Eternals whole cast costume look

Eternals whole cast costume look

Attached: 12.jpg (2048x1347, 216K)

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so this confirms Chan as Sersi?

Also not exactly the looks I wanted (was hoping for something like the Acuna run) but not bad. Only Makkari is disappointing.

Wow. So accurate.

The Eternals have always been my favorite comics. Oh, so many good stories. Here's to more Eternals greatness in the movies.

I'm not going to pretend I know anything about The Eternals nor pretend to give a fuck about this movie. I'm not exactly wowed by the costumes either.

Based Marvel stay winning

>No Makkari helmet
Kinda disappointing

dat nigga gay

I still have little to no care for the Eternals and will probably sit this one out

Who is this movie even far?
Capeshit just keeps spinning out of control

I like it, sleek and elegant looking, as should be for the Eternals

More importantly we're getting the Black Knight from this.


he's an Avengers character like everyone else

I say this would have been better as a Disney + series rather than a full on movie. Even with the Guardians of the Galaxy having been more obscure when the first movie hit, I could at least see why they’d do it. With The Eternals, I’m at a complete loss

Ikaros looks very good, the others I'm unsure of though

Attached: Eternals.png (900x1339, 1.75M)

Which one is Hercules?

Where do they live and what do they do?

I'm predicting the lowest grossing Marvel movie.

The leather budget must be astronomical for this movie. Probably rivaling your average CW show.

people who like Game of Thrones, worldbuilding, lore, etc.

You really want the same rehashed stories again and again? You can go to DC to get nothing but Batman.

>angelina jolie, hands clasped
smug cunt

Looks like the background characters from Aquaman

Attached: DtWvqLiWwAIT6Jg.jpg (1200x542, 210K)

>people who like Game of Thrones, worldbuilding
pick one

As always, Marvel copies DC when they feel like offering an "original" idea.

Is that Kumail Nanjiani?

>Who is this movie even far?
Are we really really still doing this at this point? Come on

What happened to Hercules? If he's not in it, who's reportedly to be the gay character then in the movie then?


Probably the hindi guy.

yes it is

and it's also my reason to avoid this like every other movie he's in

probably Doctor Strange 1 numbers. There will probably be a tonal mish-mash between comedy and serious moments like with that movie

Hey, at least they switched the shape with circles

Attached: MCU Costumes.jpg (1116x931, 226K)

Kinda this
Probably a nice enough fella just really grating

they have to keep doing it because they're in to deep now

If you head on over to their retard farm you can see threads that are STILL saying Disney+ is going to fail

Anyone else feel this was Kevin Feige's long-term play to introduce the mutant Gene into the MCU all along? There more than likely going to establish the comic lore that the Celestials tampered with the monkey DNA's that were on Earth and created 3 separate species: Eternals, Deviants, Humans (and Humans with mutated genes that will manifest down the line). If so, that's quite devious of papa Feige.

Then you're gonna have those faggots who will be upset that the MCU mutants will get their species origin from evolution tampering like Kirby wanted it originally and not the Ultimate origin which I forget at this time because it's gay as shit.

My guess is Kit Harrington's Black Knight.

Attached: 1526439388049.jpg (1400x1000, 788K)

so diverse, I love it

Maybe he's just really good at sucking dick? Seriously he's in fucking every nerd related shit

>My guess is Kit Harrington's Black Knight.
Nah the character in the comics and the actor is straight is fuck, I really doubt it.

>literally the same suits

The girl on the left...

Will look as good as this

already confirmed

Kit is playing Black Knight
Gemma Chan is playing Sersi

Angelina and Gemma look top cute, will watch just for them

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>lesbian sersi
>gemma chan

Who's the main villain?

I really, really like the costumes and how they look in them, as well as the overall vibe of the movie. But I know being excited over things is forbidden on Yea Forums and this will be lost in a sea of anti-diversity bullshit, so be it. I know I'm digging what I'm seeing and I'm actually an Eternals fan, so there's that.

Attached: eternals_black-bolt.png (579x855, 979K)

They turned Makkari into a black woman, a helmet is the least of his worries.

Can’t wait to spend 2.5 hours watching kumail and paper boy sticking out like a sore thumb. I love them both but holy fuck does this feel like a separate “pls keep watching our movies” attempt

Same. Im one of the 12 eternal fans in existence. The costumes are on point. This is actually exciting!

What Im not looking forward is for marvel to launch eternals under a mediocre title.

>My guess is Kit Harrington's Black Knight.
There's only one reason to put Black Knight in an Eternals movie, and him being gay doesn't work with it.

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why does a marvel movie have a green lantern?

Druig played by Barry Keohahn

Don't pretend to care about Makkari, I know you don't.
>What Im not looking forward is for marvel to launch eternals under a mediocre title.
This, holy fuck. Give it to Ewing or Ahmed, put Rodriguez in the art or something. Keep Aaron and Cates away from them.

What Aaron did to them still pisses me off. Did he not know they were making an Eternals movie? Did he not realize they'd have to undo that within a couple of years?

So who is the main character, Ikaris or Sersi?

>What Im not looking forward is for marvel to launch eternals under a mediocre title.
I think we can all agree on that

Aren't they pairing Sersi and Ikaris in the movie?

oh fuck...what did Aaron do now?


I really hope the actual costumes are more Kirby, this is disappointing

That was never confirmed, no. Just a rumor. And none of the rumors ever called Black Knight being in this.

early descriptions described it as a love story between Sersi and Ikaris. Will be interesting to see how that plays out with Dane Whitman entering the picture.

Had the Eternals all go crazy and kill themselves.

There are multiple things wrong with this.

Attached: eternally terrible.jpg (500x605, 149K)

The dumbest part to me was the fact that Doctor Strange somehow had never even heard of the Eternals.

>Had the Eternals all go crazy and kill themselves.

Killed them all off-screen for no good reason, during a Dark Celestials invasion.
Then had the Avengers perform the Uni-Mind, which is the shit topping onto the shit cake.
This shit too, fuck it.

ug, I gave up at his She-Hulk issue where she said being good looking was worse than being Banner Hulk. it looks like it doesn't get any better

I need to reread that Avengers arc after reading Kirby's Eternals to see if i would get mad or still not care. the anger on Yea Forums has a whiff of "cool an excuse to hate aaron more because he's popular"

Because they found out, I shit you not, that the Celestials had no grand plan for Earth and super-powered people. An ancient Celestial came to Earth to die, and its puke somehow triggered something in the DNA of Earth's inhabitants that would give them powers. The Eternals entire purpose in existing was based on a lie.

No seriously, that's it, they went to visit them right at that page, find them all dead (even though they can fucking respawn, they have pods specifically designed for that purpose) and Ikaris gives Tony a cryptic message so he can do the Uni-Mind. Fucking retarded.

*Mixed woman

And, it's still not an issue.

>the anger on Yea Forums has a whiff of "cool an excuse to hate aaron more because he's popular"
I can assure you it's not the case. The entire first arc also includes a retcon about an Eternal that arrived to earth BEFORE the First Host then died and rot, which ends in the realization that humans are actually "god's vomit". LITERAL WORDS ON THE PAGE.

Not an eternal, a Celestial*.

The eternal thing was from his first couple issues

>An ancient Celestial came to Earth to die, and its puke somehow triggered something in the DNA of Earth's inhabitants that would give them powers.
So they fucking retcon'd the X gene and the reason for the mutant's existence? Wtf

Maybe I wasn't clear, I'm sure there are some people who are upset for actual reasons but I think most of Yea Forums doesn't care about the Eternals and just wants to be mad at Aaron for various reasons not to do with Avengers comics.

she's deaf as well

Hey, at least this way he hides his disgusting man hands.

I like the Eternals and was always pissed at that arc.

It's just stupid, and they let Aaron do it. I don't know why, it's just ridiculous.

Ikarus looks on point.

Nice halloween costumes you got there, DCrap.
Also weak bait. "Bait", got it? Because Aquaman sucks.

Just a reminder to everyone that these are just concept arts for the costumes, they might not even look like that in the finished product

No human being should have this kind of brand loyalty.

I've noticed recently that DCfags seem to post their shit in Marvel related news, especially on Twitter, somehow they always show up to say something stupid and then leave

And yet they look good, which is rare for concept art this early.

The only ones that look really good are Selma Hayek and Angelina Jolie. that's weird to me. Maybe it's movie star bias. Gemma Chan is pretty good too. Nobody is Kirby enough. Gilgamesh is intriguing but the costume is kinda more asian to me than middle eastern

the four on the left just look bad and very unfinished

Maybe you should care less about Twitter and what Twitter is talking about Marvel, Feigechristian.

this is what a box office bomb looks like

Yeah, like Antman and Guardians of the Galaxy

Nah, normies are really into the MCU and if you market that shit enough they'll go to see it
I remember when GOTG was coming out there was constant commercials on tv, and the movie turned out to be a success

It's bland as fuck, literally the same outfit over and over. Comics are colorful and inspiring, Hollywood is cheap and dumb.

These gotta be shill posts.

They’re movie stars for a reason?

With that cast? Hahahaha

They already did the "aliens tampered with humans and made a secret offshoot race" thing with the Inhumans though. It may be Agents of Not Canon but I think they'll still avoid retreading past ground too much.

>literally the same outfit over and over
No, it isn't. They have common themes like the Eternal outfits in the comics do, but none of these are identical.

This is sad to see.

If this pic of the Inhumans had been released today, Yea Forums would be praising it and how the costumes SCREAM "Kirby".

Attached: ycknv6mhonquak5jwrpl.png (800x533, 766K)

yeah but you forgot the raw charisma they can bring, and Marvel has so far more or less stuck to a strategy of lesser known actors who don't bring baggage that stars too.

Considering they've showed Celestial stuff for this movie, it seems that they're still going with that origin for Eternals and mutants. Mutants will probably be a Celestial defense mechanism triggered by the snap.

Works perfectly because Thanos is a Deviant.

Nah this is objectively shit and looks nothing like The Royal family. The Eternals look like the eternals at the very least.

this isn't a dc movie

Nah, people made fun of these costumes when they were revealed. Nice try.


I was gonna say that Irkaris was off but he's really actually not. I guess I never registered his costume as that blue

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Has any DCEU movie made less money than "The Incredible Hulk"?

Remember Tony Stark at the post-credit of that?

Green Lantern.

That is the point.

Nowadays, they would be praised because Marvel became too big a religion.

Those bland ass Eternals would have been made fun of 2 years ago.

It was confirmed you retard. When THR first broke the news on the director they stated that one aspect of the film was the love story between ikaris and sersi. This isnt some random twitter or "we got this covered"

Fuck off, 2 years ago people praised Marvel just as much as now.

are you implying Marvel wasn't a religion back then? Also Inhumans was always Perlmutter's project

If it wasn't said by Marvel, it's not confirmed. Sorry, champ.


No it wouldnt fool. You have no point

>You really want the same rehashed stories again and again? You can go to DC to get nothing but Batman.

Between Batman and these... characters, I'd choose the bat for sure. At least he has good stories unlike any other marvel character that isn't Spiderman.

Nothing to be sorry for as its happening retard. Try again?

Just give me this sequence and I'll be happy. All the Eternals flying and gathering to form their collective intelligence.

Attached: uni-mind-1.png (1432x993, 2.12M)

Ooh, that's gotta hurt! [rings boxing bell]

>are you implying Marvel wasn't a religion back then?
Then, Marvel was hinduism.

Today, Marvel is 14th Century Christianism, Feige is the Pope and Disney is the church.

They literally look better than marvel's Power Rangers.

Attached: uni-mind-2.png (1425x990, 2.06M)

>Nowadays, they would be praised because Marvel became too big a religion.
As opposed to when that image of Inhumans came out because Marvel was just such an underdog studio back then

Richard Madden and the Asian Chad look good. The rest look like generic garbage.

First MCU movie I'm skipping.

why are you so mad?

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If it wasn't said by Marvel, it's not confirmed. Sorry, champ.

Looks like Met Gala rejects.

Wont interested to see Gemma take some big white Ikaris cock. Tho its weird for her to be double dipping.. Its not like minerva had a shit ton of prosthetics. She was just blue gemma chan

Attached: captain-marvel-minn-erva-gemma-chan.jpg (825x464, 37K)

These seriously don't look good. Bad bait.

Nothing to be sorry for as its happening retard. Try again?

Maybe since Minnerva is dead they freed her up for a new role? Or Marvel just wanna forget about Captain Marvel already?

Yeah I'm sure they're ashamed of the movie that landed them $1.2bn.

Batman is for babies/toddlers and wierd,edgy autistic man children. I’m perfectly content and excited with this cool looking movie with new characters.

Connecting mutants to the Eternals/Deviants in the MCU should have been shot down when it was first suggested, but you’re right that it’s the most likely option now.

Look pretty good.
"The two lines" aren't nearly as obvious as they are on other costumes. So it's nice to see them changing it up a bit.
Though I won't actually say anything until we get a trailer.

Yeah, they're so ready to move on from their most successful new property they've ever had

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It made money yes, but the marketing campaign and the fact that the character is pretty polarized enough to be made fun of in the new Spider-man movie tells something.

Who’s the character in the green on the far-right and her actress?(who’s not in this screenshot)

Mutants Origin in the Ultimate universe is literally trying to recreate the Super Soldier Syrum.

what makes you think this won't be all about Kamala worshiping Carol?

Ms Marvel and Photon are better characters than Carol anyways so it would be a good improvement.

>Jolie is understood to be playing the character named Sersi, a more outgoing Eternal who has not been afraid to move amongst humankind.

Guess what they said at D23 must be wrong. THR said Jolie is playing Sersi, and THR is never wrong.

More Asians are fine by me

Yeah nah, this retardation was bound to happen since reactionary dumbasses who style themselves as "comic fans" can't see a woman in a role without seething. Guarantee they'll do this same shit with She-Hulk regardless of quality, it's how it goes. Falling for it was your first mistake.

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>their most successful new property they've ever had

Lmao, Black panther?

Good fuck him, he deserves all the hate he gets
His Conan series is alright so far though. Not amazing, but readable

I wish they went with the Earth X origin. Mutants are like antibodies that appear when a Celestial egg is close to hatching and at its most vulnerable to cosmic predators (and Galactus) and only become stronger and stronger as the new Celestial's birth nears. That's why you started with Angel, Cyclops and Beast and ended up with Franklin, Proteus and Legion.

But comic fans love She Hulk, as long as they make the show like hyer best runs it should be good. Just avoid the character assassination that Aarons is currently doing.

People actually like shulkie though. Or did.

>But comic fans love She Hulk
Yeah, all 10 of them. You guys forget this is MCU, they don't pick a comic book ever.
>as long as they make the show like hyer best runs it should be good
Did you miss the part where I said that regardless of quality they'll bitch and moan about SJWs and PC? It matters very little.

Iron man had like 10 fans too before the MCU, user. Say what you want about Feige and the other cunts, but they could make any character into a household name for the normiest of normies.

Because they will revive them and they will look like the MCU version.

Marvel establishes known characters

>why are comic movies so basic and afraid

Marvel pushes lesser known characters

>i don't care who even are they?

Never change, Yea Forums

That applies to EVERY single one of the characters introduced so far, yes, even Carol, sorry if this bothers you or you feel skeptical about it, but it's true.
Either way I'm ending it right here, not gonna argue about this shit again when the point was that alt-right imbeciles latched onto everything that has women and minorities in the movies for a culture war, so it won't matter whether it's good or not (in fact it's a win-win, it's it's bad it's fuel, if it's good then they pit them against the rest).


Attached: celestials_knauf.png (1086x830, 1.32M)

I remember being at a panel at a literary convention, and the people on stage went "I love Warren Ellis, but I'm not reading Moon Knight, cause who cares about Moon Knight?"
Bet you they will act like Moon Knight is the best cause of his show now...

I don't know where you got that I was alt-whatever. I hate those disingenuous assholes as much as you do. Either way I agree, ETERNALS THREAD.

>that screenshot
Captain Marvel was a "meh" movie. Passing was good, and the character interactions were pretty great. Not much else.
But holy fuck is this shit making it hard for me to not love it and Brie Larson out of pure spite.

Attached: image.jpg (1544x1514, 106K)

Same shit with the Eternals, everyone acting like it was going to fail based on obscurity, nobody giving a fuck enjoy the Eternals while saying shit like "nobody cares about them in the comics, they're the worst Kirby property" (and even saying stuff like "I bet it's a stealth X-Men movie they're keeping under wraps"), then the casting was revealed and the usual suspects were like "oh shit look at what they did to my nigga Makkari", like fuck you guys, you never cared.

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Holy fuck.

>Kumail Nanjiani
Oh god dammit. Marvel's gonna not only fuck up the most raw Kirby thing that Jack Kirby did, but they're adding this douchebag too? Fucking pass.

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It’s cherrypicked, why choose Iron Spider and why Ronan who’s design was fixed in Cap Marvel

I didn't call you alt-right, I was referencing the picture. Sorry for the confusion.
What's wrong with him? He was good in The Comedian (Twilight Zone).

Attached: makkari_dreaming-celestial1.png (752x681, 555K)

>Civil War + Black Panther =$2,500,217,656
>Captain Marvel + Endgame = $3,924,241,269

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It will, that's the point

Ehh, it's boring.

So, Sprite is a person who is forever a kid?
...what happens when the sequel comes around?

They'll give the same horse hormones they gave Lisa to prevent her from growing.

Probably getting killed off in the first movie

Gilgamesh ?

Attached: ryurgi7sn7b31.jpg (1652x1080, 65K)

CGI'd to look younger.

Antique memes of yore.

One of by biggest fucking hopes was that they would have faithful striking outfits

Why, why is pic related so fucking hard? Give her glossy reflective armor plates like Captain Phasma.

Why is there ZERO red in Ikaris's outfit?

Why does Sersi have zero cleavage or skin showing like EVERY SINGLE outfit she has worn in the comics. Mera had cleavage in Aquaman and it didn't damage the film, what the hell is wrong with these brain damaged prudish misandrist psychotics?

Attached: The-Eternals-Thena.jpg (1000x1518, 267K)

Huh, looks pretty neat, I can’t say that I know or care about Eternals, but I’m willing to hold my judgment until I see some clips or a trailer

Because boob plates look fucking stupid.

Real reason Kevin is creating Eternals and Shan chi is to give middle finger to Ironfist and Inhumans. TO show they can do better than that.

They are not making the movie for you. Its been like that for a while. Comic readers doesn't matter. Your voice will be silenced by the MCU fans cheering.

Another white male Asian female pairing? What's with Hollywood cucking my race every fucking time?

>Why, why is pic related so fucking hard?
It looks like garbage in real life. Boob plate always looks like shit too.

I do want some red on Ikaris though.

I kinda agree on the inhumans part, but only in "This is what the inhumns would have been about if the tv guys didn't take it".

I doubt iron fist would have been about fighting the mandarin.

I feel like this doesn't need to be said, but marvel 100% killed off the eternals in the comics so when they come back to life they conveniently look exactly like their movie counterparts.

>Why, why is pic related so fucking hard? Give her glossy reflective armor plates like Captain Phasma.
probably wanted them to look more similar to each other I guess.
>Why is there ZERO red in Ikaris's outfit?
Red is banned just like with superman's pants and all those gingers
>Why does Sersi have zero cleavage or skin showing like EVERY SINGLE outfit she has worn in the comics
Why would you expect something like that from Feige this late in the game? Did you not see Gamora?

Gamora's movie outfit does have cleavage, are you retarded?

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>This fucking Brie Larson OBSESSION

Get a new hobby. My god.

Iron fist should have been a love letter to the Classic chinese kungfu movies and martial arts. Now Kevin is using the next best thing .

>Iron Fist

Fucking Danny deserves so much better, tthan what he actually got. It still fucking frustrates me how much Loeb screwed the pooch with such a vast IP.

Shang-Chi should have always come before Danny, therefore we could have avoided the whole "ZOMGWHYITSNTHEASIAN?!1" schtick.

Yeah but it was no less ridiculous the way they did it. I'm hoping Ewing can reinvent them in a cool way, he's already doing the Cosmic Space Gods thing with Hercules next year.

Inferiority's issues.

Yes but Iron fist is more popular compared to him. Just like Eternals and Inhumans.

Indeed, but i wouldn't call DCfags "humans", that's an insult for everyone's else who isn't a complete retard.


Attached: Bcott Suck.jpg (529x529, 59K)

>Jeph Loeb actively pitches a mystical character with expensive power on Netflix with a small budget.
>Straight up butchers the character to get him ready and on time for The Defenders

I know Buck was the showrunner, but we can't forget who he was answering to and who approved his writing.

Oh look, MCU costumes with lots of lines and panels and shit. And I should care because...?

Go, go, Eternal Rangers.

Angelina Jolie chopped her tits off, so it's kinda hard to show cleavage.

Dude, the reason why AAIron Fist was a thing in the first place is because of there at the time being no Asian superheroes in the MCU. If the Asian guy debuted first like in the comic books, then Danny would have had a much better reception even with a shitty show. His public reputation is damaged. If it recovers it will take a long time.

You know what makes me mad. That Ironfist series had everything to become an awesome kungfu series. It had reference to Many kung fu movies like Axe gang, Drunken master , tournament ,Ancient Kunkfu training institute etc.
It would have been much awesome if it was handled by someone who loves Martial arts.
Seeing the potential Good series in that awful show makes me mad.

Rumor going around is that it's Ikaris.

>It looks like garbage in real life. Boob plate always looks like shit too.
Bullshit. Just do a hard sculpted material like pic related Wonder Woman torso but make it glossy reflective like the silver surfer.

Attached: wonder-woman-costume-expo-image-1.jpg (2525x3899, 2.93M)

I am hyped for the Sersei casting.

That looks like shit. WW was shit.

I call bullshit on half of that; the Marvel comics have been actually really good about staying true to the comics designs.

>this shape
part is hilarious though. Never noticed that before

It's much better than the costumes you are praising right now. Take off the Disney-colored glasses for a second.


Sweetie, the real gay people were the friends we made along the way.

Someone do a straight 1:1 comparison pic, because I'm flipping back and forth between this and the comic panels, and I still can't tell who's who

Eternals is such an odd pick for Marvel, even offer than GotG and Ant-Man when you consider how anti-Superman the modern MCU audience is. Could this be the first sincere Marvel movie?

Maybe if you 100% believe this wasn't a replacement for the inhumans movie.

Richard Madden's character

Because DC doesn't care enough to give their tiny ass fanbase any news

Oh wait here's some brand new news about DC's newest piece of shit it just got lost in all this Disney domination news and the fact that no one gives a shit about DC

Attached: Screenshot_20190824-172840_Chrome.jpg (1080x1203, 527K)

Those costumes suck

I liked it, but i really miss the red in Ikari's costume

>Has any DCEU movie made less money than "The Incredible Hulk"?
Not yet but they're working on it. They got close with Shazam but I think Birds of Prey will be the one to do it

I can't find a picture of Kumail's character drawn by Kirby so I'm skipping him.

Here's Makkari (Where's the Kirby helmet!)

Attached: Makkari.jpg (200x431, 27K)

Phastos - Brian Tyree Henry

Attached: phastos.jpg (600x891, 260K)

He hasn't wore the helmet in all his incarnations, it should be noted.

Attached: makkari_Quasar.jpg (1062x816, 224K)

Salma Hayek as Ajak

Her costume looks good but it is nowhere near the Kirby awesomeness of the original

Attached: jack-kirby-eternals-splash-2-small.jpg (607x910, 224K)

Lia McHugh as Sprite aka literally Puck from Shakespeare

Attached: milly bobby brown.png (640x369, 120K)

She needs the same helmet. Maybe this showcase doesn't have helmets to show their faces better, just a thought.

Don Lee as The Forgotten One

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Barry Keoghan as Druig

Attached: jack-kirby-eternals-19-14.jpg (958x1468, 656K)

Gemma Chan as Sersi. Hilariously grabbed from image search

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>Makkari and Sprite are gonna lose their cocks when they come back to life
Poor guys.

Also since I obviously gave up on posting just Jack Kirby drawings here's Kumail as Kingo

Someone should story time the Kirby run of Eternals and maybe later ones too, the Gaimen/JrJr one probably since I bet that's what they pull from. The Kirby run is just great Kirby stuff

Attached: Kingo_Sunen_(Earth-616)_from_Avengers_Vol_1_370_0001.jpg (470x1080, 695K)

>Salma's suit doesn't highlight her mamas

There should be a storytime of 90s Avengers too with Sersi and Black Knight both in the movie.

An alternate take of Phastos, modern.

Attached: phastos_eternals.jpg (609x1304, 171K)

I'd rather storytime the Knauf version as that's my favorite, and the one with better art aside from Kirby's, even though the Gillis' run (which barely anyone talks about) wasn't bad either.

That would be the Avengers Epic Collection: Fear The Reaper, right? I recently bought that one, haven't gotten around to read it. Freaking bomber jackets, man.

Attached: IMG_20190824_165320.jpg (640x983, 245K)

Hell yeah, JacketAvengers rule. and some good early Steve Epting iirc

Yeah, that's part of it. Someone could just do the whole Gatherers storyline, really.

>people who like Game of Thrones, worldbuilding, lore, etc.

Marvel is trash at doing what GoT did though.

>it’s not like epic Tolkien so it’s bad

We are? Sweet.
Also if you talk shit on Kirby comics you should be b&

Eternals isn't really similar to GoT at all though, it's more like the whole Age of Heroes in ASOIAF that wasn't even portrayed in the show, really.

Oh hush, asian guys married to white women are staple side characters in family romcoms

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Oh hey Paper Boi is in Eternals.

Can somebody, please, identify them? I don't know much about the Eternals.

Elizabeth Olsen is cute! CUTE!

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Which is a shame since i expected Minn-Erva as the big bad for the sequel or third Captain Marvel movie.

Fucking McKill yourself you god damn Incel regardless of Geeks&Gamers being obsessed it doesn’t change the fact that Captain Marvel was absolute fucking garbage. Brie Larson is not the person you bank on to keep your franchise afloat in the wake of fucking RDJ and Chris Evans leaving. She’s got the charisma of a fucking chewed up dog toy. I don’t give a fuck about the comic version, movie version sucks ass and she needs an entire Winter Soldier make over to fix her character.

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OK, thank you.

One question, why did they change the genders of some Eternals? Not that I have something against it, because (honestly), I don't know them at all. But for what I read about them, they should have a specific gender considering how they were mistaken in the past with mythological characters:

+ Thena: Godness Athena.
+ Makkari: He was mistaken with Hermes/Mercury, so it should be a male.
+ Ajak: I don't know its "myth", so I can't say.
+ Gilgamesh: Hercules.
+ Sprite: The usually nicknamed him "Peter Pan", so he should remain male.

This is just my opinion.

They'll figure it out

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Because the Eternals don't really have a following since the late 90's at most, they stopped showing up in stuff and aside from their two runs in 2008 and a sporadic appearance in Invaders a few years ago, they really had nothing going on. Considering the Eternals are also demigods that represent mythical figures, they were all basically white aside from Phastos, so they could just change them without most people caring. And as a fan I don't really have a problem with any of them.

Attached: ajak_sersi-eternals.jpg (720x1163, 290K)

Literal who's just like the Inhumans.

The Eternals are better than his Sandman, but that's as far as I'll give you. They're sub Devil Dinosaur proprieties, though I'm kinda excited for this movie as a bootleg 4th World.

He was a man with great concepts and designs in mind, but he couldn't really write that well. It's a shame because Eternals should be a classic like Fourth World but wasn't because of his style.

What I don't get is how you make this a relevant part of the MCU. Sure the Eternals have lore reasons to exist in the current mcu, but they're not likely to join the Avengers. I don't even see them teaming up to fight a shared enemy. They could be a way to slowly introduce mutants, but that seems like an unnecessary step. Backstory for an interesting character you already killed (twice)?
So the explanation you're left with is that someone with a lot of influence really wanted to make this movie, which is neat I guess.

The green and yellow is is Gilgamesh which is as close as you'll get, Hercules isn't in it.

Well I mean, you got this , which is an Avengers lineup consisting of an Eternal, an Inhuman, a Greek demigod, a Norse God, Vision and Black Knight, meaning that they can go nuts with these characters for as much as they want and create teams based on reception.

I thought this movie was supposed to be Kirby-like? First they turned the Celestials into Transformers, now this

So, interestingly enough, it seems like Ikaris won't be the primary protagonist. Instead Black Knight and Sersi will be.

I'm willing to bet this film will be sort of an adaptation of the period when Dane and Sersi were mind-merged. Instead of them already being Avengers, though, they'll be living a relatively mundane life and the other Eternals (maybe being manipulated by Druig) will come to pick Sersi up and take her away for some reason. Then we get an interpretation of gann josin where somehow Dane gets a bunch of powers from being either bonded to or affected somehow by Sersi.

I'm actually pretty hype. I really like Black Knight, and it feels like this film will introduce not one but two obscure gems now.

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I remember when shills were spamming that this movie would be unique, shot in hipster film stock and what not. Looks the same as all the other ones.

>So, interestingly enough, it seems like Ikaris won't be the primary protagonist. Instead Black Knight and Sersi will be.
Sounds like bullshit

They're going to be relevant to the X-Men. Eternals are Celestial experiments like mutants are. I wouldn't be surprised if Apocalypse becomes the next Thanos, hinted at for several movies before finally appearing.

Samey is the new hipster.

The same way that Marvel characters represent young rebels against the status quo all the while they work side to side with a paramilitary organization of the government.

Black Knight could get a Black Panther type badass introduction and turn into an utility player like Black Widow, Ikaris can get the Thor/Hulk save pop for the next Avengers, they can tie some shit with Thanos, Kumail can join GotG and with a strong ensemble with household names it's a safer bet than most solo superhero movies.

>there are still fags crying about dc in their marvel film threads
>its never in any comic threads, literally just film threads
Literally, unironically and for your own fucking good, have sex

I wasn't really thinking if Black Knight when I wrote that but seeing as he's confirmed now my previous post is irrelevant.

i can feel the sarcasm in this post and i agree. this might sound bad but i've been pretty into comics for almost two decades now and I can't remember the first thing about the eternals, including their name

I only read the Kirby run and it started great but got boring pretty quickly when they started shoving the MU characters into it. But the first couple issues were impressive in scale thanks to the art and Kirby's prose style. Will be neat to see what they do with the Celestials.

Any they still gonna tie Thanos in as a Deviant Eternal? I noticed they're costumes looked similar.

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>Make a movie about a Jack Kirby Property
>The whole cast is in bland bodysuits

Like...there's not even a helmet or a cape or something? Fucking HEIMDALL got a helmet and sick-ass dreadlocks, Thor had his can't even throw in some sci-fi inspired roman armour?

MCU costume design is, and always has been a fucking joke.

Probably? Although I think he's technically a mutant Eternal that looks like a devient.

I guarantee originally that Inhumans was to be in Eternals place. But Ike flipped his shit and rushed production so he could cuck Feige out of his story. Shit, if somehow Perlmutter had made Eternals also, then Alpha Flight would probably be taking it's place.

Are you retarded? There's massive worldbuilding , complex histories, etc.

The point of the art is the characters as the actors would appear, so no helmets.