Joker runtime confirmed to be just over 2 hours

What the hell DC thinking

Attached: FEC46E85-C5D2-42EA-B167-4FBFF63DBCE7.jpg (1080x1080, 152K)

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That's normal movie runtime, yes.

>runtime over 2 hours
That's a lot of running.

Attached: t-Joaquin-Phoenix-Joker.jpg (1120x630, 108K)

More like flopping run times.

>Even more "SOCIETY"


Endgame was 3 hours.

>Endgame was 3 hours.
Unlike dc bullshit. Marvel actually good and iconic.

They earned it, and they were wrapping up 10 years worth of story

This. Marvel movies actually have characters and plot. Stuff dc will never have.

So what's the problem OP is trying to convince us exists?

I bet there will be a shooting in the screening

I bet they will be society

Be the change you want to see in the world user.

But Marvel gets a pass for a 3 hour long movie. Fuck outta here.

>characters and plot
As comparable to a "good" plot as Transformers is
Capeshitters I swear

>Starfire movie
>Poison Ivy movie
>Raven's Eyes
>Crush and Lobo
Saved DC movies yw

>hates niggers
>niggers are notorious for running
>runs a lot in the movie
What did he mean by this?

Attached: 1382623994220.jpg (206x216, 10K)

Cope shill

> A little time travel and Tony snapping his fingers is ending 10 years worth of Disney plot.
Goes to show how shallow the MCU became after phase 1. Hell, Steve and Peggy's story was pretty much done but I guess people wanted their Disney ending.
Honestly, I like the going back to old stuff in the whole time heist thing, but how were you not bored out of your mind with all that came after that?

You haven't even seen the movie and you're bitching about the run time? Is it hard being this autistic in life?

All that came after the Time Heist was Banner bringing back the snapped and the final fucking battle

Which had a million minutes runtime, yeah. It brings the whole movie down.

DC decided that making movies that are good and successful is just too hard so they're just letting anyone do anything they want with them until AT&T finally shuts the whole company down for losing so much money

It's ladderfag, ignore him.

Marvel is dribble, what are you smoking.

OP's pic is the gayest shit

Here's the leaked April 2018 draft

The first two hours of endgame was a boring fetch quest.

Ladderbro is seriously mentally ill

Got lull people into a sense of security before the gunfire opens up.

is he gonna say it?

If you felt that was boring, what did you feel about the rest of it?

>Leto the Pedo

Damn you DCucks is dumb

>they earned it
They earned it through a decade of mediocre movies?

Someone on /pol/a couple months ago was planning on it