Will this week's Camp Camp be as kino as last week?
Camp Camp thread thread
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Hopefully not. Trying to one up Revenant David would probably ruin the show.
Thirsty for episode bump
Do people like it just because it was serious? There have been so many better episodes this season alone.
Max and his parents would be the only topic that could outperform last episode.
I don’t think so but it will probably be cute
10/10 episode, most of it was comedy. We also got some neat new outfits.
Neil with glasses looks really cute.
Agreed, it was probably the funniest of the season so far. Nurf punching Jermy out of existence mid-twerk got me good
And any episode where I get to see my waifus is a good one
That ending was fucked, man.
Space Kid's a goddamn psycho
Don´t underestimate the quiet ones.
But I would have liked to see what Max´s story was.
God I wanna hug Nikki so bad.
It looks like stranger things
Damn Sasha is HOT
>Nikki's reaction to Jermy compared to everyone else's
Precious girl
Granted, the only reason she reacts that way is because she finds Jermy's patheticness to be the funniest thing ever, but still, cute.
They just put up last week's episode on YouTube already, clearly they expect it to be their big one
I want Nikki to end up with Jermy, her wild genes could counter any and all defects in his DNA and so their offspring would be a perfectly average and normal human.
KEK first result on google image
It is a pretty great one, but it’s so different from the rest of the show that I don’t know what impression it makes.
As a graffitifag I liked Dolph story the most. Nice we got to see his krampus. Also my favorite Richie Branson song after the first episode this season.
is this the start of some lewd video
Having seen the series this makes sense,
but when i first saw this screenshot, i thought it was implying something much more indecent.
You fool. No matter who Nikki ends up with Max will end up cucking them.
There's r34 of this scene
Nope I'm staying on Germsash until it sinks an burns
Also Neil, you fucking up man
They both deserve each other
Does David say a swear word?
He just needs to show her his fedora again
I'm krampus bitch
>scared max
Don’t worry. The moment puberty hits he’s gonna get awkward hand jobs from Tabii for years to come.
>chew gum while chopping onions to stop yourself from crying
is... is that a thing?
It is and it works. Just like how smiling stops your gag reflex from working.
>smiling stops your gag reflex from working.
Who is this advice for?
Dolphs story was adorable. And Space Kid needs to go to therapy.
Ered, just look at her
You think she’s gonna gag on Dolph?
>max's screams of terror
Of course
Props on Michael for being able to convey absolute rage towards Jermy.
Please, their relationship would be wholesome and pure. Unlike Max and Nikki, who would sin every day in the eyes of god.
>their relationship would be wholesome and pure
>and pure
Well she is aryan I suppose...
I'd still hit it.
>who would sin every day in the eyes of god.
I imagine their first time being awkward as fuck. Nikki started off eager the "okay. Go. Wait. Okay ,go. No wait. . .wait."
Max "damn it Nikki I'm just going in!"
Nikki screams
Max "Nikki! Are you okay?"
Nikki "Max don't you dare stop!"
Cut to Quartermaster in his she'd "The seal has been broken." Then goes back to doing what he was doing. "Hmm mmph"
this and WTF 101 are such millennial-bait trite.
my normie freind made me sit through both and i was not a happy camper (please clap)
its just so fucking basic. like a hotdog on untoasted wonderbread and just ketchup on it.
Dropout as a streaming service fails to impress.
Don't put Camp Camp in the same boat as garbage like WTF 101.
Also, it's too obvious you didn't watch more than two minutes of Camp Camp... Like at least try to describe the premise properly instead of using generic terms.
>Comparing a show like camp camp to what is basically magic school bus if it was made by robot chicken writers
That's gonna be a big fuckin' yikes from me.
Uh, are you thinking of the College Humor show just called Camp (one word)? I only ask because Camp Camp (two words) is not on Dropout.
>camp camp's name is so generic that a boomer confuses it with a live action collegehumor show
And this is why I think they should have spent more than 5 seconds thinking of a name.
so glad they're back
They never really left, unless you were under the impression that the 18 episodes thing was somehow a lie.
I hate that I actually imagined this and laughed.
I meant that we haven't seen the main trio together too much this season.
What name do you think would be better?
Don't get too excited, it was still technically just in David's fantasy
See, that's the problem. Camp Camp may be a terrible name, but it's the only one that makes sense to use, given the point of the show.
I like this show
I can't stop laughing. New wallpaper right here bois
That looks like it hurts. Like just to exist.
I wonder how the people who had to draw that feels about their creation
There are some people who genuinely enjoy drawing gross stuff. Like they Garbage pail kids.
Or a better example Operation Kids next door would hire a freelance artist to paint pictures that would end up as stills on the show.
>Sasha's face still isn't scarred.
Tick tock, Camp Camp. Tick tock...
Yeah the only way you can make something like is if you love to do it. Or get paid very handsomely. But this is RT so...
i'd agrue its the shows fault for not grabbing me. but if y'all swear by it i guess ill give it another shot. if it bounces off again then so be it.
first time hearing about that actually. might have remembered wrong i just know that i was exposed to Camp Camp(x2)
>how to cook humans
I chuckled user
Give her a facial scar
It has begun.
Give her herpes
Or like the bitch from Rollerball
Give her a Buttface
You know you wanna.
I'll do you one better.
you've gone too far this time
On the contrary, madam.
Nah, I'm just pulling your leg.
Tabii is the hottest flower scout, that eye patch is pretty hot
Always suprised it's just the standard black pirate patch. I remember fan-art where it was white. Maybe a flower or something.
Never stick your dick in crazy user
Yeah, something like this would've been nice
Max’s constant concern for Nikki is very sweet.
>Max I’m bleeding again. Lick the wound for me.
My only problem with this episode is that I wish every camper got to tell their own story and not just some characters. Some of them went on for too long.
Otherwise a great episode. Apparently, every CC writer wrote on this episode. Each one of them got a segment.
Not until your 18 little lady!
Or at least be apart of it.
Nurf was a cop
QuaterMaster was more of a flashback too.
Rooster Teeth has horrible animation. Just look at that scene of Tabii and Neil on spooky island. They make it look like he's backing away, everybody knows he wants her HOT Bod!!!
Tabii you're too young to post on Yea Forums!
Anybody been keeping tabs on the calendar. What month are they on?
it´s so random that I don´t even know
At this point is like PnF or GF where summer lasts forever.
Optimisms 75%
I thought everyone was ganging up on Max at first, so that ending reveal was good.
that was a pretty good twist.
Does it matter? Whether or not they have established it, it's pretty clear the show works on a floating timeline. The summer will last as long as the writers feel it needs to.
My only thing is that we see a lot of character progression. So how long can they Rey keep that up. I mean fucking Nurf bullying tendencies are dialed back to a 4 at this point.
Nurf is the most well adjusted camper at the moment.
I just want a Nerris/Harrison episode. Not an episode where they have solo focus. I want them both in an episode, laying all their cards on the table.
You mean you want Harrison laying Nerris on a table.
He was projecting himself into the story. This part showcased his life with his parents, which is further supported by the fact that there were two shadows in front of the tent.
It's always subtext with you people, ain't it? Can't you just take things at face value anymore?
Gravity Falls has a pretty good internal timeline, made all the better by Journal 3, which actually establishes a timeline to the show.
Their marriage will be a weird one.
Something like this meanwhile Harrison has a last Vegas theme
is it bad that i got horny at his fear
Don't worry user, I did too, we can be sick freaks together.
>last vegas
What the fuck is wrong with you?
I really like Max's line, and emotion he put into it.
No! We don't want you here. Go! Away!
cant wait for the last ep to be them realizing they have been stuck at that camp for years
I'm almost 100% certain that the werewolf was the same one for the entirety of the show. Maybe they don't bother flipping to the next one, or the entire show happens in just 1 month.
Gwen probably like that months werewolf more than the next month. So she just kept it the same month
Has Harrison and Nerris hold hands yet?
Yes, but only in secret
During the S3 finale where Max was getting all the campers together, Harrison gives Nerris a look then offers her a seat. Them sitting on the bus together is the last thing we see before S4 status quo tsundere ship.
Just saw The Forest. What the fuck Rooster Teeth.
David didn't deserve ANY of that shit and neither did Wolfie. I knew she was gonna fucking die somehow but I still wanted her to become like a secondary camp mascot.
>wanting that furfag shit around for any longer than necessary
Good episode though
Can someone explain this show to me? I've watched a few episodes and I like it, but it just seems like if it wasn't for literally one or two "shits" or "fucks" per episode there would be nothing stopping it from being a kids cartoon.
>didn't deserve
I think this was supposed to show that David REALLY loves nature and camping, and is more than capable of living alone in the forest if need be. He just genuinely loves what he's doing, even though he wasn't like that at first, he's become quite proficient in survival.
Also, I still think the wolf was supposed to a be a stand-in for Jasper.
>nothing stopping it from being a kids cartoon.
Like pubescent children? I guess it could be done, but the show's messages are generally aimed at young adults I think.
>David didn't deserve ANY of that shit and neither did Wolfie. I knew she was gonna fucking die somehow
The wolf literally had to die. It's a wild animal. My guess is it got kicked out of it pack. But here is the main thing David became it's alpha, so it was never truly going to leave David alone. The wolf would have eventually killed somebody protecting David. Or just as easily slash a kid's throat who tried to pet it, since the wolf only recognize David as the alpha. The only way David and the wolf could have lived together, is if David stayed in the forest alone.
Because the way the show has progressed, it definitely builds upon the subtexts and hidden implications. There are callbacks as far as to Season 1 (the missing camper/counselor Max said he missed from S1E6 was the skeleton shown earlier this season).
That´s part of what makes it so great. It doesn´t rely on adult jokes to be good. Even if it was for kids the show would still be fun and the characters would still work. Maybe not QM but everyone else would.
It´s nature. It isn´t supposed to be fair. It just is.
What I think is fascinating from this episode is that it takes a different approach from the usual "character lost in the wild" sort of episode. Normally those episodes culminate with the character in question becoming either a savage or "manly" by putting himself on top of the beasts. Look at what Star VS did.
But this one is the first time I´ve seen where being good and kind to others made David live to tell the tale. It still broke him, and I´m sure he didn´t murder squirrels before, but he still remained mostly the same.
That´s what makes the episode so great.
Really was a testament to his character and some Max said in the first episode
>I refuse to believe someone as happy as you could exist.
We really get to see that push to the test especially when no one is around.
This show needs more Nikki's mom
Nikki period started at a young age because she's slowly evolving into her mom's THOT figure
Lucky Max
Agreed, I miss her boob physics
I thought it was because of Neil's serum.
Neil has a bright future ahead of him
I think it's supposed. I'm never sure of Neil's actual intelligence is a super genius or a kid who thinks he's a super genius.
>built an AI from a chatbot
>built another AI and gave it a robot body
>built a hadron collider
On the other hand, his, Nikki's, Harrison's, and Nerris' volcano adventure might mean all of their adventures not involving Quartermaster are just them playing pretend.
It's part of his keikaku to repeat what his father did to Nikki's mom.
I can respect that, but doesn't he realise Tabii is right there? No need to go through so much trouble
Tabii is an insane bitch compared to Nikki. Neil would be lucky to secure a future with her instead.
Best camp camp ships
>Gwen and David
>Max and Nikki
>Neil and Tabi
>Nerris and Harrison
Is'nt Gwen supposed to have an episode where her parents visit camp?
I want David to have to pretend to be her fiance or defend Gwen with some speech he usually does.
oh man that would be great