Was it all that heteronormative?

Was it all that heteronormative?

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I don't know, the show never told me if there was a gay version of the board game allowing consumers to choose. For all I know, she's just being a whiny brat even though the option to play as black lesbians could've been on the shelf right below in the toy store.

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There’s a black guy on the box so no.

fuck off

>uses the term heteronormative like its such a bad thing
>also can't wait to shack up with the first available boy
Make up your mind.

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She's probably just trying to use the word wherever she can since she's the only 12 year old in the world to know it exsists. It's her character, She's asian tier smart and likes to use long words where they're not needed.

that's the point of her character. she's just a normal kid but she's constantly worried about shit that doesn't matter, which along with her being a huge nerd with neglectful parents contributes to her loneliness
Thankfully Todd and Reggie are there

Geez, I'm sorry but I wasn't paying attention to this show at all. Did they seriously use the term heteronormative in their children's animated show? If so then goddamn that's detached. What normal kid would attach to that?

This. Ya'll need to calm the fuck down.

Christ you faggots are tiresome

Actually is the best CN can do?
I prefer putting a stick in my ass & shout "JUUULAAAAYYYYYYY"

Worry warts who are overly persnickety and "mature" like the character. You've never met a kid like that?

I would assume a modern one.

It’s a Netflix show not Cartoon Network.

Ah, gotcha. Sorry, didn't see until after I posted.
thanks for the (you), bigger faggot

It just occurred to me that I've never actually known how to spell that word.

Damn, i'm wrong so.
Anyway, i don't regret writing that spoiler before

Being aware that something is pushing a certain sexuality does not change your own, Anonymous!

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Have sex.

Gay sex?

not really
heteronormativity implies that the game isn't built around a girl character than you roleplay, but rather that you yourself are a character who has the chance to date those dudes

but looking at the box, it's clear that you assume the identity of a teen girl who is straight because if that wasn't the case it would probably show case people playing the game rather than a specific person being visited

It's heteronormative, not caucasionormative.

Whatever sex you prefer.

>>also can't wait get bleached by the first available white boy

If it’s a interracial relationship than it isn’t heteronormative cause interracial relationships aren’t considered normal .

You can't push heterosexuality, it's the default.

please come back when you know what we mean by the words we're using

Everyday, This bitch is capable too expose herself.

I can't unsee that pillow as HUGE BUFF ANIME GIRL ARMS.

don't do this to my penis, user

Esther is ready to hop on any available dick. It didn't take much for that band mutt to make her blush. I half expected her and Todd to bang behind Reggie's back, before Chubby Goth took his virginity.


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>mfw Lego Friends is actually pretty nice-looking, has some of the few non-deformed-looking human CG models around, and certainly looks better than the regular lego minifigs..

If much of the Islanders were former humans who were in Endless for too much, what's with Elmer? Is he particularly resistant to Endless's effects or is he just a weird example?

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Reggie's breath stinks!

I think I'm in the mood for writing some Forever Twelve tonight.

No promises we'll go absolutely fullspeed turbolewd with it (tho I'll be happy if your degenerate ideas prompt that), I'll just take requests and see where it goes.

If you're doing something lewd, maybe drop it off on the trash thread.

.....We have one of those now?

A daily day for Doctor Champion.

Yeah. It was made when we thought we were getting /trash/ed.

well, consideirng he is sort of a reverse Pinochio...
no, seriously. Pinochio turned from a wooden puppet and marionette into a real boy.
Elmer turned from a real boy more and more in a puppet/marionette.
this guy is fucked even harder in the future than he is now.

Also, my theory: Endless Island is what you get if Neverland from Peter Pan gets more fucked up. Butt witch is just a reincarnated Captian Hook no lnger having to be worried about a Crocodile eating its hand.

Oh yeah. Even his story bares resemblance to the Disney Pinochio.

No, It isn't. In the other hand, homosexuality is pushed extremely in the air because all creators and industries are getting out of mula and hit by notorious taxes.

I wish I could stay up all night writing. But this latest story is really stumping me and pushing at my creative insecurities. I'm hoping some sleep helps.

What's your problem man? Maybe a humble user here can give some insight.

>No, It isn't
>Like 96% of the population is heterosexual
>Heterosexuality is the only natural way of reproducing
Sounds pretty default to me

It assumes that the player is straight so yes.
You "push" heterosexuality when you pretend that other alternatives are not even options. It is not about something being "default", it is about acknowledging other possibilities. 5% is not equal to 0% just because it's less than 95%.

If she was actually intelligent she'd realize its a redundant word. Hetro *is* normal, only 2%ish of the population acts as exemption.

>If she was actually intelligent she'd realize its a redundant word.
No it's not. See You don't seem to understand why the word is used yourself despite wanting to correct people on it. You also pretend that "Normal" only has one meaning, rather than multiple ones - it does not only refer to something being common due to being a majority, it is also treated in different contexts as a moral value, ie it's "wrong" to be "abnormal".

The world is used because you have strange and weird ideas about people and loath humanity.

Usually if somebody is gay it's because being gay is their default. As opposed to being taught it, which isn't impossible but rarer than you probably think.

Reggie’s feet.

Her feet what? Started consuming bunnies?

You lash out at me by ascribing morality to my stance, which is simply to correct your English. I'm sorry that your attempt at misinforming people about the connotations of academic terminology has hit a roadblock.

"Normal: conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected."
The norm is heterosexuality.

I would almost Green Text night to this. Least that was interesting.

To what? What does that mean?

I meant to put "have prefer" after "almost".

Her feet starts to smell and me and the boys go over to smell her feet

But this show doesn't take place in modern time apparently.

Well you're talking to the greentext night writer so.. Why not? Let's do lewds.

Just get something dirty and good and we'll get the ball rolling.
>And yeah yeah I'll post them in /trash/ don't worry

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>Responding to an accusation of pretending there's only one definition to a word by only posting one definition to the word
Are you well? Or are you really that stupid?
Here you see at least 8 different definitions. One of them is:
> b : according with, constituting, or not deviating from a norm, rule, or principle
"A rule or principle" - something can be normal based on something as arbitrary as a rule, rather than statistics.


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No, she must suffer.
Do more bullying!
I don't care who, can be Reggie or someone else.

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Do you not understand what a norm is?

I want to give Esther a heteronormative dicking!

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I want to forcefully smell her while she looks at me with disgust.

what happened to this dude

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He turned into Walter White of the hit show Breaking Bad.


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>kisssss meeeee, beneath the milky twilight

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We need to talk about my yogurt.

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What? What yogurt?

Yup. Even worse, the MC just happens to be a lesbian somehow at 12 and despite her mom fucking a dude to make her, and going on a date with a dude, the mom clearly also is a lesbian because she only ever hangs out with one adult woman.

It's like the media is trying to make straight couples illegal in the minds of the masses.

No modern kid would use that word unless they grew up with SJW parents.

>despite her mom fucking a dude to make her, and going on a date with a dude, the mom clearly also is a lesbian because she only ever hangs out with one adult woman.
That is some rent-free shit. Have some coitus.

You’re being right? You’re not actually THIS stupid, right?

>when you pretend that other alternatives are not even options
When humans can directly reproduce in a way that differs from combining sperm and egg, then alternatives are options.

user please, it's just a cartoon.

>the mom clearly also is a lesbian because she only ever hangs out with one adult woman.
You seem to have missed that she is still going on dates with men.

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The user mentioned it in his post though. Still doesn't make it any less perplexing.

Which episode?

>awkward dinner with your boss over
>hanging out

>Todd has a cubby goth gf
>Ester is likely to fall for one of her band mates
>Reggie doesn't even understand she has a crush
Something tells me this would be a problem later.

I think he meant Kathy.

>that episode where Tanopy got raped
fucking Borbo.

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>The user mentioned it in his post though
Oh...this is probably why I shouldn't post when I've only had 2 hours of sleep.


>Have some coitus

Introduce me to a woman who'll give it to me for free and I will.

>You "push" heterosexuality when you pretend that other alternatives are not even options
Or maybe they're not pretending and just marketing to the largest demographic because it'll net more money while not stepping on any toes. The reason people don't market as much to the homosexual community in such mediums is because these days it's a gamble. Either they'll love it or view it as a cheap attempt at gaining favor through exploitation like Dream Daddy. Even if they do love it you run the risk of losing profit for the product from the larger demographic because they aren't really interested or got turned off by how aggressive you pushed if you went about it the wrong way. Alternatively the game was geared for straight people and some little shit chose to get it despite being marketed as such and decided to whine at the lack of gayness in the straight game.

You can do it while making kids act like kids.

Yeah, we saw some of it with Reggie sperging out with Todd asking Gwen over but she'll really be feeling left out once she starts being the third wheel to both of her friends' romantic relationships.

Locked Out Forever (Pt. 2)
I liked a lot of Reggie's panic about Connely. Done very well, good portrayal of burgeoning gay realization

>certainly looks better than the regular lego minifigs

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>just happens to be a lesbian somehow at 12

I know I'm taking bait here but w/e. "Has a crush on a girl" only means has a crush on a girl. She could be lesbian, she could be bi, she could just be perfectly straight and having a moment. It's common for heterosexual people to have surface-level crushes or wonder about what it would be like to be with someone of the same sex.

And user, I had my first serious attraction to another girl when I was like 10. Is 12 really that unthinkable for you? Do you have some weird idea that young people only ever start to form crushes and develop romantic feelings in their mid or late teens or something?

I know people get their panties in a twist about "SJWs" whenever same-sex relationships are shown but honestly, I would have benefited a lot from knowing that gay and lesbian people existed earlier. I didn't know that loving someone of the same sex was "allowed" or a thing that could happen at all so I didn't know how to process my feelings. They manifested as a weird, burning hate and jealousy coupled with a "I want to literally be her but also be her best friend". So being the autist that I was, I printed out some pictures of her, defaced them, wrote "SKANK" on them and taped them up around the school. It's really common for confusing attraction to become abuse and bullying. I owe her an apology big time.

>Valentine's Day episode
>Todd and Esther blow off Reggie to hang out with their respective partners after getting lovey-dovey cards
>Reggie goes to sulk in the Endless after not getting anything
>Twelve goes directly to Butt Witch and begrudgingly asks for help
>"Hold still while I shoot you with this concoction"
>Butt Witch's concoction turns Twelve into a suave douchey ladykiller, complete with wardrobe change
>Reggie goes back to the real world and finds Conelly, greets her with a slap on the ass and a "What's up, sweetcheeks?"
>"Reggie, what's wrong with you?"
>"Only thing wrong is you not giving me some sugar"
>Reggie tries forcing herself on Conelly (in a PG way, not that way you fucks)
>Conelly gives a speech about how this isn't the Reggie she knows and she doesn't like this
>Reggie overcomes the spell and realizes how much she fucked up with her crush
>Reggie comes back the next day to apologize with a crudely made belated Valentine's Day card for Conelly, spills her (metaphorical) spaghetti and runs away from the awkwardness
>Conelly tries to stop her, but her overall response left open-ended

>and certainly looks better than the regular lego minifigs..
Excuse me, sir, but do you mind if I ask you to kill your fucking self.

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Esther is so fucking cute.

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Jesus nigga

>they forgot to color in the straps

>TFW I used to do that in a daily basis during high school
I was such a pervert (I still am, but hide my power level)

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How's the show?

>Butt Witch didn't even do her magic, it was all a placebo.

Surprisely it's pretty decent. I thought the show would be "le dorky lolsorandurr adventure time wannabe" but it's actually kinda good. The best part of the show is reggie confronting maturity and how it's reflected in the island, not to mention how dark that place actually is.

>See? Just like your womanhood waiting to bloom, you always had the confidence you needed!
>Shut the fuck up, bitch! You RUINED Valentine's for me!
>Is someone a bit moody? Has Aunt Flo come to town?

"Normative" is not the same as "normal".

Man, I really hope banter between those two become more prominent in the next season. It's weird there wasn't a whole lot of interaction between the two.

>makes the tomboy gay
>thinks this is somehow progressive
Just fucking stop. Let girls be tomboys without pushing this gay stereotype on them. You're literally being the opposite of progressive.

Superior pic here

Yes, but heteros are normal, so that's good.

Gay tomboys are actually less progressive nowadays since people are now claiming it as a type of trans identity.

>She would be the office worker who may not shower everyday and hangs anime posters up in her cubicle.
Wrong. She'd grow up to be Julia Vickerman.

>reggie gets decent at drawing and makes her own cartoon series
>becomes a showrunner and finds she's a natural at directing a story and setting up a developed world due to all those years of autistic playset and scene making
>develops a drinking problem because the unhinged feeling it gives her reminds her of the giddy joy of being in Endless
>gets drunk as fuck at a company party and gropes the young intern girls while screaming at them to take their clothes off, because she's the boss and they owe their careers to her
>is found passed out the next day, somehow dressed in another homemade Endless outfit and reeking of vomit and piss
>is publicly disgraced and kicked out of her own show
This shit writes itself.

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There is nothing trans about either tomboys or straight up homosexuals.
Homosexuality is not transgender. The fuck is wrong with these people?

>establishing, relating to, or deriving from a standard or NORM, especially of behavior.
So it means establishing something as normal. A romance board game which only presents straight relationship possibilities is heteronormative, because it establishes straight relationships as normal, which they are. So it's good. Queer relationships are abnormal (not a value judgement, just statistical fact) and it would be a costly and inconvenient mistake to have everything involving romance throw in queer options to appeal to a tiny minority.

Talk about the cartoon. This is starting to sound like gayer /pol/.

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It's just some fag obsessed with making Reggie straight, they're probably the same one that requests raping her and is offput by lesbianism because it goes against their pedo tendencies

I don't think the pedos are really concerned with that.

Hey, remembered when Todd and Ester were reading Elmer's diary and read what seem to be newspaper clippings? Does that imply there's governing bodies in Endless? Especially the fact there was Queen Limerick.

>not a value judgement
>excluding gay options is "good"
I must admit that you at least know how to read a dictionary unlike others REEEEEEing at Esther using the word.

Yea Forumsmblr is out in full force today.

What is Reggie doing with her hand? Is she trying to publicly masturbate? What a chad.

>just because two females are close friends doesn't mean they are lesbians
>she only hangs out with one female friend so she is obviously a lesbian
Make up your goddamn mind.

Bout to binge the show. How crack is Reggie/Butt Witch?

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Pretty crack, but also perfectly workable if you spin it as "BW tormenting Reggie" or, if done right and kept reasonably in character, "BW shows Reggie the ropes about 'growing up' ".

I don't really want to spoil it for you if you're just about to dive in (not that there's a ton to spoil yet, the "lore"/deeper story is pretty light) but BW is the antagonist and Reggie and her are mutual enemies. BW suggests the island's supposed to belong to her and views Reggie as an invader on her turf (also just seems to hate kids in general). Reggie's a bit freaked out by her since she's an exaggerated caricature of adulthood and represents moving past puberty and growing up.

“Heteronormative” when used as a negative by someone who isn’t a dumbass just means moving beyond the assumption that the audience is straight and male with a small number of straight females, creating content where there is a character for anyone to form an unhealthy obsession with while avoiding the obvious “male gaze” shots.

To put it another way, there is an assumption that lingering on something like a fanservice ass shot on a female is for men, on a male for women. By focusing on all attractive characteristics of both genders, like hair and back muscles, you cater to your entire audience.

To simplify the idea, its basically making your content like your audience is a mix of bisexuals and asexuals. You maximize the people wanking to your content without turning away too many people who don’t want their content too skanky.

>tormenting Reggie
>Showing her the ropes about growing up
Why not both?

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Absolutely could. Decadent pic btw, artists who are good at hands and hand placement are too powerful.

> can't even spell "Hetero" right

user you dont get it, other user and his ilk would rather you remain frustrated and straight(gay) forever. For the "cause".

>spoiler text
Never mind, lesbians were a mistake.

manface desu

She also immediately admits to liking the game anyway.

She's a precocious nerd whose probably read academic theory and is repeating those words now. It's part of her character.

>the mom clearly also is a lesbian because she only ever hangs out with one adult woman.
Do you just assume every woman you meet who has female friends is a lesbian?

>Also, my theory: Endless Island is what you get if Neverland from Peter Pan gets more fucked up. Butt witch is just a reincarnated Captian Hook no lnger having to be worried about a Crocodile eating its hand.
I'm glad someone else has made that connection.
Even Neverland originally is a darker place, with plenty of things trying to kill you and hints that you forget your origins if you spend to long there.

In the officially approved sequel, the Lost Boys and the two remaining Darling children go back there as adults and turn back into children.
If I remember right one of them manages to age back up again by behaving like his adult self. I was wondering if the same could work for the transformed Endless residents.

>Maybe everyone got lost...

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Heartbreaking expression.

Please stop.

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>>Like 96% of the population is heterosexual
That's majority, not default, and theses two words can sometimes not correlate with each other. If it was really default, then the other sexual orientations would be only choices, not traits that we already obtain in the birth.

>Heterosexuality is the only natural way of reproducing
It's natural, but we nowadays have means of preventing pregnancy and execute abortion. You do realize that not everyone is into the idea of reproducing, including some gay people, right? I mean, especially, when you consider that our planet is already overpopulated.

Reggie is for ____

Being nice to.

Milkies from Butt Witch, so she can grow up big and strong!

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The one in bed is clearly a glam metal rocker out recovering from a blackout so no.

What do you expect, she's a girl. They always drone on about men not being shit, and heteronormativity but are always the first ones to hop on some dick when offered.

Nothing contradictory about what I said, and your greentext isn't what I said.

If she literally only has one friend and that friend is female and spends more time at the other's side than apart, then yes I assume they're lesbians.

why the fuck are these niggas talkin bout hedgeronormality


What do you mean, this is Yea Forums - topiary and landscaping

Maybe there are governments on other island, but Endless seems pretty much like a free for all.

There was also a president Boloxi. There could be entire islands out there that are totally normal with no weird magic fuckery at all for all we know.

Giving a cool new art set and telling her she's awesome

My main problem is just being dumb about it. I definitely have a fear of judgement and have never been an outgoing person. So putting these stories out here gives me some anxiety. I know I know, I should just be chill, who cares what others think, blah blah blah. But it's hard to break out of the old ways, y'know?

As for this current story in particular, I wanna kinda do a classic story line but it's requiring me to write a few original characters and so it's less "is this dialog in character for X" and more "is this character in character for the show as a whole". Not to mention my total lack of experience with the subject matter/conflict so I'm second guessing a bunch of stuff and hitting little blocks here and there. I have the basic outline down and I can see the entire episode in my head. It's just hard to get it out into words for some reason.

Some people in the last thread have pointed out that my formatting is weird as well, that I should go with more traditional prose. But I feel like it doesn't quite fit the show. Like, yeah I get the appeal. But in a cartoon we don't get all that inner monologue and lingering descriptions and metaphors and such. Like, I want my story to flow as if you were actually watching the show if that makes sense. So it's something to work on.

It's one of those "how dare you pander to me like you know me" but you still play it anyway because it's literally everything you want, type things.

I mean it still seems in line. Esther obviously reads far more than the others and she probably hangs out on their version of tumblr or whatever. She sees these big words and #woke posts and repeats them, thinking it makes her smart or atleast more grown up. Y'know, like actual kids do.

Not every kid is like Reggie that's blissfully unaware of every aspect of life outside theirs.

If you don't want to write prose and you want it to flow like an episode I would say I guess you could write script format. But that's just terrible.

Yeah it is. With no gay option, it's a little heteronormative in that it assumes the target demographic can't be gay. Is that a problem? Not really, but that's what it is.

>it assumes the target demographic can't be gay
Maybe the target audience was only heterosexuals. Nothing wrong with that.

>Is that a problem? Not really, but that's what it is.

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Oh my god just fuck each other

Yeah I thought about doing script format but like you said, it'd pretty terrible since a lot of stuff gets filled in my animators and whatnot. So I've been trying to strike a nice happy medium between that and full on novels. Like, I'm only trying to write an 11 minute episode here. I don't need to make some 20k word gorrila of a piece.

I can't, my thread crush has been absent (or at least quiet) for a little while.

When will insecure fags learn to accept that yes, you're a fucking minority, and no, you don't deserve celebration as being """normal"""?

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Ester seems like the type of girl who'll date other girls in spite of being straight to be "progressive". I could see her being in a date with Reggie, it ending pretty horribly, and the two vowing to never date each other again. Would be funny.

I don't see how any of that's implied. You seem upset at a new word that describes an old concept.

It's a new word meant to obscure an objective truth.

It's not debating the truth though. Everyone knows why heteronormativity dominates media and social situations.

Its newspeak built from over-socialized animals wanting to tear shit down and build nothing respectable in its place.
But I get ahead of myself.
In the end it sounds fucking retarded and that makes me ANGERY

We know that media and social norms make assumptions about people's preferred mates based on gender. Giving a name to that doesn't have to be part of some conspiracy. When someone gets offended that you assumed they're straight or the gender of their ex you can say "heteronormativity, faggot, get used to it".


Watch out everybody, Esther is getting mad

Would she really be mad over that? I envision her in the music board getting spergy over that asian chick who ruined the Beatles. Todd too.

*flips off Disney legos, the company she works for.*

Dana insults Disney all the time. I'm not sure how she gets away with it. Feel like it's pretty much proof that women have it easier when it comes to consequences.

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He stopped being friends with a clearly autistic girl.

Sexuality is a choice

Up until a few years ago games like that never let you do gay pairings so I would assume she was right.

>Lego initially tried to sell regular minifigs to focus group children
>They didn't find them all that interesting
>Went nuts for minidolls
I feel it's often because of toy companies as a whole conditioning girls into liking that sort of stuff but Lego at least tried.

Hirsch does it too. It’s good, Disney is awful.

How much of Butt Witch current self from Reggie's involvement? Maybe all the girl did was wake her up.

>I feel it's often because of toy companies as a whole conditioning girls into liking that sort of stuff
No, it's because biological differences actually exist. Just because there are exceptions in the millions does not negate the average which is composed of billions.

Trying to deny that boys like cool things and girls like cute things (on average) is like trying to deny that women have a mother's instinct or that men have a desire to provide.

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Hey, could be both.

So give it to me straight (heh)
IF a season 2 were to happen, it wouldn't be helmed by either Julia or Petosky?

Nah. In modern media, you're not allowed to be straight and questioning. And if you're bi, you're effectively gay because dating the opposite sex makes you a "traitor."

Can't we talk about the show? Can't my cartoons be free from the increasing politicization of this world?

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Ester and Reggie were pretty much friendless, but what about Todd? Wasn't he hanging out with other kids in that flashback?

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Oh yeah I won't deny that. That's why I feel Pokemon is so beloved by both sexes.

I mean, it's not like you didn't probably want to do all of that stuff, it's just you're blaming having been in the closet.

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Potosky was just a mercenary, so no. She's done. As for Julia, it's up in the air until we actually hear something official. Her linkdin still has her as exec producer/supervising director though. So that's some hope in my eyes.

Sure! Here's a fun question, in Dustin Forever, what was Reggie gonna do if she had found those fireworks?

Yeah I always wondered what happened to those guys. It'd be cool to see him hanging out with some other people now and then, possibly even to teach Reggie more of the lesson that people have lives beyond her and Endless.

They probably quickly ditched him when he started hanging round with the queen of autism.

I assume it's to do Endless. Perhaps a party. I think this user may be right . We don't really see him hanging out with anyone in current day.

>We don't really see him hanging out with anyone in current day.
Cept his g/f, whatsherface Gwen was it?

Yeah, but that's about it, and they just meet relatively recently.

Yeah she's a new friend. I'd like to see where the old ones went to.

*anyone else*

I'm pretty confident that no-one would fap to pictures of me.

>Be black
>Mother's name is Esther
>See this little black girl named Esther be so thirsty for dick

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Man, Fuck what sjws and media says!!! Illegal is their homosexual anarchy. They must be erased from the existence


Not a real word. The word you actually need to use is normal. None of the rest of it makes you sound smarter and your bizarre sexual fetishism doesn't need labels. We don't need it in cartoons either


>user can't read the dictionary
what caused you to be functionaly illiterate?

It is a real word because it's a real thing. Calling it just "normal" isn't specific enough. A "normal relationship" could mean a series one where you plan for marriage or one that isn't serious. Normal could also mean non-sexual since that's what most relationships are. Calling it "heteronormative" zeros in on what you mean.

Give it to me straight (no homo) Yea Forums, is this actually worth watching?

unless you can handle watching a show just cuz you like porn of the characters, no

It's a really cute show, slice of life in the real world, whacky adventures on Endless. Almost like As Told by Ginger meets Adventure Time. There's also the hints at a deeper lore that we're all hoping to see explained someday and have a kick ass time theorizing on. Some of the heavier episodes aren't till near the end, but it's pretty consistent throughout. So if you don't like it by like episode 5, it might not be for you. Tough they are short so it's not a huge waste of time.

Do you like cartoons that look goofy but have a lot of pathos?

Off to mega I go.

I bet we'll see Ester having more focus on her in the next season. Akin to what Todd had in this one. It would likely have to do with the band too.

Attached: Orbiter.png (1920x1080, 832K)

Definitely. I'd love to see some of her home dynamic, what little there may be of it. Could definitely see some band drama coming up. She likes one of them, another likes her, band splits up for a bit, gets back together. That whole cliche. Esther seems to be looking for love but I hope she learns a lot about having love for herself too.

Perhaps we'll see the different kinds of prepubescent responses to romantic wants. Todd is the most mature one, and his relationship with Gwen is pretty stable. Reggie is the least mature one and she doesn't even know she has a crush on someone. Perhaps Ester's would be kind of the middle road between those two.

>If she literally only has one friend and that friend is female and spends more time at the other's side than apart, then yes I assume they're lesbians
Holy shit user.
Have you even interacted with women outside of your mother?

I could see her trying to bite off more than she can chew so to speak. Going too hard on the romance angle, thinking that special dates, meaningful gifts, and other such things are what it's all about, causing whoever she goes after to kinda slink back a bit.

Yeah. I can definitely see her rushing towards adulthood to contrast Reggie's insistence on being static.

Then don't fucking get them! They're not for you anyway yah old adult!

Yes I have.

Not so much rushing to adulthood, but more like she's one of those girls that's read too many romance novels and has this idealized vision of what a relationship and a boyfriend should be like. So when things don't live up to her ideal it causes trouble.

>express distaste
>distaste invalidated by other options
Libs owned by logic and reason.

Okay, way too eager to romance against Reggie's aversion to that.

>he cute

This show is cringe, and I really don't have a good feeling about the creator(s) behind it.
Please prove me wrong

Attached: 1566144074405.webm (400x490, 1.75M)

What, your feelings? You can feel whatever you want faggot.

Yeah exactly. It'd definitely make for a fun episode arch.

There are some cringe moments, sure. But they're cute in their own way.

Also because Anons last night said I need more practice, here's a little Brown Roger I did.

Attached: Brown Roger.jpg (4160x2336, 2.16M)

Listen, any and all allegations against Julia "Sneaky Fingers" Vickerman are simply untrue. She's been sober for a long time and would never force female interns to butt-chug vodka in her office.

would you eat spaghetti from reggie's locker?

Attached: f57f7aab4b293dc4acbf7796958e25feea49937c.png (800x1000, 390K)

No, that's gross. Especially since its owned by Reggie.


>not loving friends for the pastel block colors for MOC's
She isnt a fucking lego fan

your phone is doing a weird thing where it rotates the image, I think you can fix that if you screenshot the image from your phone, and then crop out the gallery hud from the image through your phone. This photo rotation thing happens a lot
Anyway, cute!

How much of a pedophile are you?

??? user, what

There's a rumor of Vickerman, the creator, sexually harassing interns. She seems to still be working so I wager (and hope) its just that, a rumor.

>Implying being gay is normal


Yeah I have no idea why it's doing that. Especially because I copied it over to my computer first, which displayed it facing the right way.

Very cute! A simple thing you can do to improve is to practice is doodling curves in one fluid motion, so you don't have disjointed lines like in the arms and legs.

Attached: drawing-practice-guide.jpg (960x720, 177K)

>To simplify the idea, its basically making your content like your audience is a mix of bisexuals and asexuals. You maximize the people wanking to your content without turning away too many people who don’t want their content too skanky.

Yeah that's bullshit, Sex sells, look at 50 shades that is blatant female pandering, translated into 52 languages and is the 4th highest grossing film both directed by a woman and R rated.

"Heteronormitivity" is falling for the cardinal sin of business economics. The mythical and non existent "wider audience" you cant plese everyone and when you try to you piss off everyone because you have nothing of substance to bring in the outsiders and the audience you had is now no longer interested.

Do you know why things like 50 shades are so successful? Because they know there audience and they give them what they want in 50 shades case an erotic BDSM romance novel.

Do you think she sleeps normally but we can't tell due to Endless constantly shining or because she's weak from hunger?

Attached: Shadow Butt.png (1920x1080, 688K)

So I think this fandom has two sides: disgusting tumblrinas who spout "trans rights!" And filthy pedophiles.
I don't think there is a middle ground

If it were a different airing order you could make the case that her best friend is a dyke and she was giving fair warning.

Oh come user, it's not that small. There's also the weirdly obsessive /pol/ tards.

>somehow at 12

did you seriously not have a crush on anyone at that age? Did you actually have a childhood or did you just sprout fully formed from the head of Zeus?

People screeching that they hate the show and will never watch it aren't part of the fandom

Oh. I guess you're right. This show's fandom is gonna suck, will it?

Alright cool, thanks for the tip! I'l definitely give it a go.

I mean, she does have a blindfold. Seems like normal sleep. Maybe a little depression mixed in.

It already does

Attached: weird.png (1920x1080, 1.25M)

>wahhh women have it easier
Chris Sonenburg the showrunner for Tangled regularly shits on Disney too. They deserve it for screwing with him.

Lego used to be for everyone a few generations back. It did very well as a family activity toy. The whole division of legos for boys and girls you claim is natural for biology was only in the last couple of decades.

Wrong, LEGO company admitted that their sales have skewed heavily in the boys demographic and purposely did a ton of R&D to find out what girls liked and that's the line they came up with. Sales for girls skyrocketed.

Quit denying biological differences in genders. Some interests just gravitate to genders differently.

>wahhh women have it easier

They do.

Hell, even their cancer is taken more seriously than anyone else's.

Shut the fuck up this isn't /pol/.

This thread is filled with Yea Forumsmbler. How fun is this show? I don't mind the faggotry, I just want to watch a fun cartoon.

Esther is desperate for love, affection, and cock. She will be turbo clingy.

So I'm doing a rewatch of the show for a variety of reasons, and a few things have caught my eye so far

1. The grocery store memories use a weird purple magic that seems reminiscent of the way they kids enter and leave Endless.

2. We've pointed out the baddies coming from liquid and it seems that Sadmantha kinda fits as the flower did seem to have nectar in it. Though it did seem more like Endless purposefully doing it to teach Reggie a lesson

3. With regard to those baddies, what made Reggie's hair nest turn evil? Presumably she buried the hair to make it more ridiculous. But it still seems odd that it just went rogue like that out of no where, again acting as if the island were trying to teach her something.

Anyway, those are just some ramblings. Discuss at will. Also my next story is coming along to some degree. Just got to the bit on Endless. So maybe a few more days? Depends on how busy I get with work and being moody.

Heteronormative means straight is normal. Esther isn't saying the word shouldn't exist. She's saying the game isn't truly for everyone. She's got anxiety about being accepted so she would be the type to want to include everyone. This is a natural thing for the character to say despite how much she loves cock. Just watch the show.

I think it's decent and there's lot of potential. The characters' are endearing, it's wacky but there's a big heart to it to. If you enjoy the first couple episodes, you'll likely like the show.

>Chose to respond instead of ignoring


Sudoku you're self tranny

user has a point in the latter case, the deadliest form of cancer is Brain Stem Glioma with a 0% survival rate. To hit a female only cancer you have to go to 15th most deadly...

normal and statistically most common are two different things

Two examples were given of men who work for Disney talking shit about them vs. one example of women who works for Disney doing the same.

Excuse me, but please, remind me again what is considered "Yea Forumsmblr" exactly. I can't think anything about this term other than it being more like just a buzzword.

Attached: what.png (167x161, 53K)

It's fun until it hits you with the hard truth that A. Reality is harsh and B. Neverland is not as it seems.

It's a fun show that goes deeper than you'd expect. The silly cartoony islanders are offputting at first but they and Endless Island grow on you. Also Butt Witch and Dr. Champion are best characters. Reggie is cutest character.

I guess it's the same as the /pol/ boogeyman but in reverse.

it's tumblr users who post on co just to stir up shit like /pol/ does

Exception is not the norm. There are women who get long prison sentences while some men get short, that doesn't mean women on average are not more likely to have an easier trial.

So it's one of those fun but deep shows, alright, I enjoyed shows like that.

/pol/ wants to deflect the fact they are board invaders by implying tumblr, a dead site, is actually doing the invading. Thus the Yea Forumsmbler buzzword was born.

>1. The grocery store memories use a weird purple magic that seems reminiscent of the way they kids enter and leave Endless.

Since the purple magic is used to transport them from Bethune to Endless and the other way around, I suppose it can "transport" memories to reality, or whatever Endless is. If you can recall, there's also the green magic the Witch uses, which seems heavily associated with negative emotions, and those pink rocks, which were apparently created by the friendship of the trio. It seems like the color of the magic determine its nature. Emotion and magic seems deeply intertwined.
>2. We've pointed out the baddies coming from liquid and it seems that Sadmantha kinda fits as the flower did seem to have nectar in it. Though it did seem more like Endless purposefully doing it to teach Reggie a lesson

Sadmantha is a weird case. She's the manifestation of the sad memories of Reggie's father and her fear of rejection, and perhaps if a object has been induced with emotion enough, Endless will find a way to manifest it into an animated being. Perhaps Reggie didn't need to throw the Puberty books in the volcano for Butt Witch to arrive, maybe it would have come invariably. Perhaps Sadmantha's "taming" may indicate a person can befriend these beings.
The three other beings created by Reggie that went bad was that Price-taking machine, Butt Witch, and the Hairball abomination all stem from some emotion or some aspect Reggie didn't like about something. The Price-Taker with the disposal of the toys, Butt Witch with puberty and the Hairball and Reggie's need to be static as I perceive. Maybe the the liquid is just an easy way for these creations to arrive, but Endless can just remotely give life to these things if forced to. Since Sadmantha was redeemed, perhaps Butt Witch could be too, or not, allied with in some sense.

if it wasn't tumblr a good portion of the userbase lurched far left a few years back...

Tthen buy the 'normal' legos cunt. They make whatever sells.

That sounds fucking stupid and retarded. Have sex.

>Emotion and magic seems deeply intertwined.
The thing is, each of the kids has a different transport color. Pink for Reggie, Green for Todd, and Yellow for Esther. It was less the color and more that it's got the same blobby paint like texture to it that caught my eye. But yeah, perhaps it is literally transporting them to memories.

Butt Witch is definitely a weird case, and I am in the boat that she existed before and was maybe defeated and thrown into the volcano, with the puberty books making her "full grown" again. Either way I agree that Endless is definitely some sort of emotion driven, semi sentient thing.

>far left
You're either exaggerating or don't know what that really looks like. How long have you been on this board?

>I am in the boat that she existed before and was maybe defeated and thrown into the volcano
I think she went there voluntary. We know she apparently starves from not consuming negative emotions enough, and she wasn't hurt at all by the lava, Perhaps the volcano acted as some sort of hibernation chamber.


In the sky there are a few moons, or other planets? They match the transport colors for the kids. Not sure what it means if anything, but maybe we're currently on the Reggie/autist planet and there are other planets that suit other kids best.

Same energy.

Attached: autistic child.jpg (1240x899, 182K)

I don't think the island was meant for Reggie. She just happen to jive along with it better than the Todd and Ester. The island appears to be a dropping off point for those from Bethune. If you can recall, Captain Elmer said "Boy, I didn't remember this place like this." or something to that as he step foot on the island, which implies he was there before.

Long enough to see it go from chill to /pol/ vs tumblr nutjobs

She´s right.

But many people hate Lego because they expensive, no because the pink boxes and girl sets

Or your stuck in a bubble and don't fucking realize how fucked up the left has become.

God's design is normal. Gay is for the flame

That's certainly possible.

Not sure about other planets but we know there are other islands out there that could very well mesh with them better.

>If you can recall, Captain Elmer said "Boy, I didn't remember this place like this." or something to that as he step foot on the island, which implies he was there before.
I kinda hope we get to see what the island used to look like, at least in its previous incarnation.

I mean, if you get those special set ones that end up making Harry Potter's castle or whatever, yeah. But you can get 1000-piece sets for $40, which is a pretty good deal for a toy that'll hopefully last awhile. I don't imagine many children need the elaborate "Build the entire world of Neverland" sets.

We keep seeing what appears to be celestial objects in the background, but no real reference is made from them. Endless may be an entire galaxy for what we know.
I don't think Endless was that different from it's last incarnation. The island may have been the culmination of several kids before the trio, ending with the island having all these random assortments of stuff around. The original state of the island may have been relatively normal.

Attached: the statue.png (1920x1080, 1.77M)

meanwhile you have people on this board who unironically defend trannytism

I mean more like what the Butt Witch is referring to, a grown up wonderland. When Reggie first get's there it's definitely mostly the same so it's probably been like that for a while. But maybe it's had a lot of forms over the eons. Would be cool to see them.

Butt may be a very old entity. The circumstances surrounding her arrival was pretty specific so she may have slept through all the kid stuff.

I want to believe that most of the residents of Forever are human, however Reggie and friends made beings of their own by burying them. When that guy who said that the island looked different from when he was there before, I also realized it looked like that before Reggie even found the place. And island full of man made things doesn’t come out of nowhere. The lady who said she was researching the island before exploding into other beings could have very well been a researcher. And we already know about Champions mentions of Kentucky. Another thing that was on my mind was the episode where they crawl through the vents and spy on others. That could very well be those creatures trying to live out what little humanity they have left.

Why would you want that? That's horrible!

Attached: eesh.png (1055x811, 826K)

I want Reggie to become mindless

Oh definitely. It's why it's kind of annoying that she assumes Reggie did all this when we as the audience know it's not true.

Maybe it implies that beings could do all of that were relatively common on her day. The rules could have been way different from her.

*from then*

{Citation needed}
Boys and girls aren't that different before puberty



It's pretty accepted that there is a "male" and "female" brain at this point. It's not 100%, but it's enough to count. It's the same how archaeologists are able to tell whether an ancient skull was a man or woman based on small differences that could be noticed with observation and years of experience.

Yeah but it was never far left as you claim.

Nice catch, so we have confirmation from both BW and Elmer that the island wasn't supposed to be like this. It doesn't belong to Reggie but it does clearly respond to her more than anyone else. Only when they know she's watching, though. When they creeped in the vents she discovered they have their own lives. Maybe the island is just one big trap specifically laid for her.

I don't think it was meant for her. Reggie simply flows with it better, and her immaturity just leads to trouble in general.

Well yeah, but who the fuck actually pays attention to them?

How long ago was that research done? Cite your sources or fuck off.

>It doesn't belong to Reggie but it does clearly respond to her more than anyone else.
It's definitely more that she responds to it better. We've never really seen her change much other than make a few new friends here and there, and most of those were in the first episode.

And I don't think the island was ever supposed to be any one way. More just that they knew it in a different form and things had changed since then.

Literally a couple of posts above you, user.

The islanders always notice her more than the other two. They refer to her specifically, then to Todd and Esther secondarily and together. There's a lot of small ways they pay more attention to her than them, and they're constantly praising her. It's creepy. They know Todd and Esther aren't as addicted to the island so they pay less attention to them.

Yeah, that wasn't very long ago. The success came because of toys becoming more strictly divided and pare ts pushing their kids into those divisions. Several generations before then, it wasn't like that.

That could be because Twelve developed herself as a sort of celebrity among them with her immense strength. Since she desire respect, admiration and championship, Reggie naturally reinforce this, ending with her having wide approval across the island. Todd and Ester don't feel as of a need to have the islanders like them.

By "several generations" do you mean the fucking 1800's?

"Kids toys" back in the day were either extremely expensive, hand-crafted dolls or a fucking stick and a hoop. Mega toy corporations were not a thing "several generations ago". Kids were often lucky to get a decent toy, it's not like now-a-days where you can get one with your Happy Meal.

Attached: hula-hoop-and-stick.jpg (450x300, 33K)

>Bucket of mismatched pieces
>Over rare pink and purple bricks
No true Lego fan.jpg

>Wow, this new toy is so cool! Thanks user!

Attached: NewToy.png (700x700, 96K)

I feel like she's more of SMG girl really.

I ain’t going to school tomorrow.

>That could very well be those creatures trying to live out what little humanity they have left.
That's incredibly sad.
I love shit like this.

I'm concerned by my desire to molest Reggie. And how I find myself thinking about it in detail. What do I do, Bros?

Manifest that into creative energy and peddle stories on the /trash/ thread. Least then you can do something with it.

Shoot yourself

So I just finished my third rewatch. Time for a fringe theory.

In Dustin Forever, he mentions at the end that his friend Chad has videos of Bethune vampires on his website.

In Dance Forever, Gwen mentions her friend Chad told her about the cool abandoned video store full of horror movies.

Guys, what if it's the same Chad??

Oh wow. Could be, both instances sound like something both do. Since this is a show, we can assume the writers intended this to be caught.

>both instances sound like something both do
Exactly they both have that weirdo creepy factor.

Plus I figure how many Chads can there be in Bethune Iowa? The fact that the kids and Dustin don't seem all that far apart in age adds to the fact that they both might know the same person.

I wonder if this Chad then will become a notable character. Perhaps he also knows of Endless.

I gotta ask. Who's this new attention-whore, and is that really his gimmick? How useless is he? Like Misha levels, or not that stupid?

He's a namefag sure, but he makes cute short stories, so whatever.

I Wonder What Happens When Reggie's World Gets Invaded by Space Marines?

I Feel Like If The Space Marines Sees The Imaginary Creatures in Reggie's World, The Space Marines would Kill They because they look like Xenos.

Attached: Tactical_Advance.jpg (800x684, 168K)

I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out Endless is part of the Wrap.

I doubt it. At best I think it's just a little joke, at worst maybe just lazy writing. Like it was a placeholder name or something. But it would be cool if they kept it going. Like if Connelly got into making movies after her friend Chad took her to some weird film festival or something.

>Who's this new attention-whore, and is that really his gimmick?
I just really like the show is all. Not sure what you mean by gimick,

>How useless is he? Like Misha levels, or not that stupid?
No idea who Misha is. But if you're not about me, then yeah probably useless.

Where's the cute Todd art

yeah i want cute purple shota art too

I love Matt Berry's sweet dulcet voice, and I can hear him say
>Hey kid, want to /ss/?

That's what you get for trying to turn OP's politicized post into a TF discussion.

No, just around boomer era. Legos weren't divided into boy and girl versions then. They were for everyone.

But its a cartoon board.

So, I did finally start work on that futa butt witch x Reggie story. But I'm not sure how I want to incapacitate Todd and esther so they can't help reggie. Or if they shouldn't be in the story at all for some other reason

They're STILL for everyone. There are just options now. No different if you want to build a dinosaur car, you can also build a pretty princess castle. LEGO company did not get rid of their gender-neutral blocks and replace them with gender segregated ones, they just created options for kids with different interests.

That's true. I just really want endless island to turn out to be a nefarious trap laid just for her. Like they pump her ego up and she brings more and more ripe children to feed off for them. All while Reggie herself is oblivious that she's dooming them and herself, because she's utterly retarded.

Attached: 1565467041586.png (1920x1080, 554K)

Maybe make it that she decides to go in alone in the night or have Ester and Todd busy with other stuff.

Nobody is as useless and full of shit as misha.

Who's Misha?

Yeah but what did we expect trying to turn the useless turd that is OP post into a general?

Misha is only useful for information on all things brown girls and or pedophillic

Set it during the time they took a needed break after the Spring Break episode. Plenty of time for BW/Reggie.

Yea Forums is almost less emoji friendly Tumblr now.

A faggot and a pedo. A foot fag too I believe.

oh weird, I thought it was just a mobile issue, I have no idea how it did that through a computer

Yeah that might work, the only thing is in my story butt witch has eaten a couple worms. Enough to make her stronger than Reggie but not enough to become a monster had butt witch ate any worms at that point in the show?

Yeah it's gotta be some weird formatting issue or whatever that's happening when I transfer it over. Maybe next time I'll just try posting it from mobile.

....publicly disgraced and kicked out of her own show..

And here we are.kek.

Attached: 1565124435640.jpg (696x696, 236K)

Yeah, in the previous episode she had her first one. I don't think Butt Witch would outright capture her with strength alone. It would make more sense if she made a trap or produced some kind of potion to in some way disable Reggie. It's more in character too.

>Butt Witch makes a potion that causes crippling arousal in its victims
>Hits Reggie with it
I hate myself for thinking of this.

Why? That seems perfectly logical and is within the bounds of the show's magic.

Because I'm suggesting that someone should literally cripple a twelve-year-old girl with sexual arousal. She probably doesn't even know what that is, and 12 year olds can't consent.

Well, yeah. Point being?

Not potion, but I was using an aphoristic lip stick in the story

Hell yeah, keep it.

Attached: greenk.png (979x901, 677K)

Teenage straps are clear on purpose

...please post it when you're done. In a pastebin, of course.

In the /trash/ thread too, for an extra measure.

as of yet you'd be correct, but just you wait ;)

>a dead site
yes it is dead, the people that used to go there and MADE THE TUMBLR CULTURE AND MANNERISMS left the site, but THEY STILL EXIST, they are alive and well and they bring the tumblr culture with them BECAUSE it is THEIR CULTURE, the people that left ARE tumblr, the site is just a TOOL for communication and socialization, and while the site was alive the qualities of the tool allowed for a culture to form, and said culture is what as come to be known as tumblr culture, how dead or deleted a site is does not impact the YEARS of culture that its users have lived, and they will bring their culture wherever they go
fun fact: that is why i do mot want reddit to close down, because the redditor culture will not cease to exist, it will go somewhere else, and one of those places will be here.
funnier fact: that is why i laugh when people say that pol or mlp(the board) should be closed, i do not think that need to tell you what would happen, now do i?

>Mommy, why is the lady flipping off LEGO sets?
>Because she’s crazy and thinks she standing up for people who live in her head. Keep walking and don’t make eye contact dear.

Attached: 02566_1.gif (650x450, 182K)

he's dead

Attached: mreggie2.png (128x128, 10K)

Would I?

Attached: would i.png (478x334, 172K)

Would you?

Would I what?

Attached: chowder what.jpg (1061x583, 230K)

Stop being such a yuuuuge faggot.

Sexual pleasure hits the same part of the brain as any other pleasure. Lots of kids who accidentally rub up against something and get an orgasm don't know what it means. Reggie would just feel really good and have no clue why.

Hey, so after the deed is done, how would it end? Would this be AU territory or would you make it that the status quo remains God?

Ehh, the reason I gave butt witch was kind of dumb and flimsy she tells twelve she is doing it to help her get over being afraid of growing up, by showing her it's not all bad.

This is something I struggle with in my rape stories, I always want to make the victim kind of come around to liking it. It feels too bleak if it's just pain and resistance the entire time on their part. But I'm sure that's what some people want

>raping people to make them stop being afraid of you

Attached: what bitch.png (1920x1090, 1.55M)

I am neither of these people.

You're here, so looks like you are a pedo now

I am here in the vain hope that people post Buttwitch content.

Attached: 894673.jpg (519x960, 79K)


I love media brainwashing. Woohoo!

I'm a grown-ass man and I love these Legos

>sir, that lady is back and she's flipping off the legos
>dammit, last week she was "teabagging" the barbie games, i'm calling the cops

Are you a pervert?


>doesn't watch the show, just stopped by for a quick shitpost

Attached: you done fucked up anon.jpg (823x590, 353K)

so somebody buries their 40k collection in endless... that's how it all begins...

Attached: ec.jpg (1028x767, 155K)

But because its endless there's a twist. The 40K islanders would do stuff like interior decorating with the remains of their enemies. Turning emptied skulls into flower vases and entrails into wall art, that kind of thing.

Attached: CYdc0JkUEAAamUW.png (760x596, 841K)

Is she a SJW?

Attached: problematicforever.png (1920x1080, 1.52M)

>Heteronormative: denoting or relating to a world view that promotes heterosexuality as the normal or preferred sexual orientation.
>Normal: conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.
Does this word really need to exist? It's not like being gays being considered abnormal is evil or wrong, everyone wants to be a special unique snowflake anyways, and I don't see how heterosexuality could be considered abnormal.

If you walk into a room and say it's normal, we won't know what you mean until you get more specific. Describing a game as "normal" is too vague and taking the time to say "it caters mostly to normal people" is a long winded way to be vague.

If I was you, here is what I'll do.
>Big Deal tells Butt Witch Twelve's friends haven't been with in her in the last two days.
>Butt Witch decides now would be a ample time to attack and creates the lust lipstick.
>Utilizing stealth, Butt Witch sneaks up Twelve and uses the lipstick.
>Twelve, though she doesn't want to, is too compelled by the lipstick to really resist.
>It happens, with it being more akin to hatefucking on Reggie's side of things.
>Butt Witch then becomes too cocky (Heh.) and tries to implant further control on Twelve.
>It fails which allows Twelve to arise from magical lipstick and fight back.
>everything is more or less the same afterwards.

A) you newfag niggers can use reaction images you know?
B) maybe we wouldn't be in this mess if after your site imploded you all learned to LURK MOAR.

Attached: 1566579708272.jpg (500x545, 34K)

You seem to be under the delusion my dick does or has ever cared

She tries but her heart isn’t in it and the cocklust is too strong

can't believe they axed the only good character

God , i want a cute black gf

Attached: 1563549045864.png (492x503, 439K)

Is it really that strange for kids to not have crushes?

Well. 12 is an interesting age because it really is smack dab on the precipice between child and adult.

I was catching crushes like crazy. Daydreaming about really innocent puppy love shit like holding hands/hugging/kissing. A couple of friends were similar but most of them weren't interested.

could they ever go back and if they go back how would the world react if suddenly people who were missing for like 50 years pop up again?

I think it's kinda implied he can't go back at this point, nor does he really want to.

Depressed as shit nothing matters a bunch of big irl shit just fell through going to drop money on merch.

Attached: pain.png (443x265, 13K)

>Size: Small

I may use that big deal idea at least, I still needed a way to get rid of Todd and esther

What a shitty gimmick. I was going to be attetion-whoring, I'd at least put some effort into it.

Most of it you can just google it, and there's been many times when someone posts the same info faster than him. He's literally useless.

>innocent puppy love shit
Pretty sure I wanted to fuck girls by then. The innocence was before your dick started working

It comes across like she's a joke SJW, but I don't understand why the show would say it's the early 2000's and then portray this character to have very modern day SJW lingo. And I'm not saying these words were invented the last five years, but 12 and 13-year olds definitely weren't going on and on about the problematic nature of Disney princesses on LiveJournal while putting "they/them" in their bio. That was a rare enough personality that you would find in 20-something year olds in online communities. Not like today where it's en masse and people often say they're non-binary like it's a fashion trend.

Why declare it in the 2000's if it was going to have a very modern day character? Don't know.

This show has Laptop DJs and podcasters. Early 2000s is pretty loose.

Most of her dialogue isn't realistic for a 12/13-year-old. She's precocious.

I thought I read in a tweet by Julia that it was set in the 2000's. I guess I just assumed it was early 2000's since you would say "modern day" otherwise.

I think it's realistic for a kid that reads way too much and might pick these things up as a way of feeling/sounding smarter. She claims marriage is an antiquated institution but still loves all that lovey dovey romance stuff anyway.

He wasn't much of a character other than being mellow yet bossy. I hated that about him, plus his freakishly long arms. We have Shane in two characters now, unless you meant "repressed white male" is a personality.

I’m both.


So, how much longer until Todd and Esther drop Reggie as a friend for good?
And replace her with Shane

I honestly can't see them being friends with Reggie for a long time considering how she freaked out the minute they decided they wanted to do something other than go to Endless

This is why I personally think the show could benefit from a longer runtime so they can address stuff like that.
The way its been framed makes it look like Todd just straight up ditched his friends one day and never went back.

Or they ditched him.

He got lost on Endless and became one of the inhabitants.
Reggie is merely trying to pretend like she didnt get Shane essentially killed and lost forever.

It is default though

I hate Iowa.

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I like that user's idea of it being set after Spring Break Forever.

never gonna make it

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>ywn hotglue a tiny imprisoned Butt Witch
I mean it's probably for the best, but it still sucks.

The year is supposed to be ambiguous. No cell phones, but podcasts. Laptops, but they have a VCR still hooked up. Julia never tweeted that it took place in the 2000's

Shitposting aside, I do wonder what they'll do with her now. Wonder if that means Big Deal is reintegrated with the islanders too.

I doubt it. He's gonna relish the time he gets taking care of Ma'am in her diminished form. Though I still feel like she should be just as quick to recover as the other islanders. But maybe the bazooka amped up the effect a bit.


As per usual story progression, I suspect the stakes will be raised, perhaps with the introduction of a badder baddie, which would mean Butt Witch being out of commission. We don't really have a clue what the magic in the show really does, but Butt Witch is different enough from the other islanders to that Pink magic works differently for her so perhaps we can't expect the same exact time effects as well.

It cant be modern day, Back in early 2000s people like Reggie wouldn't have much friends, but in modern times they wouldve loved a total sperg like Reggie cause a bunch of kids these days are meme spouting fortnite dancing dorks.

>Shane cucks Reggie with Conelly forever
Make it happen

Shane cuckoldry has been here since the pilot. We need more of it.

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>show will never be popular enough to get a flash animation of tiny BW being used as a fleshlight

Definitely possible. If they continue with the Connelly romance then maybe we could see a villain relating to that somehow?

I could see him trying to keep her well-groomed in her tiny state, I mean she's like a corrupted Barbie right? Wouldn't be surprised if our first glimpse of them is Big Deal brushing a very annoyed/depressed BW.

Since in a story sense, Butt Witch is the manifestation of Reggie's fear over growing up, perhaps other villains would also embody other aspects she has trouble with. Her fear of rejection then would be a worthy candidate, perhaps being some "evil" love interest or a dark reflection or her father.

Apparently, Vickerman model her after some sexy anime figures so it's not too far away with the Barbie comparison.

well i guess if my daughter gets bullied by a girl I now know it could be because of some repressed fag

What about another kid as the villain? Like if some kid with an abusive home life finds Endless and starts wrecking up the place and causing trouble? Would make for an interesting antagonist at least in that they aren't just pure evil manifest.

Are there any /trash/ threads?

The first one over there just got done with.

I could definitely see that. Reggie's immaturity is truthfully the biggest villain in this show and Reggie facing against someone much like her but lacking a stable social group would really show how she could have easily been worse, which would hopefully make her realize her flaws.

user, your mother is a racemixer

>be so thirsty for WHITE dick

Attached: take me away white devil.jpg (775x552, 71K)

Ester's boylust would almost certainly become a problem in the future.

....you're supposed to shower every day? I thought it was every other day. I have to wash my hair everyday because I have dark hair that goes greasy every 24 hours.

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Attached: justlikeme.png (695x692, 542K)

Still pretty shit at this, and I ran out of room at the end. But here's my attempt at Todd on a skate board.

Also posting from mobile to see if it fixes the weird picture flip issue.

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user, maybe you should take a break from drawfagging and try to practice more. I appreciate your boldness, but people may disagree with your current quality.

>I mean, especially, when you consider that our planet is already overpopulated
That shitty excuse again. You don't want kids that fine, but stop saying that stupid shit, look at who are the major groups to reproduce and who is causing overpopulation.

Yeah. Fucking ants.

That's mean user.

I wonder how they'll fare musically next season. Maybe Todd will join the band.

Attached: Guitar dudes.png (1920x1080, 2.4M)

An ending I actually see happening for Reggie in the show, as cliches as it is, is "becomes a cartoonist who draws comics about her adventures in Endless."

I wanna mess Reggie up. If you know what I mean

Yeah, good luck.

Attached: disgusting autistic child.png (1920x1080, 1.42M)

It's funny your post happen to end on that number.

I'll be honest, I'm kinda on the fence about this sentiment. On one hand, does it really hurt to throw a fan art into the thread now and then?

>people may disagree with your current quality.
On the other hand, I'm pretty sure most people disagree with everything I'm about, here and elsewhere.

Wow lesbians are awful

I think he's fine. I got my start doing the exact same thing a decade ago (Christ why am I still here)

>And replace her with Shane
Congrats user, I now want to see Shane in the show. Fucking glorious. Cucking Reggie Forever.

Don't forget that cosplay at school is totally normal now.

Why do you people feel such an immense need to hurt a pathetic child

Attached: regmad.png (758x869, 834K)

Pathetic people should be made to suffer


I know it's a late reply but I had the same thought about how people were kind of misinterpreting the whole Reggie-Conelly stuff but I didn't know how to express it even thought that also happened to me.

So that she, in her misery, sticks to Dustin and eventually they become closer together, become a couple, live together and have lots of incestual sex with some occasional thoughts of procreation.

Reggie cute. Look at her. Don't you just want to bully her?

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Reggie is honestly at her best when she's suffering.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 94K)

Thanks for writing this out user. I've been thinking the same thing for a few threads but wasn't sure how to put it into words without stirring shit.

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Man, I hope this doesn't mean Reggie won't go Helga over Connelly.

wow thanks for killing my mood man.

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>that spoiler
What the fuck

Attached: whathappenedtomyisland.png (1920x1090, 1.43M)

Hey, was there anything notable in the trash thread before it died?

Most lesbians cower and run away whenever their crushes are near, much like what Reggie is doing with her crush. Dyke user is just a psychopath.

Oh god oh fuck I want to lick those tears. Sad Reggie is fucking delicious.

Hmph. You know, maybe we'll get a Helga type character for Reggie. That would be interesting to see.

I think they should actually have a boy who likes her and makes it well known. That'd help to highlight her confused feelings regarding Connelly.

Suffering girls are also easier to exploit.

Attached: hugsforever.png (1440x1080, 902K)

Jesus. Esther's hair looks like the artist just gave up. It looks so halfhearted compared to the other two.

Maybe she uses a lot of gel.


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I don't think it's a good sign knowing Reggie is doing socially better than I am.

>would you eat spaghetti from reggie's locker?

>They match the transport colors for the kids

It's easy making friends as a kid. Even I had a regular group of friends, up until I grew up. Making friends as an adult is hard mode for an autist. The fact that Reggie had trouble even at a young age means she's likely more pathetic than even average anons.

Attached: local retard btfo.jpg (869x498, 72K)

Is Secrets Forever the peak of the suffering or does it get worse?

Attached: 1550479287146.jpg (553x1091, 69K)

Peak suffering maybe, but not peak autism

I had my first crush on another girl when I was still in pre-k, who knows how old I was. 3 or 4 I guess. I remember it because I felt the sensation of "blushing" for the first time when she would get close to me.

Oh god, this reminds me of an ongoing feud/crush I had through middle and hgih school. It became one of those things where I would bitch about her all the time to the point where my friends were sick of it. I even sent her a very ambiguous death threat that she took as just a stalker. I couldn't even write a proper death threat, gawd. Eventually we both realized that we were crushing on each other, and were really flirty senior year of high school, but nothing ever came of it.

Middle school me would fantasize about kidnapping her, tying her up, and torturing her with spanking and pissing on her. My first wet dream was her reversing the situation and doing all that to me.

There's some interesting people on Yea Forums sometimes

What is the peak of autism in Reggie's Wild Ride? My vote is for the anime mix cd.


I like what you're about.

The dance episode was a cringe score of at least 8

Haha thats fucking wild> Mustve been confusing waking up from that dream, eh?

True, there were lots of hard to watch moments. Severe social retardation was accurately portrayed. How does Vickerman do it?

Attached: clumsy fuck.png (1366x768, 546K)

Did you feel for her or was she a butting bitch?

Attached: cockblockedforever.png (1920x1080, 1.31M)

I think Todd is thinking too much with his dick and getting led into his desicions by his girlfriend. Reggie's still a bitch for cockblocking Esther, who she should've realized cared a lot about this silly romance shit. I would've just left to feel sorry for myself in solitude like a proper introverted loser

Of fucking course it is, you smelly baboon. Heterosexuality is what makes more people. That’s like saying eating and breathing aren’t the defaults. One leads to life. The others do not.

You're not gonna die for putting your dick in an ass instead of a vagina.

Have sex.

most of the islanders were probably never human. I imagine Elmer is the only one

>in that it assumes the target demographic can't be gay.
That's literally not what heteronormative means. At all, in any way whatsoever. Heteronormative means treating heterosexuality as the default or better sexuality. Which besides the fact that it is, the game literally doesn't do that. It makes no claims that heterosexuality is normal, its just a game about people who are attracted to men and makes no statements on men who are also attracted to men, or girls who aren't.
I don't even hate this line because the joke is that Esther is a annoying know it all, but you're fucking stupid

>That's literally not what heteronormative means.
It is precisely what it means, it is a complete dismissal of non-heterosexuality.
>heterosexuality as the default or better sexuality. Which besides the fact that it is
It's little wonder that you're working so hard to redefine this word.

Glad you enjoyed my cringe-ass childhood.

Yes, yes it was.

It was extremely painful to get through. The only good thing is that these episodes are only 11 minutes long. I don't think I could live with 22 minutes of that night.

>t's little wonder that you're working so hard to redefine this word.
>Denoting or relating to a world view that promotes heterosexuality as the normal or preferred sexual orientation.
>It’s about time we kicked heteronormativity to the curb. Never heard of the term before? It’s the idea that binary gender identity and heterosexual orientation (meaning, there are only two sexual orientations and genders) are the norm
>of, relating to, or based on the attitude that heterosexuality is the only normal and natural expression of sexuality

Whether academic or progressive, literally everywhere recognizes this as the definition

Posting to kill thread and please don't make the next 12F thread bait discussions like these.


Attached: shubungaforever.png (1920x1080, 1.22M)

>don't make the next 12F thread about something from 12F

>Don't try to discredit an out-of-context line with a pic from the scene in question
I bet you still think this show has trannies, don't you.


N-no? I just don't want to spend another thread arguing about whether or not "heteronormative" is a real/valid/applicable word and what it means.

Personal experience perhaps.


Thread's over. Post cute Reggie.

Attached: cathatforever.png (720x720, 441K)

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Attached: Bez tytułu.png (1920x1080, 1.15M)

look at this autistic gremlin. I just wanna watch her suffer, the cutie

Your preoccupation with making autistic youngsters suffer is quite concerning user.

I kinda want to make her feel worthless and unloved but at the same time I feel the need to protect the little sperg.

I wanna show her how to make a campfire and then make smores together.

Attached: 1566364195356.png (553x772, 512K)

I was never like that.
I deeply valued my personal space and didn't like people being anywhere near me.
Well, there's also the fact that I liked drawing and vidya more than I liked other people, so that probably contributed to my desire for isolation.
Plus I found holding hands/hugging/kissing just kinda gross in general.

Do you still?

>Do you still?
Like drawing and vidya more than I like other people?

Find hand holding/hugging/kissing gross?
Kissing, kinda yes.
Hand holding and hugging are fine now.