gods well for any foreseable future. If we're lucky that movie will never see the light of day.

Put me in the screen cap

Yep, he wrote extensively on how underappreciated Kirby felt, I know, redundant when it's a Thing every comic book fan already knows anyway. You're very welcome, any other info you want just lemme know.

>gonna induct Matt Groening next Expo.

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I have no idea what point you’re trying to make. What is so terrible about creators owning the rights to their creations? Why do you diss Image Comics for actually helping creators distribute their comics without forcing them to give up their rights? I’m not even sure why you name drop Crumb and Clowes. Us knowing who they are is a testament to the feasibility independent publishing.

>Disney Legend Jack Kirby
That makes me physically ill.

Thanks again, could you post a pic of where Evanier talks specifically about Kirby being happy about being given a Disney Legend title?

They assimilated him into being their employee posthumously.

Satan in hell purge this world by your fire

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>feasibility independent publishing.
*feasibility of independent publishing

Fuck Feige. I still don’t get why anyone praises him. He’s half the reason the MCU turned so fucking soulless.

Well judging by the costumes Marvel is already fucking it up

Because he's made movies that're objectively critically and financial successful.

kek based

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I don't think so

>A bunch of mindless drones that praise whatever the MCU shits into their mouths

The last good MCU movis were Winter Soldier and GOTG. Even then, they were after the dogshit of Iron Man 3 and Thor 2.

Marvel “movies” aren’t movies anymore. They’re soulless products from a constant formula.

Cry all you want, but it's true.

Just because you don't like them doesn't change the facts. Now reply with more of the same talking points.


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Fucking based!!!

Incandescent irritation.

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Creators should own their creation when stipulated, work for hire is a different animal, Kirby was doing work for hire. His grievances were with financial compensation and job security, verbal deal Stan made that the new owners didn't follow through, not over IP. Everything after "Based" is a natural consequence of what would happen if work for hire artists were automatically entitled to the IPs they're working on, duhhh

I'm not digging through for that bud, just read his biography again and you'll remember that oh so rare trend of an artist seeking validation.

>in ways you can't imagine
It's like he knows nobody at D23 reads comics.

That's not how it works.

true for you maybe

Why the fuck didn't they do this then during any of the Thor or Cap movies since he co-created those characters?

So work for hire was okay because that’s just the way it was done? Companies were acting like that was the only way to do business in order to fuck over creators. It sucks that somebody like Kirby was okay with the work for hire model, because he was being swindled under the basis of “that’s how the industry works lol.” Sad that you’ve bought into the work for hire bullshit as well.

What exactly is Disney stealing by finally giving Kirby a nod instead of used car salesman Stan Lee? There's no mention of Captain Victory as far as I can tell.

Meanwhile, Disney Legend Bill Mantlo....

Wow, the sheer hubris of this literal who user belliting and infatilizing the King of comics. After a certain point Kirby had the option to do more creator owned work like Victory but he chose to work in shared universes, besides romance his major contribution is to the superhero genre, and all the genre conventions rely on a shared universe that only exists because a single company owns all the rights. Work for hire is absolutely okay, it's a necessity for work outside the autheur small print scale, and no one subscribes to a Marxist theory of IP law besides Alan Moore and the Chinese (autism alert: that part is a comic exaggeration, don't reply seriously, have a good time Google Chinese Warcraft theme parks instead).

>Sometimes its not about vapid shit like monetary gain. This is a matter of prestige and legacy, if you were an artist you would understand. Shut the fuck up this is nothing but a good thing.
>Eh, the anti capitalist angle of "they're claiming Kirby as their own product" kinda thing pales in comparison to "it's cool Disney is touting him as a legend and actually giving him respect" imo
wtf, I love late stage capitalism now!

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Based GI, Captain America and Iron Man creator, and tough commie hating working class New Yorker Jack Kirby working this champagne socialist Chapo user into a seething shoot.

Would you shut the duck up.and do research before you shut yourselves

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>This July, the legendary Jack Kirby will be honored for his remarkable creative achievements as a Disney Legend
Oh yeah, that totally changed the context.

Hey sweet another Kengan Ashura fan.

wew. you unpaid interns sure do love the taste of mouse cock.

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Yeah, it does. This happened a while ago so why weren't you mad then?

It doesn't change the context at all. They're still calling him a Disney legend

>Yeah, it does
No it doesn't, Kirby did all his work long before Disney bought Marvel. This just adds the word "Disney" to his shit.

>This happened a while ago so why weren't you mad then?
Because I didn't know about it.

This comic is a reference to how workers were forced to attend a Trump rally or else they would lose their pay.

Are you absolutely sure you wouldn't be happy to be worth buying as a brand?

Why waste your time and energy hating a capitalist man being celebrated when you could celebrate Captain Pronin instead?

I've been thinking I should read some Rand to find out what Ditko saw in her. Atlas Shrugged or The Fountainhead?

He absolutely is a Disney Legend but there can always be improvements to his work. Those Power Ranger costumes are such a big improvement to what Kirby shat out!!

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>wtf, I love late stage capitalism now!
Deep ;)

>This comic is a reference to how workers were forced to attend a Trump rally or else they would lose their pay.
it was made way before last week.

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It'd be classier if they just referred to him as say "the legendary Jack Kirby"

We are still here, despite the pain netflix inflicted on us.

Literally the only Disney project Kirby can claim is doing the comic book adaptation of The Black Hole. Anything else is just the modern Disney suits turning what used to be a celebration of history into pointless dickwaving about brands they own now and how anything bought by Disney magically gets assimilated into the company's history.

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>Have rainbow flag to show how woke he is
>Still suck corporations cock like the good shill he is
I fucking hate radlibs man.

My biggest issue with this is that Jack is NOT a fucking Disney Legend. He as a marvel legend, comics legend, DC Legend, not a Disney one. No matter how many shekels Disney has, no matter how much IPs they buy it, it's just not accurate. He did not produce anything for Disney. They merely own in retrospect some of his work.

You must feel great defending Disney over an artist. Yeah, just can't win pleasing artists and their families and supporters, those poor multi-billion-dollar corporations just can't win :(

This pleases the artist, his family and supporters though.

>they made money so that means they're good
fuck off

Disney putting a person on a pedestal is an insult to that person.

He said "critically and financially successful". In what way is that not objectively true?