>childhood is thinking the Eds did nothing wrong
>adolescence is thinking Double D should've ditched Ed and Eddy and hung out with the neighborhood kids instead
>adulthood is realizing that all the characters were childish assholes and that the Eds' friendship was the most genuine out of all of them
Childhood is thinking the Eds did nothing wrong
Ascendence is realizing that everybody does something for a reason and there are no villains in Ed Edd n Eddy, aside from Ed’s Dad and Eddy’s brother.
>childhood is being okay with this stupid meme format
>adolescence is thinking "hey, maybe this format is getting fucking old"
>adulthood is realizing nothing but knowing that this retarded and forced meme format is being overdone the more you keep making threads about it
enlightenment is realising that this is a cartoon and everything changes on an epsiode by episode basis therefore nothing matters
Why did the other kids keep falling for it? Kevin even bought the fucking bike with pool tube wheels. They nearly got away with selling hamburgers made from cut-up tires. Can you really blame Eddy when he lives among complete fucking retards that never learn and keep giving him money?
>enlightenment is realizing shitty meme formats like this belong on reddit
They’re not very smart.
The Eds actually did some cool shit. They put in effort for just a quarter.
Some of their "scams" were pretty legit, especially the one designed around providing entertainment rather than a product. Maybe the kids just figured gambling a quarter was worth the possibility the Eds actually made something cool this time
Eddy is a master showman at times, he can really play up his scams.
maturity is not making posts like this unironically
You telling me you wouldn't fork out a quarter for a weird invention, especially when you already know you can demand for refund if the slightest thing goes wrong or it isn't entertaining enough. At this point it's the other kids who know how to scam and double D is slave labour.
Can we turn this into a Kanker thread?
Thinking about it now, couldn't they have sold all the scrap and shit for more?
I can't believe 3 year old me was an adult when watching this show then.
>Ed’s Dad
What did he do?
Benjamin Button!
kids are suckers
Can you tell if someone is saying or doing something ironically or not?
Some things stay the same.
>Ed’s Dad
Didn't the show imply that Ed's mom wore the pants in the relationship?
Yes. That user was just dumb.
He told his wife, "Not now honey, I just got home from work."
>Why did the other kids keep falling for it? Because most of the time their ideas where creative and cool. And entertained the kids all day. Plus cheap as fuck.
The character dynamics are more complex than anyone gives it credit for
Replace “dad” with “mom” and you’re correct.
Imagine the things they can do now that they have the kids on their side
Childhood is making "Childhood is x, adulthood is y" threads.
Ed's dad was inattentive, but just because he worked a grueling job everyday to support them.
Are you serious right now? They hated Double D the most because he was smarter than them.