Marvel's Spider-Man - City At War
Marvel's Spider-Man - City At War
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Thanks for the storytime, OP. I'm interested in seeing what they do with this series when they get past the game's plot. I think they're further expanding upon it in Velocity later this year. Also random fact; they printed a letter I sent them. Never did that before
What the fuck, from the thumbnail I thought he had a hyper boner
You are welcome user, congrats on the letter
>Marvel's Spider-Man
More like Sony's Spider-man
I'm actually really digging this, makes me want to play the game
Same here. I thought this was a storytime of a hilarious porn parody at first
You haven't played the game? Why the hell not? It's great
It looked like shit
I keep forgetting that guy is supposed to be Morbius pre-transformation
That was surprisingly really good
Gage wrote it
I played the game so I didn't buy this. I'm hoping Velocity is good. But I hate all of the Insomniac game original suits.
To bad these pages are missing the subtle hints that Otto was being shady all along by showing his boxes and coffee mugs from AIM
its also just the plot of the game 1 to 1
Take your autistic forced meme somewhere else.
And the 3D printed fragments of the equipment he'd build for the Sinister Six (you can see bits of what would become Electro's suit and I think Vulture's before he forms the Six)
Thank you for the storytime, OP. This comic's pacing is really, really rushed but I had fun reading it all the same.
It's missing a lot, feels like they were blasting through the game plot just to get to the real meat.
Gage wrote the game, Hopeless wrote the comic
>Doc Ock is dangling him off a building and gives him an ultimatum
>Knowing this Norman still goes to bully him
Good ol Norman
I loved it in the games and I love it here.
Did they cover the whole Harry thing at all?
>No fat jokes
God I fucking hate this shitty Insomniac Spider-Man, all he does is make nervous quips and never genuinely insults anyone.
The only fat joke I can remember is that
there's one point when he has a video call with Fisk while he's in prison, and he says "Nice jumpsuit, Willie. Slimming."
That being said, he insults the shit out of Shocker. Don't remember what his banter was like with the S6.