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Fruit snacks with marshmallows? would that even be good?

The girl is hot.

If you've never tried it, you're a soulless monster. Burn for your evil.

Is this implying that the kids would go as far as opening Reginald's guts for the candy?


I mean, he just killed himself jumping off that cliff. Are you just going to let those Farmer Fruitley's fruit snacks™ go to waste in a dead man's stomach? He can't enjoy them anymore but you still can.

Never compromise


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he's a bird, he can fly off the cliff.

What is the black thing in his hand in the last panel?

A censor bar. He's flipping them off.

Don't criticize his creativity, you bully. Some people like to colour outside the lines. He's just being himself.

We... waited over a year for... this?

When did Nedroid stop being funny?


It's part of a series he's been doing where he pretends to have been sponsored by a fruit snack corporation. This was the first one

Attached: The Yumminess.png (1200x1947, 775K)

It's quantum humor. It stops being funny when you're not looking at it or thinking about it.

And this was the second one, with OP being number 3

Personally I think this one has been the best of the bunch

Attached: Papaya.png (1125x1938, 593K)

Fuck you it's still funny.

So... is it Papaya?

As soon as he returned from a year of literally doing nothing. That fucks with your skills a lot.

Kind of funny how many blind fools don't see this return as the complete shit show it really is.

Maybe it is, Maybe it isn't. Why not buy a box and find out for yourself?

Have you played Reginald's videogame Yea Forums?

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>A Shart Hike

I know it says short.

>Kind of funny how many blind fools don't see this return as the complete shit show it really is.
No user.. I see it. Reading the OP made me feel dead inside

I don’t care what people say, this one is comedy gold

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He sold out to Farmer Fruitley

It's supposed to be ironic

I can't wait to see where this arc is going. The second and third ones have been pretty good but it's gotta be going for some kinda payoff

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This is depressing. He should end it instead of phoning it in. Nedroid doesn't deserve it.

Not again

I get it! He's flipping them the bird!
just now

This is an edit, there is supposed to be a radio in the final panel but it's unplugged. My favorite things about the comic is that since beartato's mouth hangs open like that it could be radio talking in the second panel instead of him.

>I'll see you in the pit you little shits!

>Reginald flipping kids off
Truly, there is nothing corporate America cannot taint.

>As soon as he returned from a year of literally doing nothing. That fucks with your skills a lot
Doesn’t Anthony work on a bunch of other stuff?

Remembers that one comic where the bear potato was at thanksgiving with regina and it was time for the opening of thanksgiving present, but the present was actually bees when bees were not wanted? That one make me do laughing

Yeah, this was just "Ha...", not "HA!".

spoiler: it's papaya

Can't wait for the porn.

>I'll do whatever it takes for Farmer Fruitley's Fruit Snacks...

>exactly one brown, black and white kid

Nice and diverse.

He's been doing Back with KC Green for ages. That's on a summer break right now (leading into the ending, according to the site) which probably explains the extra Nedroid.

Forgot the asian everyone always forgets the asians...

When you discovered your life is not worth living, and your smiles are gone forever.

You’re hot

We know, it's still not funny.

There is no girl user