Stonetoss Saturday!

Stonetoss Saturday!

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Gee I wonder what Shmorky Kay is up too these days...

Was it raep?

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But Trump's campaign did collude with Russia, this cartoon is literally just gaslighting


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oh look stonefag is back to shill his masters comics again.

What's your endgame with these threads?

Stonetoss is a funny comic.

Attached: shoot-nazis-comic.png (1500x500, 66K)

stonetoss literally posts these himself to get a reaction/shill for his comics.

People laugh at conspiracy theorists but the second and third highest rated news networks did nothing but push Pepe Silvia tier conspiracies about Russia controlling the democratically elected president of America for 3 years and a large number of people accepted it.
The comic's not funny, but it's point is sound.


Attached: stonetossrace.jpg (960x408, 40K)

Weren't there like three indivudal cases over the past two weeks of Baptist pastors being outed as child molesters?

Attached: trump-comic-2.png (625x605, 53K)

Actually, I do it for free.
I like Martian Magazine more, but he updates less frequently.

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If you say so

sure toss drone sure.

The only one i heard of was the Australian one getting his appeal denied.

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Reminder that the guy who makes these actively shills his stuff here

He should tripfag here after the jannies go dilate for the night.

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Are we supposed to side with Trump here? It's obvious that he doesn't really disavow anything because he continues to stir shit up day after day

Attached: trump-comic.png (625x605, 50K)

There is no endgame. It's literally just a case of
>user discovers [thing] makes people mad
>user keeps spamming it until noone cares to express how mad they are

Replace boulder skip with My Tiny Equine, SU, Homosuck, furries, etc. and you've seen this a million times before.
If you think OP actually gives a fuck about this strip, outside of the (You)s it generates, then you're hopelessly naive.

When was 'then'?

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Did he make this comic before or after Trump declared himself the king of the Jews?

Now I am hard, senpai

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Well, you're half right.
I do find his comic to be regularly humorous, though not all the time.
But the factions to it are equally humorous.
The fact that it's banned on sight here for no legitimate reason is more than enough reason to post it, though.

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>menial labor robot with HENCHO EN MEXICO stamped on its chest
Uh huh

Attached: 537753.jpg (640x480, 19K)

Wasn't that just yesterday though? What do you think?

>no legitimate reason
>made by an unfunny holocaust denying Nazi supporter

This isn't Twitter.

don't forget
>is used as an excuse to have off topic political bitching threads on Yea Forums

>Wasn't that just yesterday though?
Yeah, that's why it's silly to make a "guys, c'mon, Trump totally isn't a racist" cartoon when Trump says racist shit almost every day

Trump saying how great Jews are is literally the opposite of racist

>is used as an excuse to have off topic political bitching threads
So literally every thread on Yea Forums should be banned?

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Saying that American Jews who vote Democrat are "disloyal" to Israel is racist though, moron


Doesn't make what I said any less true.

It's more like
>see thread you don't like
>start unironically trying to argue against a twitter webcomic
>"Wow, why is everyone (me) posting all this offtopic stuff? It's clearly the comic's fault, and not mine!"

Democrat is a race?

Banning content because "le nazi holohoax" is no legitimate reason on Yea Forums.

yes user keep pretending there isn't a set of threads with the explicit purpose of it.
>ben garrison threads haven't literally been used for the exact same thing for years along with lol threads
>shut the fuck up libtard

Attached: clown-world-comic1.png (1500x500, 82K)

Well, the only good Yea Forums threads are the one where people share NSFW art.
So yeah nuke all this bullshit.

Have you considered NOT shitting up every single thread about comics you don't like with your off-topic shitposting, while blaming everyone else for your off-topic shitposting?

Bad faith arguments are a political ideology?

user you could compliment the jews and it'd be racist

Attached: Lapis iactus(1).jpg (600x742, 158K)

Three recent incidents just in Oklahoma (two of them at the same church) and another from decades ago but it recently came out that the person in charge of the Southern Baptist Convention helped the pastor cover it up for several years.

Unless I'm missing something.

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It is on Yea Forums.

have you considered that even if i wasn't here or ever entered the threads it would be used for the same fucking thing like it always is? and that pretending to not noticing basic bitch trends is stupid as hell too anyone whose been here longer than a month nevermind years.

>you don't like
Ah, my favorite new alt-right dogwhistle

It's a comic.

>it's banned on sight here
yeah that's why almost every stonetoss thread gets to 500 replies, cause it's banned on sight

>Bad faith arguments
webcomics and comics in general are bad faith argument now?

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>have you considered that even if i wasn't here or ever entered the threads it would be used for the same fucking thing like it always is?
No, because you wouldn't be here in a thread about a comic you don't like incessantly bitching that people post comics that you don't like on the comic board, while projecting that it's everyone else who is the problem.

Coming from the same retard who don't like legit webcomic.

>everything i don't like is now "alt-right"
based and rationalpilled

>blaming other people for why you're posting neo-Nazi propaganda
"Party of personal responsibility" everyone

>yeah that's why almost every stonetoss thread gets to 500 replies
That's because everyone here loves it except for the jannies.

ye olde baes'd and crimison elixered

This one barring the miscegenation/end panel frightens me deeply with it's accuracy.

I mean-


There's another one! The alt-right immediately calls anyone who questions their bullshit a retard, it's a programmed reflex for them

Meanwhile the left are promoting drag shows for children

>posting pro-commie propaganda is fine but everything right from Mao is definitely pro-nazi and should be banned!
lol retard.

Stonetoss is retarded. Just hide the threads that are constantly bombarding the board.

I'm not "blaming" anyone.
I'm posting comics on the comics board.

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Not an argument

So, is this like the Onion's Kelly? Or is this like Dobson?

Is Stonetoss a farce or is he retarded?

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Should be far left

>I'm posting comics
You're posting neo-Nazi propaganda

Tankies man.

>everyone here loves it

Attached: dsmGaKWMeHXe9QuJtq_ys30PNfTGnMsRuHuo_MUzGCg.jpg (960x540, 293K)

>The alt-right immediately calls anyone who questions their bullshit a retard
man I didn't realize all those times people calling each other retard for making retarded post is alt-right, thank you cringe tranny newfag, you have opened my eyes.

Attached: not-real-communism-comic.png (940x300, 62K)

>complains about ad hominems
>proceeds to use ad hominems

I'm everyone and I love it so he's right

Well either it's a dog-whistle or y'all are completely unoriginal

In postimg comics.
Along with one other BASED user who has a bunch saved that I dont, apparently.

Attached: immigration-vs-wages-comic.png (940x300, 50K)

>D for Daemonettes
Also, shouldn't the B be a Chad or a Stacy?


>and here's why

If everyone didn't love it, why else would we all be here?

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He's actual propaganda hidden in plain sight. Moving the Overton window and shit.


I don't get it

The whole thing is hamfisted slippery slope gag.

Not very well lol

People don't love shitting but everyone still goes to the toilet.

nobody was ever attracted to another person of another race before tv



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OP are you the same guy that whines on /qa/ about how stonetoss threads are deleted?

I often why Stonetoss pussied out and stopped being Redpanels like we don't know it's the same neo nazi shithead with the same artsyle and shitty jokes.


No wonder this person is confused if they thought they were applying for a job when they were actually enrolling at a university

>barring the miscegenation/end panel frightens
Huh? If your talking about this one, I thought it was targeting pedos.

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Attached: kekistan-comic.png (940x300, 43K)

>going to /qa/
For what purpose? It's a public secret that the staff doesn't read feedback or bother looking at /qa/, especially not after mook killed it by making it listed.

>This one barring the miscegenation/end panel frightens me deeply with it's accuracy.
Miscegenation? I thought that one was about pedophilia. Although given the colors and the whole BBC meme I guess that's possible too.

comic kino

Attached: homosexual-family-comic.png (1500x500, 73K)

1: straight
2: gay males
3: lesbians
4: bdsm
5: transsexual
6: pedo

>slippery slop fallacy with implication of resulting in pedophilia
Stonetoss know it's plain bullshit, right?

Of course he knows, he's arguing in bad faith because he's a fascist internet troll

Literally me

Or the second coming of god, and then a few hours later the chosen one?

okay that one's pretty good

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Lol, poop

i kno rite

Attached: This is completely normal.png (880x768, 486K)

go, now

Does he know Pepe is legally owned by his creator? Does he believe pepe is public domain like colloquialisms?

That could be pedophilia or could simply be interracial couples.
Stone toss is retarded enough that either could fit here

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>if they see gay, they become gay
He is nit even trying anymore.

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It's a conflict of interest to fight for a higher wage for unskilled labor and also invite large groups of unskilled laborers willing to work for less than minimum wage to your country. Leftists who support both can't have their cake and eat it too.

>make it illegal
It already was illegal to steal IP in the first place, you know.

>steal IP
clearly a parody that's fair use my nigga

There is no difference between that of beauty pageant for toddler. You are not making a point with that pic.

It is almost as if one should not take comics as arguments. Also the slippery slope fallacy is only a fallacy if there is no underlying mechanism that explains the slippery slope. Some retards think the mechanism is (((them))).

woah hey guys, i know Yea Forums is basically tumblr and twitter but can we all calm down with being triggered libtards for just a bit? k thx

Does not fall under parody. In this case, it's literally taking the image of an existing IP to use it for your own purpose with no commentary on the original work.

Why is the discussion 'hey this dude may be a nazi' where there's a more important case of 'this guy is just shit'
Like look at what's posted here, there are like 5 good comics, and the rest are Tumblr-tier strawmen or just rehashed gags that were chuckle-worthy at best the first time

>There is no difference between that of beauty pageant for toddler.
Beauty pagents for children are creepy enough, but I'm pretty sure beauty pagents don't involve children dancing in gay clubs.
That's off the fucking deep end, and says a lot about you that you're trying to deflect like that.

So no difference between a stripper/exotic dancer and a beauty pageant? What are you? An incel?

This s what women voting leads to!

Attached: women in bars.jpg (960x572, 702K)

>' where there's a more important case of 'this guy is just shit'
Thats what is being talked about right now.

Come and arrest me globohomo.

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Being shit does not seem to discourage him. Could be related to the other thing.

I am not treying o deflect anything, this is wrong, but this is not due to gay or trans acceptance. The issue exist on its own and using it to attack lgbt is disingenuous.

and most of the stuff posted in this thread isn't really that funny

FTM. It's making itself round and covering its hole. Works about as well in real life. Also, do not read Stonetoss.

there'll be no more war, they said

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ho boy, I can't wait to get big a tiddy dark eldar gf eventually

As far as I'm concerned Stonetoss only made one good comic.
The one where a kid is told by his dad he can't have Ice Cream for breakfast while the Dad eats donuts, cinnamon rolls and other sweets for breakfast.
And even then that one is so simple I'm sure elementary schoolers have thought of it.

I thought leftists were against intellectual property


Going by the order, he meant the one with the drill. So your correction should be "it was a MtF trannie undergoing a medical procedure so she could dilate".

I completely forgot Leggy Lamb used to be huge on Yea Forums a some years ago.

more based throw comic

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>the Dad eats donuts, cinnamon rolls and other sweets for breakfast
Do Americans really do this?

Nice response retard

Attached: based_throw 1.png (625x605, 49K)

Kek so he's a mad artfag?

Leftists BTFO

The one with the predatory "male feminist" is the one I see all the time outside of the normal circles. Not really funny, but it just keeps happening so often that it ends up being topical.

>every single Stonetoss thread
>"STONETOSS SUCKS (except that one. And that one. I also like that one. And those ones)"
This isn't kikebook, nobody is going to judge you for liking politically incorrect humor.

Attached: transgender-in-military-comic.png (1500x500, 227K)

My mistake. Do not read Stonetoss.

yeah, sometimes americans have sweets for breakfast. europeans too. how fucking poor are you pablo?

>This isn't kikebook
Good luck trying to tell 99% of Yea Forumsmblr citizens that

Attached: based_throw 2.png (625x605, 76K)

Because it's one of the only boards on Yea Forums where the average poster didn't arrive in the last 3 years.It's a fun board, only a few posters there are anal about the meta stuff and they're generally ignored as a public nuisance.

I think it's supposed to literally be /d/

Attached: stonetoss lol.png (1500x500, 76K)

Not the same dude and not leftist, but being against most forms of intelectual property is not necessarily leftist. There is a relatively centrist case to be made regarding how IP is not a rival good nor a excludable good (at least the latter one not without tyrannical measures) and therefore it should not be private property.

I don't get it

What does this have to do with politics?


Is the dog traditional Christian values or something?

CHRISTmas bad
Hannukah good

Art is inherently political, you shitlord

No I like politically incorrect humor just not by neo-Nazi retards who unironically believe that bullshit.
And did you miss the part where the comic I'm talking about wasn't even political and I said it was simple enough that anyone could come up with it?

Why is Yea Forums only good after 3 AM?

That's not really a point in it's favor
Child beauty pageants are totally fucked

Attached: we gonna be kang.jpg (998x1534, 582K)

And now you're gonna be this kind of retard?

jannies have all scuttled back into their crevices

>Child beauty pageants are totally fucked

Just like the winners on the contests, once those like Weinstein and Epstein get their hands on them

I think he meant that this is not specifically a gay degeneracy thing. More like an american degeneracy thing.

No I like politically "incorrect" humor just not by tankie/commie retards who unironically believe that bullshit.
And did you miss the part where the comic I'm talking about wasn't even political and I said it was simple enough that anyone could come up with it?

>tfw no primary school teacher demon gf

European gays are just as degenerate, look at Berlin


Child beauty pageants are an exclusively american thing (at least in the civilized world).
And Berlin is an absolute shithole that should be reduced to ashes.
Also, incidentally, it has a large population of american expats.


Attached: riri.png (505x591, 638K)

If this is real it negates everything negative about the man.

Just how retarded are you?

>I eat flames for breakfast!

Attached: dobson wants to fight.gif (789x807, 154K)

that sounds kinda gay user

>slippery slop fallacy
You get that the punchline is about LGBTQ+ groups viewing “gender normative binary relationships” with a prejudice that far outweighs anything they've received, right?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-24_08-17-47.png (792x570, 318K)

lol why are Yea Forumsmblrtards always got triggered over a harmless comedic webcomic?

Attached: based_throw 3.jpg (1000x1000, 183K)

Not enough to try and police what other people like and think like some authoritarian boot licking sissy.

Really, Buckley? That's a joke worthy of making a comic with?

Replying to yourself doesn't make you look funny.
Just makes you pathetic.


>Just makes you pathetic.
well you're the authority guess that's it for that guy

lol your paranoia is creeping up man take some meds lel

Attached: based_throw 4.png (1023x341, 82K)

Said the person endorsing a neo-Nazi.
People do want to police what other people like and think.

That plaque could never be sent today because people would complain that it shows two genders

you keep saying that but so far you have presented anything to support your conclusion

Great. Can we agree that they're both acts are awful exploitations of children?

Having common sense isn't paranoia.

I've had to explain this so many times that I should literally save it in a notepad file.
But here's a recap:

You have to understand the SJW mindset.
They believe that if something exists, by merely existing, it's brainwashing propaganda, no matter how terrible it is. They think literal Chick Tracts are brainwashing people into becoming evangelical Christians.
Because of this mindset, they consider every form of media to be vectors for ideological subversion... but the main problem here is that they don't actually give a shit about the quality. Since they consider the mere act of "putting an idea out there" as sufficient to brainwash everyone to your insane cause, "quality" is at the bottom of their list when it comes to producing their SJW content.
This always has the opposite effect, because people see how SJWs completely ruined a thing that they actually liked, in favor of pushing insane propaganda.

>Said the person endorsing a neo-Nazi.
lolwhat we're just posting funny webcomic here nothing wrong with that

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Attached: paying-taxes-comic.png (940x300, 41K)

Yes? Is kids picking up traits from their environment somehow strange to you?

There will always be homos and transsexuals, but you can diminish the chance of your kid becoming one by not exposing him to the concept. It's common sense. Unless you think there's something in the water turning all the kids into trannies, there is a massive increase in kids identifying as cross gender after all.


If it actually was you'd probably have a point.

What do I need to present?
Nazis want to kill everyone who doesn't think, act or look like them.

Not every joke has to be about politics
Stonetoss just makes comics. And people post them in the comics board

Attached: bq-5bf6fbe1a2433592-38502385 stonetoss thankgiving niggers.jpg (1504x500, 264K)

false alarm guys it's not an sjw just b8

>using game "journalism" for examples
That's easy mode user.
>with a prejudice that far outweighs anything they've received
Maybe? Like if you're only aware of mainstream media sources and don't have a memory going back more than 15 years or something.

>There will always be homos and transsexuals, but you can diminish the chance of your kid becoming one by not exposing him to the concept

So basically repress children so if they do turn out gay or trans they grow up feeling confused, out of place and strange.

Attached: Y1Qbvtn98020582390859082850928598 boomer comic gamer generation stonetoss women and minorities.jpg (628x500, 144K)

>they grow up feeling confused, out of place and strange.
well... i mean... that is what they are

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No wonder Stonetoss appeals to you.
Bet you think the Holocaust was made up too.

Attached: 16807778_1799699373684754_5827652932682660638_n sjw comic rape v2 stonetoss.jpg (552x652, 64K)

Eh, intellectual property is a leftist position, because hollyweird is literally the only group aside from politicians that treat it seriously.

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What did he mean by this?:

Attached: 20985932890589023858230858230858523 important part of a woman ass 49503863 feminazi stonetoss.png (678x494, 288K)

And now this thread is just op pretending to make anyone angry.
Time to let it die.

>If it actually was you'd probably have a point.
But it actually is since the thread got up to 200+ replies and we're all laughing hard lol

Attached: based_throw 6.png (893x285, 260K)


based schizoposter

that's actually what happened. it SUCKS.

Stone toss is kinda cringe. He was some great strips but all his shit is just same racist/tranny shit, like he hasn't evolved from his old stuff. He's still clever, just doesn't have anything new to say.

That comment was not the same user you were talking to. I am a random dude from South America. Also I am not endorsing shit. I can like comics even if I do not agree with the author and see of his work. Epstein yourself.



>He's still clever, just doesn't have anything new to say.
nobody really has for the last 3 years

>and don't have a memory going back more than 15 years or something.
Buddy, I'm of Irish and Italian descent but I don't harp about the societal abuses they had in the past. Do you want to focus on today?

Are you going to deny that being gay is the hippest and hottest selling point in anything popular right now?

Art student acting out against more successful art students explains a lot about these comics


>So basically repress children so if they do turn out gay or trans they grow up feeling confused, out of place and strange.
A small chance they feel slightly shittier while living a self destructive lifestyle for a small chance they won't live that lifestyle at all.

Yes, I think that's very much worth it.

callate culiao

based boulder throw

Attached: based_throw 7.png (940x300, 61K)

endorsing gay won't give you more costumers or audience than the one you will lost for doing it, its not like homophobia is not a thing anymore

No me sorprende.

Attached: huh.png (666x666, 18K)

how are you even getting internet in your favelas at this time of night


Attached: Cutetoss.jpg (1500x1500, 149K)

>anons see pedophilia in this
>I thought it was supposed to be Big Brown Cylinder

Except there are currently more woke retards than homophobic morons and the former are more accepted/less rejected than the latter. That is without mentioning how woke retards have corrupted certain academic disciplines and pass bullshit legitimized by pseuds/academics without any kind of rigor beyond their political agenda/bias (see grievance studies and the suppression of a mathematical model that explained the male variability hypothesis for starters).

He's /pol/ - The Comic Strip, what do you expect? He's a bit above the average /pol/tard intellect-wise, but that doesn't mean much.
Also, I am disappointed nobody has posted the vegan-cyclist one yet.

Stop spamming this

Most of his comics are funny. Even when he's totally wrong about something he's wrong in an amusing way, which cannot be said about 90% of webcomics out there.

not spam

Either we get a single Stonetoss thread or every thread becomes a Stonetoss thread until comics are allowed to be posted on the comics board again.

>mods let /pol/bait threads slide
>mods have a life

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No. Fuck off to containment.


No, I think everyone will continue to post comics on the comics board.
This isn't called "Yea Forums - dilation station".

you should get a pass to cut down on those post times user

>Other than stonetoss and pumpkin no other comic artists of this circle knows how to draw better than a 4th grader.
>stonetoss [...] knows how to draw better than a 4th grader.

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No one wants to talk to you about polshit. Leave.

Don't threaten things yu have no shot at accomplishing, wefag.

wait then why are you still here then?
surely if no one wants to talk about it the thread will just die on it's own right?

You need to be driven off like goblins

k well thanks for the bumps

>he doesn't own a smartphone

I love this image so much

You're an embarrassment.

to whomst

That's a lot of implications.

He's quoting Spider-Man 3, he's just a based Raimi Chad joshing you.

the majority of /pol/ shitposters are phone users because they know they can just do whatever the fuck they wan't without having the technical knowledge required to do the same shit via pc. there's still no way too punish mobile retards despite the email update hiro proposed a long fucking time ago.

Anytime now

>email update

Yea Forums only has one mod that gives enough of a fuck about the task he volunteered for, to bother nuking the thread. And it's fairly easy to tell when he's on duty.

Yea Forums is run by tranny jannies, so all regular users know to use their smartphones in order to post on Yea Forums, and use their desktop to have actual conversations on all other boards, since every single ban on /co'mblr is "ALL DELETED THREE DAYS ALL BOARDS".

>this is wrong
That makes you transphobic you fucking nazi

Range ban poltards.

hiro proposed on /qa/ that all mobile posting would first require you too have an email attached to the device, which realistically does nothing because making junk emails can be done almost as fast as switching your ip on mobile. as well as removing a sense of animosity, besides completely killing mobile posting capacity there's no real way to control this problem without doing on sight it's literally the only solution that works.

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post the jojo edit

And that's a good thing!


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>he doesn't enjoy shitting

Go back, shill.

I love how angry people get because a political cartoon doesn't agree with them.

It's because you're wrong and intentionally retarded.

Imagine crying this hard over a bunch of scribbles some stormfag shitposter drew
You really need to have sex dude like seriously

We don't want your intentionally retarded bait, incel shill.


Then stop falling for you twink limbed virgin
You aren't getting brownie points from that tranny you're trying to impress by trying to shut down a thread you can easily ignore

I do.

>literally the only solution that works
Make posting via mobile a Pass users only feature. Voila, shitposting on mobile now has a consequence in the form of an economic loss. If you're so addicted to Yea Forums that you can't even take a shit without posting in a thread, then you should have no problem paying for a pass.

Also, fuck you for trying to make shitposting a /pol/ exclusive thing, when shitposting comes in all kinds of flavors.
You can bet your ass OP gives exactly zero fucks about the comic itself and only wants the attention it generates from thinskinned retards like all the whiners ITT feeding him (You)s. If OP wasn't one of the faggots spamming 20+ SU threads/day when that was the (You)farming gimmick, then I'll be quite surprised.

Is this parody?

Stay on your containment board, you fraud shill. You don't belong here.

One day I'll become a jannie. And then I'm gonna show you who's the boss around here.

Tick tock, stormfags. Tick tock.

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I'd say you don't belong here either but pedochan got taken down so you don't have a containment board to run back to

No, it's the clown world we're currently living in.

reporter turned into cardi b

You're a shitty rightist incel pedo. Stop making bait threads.

No, you.

>Also, fuck you for trying to make shitposting a /pol/ exclusive thing
it consistently fucking is and when it isn't it's from there inbred colony boards and Yea Forumsutists so go mc fucking kill yourself.

>If we ban political nature of all discussion, no one will bring them up

>So, how did you guys like that SU episode about LGBTBRAP++ rights?
>That one game developer needs to be hanged for questioning if underage kids should cut off their dicks.
>They brought 3 trans on the stage to fuck eachothers with dildos. I've never been happier. #OscarsGaymChanger
>Ahh.. Rocko's Modern Life...
>Ahh.. 4ever 12...
>Ahh.. Cartoons sure are gay..
>Remember kids! Always vote for democrats, because we are the party for homos, minorities and women.

If we ban /pol/ all political discussion on media will cease.

I can feel it getting closer.


Attached: npc-meme.jpg (736x430, 71K)

>gays attack muh vidya!!!

You fuckers need mental help.

I've been asking this for years. Just make /copol/ and put all political cartoons in there. Clear Yea Forums from all stonetosser and SU threads.

>banning shitty bait posters desperate for attention and implementing a system that doesn't make mobile posting 12 year olds immune from rules is bad
>clearly this means all discussion should be silenced if it doesn't fit the victim complex i've set up for myself.

Is this retard just taking what I'm saying and trying to turn it back on me like /leftypol/ wasn't acclimatized to a literal pedo ring website?
Go back to trying to convince curious 14 year olds into HRT you freak

>Stonetoss is a funny comic.
where is the joke

is it that he's readin a newspaper and it's funny because nobody does that anymore? if you consume any kind of media does that also mean that you readily believe in it? is that funny? is mindwashing funny? does that mean that whoever reads/interested in whatever, that person automatically blindly believe in it too? or perhaps it's supposed to be a jab at american libruls who wave around the circumstance between russia and the U.S. as a sort of scapegoat/bogeyman, now that hating on trump is somehow 'less cool'? or is it funny because he makes that face?

none of these explanations make the comic funny

ergo, this is fucking propaganda,

Attached: 1549215208842.png (512x1024, 14K)

You keep on slayin, kween.

Attached: Couv_1161.jpg (650x902, 281K)

Meanwhile, >>/109546889 exists.
The only reason there's an overweight of political shitposting is because spamming rock lob, Ben and Horsey takes zero effort and most shitposters are literal newfags that only recently heard about Yea Forums anno 2008 and think that's how it still is here.

Trannies hate biology.

Jesus christ dude, you need a life.

Fuck off with your propaganda.

This is his life

>*insane rambling about [my enemy]*
>clearly [my enemy] is insane

Reminder that rockthrow/redpanels is a literal "heil hitler 1488" nazi and if you agree with his positions you're clinically retarded


Attached: suu.jpg (1600x900, 106K)

You need help, you lost incel.

/leftypol/ is literally just a false flag that nobody outside of /pol/ believes in since it's such a blatant false flag
it is literally just "/pol/" with "left" thrown in the name because you're aware of how much people are sick of /pol/ and you want a lazy way to deflect to the left who the fuck are you kidding

Dammit, forgot a meme arrow.

>people will be allowed to speak if they agree with me

Truly the Soviet Union is alive and kicking.

It's actually kinda sad.
No like, you really need a life.

I don't know the background to get it, please spoonfeed me

>If we ban /pol/ all political discussion on media will cease.
Yes you retard. /pol/ doesn't mean "alt-right meanies", it means political discussion. It's cancer because people can't be responsible enough to talk about politics without turning into a bunch of territorial macaques. Which would be fine if they didn't take bait so easily.
Of course it's subjective as fuck but let's be real, the rule that's actually enforced is "no enciting flame wars or trolling outside of Yea Forums" or however they worded that.

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I'm very sure comrade
Now about that 14 year old you're trying to convince to make the transition...

>s-stop pointing out that I'm posting literal white supremacist propaganda

unironically one of his best ones from recent times

>/leftypol/ is literally just a false flag
>commie silence tactics everywhere, people are allowed to speak only if they don't offend me!

A young Soviet boy asked his father, "Is it true that freedom of speech is the same here as it is in the United States?"

His father said, "In principle, yes. I could stand on the White House lawn and yell, 'Down with Reagan!' and not be punished.

He meant they are being disloyal to judeusm not racial Jewishness.

Regardless I don't recall leftist calling Obama racist when he said he would take it as a personal insult and offense to his legacy if blacks don't vote for Hillary to preserve his legacy.

I'm not?
I literally just joined this thread.

It's a bad pun. "Carrion" is a dead animal's meat, and it rhymes with "carry-on", which is luggage you can carry with you on a plane.
>so about that false flag i keep trying to plant
It's baffling that you think you're a clever person.

Today is a good day

Stop it