What do you call this style...

What do you call this style? I know it's probably influenced by Moebius but how do I say "I like things that look like this" exactly?

Attached: 1543892428762.jpg (563x861, 191K)

It's literally Moebius but with a more contemporary (read: hack) approach to colour and lighting

It's sloppy lineart with gradients.

I feel like it's too dirty and full of lines to be compared to Moebius

The lines are great you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Yeahh bonvillain can be a bit to cotton candyish. It works sometimes but this should either be high contrast neons and darks or or cooler colors. It's too warm and cozy.

>What do you call this style?


I had high hopes for The Spire but Stokely really phoned it in in areas, real bummer. Bonvillain definitely propped him up in places where he slacked (which was usually in the designs and backgrounds), it could've been really mediocre otherwise

But the coloring here is terrible.

It's fine, you're exaggerating. Bonvillain is pretty amazing with the right artist (see her work on Derington on Doom Patrol)

not everyone needs to be a human ruler like Neal Adams, Moebius himself had plenty of artwork with shakier and looser lines
her work is usually good but it doesn't fit this particular art style

Yeah, when the cotton candy look fits the subject. Here it actively detracts from the clutter and grime of the city. It makes it look like a theme park rather than a megalopolis.

And you don't decide when someone is exaggerating, they do. You decide whether you think the opinion is apropos which you clearly don't. That's called a disagreement.

I think you got a little bit of the 'tism, lad.

I didn't get the impression it was supposed to be that dirty and grimy, not everything has to be Blade Runner you know. It's closer to Edena or Ghibli than the fantasy metropolis you seem to think it is

>Le aspersion
Fuck yourself faggot. You're the one smarmily deciding opinions you disagree with are exaggerations. Generally speaking, the inability to understand simple conversational conventions is a marker of autism.

In short I know you are but what am I?

You didn't get that impression because the colors didn't give you that impression.

This is dumb as shit

Yeah you're invalidating your opinions with this level of mad, friend. Now I'm not taking anything you say seriously.

Or maybe because neither the story nor linework suggested it's as bad as your fan-canon makes it out to be?

>cheap line shading
>thread is full of pretentious fucks going "Dude, that Moebius-like artwork!"
Do any of you retards realize art existed before comic books?

That's cool, do you.

The pretty intricate detail on the outer edges circling around the more simplified center with the main character indicate the world is supposed to be suffocating them. If Stokely didn't intend this he fucked up.

>dude I hate comic books so i come to Yea Forums to shit on them with spastic self-contradictory arguments

>uses 'cheap' as a descriptor in a place where it makes no sense because he doesn't have the language to succinctly assess artwork and so fills it in with terms he picked up of a Chinese basket-weaving Geocities forum
>calls others out for not understanding art/art criticism


>shit on them with spastic self-contradictory arguments
When did user do that?

>UGH thats not how you draw a megalopolis!
Lol you dumb bastard

what's the other scifi artist who usually draws these hugely detailed comics?
not talking about the orc stain guy but his artwork looks similar.

I pretty clearly stated why I feel the composition shows it's supposed to be suffocating, here: But I guess "you dumb bastard" is the type of intellectual response that just ends a conversation.

Why are you people taking my complain so personal? You disagree, cool. But you don't tell me why I'm wrong, you just say I'm an idiot. Ironically this is how fools converse and debate.

Just tell me why the composition feels warm and cozy to you rather than suffocating and dirty.

It's literally the first reply.

Do you have anything worthwhile to add?

it's not about the hatching you fucking dolt, those outfits, architecture, the way people are drawn, everything in this is very influenced by Moebius (more specifically, L'Incal, Arzach and Edena, I guess). Just because you learned about engraving in your eight grade art school doesn't mean you're smarter than anyone.

Attached: 4.jpg (831x624, 201K)

>The pretty intricate detail on the outer edges circling around the more simplified center with the main character indicate the world is supposed to be suffocating them. If Stokely didn't intend this he fucked up.
They won't address this with anything other than memes and giggles. It's correct, for some reason they disagree. They're very invested in neither stokely or bonvillain being seen as having been mistaken in their execution.

One is literally posting moebius while ignoring that his composition is much more open with the warmer colors in the panel and that the hatching he was attempting to reference (I don't disagree that this is clearly supposed to be aping Moebius) isn't present in that particular panel.

What is this nonsensical babbling? Is this what you paid a university to "teach" you about art analysis? Yikes.

>I'm so smart I don't know the words you're using.

Composition is pretty basic stuff. You should open a book some time. Or read a comic.

I am not talking about him. somebody else, somebody more recent

Well "Moebius-like" in the sense that it's desperately trying to imitate Moebius. There's even a guy in the foregrounnd with one of those conal caps with the ear flaps that Moebius drew on Arzach and the Stargazer illustrations.

The character in the center actually has a great deal of open personal space around him and doesn't look crowded in at all, which the spotlight-like coloring around his feet emphasizes. Suffocation is uncomfortable. This protagonist, instead, looks like they're maybe looking out or bravely venturing into an exotic, exciting new environment they've never been before. That being the case, the bright "cotton candy" coloring adds to the fantasy feel rather than drawing from a perceived one of "grime." The only reason the composition likely feels cramped to you is because the space of the canvas, a comic book cover, is a relatively thin rectangle and there's no choice in that.

>This protagonist, instead, looks like they're maybe looking out or bravely venturing into an exotic, exciting new environment they've never been before. That being the case, the bright "cotton candy" coloring adds to the fantasy feel rather than drawing from a perceived one of "grime."
See? You had to use the color to justify the colors.

The simpke center draws our eye to that part of the page because the line work (without color) would appear darker on the outside - similar to the way hatching leads your eyes to the whites but on a macro scale. The cluttered linework on the outside juxtaposed with the simplistic center absolutely gives the feeling of being walled in. You using the color to explain why it isn't makes my point that the color clashes with the composition.

I had to talk about the color to justify my opinion that the color fits the line art's intent, yes.

tbq those hats are fucking dope, really fun to draw and very hard to ignore once you get in touch with them, not even grorious nippon could resist their charm

>What do you call this style?
Fucking awesome

Why do this? Do you genuinely see no problem with using the exact thing we're discussing to defend it?

You've essentially said
>the color fits the linework and composition because the color fits.
That isn't a justification, it's just using your opinion as proof of your own opinion.


I don't think you're making a good faith argument. I gave reasons other than the coloring to explain why I don't believe "feeling crowded" was the actual intent, and THEN in addition noted how the coloring enhances what I believe the intention to be.

I maintain that the central character, even without the colors, has a comfortably large amount of personal space between himself and everything else in the scene. The lines being much more sparse around his feet and getting more detailed in the outward ring away from him has the same effect the color does. It emphasizes how big that ring of space is. Which does not convey a sense of suffocation at all to me.

My reading of the scene is that this city is not meant to be "Oh god, cities are so dirty and there's no room to breathe", it's meant to be "Wow, look at how interesting and exotic all this stuff I've never seen before is." I maintain a suspicion that the only reason YOU feel a sense of crowding is the narrowness of the canvas which cannot be helped.

If you're going to complain that everyone's resorting to insults instead of giving a decent attempt at counter-analysis, then don't be a shitbird when someone does.

Based Daredevil poster!

I don't think you're defending it in good faith if you need to imagine I'm just being mean. I could similarly say your massive offense to this shows me you personally know or are obsessed with bonvillain. I literally said above her coloring is fine when it fits the subject.

You're focusing on the space in the center while ignoring the clutter on the outside. That contrast literally creates a walled boarder around the page. As if saying the soft center is surrounded by harder rougher, nearly impenetrable walls.

Ignoring the size of the canvas is laughable. You cannot ignore the constraints of the medium just to suit your reading. It's cute that you're trying to play the "you just don't know comics" angle without saying it but why not just stick to the page? Why must you imagine Im not speaking in good faith to simply say I think the coloring is woefully off here? Why can't you just disagree with me? Why am I now an enemy you must thwart or prove to be a fool?

I haven't insulted anyone but the coloring. I've been both laughed at for using "university" terms and told I'm an idiot or acting in bad faith.

Samefagging to note this is where user acts as if I'm being a diva rather than, again, just focusing on the art.

rip off

And with terrible coloring too.

ligne claire?

literally a generation of art have been inspired by moebius. if you watched any star wars, you watched a moebius 'ripoff' as you put it.

No, I'm quite done. I gave my argument in full and while I don't agree with anything you said, contesting it would just consist of repeating myself, so not much point.

This is how disagreement is supposed to work. Have a nice day.