It's over

It's over.

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Damn. Normies got hit in the Nuts. Yay

Ah well.
At least we've got Moon Knight.
And hopefully Nova

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I don't care.

I just simply do not care.

I want this shit to burn.

Well if it is the end of spiderman's amazing time in the MCU then Based Marvel gave Sone the ultimate "fuck you" with Far From Home's spectacular cliffhanger

What were your thoughts on his brief stint in the MCU, Yea Forums?

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Nothing is over. Negotiations are still ongoing. Feige is just talking about the current situation. A new deal will be reached. Remember the James Gunn problem. Everything worked out in that one.

That was an internal, fabricated problem. Spider-Man is in a slightly tougher pickle.

>never meant to last forever

yeah maybe but you also ended that last movie on a cliffhanger

Found you.

Spider-man isn’t leaving though friends
Check out his newest adventures next year on Disney Junior

Who the fuck cares about Iron Boy.


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But the james gunn problem still took months. It took Disney a while to realize they messed up. The same will happen again. Disney will be pissed but months will pass and they will make a new deal.

>get to use him in 5 films
>was 3 of them on crossovers

Damn it.

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It didn't take months and Disney didn't realize shit you fucking retard



All I really wanted was a resolution from the last movie's cliffhanger. Of course rampant Disney haters don't care about anything like that.
Beats me why you'd ever think Sony would do a better job though considering they never did before.

#gratitude is the biggest meme word of this decade.

What is Disney Junior?

Kek finally the end of Iron Boy, too bad Holland is even more a fanboy of RDJ than Spider-Man of Iron Man, I wonder if he will try to boicot it.


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It was shit and if they're going to make him a bitch then I'm glad he's out of their hands.

So is Spider-Man completely gone, or will he still show up but under a new director and actor?

>another Spider-man series ends on a cliffhanger

FFH is literally the best spider-man movie and now there won't be a FUCKin resolution to a god tier cliffhanger. sony can go choke on a big black cock

>FFH is literally the best spider-man movie
Listen, I loved FFH but you're gonna need to slow your roll there.

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"dude peter parker is spider-man lol"

epic storytelling

This isn't Sony fault though.

epic commemt

They completely fucked up, banked all of Phase 4 on him and now are lacking a central figure to tie it all together. Disney and Sony fucked it up royally, and now both the MCU and Sony's movies are going to go through a period of absolute shittery that they'll blame each other for.

Why are people still spamming this conspiracy theory everywhere?

Holy shit i meant ebic

The last good thing to come from sony owning spider-man was spider-man 2, everything else was either shit or lead to synergy shit

Spiderverse and PS4

Not really, doesn't that mean Sony can use that to their advantage and Disney actually gift-wrapped an interesting cliffhanger and plot to work with if they decide to continue with it. I'm curious if they even can though, the rights of all this must be so complicated

Spiderverse just cemented that miles and gwen are never going away despite bringing nothing to the table. PS4 honestly just ruined spiderverse for me, besides that was insomniac, the second one will be completely sony

Nothing in Phase 4 has anything to do with Spider-Man. All of the characters people think were replacing the Avengers as the core of the MCU, Spider-Man, Black Panther and Captain Marvel are all absent for Phase 4. He wouldn't have appeared again until Phase 5 at the earliest.

Hopefully it will spell the end of the MCU and the American film industry can begin a new renaissance

Sony just bought Insomniac

>the American film industry can begin a new renaissance
no movies will just continue to be adaptions of brands to create a intertwining universe to become "The Next Marvel"
Movies are fucked

Rest well, my sweet summerchild

>banked all of Phase 4 on him
>spider-man was set to appear in 0(zero) phase 4 productions.

Which is why he said the second game will be completely sony...

didn't Feige said something similar when Gunn was fired?

I don't know man, they're just saying that if it's over then they're proud of what they did, but the negotiations are not over until a Spider Man movie enters production without Feige's involvement

>The sequel game by the same developer will be worse because they're now owned by the people they partnered with for the first game

Trash but I get they needed to differentiate it from all the other versions that came out real quick

It was the difference between Raimi's Spider-Man 2 and Spider-Man 3

I didn't say it would be bad I just said the first one wasn't completely made by sony

WHO THE FUCK CARES? Have you seen the Disney+ lineup


I thought they renegotiated the deal?

Marvel holds the game rights. So there might not be a sequel.

More like same shit as the first deal or the fox buyout. Leak just caught them when the big egos are colliding, but you know how entertaiment business news sites operate, how the deal supposedly went has been changed like 4 times already. Just be patient, no way they'd announce it during D 23 too soon. I'm just happy for Moon knight, but the spidey bs is overshadowing it.

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>And now, All That presents “Cancelled With Sony”.
>Welcome to Cancelled with Sony.
>I am here to tell you what is now officially cancelled and why.
>Up next, we have Spider-Man in the MCU. Yes, Spider-Man in the MCU is
>[clapping intensifies]
>No, I’m not cancelling Spider-Man movies. I really need the money, I mean, those alimony and child support checks can’t be paid all by themselves.
>But Spider-Man making appearances in the MCU, NO MORE.
>I texted my friend, Kevin Feige, a question. I asked Kevin, “Can I only give you a small percentage of the box office revenue from our Spider-Man movies? In exchange, Spider-Man can be in the MCU and play with all his friends in the Avengers. And to top it all off, you get to keep ALL of the profits you make from those crossovers.”

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NormalFAGS got hit in the nuts. Learn to seperate Yea Forums language from twitter language.

>And he replied, “we want to split the profits... 50/50”
>HAVE YOU EVER HEARD ANYTHING MORE RUDE IN YOUR WHOLE LIFE?!? What? Is the 2.8 billion you made from Endgame not big enough of a reward for you, Kevin?!
>I was under the impression you love having trouble breathing from drowning under all that endless amount of money you have.
>What kind of friend is too greedy to ask for more money when they have more franchises that they can siphon money out of? What? Are you still trying to shove a bar of soap into Ryan Reynolds’ mouth in order to shove him in the MCU? Just have him in the background, awkwardly take a selfie with Thor and have him awkwardly leave. DONE.
>I gave him my conditions in order to let Spidey go “NO FIGHTING” with Tony and Steve, then let him play Cowboys And Indians for TWO EXCRUCIATINGLY LONG MOVIES with all of his annoying friends against the One Eyed One Horned Flying Purple People Eater, even though he has no horn, can’t fly and instead of eating people, he turns half of the world into that Kansas song “Dust In The Wind”, which by the way, is what EVERYONE IN THE WORLD WANTS TO SEE!!
>And in the end, HE STILL WANTS MORE MONEY?!??!? And Kevin has the AUDACITY to say NO to a $10 billion dollar price tag to buy Spider-Man from us. Yeah, good luck explaining that to your fans at D23.
>Phew. Well guess what, Kevin? Well maybe, we can make a Spider-Man movie now without your help.
>[clapping intensifies]
>This has been “Cancelled with Sony”

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>It was never meant to last forever
Then why set him up as a crucial member of the MCU after Far From Home?

I was going to post this, you know if the news never leaked, do you think that either Feige or anyone would be addressing the issue?

I personally think it's not over yet, but if it is I don't really care, I only care about X Men, the only reason I wanted Spider Man in the MCU was just so raimifags would get BTFO for eternity

Sony gets Raimi back for Spider-Man 4 and they BTFO of the MCU 4ever

You are getting Sam instead of Ryder tho

I don't know if it's better or worse if this is ironic.

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It's certainly over for Sony. As being unable to make good films was enough, now they have to deal with their largest property being unmarketable and a potential boycott by the entire MCU audience (which is essentially general audiences as a whole).

Sony's movie division is fucking dead. I wouldn't even be surprised if this wasn't a nefarious Mouse keikaku to destroy their opposition, considering they've not put Spidey in any Phase 4 stuff.

I don't think you understand how much Raimi and Arad hate one another.

>and a potential boycott by the entire MCU audience
MCU fans are the biggest braindead morons on the planet. They'll watch anything with capes in it.

lel, they've already demonstrated more brand loyalty than any fanbase I can think of. Just look how they're reacting to this, most of the planet seems to want Sony to commit sudoku for their sins against the MCU.

So you're saying they're all south american?

That's why the DCEU is in such great shape right

The whole raimi crew moved on and people asking for Garfield are even more insane. Sony milking Miles sounds more likely than listening to small groups.

Good. Fuck the Mouse.

Lol give it up Jeph.

Couldn't they just spin the FFH ending into being a reason for Peter to lay low and focus on being a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man and use that as an excuse why he isn't dealing with in the Avengers?

I guess that's why the DCEU is in such good shape.

don't know about Maguire, I think he got blacklisted from hollywood in 2017 but Garfield is NEVER coming back to Spider Man, he had a terrible experience with Sony and actually got fired because he pissed off Kaz Hirai, maybe he'll be back for a cameo in a spider verse sequel but live action is never happening

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>banked all of Phase 4 on him
Nothing in any of the Phase 4 announcements tied in with Spider-Man at all. You just bought into the propaganda in FFH that Spider-Man was the future face of the MCU. And in retrospect that starts to look like someone, whether in the writer’s room or at Sony, desperately wanted to convince people that that was the case, to force the at-risk negotiations to continue. Meanwhile, Marvel Studios was clearly making plans for all the things they could do without even needing Spider-Man.

His real name was leaked

He can’t be a neighbourhood Spider-Man any time soon

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Sony execs being lynched in the streets when

Fuck Sony

How can they do this?

Spider-Man out of the MCU is as permanent as James Gunn out of the MCU

Alright nerds. Explain how they can handle this while still having Holland as Spidey. Because from what I’m getting is

>Every single reference to the MCU, including Zendaya J, Ned, Happy, Aunt May, and Iron Man, the suits, and EDITH are GONE
>Cliffhanger has to be retconned including Mysterio
>Feige isn’t offering to help with the next two movies

Might as well just do another reboot and just deal with the backlash desu

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Sony will do a better job.

Looks this is officially the end of the MCU, lads.

>Pedo gets his job back at Disney

Sure everything is ok

Pull one of these and piss off every spidey fan at having it adapted

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>The Amazon is burning due to shitty goverment mismanagement
>Epstein got fucking murdered and was written off as suicide despite all the shade obviously redirecting towards the Clintons
>Just fucking Hong Kong in general

>>Fucking Spider-Man being out of the mouse has more of an online boost and talk in the media

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This statement would be wrong regardless of context for literally every movie property.

I thought about this but Gunn would've never taken Suicide Squad if this was the case

>End movie on massive cliffhanger
>Deliberately sabotage deal for sequel

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>Internet's full of loud manchildren and youngsters
C'mon hardly a surprise.

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>Speaking at the CinemaCon theater-owners event in Las Vegas, [Amy Pascal] explained:
>“One of the things that I think is so amazing about this experience is that you don’t have studios deciding to work together to make a film very often. In fact it may never happen again, after we do the sequel [to Spider-Man: Homecoming]."
>March 2017

Truth is, the game was rigged from the start

His villains were better and more interesting than him.

You know what this means boys.
Place your bets for the Kengan Match for the Spidey rights

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Nice, I always hated Tom Holland's Spider-Man

Can't wait for Spidey in Avengers Ultimate.

Also I doubt that they'll keep on having the video game rights to Spider-Man seeing as how Marvel Games are masters at shade

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>FFH is literally the best spider-man movie
lol no

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>god tier cliffhanger
cliffhangers are not, and will never be, god tier in any way. They're cheap at best and down right gimmicky at worst

You forgot to add that S. Korea and Japan are at each other's necks with trade disputes and protests. That might not seem like much, but that combined with the Hong Kong protests is going to give China a lot of freedom to just literally do whatever the fuck they want in the region with no united front to push them back.

He's still doing that.

>“To my mind, this embracing of what were unambiguously children’s characters at their mid-20th century inception seems to indicate a retreat from the admittedly overwhelming complexities of modern existence.

>"It looks to me very much like a significant section of the public, having given up on attempting to understand the reality they are actually living in, have instead reasoned that they might at least be able to comprehend the sprawling, meaningless, but at-least-still-finite ‘universes’ presented by DC or Marvel Comics. I would also observe that it is, potentially, culturally catastrophic to have the ephemera of a previous century squatting possessively on the cultural stage and refusing to allow this surely unprecedented era to develop a culture of its own, relevant and sufficient to its times.”
I finally get what he meant.

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Cry moar poltard

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As of now, FFH is a literal pointless movie, I even regret seeing it now just because it feels like it doesn't matter, everything in the MCU involving Spider Man just doesn't matter anymore, especially after that cliffhanger, it feels like wasting time

Just do what I'm doing. Pretend the cliff hanger didn't happen and the movie is just an epilogue to the story of the MCU which concluded with Endgame.

But outside of the MCU, right? If that's the case I'm just glad that I don't have to see him in Avengers movies

It was not muh Spider-Man but still fun.

Nothing matters, retard.

None of those movies matter. It's all make-believe, all of it. Spider-Man being from a different make-believe world ruined your experience retroactively?

Assuming they can't make a deal, which I rather doubt, yes. His statement is pretty unambiguous.

>He watches every marvel movie because "they matter"
user, they never mattered, every plot is piss easy to follow and all that really connects are usually just macguffins cameoing

tig if brue

Watch it because of Quentin/Peter.

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So are they just not going to mention any of the events of the previous movies? I don't trust Sony to write themselves out of this corner

This sony e-mail leak does not shock me at all since I worked on this side of business and the ammount of dumb fucking rich people that think that statistics and "trends" mold successful audiences is dumbfounding.I was at Fox during the whole Dragonball Evolution disaster and they had denied a faithful script that adapted the Red Ribbon arc (Goku as a kid; supporting cast featuring Bulma, Roshi, Launch and Oolong; Genera Blue as one of the villains) because "talking animals were unbelievable" and "Goku was too much of a treehugger". They admantaly believed that in order for this movie to capture the audience they wanted they had to "cater the Smallville audience" since they saw this as a chance to make Dragonball their ongoing superhero franchise and that the thing it needed was the "edge" for dramatic storytelling.

They could just write them in a context that doesn't name names.
It's not really that hard

I wouldn't trust Sony pictures with a sharp stick.

His movies were shit and he was given a terrible script to work with. Not like Sony can do any better, but people gobbling corporate cock on either end by bitching about it on Twitter are even bigger shitkickers than those who made the films.

To be fair, that'd fail too.
Most audiences don't want Dragon Ball they want Dragon Ball Z. I mean as a kid I didn't even know about Dragon Ball outside of Z and got it totally fine.
The most successful Dragon Ball movie would've been Saiyan Saga as the first, Freiza as the sequel if not split into two sequels though I feel they'd probably need to rewrite it to have Goku show up earlier.

Oh ye of little ingenuity.
#san Dumas high school football rules

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>>Every single reference to the MCU, including Zendaya J, Ned, Happy, Aunt May, and Iron Man, the suits, and EDITH are GONE
>including Zendaya J, Ned, ...Aunt May
Those characters would stay though. As for the suit, it changes every movie so all they have to do is have Peter make a simple fiber one again and be done with it.
>>Cliffhanger has to be retconned including Mysterio
It doesn't have to be retconned, but it's pretty easy to just not acknowledge the final scene.


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God I want Spider-Twink to sit on my face

>Rothman and Arad
kek not happening

Not alone.

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Sony just put out Once Upon A Time In Hollywood
You're actually delusional if you think general audiences care which megacorporation is behind their capeshit

Problem is you can't really start Z without the OG Dragonball.
At the time we ate up because the characters were fighting in a very flashy manner even though they were a bunch of literal whos that no one had real attachment to
Even then, a live action OG Dragonball movie (with the right script and team) would've sold a lot for the box office of China, Europe and LatAm; it could've been a case of what happened to Pacific Rim

Why are tripfags always so useless

>Sony just put out Once Upon A Time In Hollywood
Yeah, and it's a fucking bomb.

>It didn't make $1.3 Billion worldwide so it's a bomb
That's not economics works, a $185 Million gross on a $90 budget is in no way a bomb

Making back double its budget means it’s a bomb?

5 movies is brief?

It felt kind of bland. Homecoming was the only one I enjoyed. Why the fuck were both his villains TONY STARK RUINED MY LIFE retards?

Holland says he’s going to continue playing the character. Is that true though?

Best Spidey ever

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So the cliffhanger at the end of "Far From Home" is never going to get resolved?

Beat it, /pol/-tard.

Considering it's been only 3 years, yes

Maybe wait more than two fucking days and then ask?

>thinking Sony won’t make it hard anyway

If I was a /Pol/tard I wouldn't pay attention to any of this issues and just shit up about how based Sony is for avoiding Spider-Man get close to the black chick

Based. Fuck mouseshills.

So, how will they explain his absence going forward? They won't kill him off, I don't think at least.

Bullshit, only a /pol/tard shits out Epstein conspiracy crap and goes on hate-ons about the Clinton.

Now fuck off before you shoot up a Wal-Mart.

Sony can easily get out of this corner
>Peter is on the run cause everyone wants to kill him
>Finds a portal to another universe

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You think they're going to try to resolve the cliffhanger in a way that works around the deal breakup?

Can they use the MCU Spider-Man, or do they have to make a new one? Is the PS4 game up for a movie ?

I think that it's in everyone's best interest to reconcile and get a new shared custody deal going, and that it will get resolved before they make a sequel.

>leaves MJ, his aunt, Ned, Happy, and the Avengers to star with Jared Leto
This concept..does not sound intriguing

>They won't kill him off, I don't think at least.

"Poor kid. Right after that J guy blew his real name, he just spun a lot of webbing, and hanged himself with it."

"Yeah. I guess he's with Tony again, though. forever."

"I'm damn glad none of us use secret identities.

>Sony makes Venom PG13 to play nice with marvel in attempt to get it in the MCU
>Feige rolls his eyes in that interview
>Venom nearly cracks a billion
>Feige beings showing interest
>Disney makes a move to get the piece of the pie and gets shut down by Sony

Get fucked mousefags

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Pretty good Miles

>everyone's best interest
Sony was kind of Jewed over by Disney's offer. It's on Disney if this can be fixed.

>Spider-Man will be a side character in the Venom trilogy
I'm down.

I thought everybody on Yea Forums hated it because they turned Spidey into Tony's sidekick, Iron Boy.

They can use Tom but don’t know why or how. They’d have to retcon a bunch of stuff or just not reference it all. The main problem is that Tom Spidey is so mixed in with the MCU that that’s all his character really knows. The three big bads and team he fought all had to with Iron Man. They might as well just do another reboot and lay low until all the backlash eventually subsided.


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So, the contract said six movies.
>Civil War
>Infinity War
>Infinity War 2: Endgame
>Spider-Man 2
Will anything happen with that last slot, or no?

the Based Australian shitposting trillionaire Gambit is working, and soon he will buy Fox, Marvel and maybe Lucasarts back and put them on a tight leash

Fucking murdoch is a magnificent bastard


Disney wanted a cut of the movies they originally wanted nothing to do with. Fuck them.

Fucking whatever. Iron-Boy is not Spider-Man, never was, and now definitely never will be.

>Sony's next reboot is Spider-Gwen
>Sony does sell, but to DC. Spider-Man joins the Justice League
Which would be the more based timeline?

>The three big bads and team he fought all had to with Iron Man.

I honestly fucking hated this, and it's why I didn't go see Far From Home. I wanted to watch a fucking Spiderdude movie, not another Iron Man flick.

Rupert Murdoch, he rigged the entire game since the beginning after he sold fox.

So what would they need to retcon out exactly for a 3rd Holland flick?

>remove Happy
>remove all Stark references
>either give Peter a new suit or don't reference where he got his current one

Everyone keeps acting like it would be impossible but it doesn't seem that bad but maybe I'm forgetting something. It's not like dozens of Spider-Man movies you could make without needing to reference anything in the Marvel universe.

Absolutely, and whoever at Disney it was that pushed it will probably get distracted by a yogurt lid or something and Feige will sort it out in 3-12 months

Let’s get the original suit for Civil War before they changed it at the last minute and got bad CG as a replacement.

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Well, the MCU Spider-Man takes a lot of inspiration from Miles, not Peter. Miles' story does sort of need the larger world to function. Spider-Verse did a good job of streamlining everything, but that was designed to from the start.

I'm just gonna watch DC movies now.
Disney nor Sony deserve my dollar.

>So what would they need to retcon out exactly for a 3rd Holland flick?
All his friends, including Ned, Michelle Jones, Flash, etc.
Recast Aunt May
Stop attending Midtown High
Any references to any previous villains, such as Vulture and Mysterio, unless they do new incarnations of them.

This is practically a pseudo reboot where the only thing unchanged is Tom Holland is still playing Spider-Man, at least for two more solo films.

How does that shitty gif reflect that you tumblrina?

Just gotta ship him off to college. Maybe in San Francisco so he can hang out with Venom.

Michelle Jones I'll give you, but Sony would still be able to use Flash and May, wouldn't they?

The web lines, placeholders as they may be, look cheap

The web lines in the CGI suits are barely there

The Raimi web lines were silver-gray but they popped out

As long as Mary Jane gets Carnage, I'm down for anything.

Web lines might not be the most accurate or practical but it’s necessary if you want to see them on camera

As long as we still get the Spiderverse sequel I don't care


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What I'm also confused about is what exactly the Sony-Disney Spider-man contract was in the first place. So Disney can't make *any* Spidey movies? Or just Peter Parker in the MCU specifically?

Bet they'll fasttrack either X-men or Fantastic Four in the MCU because of this.

Source on that picture of Chad Warden?

Okay so back in the 90s Marvel Comics was hard up for cash and sold off a chunk of their film rights to Universal, FOX, and SONY. Cut to 2007 where Iron Man made comic movies even more profitable than before, and the ambitious projects began. Disney bought Marvel Comics, and had the money to negotiate certain things. Some rights reverted from non use (Daredevil, Ghost Rider), some were bought back (X-Men, Fantastic Four) which leads us to the original SONY deal. At first, it was NEVER going to go through. SONY asked for a ridiculous paycheck during opening negotiations, more than what Disney paid Lucas for Star Wars in fact. Cut to North Korea hacking SONY, airing out A LOT of dirty laundry about how incompetent the company branch in America is, and SONY Japan demanded their film division to play ball from the embarrassment. The deal was that this new Spider-Man would be made by SONY, rented out to Marvel Studios, and would be granted a strict number of appearances both cameo (Civil War, Avengers) and solo. It was in Disney's hope that they could reach an agreement during the second contract since SONY Pictures was hurting for money for years. However what they didn't plan on was the financial success of both Venom and Into The Spider-Verse, not to mention Jumanji. With SONY feeling confident, and Marvel Studios essentially having their balls in a vice due to post Endgame contracts ending with a need for new blood to refill the ranks, SONY had all the leverage. But as we can see, Disney isn't willing to pay BILLIONS just to get Spider-Man at this time. So Spidey is out. SONY is also very confident given their recent purchase of Insomniac games, the developer of the widely successful Spider-Man game.

Does that clear it up?

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Oh goody, we get to have, what, fifth fucking reboot of the fucking Spider man?

>noo Uncle Ben, I'm so sad
>ooh I'm such a loser
>man this newspaper sucks
>Mary Jane is so pretty, I wish I could talk to her

FUCKING AGAIN. How many times are they going to reboot this character already?

Basedboy Marvel's the Peter Parker, iron fanboy extraordinaire, was a nice guy.
But I want to see Spider-Man instead

I strongly believe the morons who talk about Spider-man being the face of the MCU going forward only watch the trailer and clips posted on youtube. Anyone who actually watched the movie would see that the point was that Spider-man wasn't going to be leading the Avengers or taking up Tony's mantle, he would just be doing what he's been doing all this time.

Honestly, make JJJ an e-celeb akin to Alex Jones, but more sane and moral. Make Peter his intern that handes the tech. Boom, freshened it up like that.

>Honestly, make JJJ an e-celeb akin to Alex Jones
t. FFH

I haven't seen it yet. I thought he was TV news?

Nah, it's

Attached: jjj.png (498x492, 377K)

Jesus, JJJ needs hair. That shit is gross.

Who cares about crap like the Eternals?

Disney lost Spider-Man

It was a reply that says nothing about the thing, only confirmed it ended the initial negotiation but didnt implied they were not doing another one later


Love how these kind of images ages like milk

See you when they finally renegotiate that shit Blackcumfag

Actually yes, as Ned is still Ned Leeds albeit a Ganke inspired version but still Sony owns his rights

And they almost certainly own Aunt May's film rights

Really it'd just be Michelle Jones they couldn't use as she's an OC

Meanwhile Sony owns all the rights to all Spider-Man related characters

kinda meh because it was all setup for when holland eventually would become the spider-man we actually like. By removing the payoff it just feels like a waste

Perfect time to bring miles in using Dr. Strange's multiverse of madness

>miles is still in cgi with spiderverse's art style

Garbage. Glad it's over.

People really don't get how any of this rights bullshit works do they?
Why the fuck would Miles be in the MCU when he's a Spider-man character.

>far from home
>”stand alone”
They don’t stand alone at all, as you practically need to see other mcu movies to understand certain plot points.


That's the way it works!

It's the marketing!

Marketing isn't included in budgets!


Double it's budget?

Pffft... it's barely a drop, bucko!

>overly emotional manchildren seething like the MCucks they are.
This was a good weekend.

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Some people are under the impression that because something was made after the rights were sold, that they could use it without worry.

No one has googled what Tobey Maguire looks like in 2019 because of this, so maybe that's why there are still in negotiation.

I-Is that not how it works? Miles was made after the original Spider-Sellout, so his movie rights would still be with Marvel, right? Michelle Jones is an OC too, and she is under Marvel.

No. Sony made a movie about Miles.
He's under the Spidey Brand. Michelle Jones is an Disney's Marvel character not a Spider-man character.

Homecoming was objectively better than Tom Holland's European Vacation.

>Michelle Jones is an Disney's Marvel character not a Spider-man character.
How do you tell the difference? Because, as Spider-Man's love interest, I'd consider Michelle a Spider-Man character.

She was made FOR the movies. The end. That easy.

So it is true, people really do only value these movies as lead-ins to other movies, where none of them are ever individually satisfying for their filmic merits.

Yeah, she was made for the SPIDER-MAN movies. The end. That easy.

Why are you all surprised. They got what they needed, team ups with Ironman and him in the last Avengers movie.

They weren't even going to use him in Phase 4 anyway because they wisely for once, know that they'll never top Endgame anytime soon and aren't going to even try instead setting up newer characters.

Making him the next Ironman was a pipe dream that Sony was promoting in order to hope Disney would keep working with them. The Mouse doesn't need him anymore. By the time their finally ready to go big again they'll have the X-men and FF and can use Wolverine as their new face of the franchise.

>the ammount of dumb fucking rich people that think that statistics and "trends" mold successful audiences is dumbfounding
They are correct though: the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

>The Mouse doesn't need him anymore.
They seem to want Peter a whole lot, if the fact that wanted all the merch profits, as well as half of the ticket profits in the new contract.

Based Sony dabbing on MCUshits.

Garbage. Iron Boy wasn't a good character.

Yeah, but they didn't try to make it without Tarantino. He's as much of a brand as Marvel Studios.


They still have all those 5th rate nothing properties like Eternals and Shang Chi to fall back on

No, the MCU movies.

Garbage. He was a glorified sidekick. I'm glad he's out because I'd rather have forgotten garbage than remembered and beloved garbage. It's like they deliberately went for the most popular independent hero and made him Tony's bitch as some kind of a trophy or something. MCU Starkwank is worse than Batwank.

I don't care much about the MCU but I'd be very glad to see Sony burning.

Why you may ask? Well, because fuck Sony.


A potential Spider-Verse movie featuring Garfield, Holland and Tobey has risen a whooping lot.

If there is anyone who would dare to make such a goofy abomination it is Mr. Emoji movie themselves: Sony.

I'd like Supaida-Man too, if his actor is still alive. Maybe his descendant or something.

I'll point it out for you since you can't seem to read filenames: he's joking


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Sony should just reboot Spider-Man. And for the love of god, give it to someone who understands the character and back off.

They don't have to do another origin story either.

>Start the movie with Peter halfway through college
>he's been Spider-Man for 5 years
>has already encountered a number of enemies, including Green Goblin. Gwen has been killed
>have the movie be focused on Peter struggling to with classes while being Spider-Man
>don't even need a huge climatic fight. Just keep it a personal story
>some kid's parent(s) are killed during some random break-in
>Peter relates to the kid with the story of Uncle Ben's death
>Mary Jane introduced near the end, but Peter is hesitant to get close to her
>sequel can build their relationship ship

You don't have to show uncle Ben being killed again. But Uncle Ben obviously needs to be an important figure.

Absolute fucking garbage, but somehow better than the two Amazing blunders. I'm glad to see Iron Boy go but dread what new pile of shit Sony is now concocting in the anus they call a "film studio". It's a strange kind of feeling of relief and apprehension. Like reaching the eye of the shit tornado.

It's gonna be hard for sony to continue tom Holland spidey, but for marvel if they ever had to mention him again they could literally say "where's the kid?" "Eh he's doing his own thing"

>They don't have to do another origin story either.
Which is why this is exactly what they'll do.

Loved it. Unlike the contrarian fags in here, it was nice to see Peter do something different. Him trying to fill in Tony's role was a lame concept at first glance, but it's been done really well. A shame we won't see Kraven hunt Peter now.

>Maguire got blacklisted
For what? Did he endorse trump publicly?

None of us have the power to help with any of those things. We literally gave every Politician, Government and Corporations Billions just so we can sit on our comfy couch and ignore the ramblings of the world.



I'm seeing damage control

>Epstein got fucking murdered
Come on, no one believes that.

Finally a good thing Snoy did it all years.

Based Snoy!

Best be joking

It will just open with "one year later" and won't address anything and carry on with a regular plot

I only saw FFH and i though it was okay movie but not really rewatchable like most of MCU movies.

>FFH is literally the best spider-man movie

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Meh, too much Iron Man. I liked Tony but Spiderman should not be anywhere near him.
Hopefully Sony learns to good lessons and makes good movies, but we all know that the MCU makes people go mad and lose their ability to make anything but awful movies.

>because of this Miles Morales never got to be part of the MCU

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>Normie is Twitter language
Found the newfag.

They were barely even Spider-Man films and Tom Holland is incredibly lukewarm casting

I always felt Spider-Man was completely out of place in Civil War. I have this strange feeling that most people only like him because he's famous. I can think of many better characters than Spider-Man.

>tfw happy to see people shitting on Sony
>tfw upset that people aren't also shitting on Disney

>5 movies where he's iron bitchboi to finally become Spider-Man we like
Fuck off

Why can't we all be friends and watch them both burn though


>watch Disney burn
Admittedly if they keep all that cash lying around its a tremendous fire hazard.

MCU Nova, never ever.

Welp, I guess it's time to put Sideways in the MCU.

The Transformer?

Fuck ComicPOP. Sal is such a one-sided shill. I hope he went to sleep crying his eyes out.

Derek James.

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Not him but let's be honest...

Ok, so they can put actual MJ... that is, if they at least try this time. Did Harry ever show up? Liz? Robbie? Gwen? Also didn't they kill off the Shocker they used? Too bad they wasted Jonah.

>Just gotta ship him off to college
It works, no need to worry about the Avengers timeskip.

You honestly believe he killed himself? With the dirt he had on the rich and powerful in his circle of friends? I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and call you naive.

>They don't have to do another origin story either.
>don't even need a huge climatic fight. Just keep it a personal story
This is Sony we're talking about.

Good. Holland is still confirmed to play Spiderman. The only thing this means is that when sony make more spider man movies it won't be full of garbage Stark wank.

it was a lot of fun. bugs the shit out of me that he wont be seen with the fantastic 4 or xmen.

>have the movie be focused on Peter struggling to with classes while being Spider-Man
>don't even need a huge climatic fight. Just keep it a personal story
This is why Superman Returns was a failure. If your not going to have some big villain and fights for people to have fun in a superhero movie, then it's gonna do poorly. It's why Shazam didn't do that great despite all the positive buzz and critics, there wasn't really enough cool action for people to keep coming back.

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Literally everybody believes that.
>"oh both of the guards just happened to take a nap don't think about it"

You should try reading Spider-Man comics sometime

The place he was kept hadn’t had a successful suicide in decades. Sure is convienent the guy that could undermine the clintons, trump, and a shit ton of the corporate and political elite just happened to also be the only guy to successfully kill himself in that place.

>People aren't buying that it's Sony's fault, so now Disney shills are acting like it's no one's fault

That happens all the time in prisons because they are required to have X number of people on hand by law and when you're short on manpower because prison guards have a high turnover rate due to how fucking stressful it is you end up guards forced to do double shifts day after day and it's perfectly legal to do so to meet the prison's obligations.

Found the sonyshill, kys.

Can't wait for them to butcher MK's personalities and make Frenchie nothing like his personality. I wonder how hard they're going to push the fact that Frenchie is gay, too.

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Breaking: Following Sony's decision to depart Spider-Man from the MCU, Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige has mysteriously shown up at Sony HQ!

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The word normie first spun off of normalfag on Yea Forums
But you’re too new to remember

Why does his face look so uncanny to me.

Watch out for glowies

Lol sonyverse fag

Spidey 3. Marvels and Sony's first arc. Remember they talked about a 9 film arc. Basically an mcu version of Harry potter.

Get that bumass fan fiction outta here
>4th iteration of spidey in the last 20 years

>no gif version

come on user

>Holland is
>still confirmed to play Spiderman.
they can't touch Holland without the Disney approval, that's why he isn't in Venom and neither in Morvius

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Inb4 Miles in the MCU

Nah Alan Moore is just eternally butthurt

This is your fault, Yea Forums.

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Started off great with his introduction in Civil War, told a great story of Spidey coming into his own in Homecoming, and then unfortunately they kinda made him a tool for Tony’s development in IW/Endgame. Far From Home could have been really great but they fucked it up and relied too hard on Stark shit even tho he was dead. Tom Holland is the most likable human being ever tho and his villains were amazing, and the basedfag within me loves the moving eyes on his suit. However the reliance on stark shit, the lack of any meaningful consequences or mention of Uncle Ben and the fake looking CGI suit took him down a few points.
Overall, he was far better than Andrew Garfield but still didn’t quite measure up to Tobey Maguire, but if they gave him better material, then he could’ve easily surpassed Maguire and been the best spidey ever. Let’s see how Sony handles him

That actually wouldn't be so bad, since he'd be sacrificing his relationship with some thot he barely knows for the life of a young aunt May.


He killed himself, but they paid off the guards to get him out of suicide watch and turn off the cameras.

Your reading comprehemsion is shit.