DA comic storytime: The Age of Us

Good evening Yea Forums.
I've been meaning to storytime this one for a while and now seems like a good time since it seems to be updating again.

Just a heads up, this comic will trigger some of you, but I'm going to let you find out why on your own.

As usual, if for some reason you track down the creator of this comic, please be nice. I don't want anyone directly or indirectly hurt as a result of these storytimes no matter how bad the comics may or may not be.

With all that out of the way, let's get the show on the road.

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Oh yeah, just to be clear, we are looking at a comic that's around 70 pages long and still ongoing.

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You know, I debating with myself if I should point out the page where people might start to be triggered. Maybe If I don't point it out there won't be any outrage.

I mean I could have said nothing,but I think if I don't warn people there will be more outrage when we get to it.

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Then again, I guess that's implying anyone is reading.

These storytimes are rather hit and miss.

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I mean, I can normally get some people if it's a fan comic about Sonic or something, bot the original comics rarely get any readers.

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Eh, whatever.

I share this stuff for fun, that's all that matters. Even if no one says anything, I think at least one person is reading.

Oops, all the ranting led me to forget the page.

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Oh yeah, I honestly forgot about this page.
It's been a while since I saved these pages.

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>page 7 only 24 pages in
Well, this thread is falling fast.

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And I can't even reply properly tonight.

Oh and cryptic stuff is happening.

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Lucky I remembered to edit this page before I posted it.

I think this is the only page with reason to edit.

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>page 10
If anyone cares, this is the last chance to bump.
less than 20 pages to go.

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Wait a munite,
>page 70
>only 68 images in the thread
I skipped a page somewhere and I don't know where.

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