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uhhhhh... needs some work.
Seen 3rd graders do better.
So, 2nd grade level, at best.
The mouth is confusing, the eyes are all jack up and that ear needs to be pushed back.
Thanks, any specific notes?
user, you're clearly taking this seriously and putting real effort into it, and in art that's at least 25% of the battle.
I would look up Loomis. Don't be afraid to lightly sketch out a base layer. Visualize clearly in your mind what you want to draw before you draw it. Trace some stuff you like, but break it down into shapes and understand the process. Try to draw what you see by breaking it down into shaoes first. Most of all, practice, practice, practice! Good luck!
Noted. What do you mean by confusing?
Try drawing a catgirl instead. That's what your subconscious wants to do anyway.
Learn to draw in proper PERSPECTIVE before you move on to more abstract drawings.
You have no frame of reference for what you are attempting to create.
You've got Kim Possible lip. It can be read as a mouth opening, an upper lip or a mustache. Define the perimeter of the mouth with fine incomplete line and some subtle shading.
Forgot vid.
Part three might actually be where you need to start; this is part four.
You have to understand what it is you are drawing.
Try there or you NGMI
Better than I could do desu
Thanks a lot for the feedback guys. It’s my first ever drawing. I’m going for Elf Princess. It’s for a show I hope to make happen one day. I’ve got plenty of writing done.
Post pic where you throw it in the trash.
Where are you from? There's no way you havent drawn anything until now, you must have doodled in the margins of notebooks before or have any project you made in kindergarten that required actually drawing
>It’s my first ever drawing.
Draw her naked next.
Then draw her having frivolities with various woodland creatures.
Well not including all the doodles I did as a kid. Never went to school for it, was never even something I seriously considered. I was always the “ideas guy”. I figure, why not give it a try? Recently bought a lot of drawing supplies. I was gonna spend lots of time looking for an artist for my scripts. Obviously got a long way to go.
Since this could turn into a non /ic/ art critique thread, here's sketchbook drawings I made today during some orientation lectures. These are all Sandman side characters btw
this isn't /ic/ you stupid faggot
Ok! So femme up that bottom lip, increase the nose size to about 1.5 scale and bring the eyes in, mainly the one on the right as her head is turned
How do these look? I was trying to replicate the sort "Diamond Mural" style from SU
And did it all using shapes from MS Paint