For me, it's Zim, the cutest Irken invader

For me, it's Zim, the cutest Irken invader.
I'd love to take his perfectly-ripe papaya of a body and bust it apart at the seams, letting his alien boy pussy juices run over me as I listen to him try to contain his squeals.

Attached: 3177880 - Dib Invader_Zim Zim.jpg.png (853x853, 560K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>his perfectly-ripe papaya of a body and bust it apart at the seams

My God OP

Attached: 1563065730662.jpg (1280x720, 134K)

Zim is BEST girl

little green ant child go away

He doesn’t even have a hole.

Then OP will make one with his strap-on blade

The mouth is a hole user.

He's 160, hardly a child

I want to dominate Zim while Gir watches.

Go to bed Rebecca

What do you think his cum tastes like?

This is why I don't come to co

Attached: 1566453836763.jpg (338x338, 26K)

Give me the full image NOW

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-22 at 6.19.44 PM.png (332x302, 167K)

"My name is dib, and im 12 years old"

Why do we need another thread for this?

because who doesn't want to fuck zim?

Honestly people may call you a degenerate for jerking off to porn of a cartoon alien kid but desu I've never nutted harder then jerking it to Zim's perfectly lime-green ass.

We ARE degenerate. There is NO denying that.

Doesn't stop us though

Attached: 1566203853094.png (960x603, 405K)


Look at this loser and LAUGH

Go to bed, Skoodge.

Skoodge and Keef both wanted to get it, but they never could.


Are we taking over this one?

Of course. Just give everyone a minute.

What was your favorite part about the movie?

When it ended

Attached: statwal.jpg (480x360, 16K)

>another daily Yea Forums Invader Zim thread
especially this thread in particular, you should feel ashamed of yourself OP

no (you) for you, sorry

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I like the comics

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Attached: CEOofSex.png (909x498, 190K)

Nice as fuck, good filename to. Sexellent

Thanks I was originally going to call it ZimsWretchedOwOFace.png, but Skoodge is really the focus here so

Attached: ECaI5qYXUAAN9iu.jpg (1080x929, 90K)

Oh in that case then hope he enjoys antennae play and dress up

Here's a little something I made to commemorate the new specials, enjoy

Attached: Netflix2.png (900x3850, 3.27M)

I wanna sit Zim in my lap, lick his antennae and watch him squirm with pleasure.


Attached: Rebecca Drinking.jpg (585x579, 46K)

God, I forgot how fucking awesome the opening is

>take his perfectly-ripe papaya of a body and bust it apart at the seams, letting his alien boy pussy juices run over me as I listen to him try to contain his squeals.
Is this an alien getting fucked or getting murdered?

Fucking gold

This seems like a very immoral way to treat prisoners, regardless of current laws and customs.

what issue is this?

>the cutest irken invader

Attached: 55743465.jpg (1360x768, 104K)

Fucking perfect. 10/10. The new Rocko was such a disappointment compared to the Zim movie.

Attached: 1563171017501.png (600x500, 335K)

Yeah, I’ve been rewatching the show and I can’t bring myself to skip the opening. The ending theme is good, but not as good as I remembered.

>Dib still wants to bisect Tenn
With his penis

Attached: ITenntityTheft_0.png (640x536, 163K)

>cutest Irken invader.
Good job.
You better make that distinction

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-08-12-15h54m36s823.png (716x540, 423K)

Issue 17.

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Why is this insect thing so cute

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I wonder if his teeth are sharp

No one is posting the best girl.

they're pretty round, even in the series

Attached: Zim&Kids.png (718x540, 456K)

>zim dies
>his teeth shape into a straight line as a shrill beep resounds

oh holy shit

Attached: talllaugh.gif (250x188, 334K)

This is the best idea ever.

Attached: gigachad.jpg (800x450, 32K)

I love Dib's expression here

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top jej

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Sex with Zim would be earrape. Imagine the "MY TALLEST" scene except swap 'my' with 'Im' and 'tallest' with 'cumming'

And maybe that fucking scream he does at the end of the parent teacher night episode too

>Zim researched human porn before your night with him so he'd know what to say during it.
Zim is a considerate lover.

>Zim screaming “I’M CUMMING!!!” over and over


>ends up researching bad hentai
>now he's screaming shitty hammed up hentai dialogue during sex


>The bad hentai dialogue is worth it because he can now perform crazy sex positions on you that you can only see in a hentai.
>And that's just without using the Pak

>Screams "I AM ZIM" as he cums into Thicc Gaz


I liked the jokey idea inspired by this picture in the last thread about them going on road trip adventure through the Universe. It could mostly just be silly one-offs like Doctor Who. I enjoyed the series way back when it aired but in real time, I remember thinking it was getting kind of stale to be honest. The formula wasn't as funny as it used to be. If they actually wanted to bring it back as a regular series I feel like it'd have to be different in some ways from most of the latter episodes of the original series which to be honest got pretty shitty with a few big exceptions.

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Son, I am dispoint.

Attached: tumblr_pwpasjgVGz1rta5yso1_r2_540.png (540x504, 147K)

You now will hear all of these in Zim's voice.

Attached: 1m2ri.png (576x1024, 588K)

>Sandwich fuck feels so good...

excuse me..?

Like that time when he was on a transmission with the Tallest. Kek indeed

Lazy fucking edit

Attached: lazy.png (620x465, 256K)

You have your ships, I have mine.

Probably the most accurate thing to say during sex in the Zim universe.

It's not the ship, it's the Thicc.

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Attached: ZIMZAM4.png (599x485, 86K)

>Who in their right mind would frost a cake with their butt?
That just sounds like a normal quote from the show.

Honestly, sex with Zim would be wild, you know for a fact he's a virgin so like he would just be SUPER submissive to anything you do to him. I personally would grab him by the antenna while I slap my human balls against his green chin.

he has something that makes dookie

I can see it
>gir bakes cake and starts screaming about frosting
>sprays frosting on it from his butt
> confused Zim "Who in their right mind would frost a cake with their butt?"
Please hire me for season 3 Jhonen.

How is this thread still alive with an OP like that

I hope to god Horvitz isn't reading this thread.

Horvitz if you're reading this, take it easy. You're like 80.

I hope to hell he is.

>Yea Forums ruins a man's own voice for him

I hope he is

and I hope he records these and uploads them anonymously to vocaroo

Richard seems more open to perverted sex jokes unlike Jhonen. Wally Wingert also seems to be a more opened minded degenerate too.

Mods also want to fuck ZIM.

>Mods also want to fuck Zim.


Horvitz please have Zim voice all them hentai quotes

He's only 50, dude.

He apparently has a cameo page and you can pay him $70 bucks to say stuff.

Is it per line or just the whole thing?
How much to get him to have Zim make the announcement?

I need more ZAGR

Attached: 1566598273084.png (2000x3900, 1.23M)

Imagine: Tak Funko Pop.

No. Nendroids are better.

Nice user.

Attached: gR5byW1.png (778x611, 801K)

Praise TAK, fellow TAK bro

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I just want a Zim nendo but it won’t happen.

>he would just be SUPER submissive
Only after he's in denial over it before you break him in

Attached: tumblr_pwr3weqh461shnuxqo1_1280.jpg (1280x970, 214K)

A GIR nendo is more likely to happen.

>pride flags

Ruined the art.

TATR is the underrated ship we need.

Attached: WhatIfOurAntennaeWereTangledTogetherAndWereBothGirls.png (683x508, 175K)

I want Sizz-Lorr to offer to cover my breaks in return for plowing me into his little pet
I want him to blackmail me until I eventually give in and let him turn me into his forever

Attached: 1540743819513.png (269x327, 51K)

>I want Sizz-Lorr to offer to cover my breaks in return for plowing me into his little pet
>I want him to blackmail me until I eventually give in and let him turn me into his forever
WRONG Tenn AND Tak are for dib

You could always buy a Funko and then choke to death on it

While shitposting is good let’s get actual discussion going. If you had to pick the five best episodes to show someone which five would you pick?


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thanks, I just choked on my gum

>NPR wrote an article about the ZIM movie.

Well, damn.

>National People's Radio

Attached: MY MEAT.png (965x305, 437K)

Yea Forums made me like DATR. Damn.

>like Doctor Who
Kandyman would need no tweaking.

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Horvitz please get recording this is the way I want to die

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I never tire of this image.

that doesn’t make sense

Man I haven't seen this picture in ages.

>this thread

Attached: 4862E9FC-BB4C-4288-8458-382D1DF3EDC9.jpg (640x903, 53K)

What does Zim have to do with the country of Turkey?

It really depends on your taste. If you're a sci-fi nut and really like the alien aspect, you'll probably like the lore episodes, like Tak the Hideous New Girl, Backseat Drivers from Beyond the Stars, Frycook What Came from all that Space, Hobo 13, and Battle of the Planets.

If you're more in it for the comedy Sad Sad Tale of Chickenfoot, Ultra-Peepi, Career Day, Zim Eats Waffles, and Invasion of the Idiot Dog Brain.

If you just want some fucked up shit, Bestest Friends, Dark Harvest, Gir Goes Crazy and Stuff, Lice, and the Halloween episode are great.

>Zim Eats Waffles
garbage episode worst one

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>Hating the episode where ZIM canonically says the word "Fuck".

Shit taste.

All part of the master plan

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Dib and Tenn?

Why was there never an episode where something supernatural proved to be an actual threat to zim? If we get another season, I'd like to see more episodes incorporating paranormal features

Attached: dib sans.jpg (528x490, 40K)

Bestest Friend, Battle of the Planets, Zim Eats Waffles, Chickenfoot and Tak, assuming they're already going to watch the first episode.

>he doesn't like anti-humor
Wait, what

dib and tak

Attached: datr 3 tv42.jpg (338x386, 93K)

That would be DATNR


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It’s audio reversed but it’s there.

>this thread has been up for 16 hours


Sorry it's Dumbl.r [/spoiler}

these romance acronyms suck

It’s rapr don’t go confusing the names now

Can I have RAPAMASR?

The Lice episode and the Halloween episode don’t count?

Welcome to the club.
I shipped them since 2006.

Attached: datr_c__by_kplady13.jpg (600x879, 51K)

I need to see the resulting hideous mutant offspring.
Tak as a tard wrangler makes way too much sense.

Attached: 1499805784287.png (598x539, 19K)

Nononono you're ruining everything!

I literally can't even tell what acronym involves what character they're so abstract. You're supposed to use at least three letters of the characters' names in the portmanteaus you degenerates.

Well it's not like you can make portmanteaus without it sounding like the name of an OC.

what is this
where am i
what is happening

I can't take this pic seriously when Zim literally spends his entire life wearing a pink dress.

Attached: (455x609, 23K)

I meant for dib to actually be able to use paranormal things to mess with zim as opposed to human and/or irken technology. Also i'm not sure that the lice queen or the halloweenies count, since the former was just a parasitic organism and the ladder were just from a parallel dimension

The Andy Kaufman of IZ fans.

Then doesn’t Mortos episode count?

Someone draw one of the irken kids as a REEEEing Pepe.

Zim with a good disguise.

Attached: 2B77EEDF-2653-49F3-B012-DD5A2386D793.jpg (510x430, 55K)

Nothing's better than this disguise

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Is this the X Files roach comic? That’s an old wound right there.

Mortos was worthless. The only times dib was actually able to disrupt zim's plans were when he used real technology. I wanna see him doing something with a supernatural plot device that actually works to some degree

I don't think Zim ever interacted with Mortos. Was he even visible to anyone besides Dib?

This I like.

Attached: 275272_0.jpg (564x705, 48K)

Zim met Mortos and then Mortos fucked off and Dib was like "wow u traitor" and zim was like "ur so pathetic haha" and then they kissed and made out and then Gir got the lube

Attached: Tak Mossa 1.jpg (1129x2048, 156K)

I guess if you were born in the first 3 years of the decade you could still be a 90's kid and old enough to appreciate Zim when it came out.

>tak smoking

>then they kissed and made out and then Gir got the lube

I don't remember that part.


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Attached: Tak Mossa 2.jpg (1076x2048, 162K)

Anyone have the one where Zim and Tak's roles are reversed and he has the good disguise and she has the sucky one?

I wish he didn't have ears.

It was in the original before Nick changed it for the ratings.

Attached: zad.png (604x452, 414K)

i miss having threads about those
enjoyed the special but damn did it lower t

>damn did it lower t

I think it was on the betamax release

It's what girls see when they watch the show with their fujo lenses.

oh wait I found it

Attached: Untitled.png (704x436, 320K)

This. His disguise canonically has no ears

I’ve been here all along but during the comic threads I avoided shitposting. Since other anons have delved into it I figured I would join the party.


Attached: ezgif-2-812a1222358a.gif (600x402, 2.01M)

I've been here all along as well and joined in the shitposting party.

So was the special meant to be a finale or a reboot pilot? Because everything returned to the status quo but Jhonen said he doesn’t want to do more Zim

possibly a spiritual finale with the door open so they could still do comics

>spiritual finale with the door open so they could still do comics
It's not even in the same timeline as the comics though

Possibly both. Jhonen has been cagey in a couple of interviews and a new season, but said he's trying to find a different showrunner so he can go off and do different projects and sometimes comeback and write an episode. Similar to what he's doing with the comics.

It doesn't even look off, just a little detail I'd have appreciated.

Attached: Zim disguise no ears .png (2297x1329, 1000K)

This appeared in canon, this it is canonical brainlet. Besides, you're getting butthurt about nothing since this was Dib's anime fueled fantasy dream about how cool he is so total accuracy is irrelevant. It's a mental picture Dib has of the world around him.


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3 and 5 are good.

Speaking of comics, where might one read them online?

For me, it's Gaz.

Attached: whaaaaaat.png (1271x786, 626K)

Zee is the cutest Irken.

Attached: Irkens.png (661x621, 235K)

Attached: Give ZIM a knife.jpg (1280x980, 367K)

Nobody stretches like that unless it's for evil!

Attached: 1564057936149.png (952x514, 586K)

no nose either, user

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Attached: ZIM takes a Driving Test.jpg (1280x1280, 355K)

I love the giant forehead one with the band-aid, Invader Spleen.

Looks a little weird without the nose, eyes should probably be bigger too.

I was holding off until, but yes. I want to ruin that Zim's anus. Slam that xeno boi.

You'd smoke too in a world of morons.
A competently disguised Zim is hilarious for some reason.

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Attached: DSJKFSKJFKSJLF.jpg (1280x595, 91K)

Dib is literally the one who pointed out he didnt have any ears in the first epispde

How many larvae do you want, mister?

Attached: invader_zim___new_invaders_height_chart_by_sketchytimez-d5yy97g.jpg (2000x833, 377K)

That's a great rendition of Zim's disguise. Missing enough features that you do a double take.

Irkens are so sensitive to pollutants, trying to smoke a cigarette would probably cause searing throat/lung pain and possibly some tissue damage.

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Baby Gir is cute.

Wow, I figured something like this existed, but actually seeing it is a trip.
Maybe she's trying to self terminate.

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>No Irken Elite based SHMUP where you take over various planets

Attached: 1566512607627.jpg (800x1207, 453K)

I really, really, really like this image

Imagine the horror of your sister fucking your worst enemy

It’d be cool, but ic the only invader we know who took over with pure berserker bloodshed instead of espionage was Skoodge.
>pic has adult Dib/Tak
Based user

>No total conversion WAD where you play as Navigator trying to escape Florpus Hell
C'mon Nerds get on it.

Attached: Freds_Big_Head.png (610x610, 50K)

>pic has adult Dib/Tak
yep and its probably the best interpretation of aged up invader zim characters I've ever seen. I also like that one of the datr kids is identical to tak's human disguise

>Sizz-Lorr was actually an extremely deadly Irken Elite
>Tallest felt threatened by him because of his skill and height
>Condemn him off-world and pretend he doesn't exist so you can keep your false leaders
I want to see Sizz-Lorr as Doomguy now.

Attached: 1566526257539.png (2000x1200, 240K)

It’d fit with the idea people have that Miyuki was Dib/Gaz’s mom - Irken/Human hybrids looking normal but having unusual qualities for their species

False, Sizz-Lorr is Irken Alex Jones. He was himself victim to the Control Brains’ conspiracy & now seeks to free the populace of their shackles.

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>No Zim vs. DMV episode
Now I'm sad.
This makes way too much sense.

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why can't I stop laughing at this image?

>Tfw you'll never hear him grumble about hopping entire star systems

DaTr or DEATH!

I want to cuddle Zim!

Attached: 1566293644276.png (700x900, 115K)

I love this artist's rendition of Sizz-Lorr.

You stop that shit right now its RAPR you fool




>prayper the raper
Oh no.

Is there any way we can ship BRAPR?
Imagine the smell

Zim being so tiny compared to Tak never fails to amuse me.

Cute, but Zim and Tak need to be their original height.

I want my Zim/Gaz size difference snu-snu.

Attached: 6174C743-EE56-4FF4-975D-E0309744E025.jpg (1280x1155, 319K)

We going Amazon position for that?

I like this artist's second design

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She could pick him up.

Attached: A7A44AD3-01B5-4602-905A-4D6402F5C2C4.jpg (1279x1662, 441K)

Wouldn't it be funny if Tak just dominated Zim and made him her bitch

I like how there’s that one super tall invader trying his best to look small so noone sees he rivals the tallest in height
Reminder GIR literally appeared on camera without his disguise on “mysterious mysteries” & noone cared because they were too preoccupied with the ratings they drew in.



Zim and Gretchen relationship


I want to time travel back and beat the fujo who coined SAR to death. Shipping was a mistake.

we've done it lads

we've ruined it

portmanteaus are impossible for invader zim ships, the names are too short. Nothing wrong with xAyR

Why is the French dub of the movie more ridiculous than the English version?

I think the format works pretty well since it helps denote between relationship dynamics. Imagine if you wanted to find platonic art of characters only to have to wade through millions of romantic depictions like every other piece of media.

How about inserting an X between letters?

I'd imagine the alternative would be shipping nicknames and they'd be either really obscure or not consistent depending on groups.

I seem to recall that this is exactly the reason it happened. Some of them can be portmanteaued, but not enough of them for it to be effective.

When will the Japanese dub be on Netflix?

So why not just say NamexName instead of using a nonsensical string of letters?

I thought it was available?

Just an outsider observation but I think that's considered old fashioned nowadays.

Attached: dib zim.gif (88x77, 160K)

Not nonsensical. x and y romance. Easy to understand. More effective than suggestions. Best option

>that's considered old fashioned nowadays

Attached: 1562347469115.gif (652x562, 626K)

No, It has the Spanish, French, and German dub, but not the Japanese one. I want to experience my favorite anime authentically.

Honestly I have no problem with it. With the series' floating timeline, Zim and Tak getting taller is about the same odds as Dib or Gaz getting older. Size kinks are better suited for porn anyway not that I'm complaining

Attached: 1481959995662.png (613x391, 155K)

>complaining about zoomers
>in a thread about a show from the 2000’s
>while talking about shipping

You might just be out of touch but they're right, these days if it's not a franchise that already had an established shipping syntax, people generally go for portmanteaus.
Or at the least people go "What do we call [character] x [character]" until a shorthand is properly made.

Mandarin is also available for some weird reason.

Depending on who you listen, zoomers were either 1 year old or 5 years old when IZ ended its original running. Thus it's really not a part of their culture.

per fanfiction theory (tv42, others), irken development is stunted by domestic snacks. Therefore, upon extensive time spent on earth, their development would resume, and they would get taller, among other things.

Hells yeah!

Same. Though size difference has its place being both cute and lewd in my opinion.

It gained its popularity via reruns.

>alien kid.

Zim is the same age as the tallest and over 50.

To all you Zagr fags, Richard Horvitz actually gave his opinion on what Zim canonically thinks of Gaz at a convention:

>shut the fuck up and let me fuck your ass
I swear I've seen Zim say this, verbatim, in a fanfic

>anything Richard Horvitz says
>being canon
Uhmm... Not how it works...

Give me episodic episode ideas. So no continuous plots just fun one shots.

The first half of the 2000s (when invader zim came out) was culturally late millennial, childhood-wise. The second half of the 2000s was when the shift to zoomer culture happened.

Attached: 1554350673752.png (1400x1039, 3.15M)

dude watch the link, its obviously a joke

Apparently, if the original run didn't get cancelled, the show would have ended with Zim taking over the Irken Empire as the "Almighty Smallest" with Gaz as his second-in-command. I don't see how it would have gotten to that point, since Zim and Gaz hate each other completely and Gaz always helped the Earth when she could, even though she was a pouty autist about it. Gaz abandoning her life on Earth to command a bunch of alien invaders kind of works I guess, but I don't see how she would get to that point or why Zim would want her there.

Attached: 1509464543124.jpg (535x395, 40K)

Most excellent.

Attached: pat.png (1151x775, 29K)

Dik Diks are the funniest animals on earth.

Fellow human earth worms! I've come to make an announcement!
Dib Membrane's a bitch ass motherfucker.

Attached: 1566587634599.png (250x287, 82K)


>Andy Berman (I think?) in the back saying jesus
Solid gold. Horvitz must be a lot of fun work with.

Attached: dohoho.gif (360x270, 1.63M)

reminder that zim is good at baseball

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This is EXACTLY what Zim would do, getting into a social media war with DIb. Episode resets at the end when people find a new social media target to obsess over.

Attached: A7AF2357-704E-413D-AACD-56D198E2E6D5.png (500x304, 103K)


what he would do is create a gigantic death star built only to piss half of moon into space debris & have the piss droplets fall to the Earth, because Dib caused him a petty slight & convinced him it was the machinations of their tyrranical overlord Barack Obama.

Ok, but what am I if what I consider memorable media from my childhood that I remember vividly stretches across all three of the last three boxes (mainly the first two, but still)?

Attached: 1515693052494.gif (270x188, 1.78M)


Attached: -qTOsa3G_400x400.jpg (304x304, 22K)

>Barack Obama
You mean Misses Bitters

god why are snakes even real animals?

False information

>There is no EuroBeat Remix of the IZ opening.

Why live?

They’re lovely.
Also ‘worm thing’ is a really energy efficient body plan.

Attached: 7A14F09F-650B-4E14-80B9-73D11E757EA5.jpg (1827x2046, 902K)

pure dookie

Attached: 1566183780853.png (405x400, 67K)

I like to pretend they don't exist but then sometimes one starts slithering at you at warp speed and I have to yeet myself out of existence.

Attached: zim poop.jpg (511x460, 47K)

>want to own a snake
>know nothing about owning snakes so I'm afraid that I'd fuck it up and accidentally kill the snake

Feels bad

start first by studying, watch herpetology videos, read articles and books, etc
read multiple things

They’re high maintenance and not very sociable. They’re also pretty stinky, but they are nice to look at.

Attached: FED51F82-220F-4A3C-ADA1-5BB2141681DC.jpg (2448x2799, 1.21M)

ZASRali ves’ tred svoim shippingom

Attached: E1AE7B11-AA3A-492E-80A0-3B97CEE9511E.jpg (612x459, 57K)

That's some powerful language skills

I didn't ship them before but the movie wore me down, damn it.

I know that feel

Attached: 70522641_p0.png (848x950, 293K)

A faggot

dude no one actually cares about this shit

What do you enjoy about it, user?

Dib & Tak's Ship>>>>>everything else

Attached: RCO012_1468899028.jpg (887x565, 121K)

With how people pair Diband Tak, I'm surprised there isn't art of Tak and Tak ship fighting for him, or something silly like that.

Attached: 6574E043-F9FB-4785-B15C-2BB4DF3C95BE.jpg (400x191, 33K)

>Dib finds out that takship can have new modules installed

Attached: DJOFDSJFSFK.jpg (450x330, 29K)

If it's not true where does it come from? Miscommunication?

I'm seeing that situation quite a lot in the Florpus threads.

Mopiness of Doom should have been what did it long before.

Behold the object of your desires, Zimfags, and despair.

Attached: 1A3F8C74-48E6-4BEA-9953-4081D3460F71.jpg (631x643, 66K)


You're fighting a losing battle here.


Wig and contacts version?

Man, I abhor insects irl, but Irkens are so sexy for some reason. I love aliens with big buggy inhuman eyes. And the spider PAK legs are sexy AF.

Attached: d1wehry-f461cda0-779b-422d-bede-d3c8927870ca.jpg (600x845, 214K)

ZIM is not for sexual you fucking faggot, get your gay ass shit to and never come back!

I'm gonna put my dick in it

What was going through Gaz's mind?

Attached: 1541224652598.png (583x480, 215K)

It's time to give into your shameful lust

Attached: 1566605094687.jpg (2038x2048, 241K)

"imagine the smell"

I already was a massive xeno

I didn't ship them as a kid, didn't ship them as a teenager, then my friend turned me on to degeneracy as an adult and I've never been the same.

Attached: tumblr_nmayy0dpEk1rd1av4o1_500.png (500x707, 238K)

I just want to gently rub Zim's antennae until he's a cooing, senseless mess.

They have a fun dynamic

Attached: tumblr_nun1mf9aN61uf5jf6o1_1280.jpg (960x1280, 353K)

>episode ideas
I've got a million of them, but here are the only ones that really fit. Reposting:
>Tak returns to Earth and forms a reluctant alliance with Dib.
>Zim takes Skoodge under his wing to help him fit in with humans.
>The Tallest are transported to Earth and forced to live among humans for a week.
>Zim has amnesia and is convinced he's a human boy with a skin condition.
>Gaz wants passes to a gaming expo sponsored by the Deelishus Weenie Corporation, and is coerced into doing Tak's bidding.
>A day in the life of Professor Membrane, featuring Dib and Zim.

>Dib and Tak custody battle on Judgementia for ownership of The Ship.

Attached: mistakes into miracles.png (741x588, 214K)

I wouldn't mind ZADR if it was actually about a nerdy guy in his 20s living in an apartment alone and one day an alien decides to live with him and won't leave him alone.

Low effort but eh.

Attached: FE06F52B-245B-4E8E-B8DF-037818B2DD9E.jpg (482x530, 37K)

I mean, that's what a lot of shippers envision the future would be for Dib.

>>The Tallest are transported to Earth and forced to live among humans for a week.

Attached: earthtallest.png (1280x1280, 523K)


i want a shota boyfriend SO BAD

Attached: TAK studies 082319.jpg (1320x1080, 150K)

You mean old man boyfriend?

ZIM is legal shota, user.

How come no one likes ZATR?

Attached: ec2b75695b59bddbbec6a420badc3980.jpg (736x804, 80K)

Cute siblings!

Attached: 1536803386312.png (841x535, 355K)

I like it but only when it's Tak dominating Zim

Attached: 1565953627743.png (1280x852, 590K)

Because we want to self-insert as the humans in these inter-species relationships

I dunno if I ship it yet but I wouldn't mind seeing them interact more. I think there was supposed to be a episode in the scripts where they were both competing in some sort of space death games against each other that sounded pretty fun.

because only zim suffers
the appeal of datr is that they both suffer together

Attached: 1485113700614.jpg (2228x2800, 1.12M)

I know it was kinda contrary to her character and some people didn't like that, but Gaz actually caring about Dib made my heart warm.

>anonymously to vocaroo
It's only anonymous if you don't recognise the voice, retard.

This part seemed a little out-of-character for Gaz. I think in the old show Dib would have been excited enough for both of them, and Gaz would only be jazzed on the inside. I think the part where Dib's singing in the ship handled her a lot better.

I for one fully enjoyed how Gaz was played out in the movie. She was funny in the show, but there wasn't really any personality to her. Plus showing she actually cares about her brother gives her more depth and is cute as heck

>zim finds out about a humans lifespan compared to an irken
>middle of episode spent with him acting giddy about it with dib being very confused
>end of episode he manages to fuck up and make every human in the town jave an irkens lifespan

Could be an """imposter"""

Plausible deniability

Man I can't even blame my friends for my degeneracy because I'm the idiot who went "i since if there's any good content out there or if it's all XD KAWAII bullshit" and then found out yes. Yes there is.
Or at least content that's relevant to my interests anyway.

Attached: 1519333495865.png (1280x1280, 1.09M)

I'm gonna be honest with you, user. These are all excellent ideas

This picture is pretty homoerotic bro just want to make sure you knew

it's okay bro he said no homo before he posted it

Thats how they get you user.

another man with taste

Whatever do you mean by that user?
Yeah no homo

Attached: 1566244044944.jpg (1137x1280, 122K)

She had a bit more personality in the show imo, there was clearly a duality warring in her head. Reboot Gaz is a little bit more simple and nice, which is fine for the current times though.

I can't stop drawing them. Help!

Attached: drunk.png (2550x1755, 1.52M)

Why contain it?

I'm not usually an artist filled with shame, but this pairing does things to me.

Attached: bedtime.png (1734x1700, 1.3M)

God Skoodge and Zim are short. That girl on the second row is pretty short too but she never got any shit for it.

Draw Tenn hugging Zim and Skoodge instead. Apparently Zim and Skoodge were going to rescue her.

draw Sizz-Lorr

>forcing an alien who doesn't understand the concept of sleep to sleep
haha stupid Dib
*punches his fucking face in*

Where does the R come from in ZATR if it stands Zim and Tak?


Shame is for quitters. Winners embrace their degeneracy.



Embrace it my friend.
Also these are adorable!


I like seeing Zim with an air of competence.

We truely are back in the 2000s

>Zim's daughter looks like Dib

I know it's because Gaz has Membrane genes, but it's funny because it opens up the same questions people have about Sarada Uchiha's parentage, and it's also funny because his kid looks like his enemy.

It's weird how everyone shuns 2000s net behavior so much and yet these Florpus threads that have been full of that kind of dumb shit have been the best threads on Yea Forums in months

Can't believe Dib is cancelled

Attached: a5c228b62d17c022373298c86b1937a10d61ee5a.png (394x337, 9K)

It’s because people are having a good time.
Also double asterisk format is pretty common, especially on 4channel.

It's fun to act like a giddy pre-pubescent again

For it to be the mid 2000s again...

Reminder that Zim's dirty talk would sound like this song:

Is it really romance if you just want to see them fuck?

Honestly I ship all the Zim ships.

This is a fun idea.

Sometimes you want to fuck the unknown

We're allowed to have a good time again? Holy shit, the day has finally come.

The only right answer.

Attached: 1524718957058.png (1280x1280, 634K)

hey there are lifelong marriages based around just wanting to fuck each other

I guess not. The romance stuff can cute, but I'm mainly in it for the fuckin'

Attached: 1565992722702.jpg (848x1200, 214K)

stop spamming this shitty image most of it isnt even fucking cartoon related

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These two artists' zim & dib art is pretty cute

Attached: D2eTZvJXcAEmsuR.png large.png (850x850, 277K)

why can't boys dress like this normally in real life it's not FAIR



disgustingly slutty

*tink tink tink*




find a boy who wantes to dress like that


Attached: D_ecjAaUwAAKOZG.jpg large.jpg (2048x1461, 390K)

why don't you dress like that then user

>tfw no slutty permashota alien bf

Attached: Dxe69DhV4AEis7e.jpg (326x326, 18K)

Delicious curly antennae

Attached: Tenn,_Larb_and_Tim_(The_Nightmare_Begins).png (720x540, 416K)

I really wish I could get a 1080p copy of the original run.

I don't even think the masters of the show at that resolution exist.

I wonder why they changed Tenns design

Well then I want the Masters and I'll run a rent a server farm to run a batch script and send the entire show through Gigapixel AI. Gimme.

Yeah, it's only in 480p

Attached: 949494.png (565x536, 232K)

get that bootleg shit outta here

I watched this show all the time as a kid and not ONCE did I learn that the cat was an alien what the fuck??

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I like this one

The show is shit but Kat is pretty fuckable in all honesty.

It probably just wasn't worth the effort to have a more distinct design for a background character who was only going to show up for a total of maybe 20-30 seconds in the entire show. Even her voice sounded a little phoned in.

Attached: RCO004_1469317674.jpg (1041x1600, 407K)

Why do the worst ships always have the best art

Miami Zim x Miami Morty

I hate how tall Zim is in this

>no wiener in space

post more tak RIGHT FUCKING NOW

Attached: 1564710690711.jpg (198x250, 13K)

Tenn. Take it or leave it.

Attached: 439B2C9F-2DC8-43B2-9DC7-69DBBB5F52AF.png (552x975, 468K)


Attached: 1517776227220.jpg (320x320, 13K)

sure thing bro

Attached: 4334337.jpg (1360x768, 160K)

Tennfags rise up!

Attached: 876C5844-BA92-4A4A-BD1C-9E26F2A7B63A.png (1227x926, 1.07M)

Fixed Gaz's design.

Attached: Reboot Gaz.png (631x831, 191K)


Attached: tumblr_plat0o5ALT1tpacdvo1_1280.jpg (957x1398, 437K)

Attached: tumblr_ps4z01qNIE1tpacdvo1_1280.jpg (1080x1520, 233K)

its perfect

Is this a reference to something? I'm having severe Déjà vu

Attached: tumblr_ppkbnxvB8f1tpacdvo1_1280.jpg (851x1400, 202K)

Alright, alright I’ll post Tak. Just stop using tumblr images, please!

Attached: E01F36F9-C155-4C50-A746-AD3CAFF06EB5.png (1334x750, 1.92M)

Dan vs. I think

I just saw a pic of Zim in gayboi hotpants showing off his shota bulge asking to suck cock, and your pic is actually gayer somehow my man

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Attached: 68295628_p39.png (900x683, 197K)


That fag wasn't me but thank you
maybe you're just a single nigger after all

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Just one more thing.

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w...what other things?

Attached: monkas.png (1200x675, 211K)

It's from Steven universe

Attached: 68295628_p41.png (600x483, 120K)


Attached: 76F3B496-D366-4318-8D8C-F36E23849E4C.jpg (648x770, 146K)

I don't know if I'm laughing or crying this is terrible my man

I already like it a lot better. Although all Gaz's are pretty good in my opinion.

“I’m not cute! I’m scary, I’m deadly!”

Attached: 8F6DABC7-33E3-4774-BA7A-73A7A5E1A0E3.jpg (1334x2250, 267K)

>Long Tak
this amuses me greatly

Attached: Brain melting perspective.jpg (900x636, 82K)

I'm laughing so hard at these. They are God awful.

Was Tak ever planned to make a return before the series was cancelled?

Attached: 1518698060238.jpg (500x656, 103K)

I can smell the deviantart even though they have tumblr filenames.

(-5 Social Credit Score)

They're called Asians.

Asian bois make very good slutty sissies


Only -5?
Those are yellow, not green.

don't bully her

Attached: paranormal screeching.png (253x312, 133K)

This is honestly a perfect description.
Rocko tried really hard and it was okay.
Zim was just more Zim and it was amazing.

>Invaders competing
>SIR tournament
>Skoodge focus
>Tenn focus
>Tak's return
I loved the Irken episodes the most. So sad a lot of the good ones were cancelled.

Tak in disguise is the perfect foil for Dib's bullshit.

Attached: 1559656030937.png (700x1071, 797K)

reminds me of this

Attached: Irken.png (600x600, 152K)

>curled antennae
Hottest gf ever. Imagine the love bites.

Attached: 1566334795566.jpg (960x960, 74K)

She's beautiful.

I know that this thread is full of xeno fuckers but in what ways are humans superior to irklings? I feel like without their tech they're pretty fucking weak and if the show didn't display every adult as a complete fucking moron they're also far more physically capable.

>Maybe she's trying to self terminate.
There are easier and quicker ways user.

Attached: ZIM_Seppuku.jpg (1024x768, 45K)

It’s basically the classic brute force primate scenario, humans are generally larger, more durable, capable of producing their own (bodily) oils and (bodily) coolants.

Is there any info about how temperature affects irkens?

>teeth aren’t pink

I'm pretty sure a human gun would still fuck up an irken.
Consider that they seem to mostly be using laser and electical weaponry and most other species are too.
At the most they have some kind of super advanced kevlar that a PDW would fuck up, at worst their armor is adapted to dissipate heat and electricity and would crumple under a fucking 22

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Attached: Screenshot_20190824-220650~2.png (1400x1080, 653K)

Most Irkens are the size of a 10 year old child & can be wrestled-down by one. Water/Meat exposed to certain pollutants can burn through their flesh & they cannot live 10 minutes without their PAKs.

The spec bio fag
The /k/ommando

I can't wait until AI Deepfake audio algorithms exist and autismo teams can just make any fan episode of any show they want

Not really, but humans have lived for thousands of years on both extremes of the planet. Perhaps the grand majority of humans are fat lazy pigs, but introduce some Darwinism again and you'd quickly have a very capable force.

>while all other species went the route of electronic weapons, due to their more appealing nature and "if it ain't broke" mentality humans just keep building better and better guns. The end result is a slug thrower that packs the inertia of a projectile round with the lethality armor piercing high explosive rounds more suited for mechanized human wars. Laser guns are seen as a toy or crowd control.
Also mirin that balaclava.

Far more resistant to germs and pollutants; Much better immune system.
We have brains in our heads that aren't vestigial and we don't need a backpack to survive.
Unparalleled art and philosophy if you look at most enlightened points in our history.
Most importantly, we're taller.

>We have brains in our heads that aren't vestigial and we don't need a backpack to survive.
Isn't that a downside though? Our skulls are likely nowhere near as protective as a PAK is probably made to be.

thats just the audio, then you need a fan group good enough to make non ass animation to go along with it.

I mean we don't know if they use kinetic weapons, if they've ever run into anything that uses them, if they've had to, etc, etc.
At worst their stuff is adapted for large caliber rounds and BP with a focus on making melee, thermal, electric and any sort of radiation a non-issue.
But... Since the Iriken dying doesn't actually matter and the PAK being the main "brain" actually matters the PAK might be made out of a hyper durable substance bullets wouldn't do shit to.
More or less.
I always like the idea of humans being smart but also relatively stupid compared to what most spacefaring species would do.
So when we finally start dealing with Aliens trying to kill us they have to create special troops just to deal with dipshits firing 400 grain lever rifle rounds at them in space.
Anyway I'm off topic now.

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Yeah whatever

Attached: 1566454698019.png (975x864, 528K)

Well, do you suppose an Irken can recover from a headshot?

>You will never join the space force in the war against Irk
>You will never witness your planet dominating the Irkens and liberating their territories
>You will never have an Irken slave

based /k/ommando slapping science in

wear some protective power armor and that isn't an issue, and you're not enslaved to a computer component that is probably far weaker than flesh. Metal corrosion affects even the sturdiest of components, all the flesh worries about is time.

"If we don't know what we're doing then the enemy can't certainly can't anticipate our future actions."
Just imagine fighting the orks, but they're not the orks they're just humans. Perhaps with our height and physically ability we are still incredibly strong for a space faring species, where others sacrifice their bodies for their minds.

>imfuckingplying you can't just go around after a battle collecting PAKs to chain to the back of your ship to get atomized in the next burn

Attached: mag.jpg (480x300, 76K)

It can be storyboarded for all I care, or even a comic dub. Point is, the content that'd come from it would be great. That is, if you can get passed the fact that we'd effectively be living in a post-truth era by the time the technology gets perfected. Scary stuff

Attached: despair4.png (834x538, 868K)

I'll chill with the guns.
The PAKs are shown being able to locomote on their own. Yeah, you could probably do something to stop that, but if we're going with every PAK being at LEAST capable of what Zim's is showing being able to do you could probably get fucked just by a PAK alone.
I'd say you;d be best off firing HEAT at it or utilizing some kind of strong electromagnetic field when you dropped in.

Attached: 1566485490850.png (843x1383, 445K)

She was actually going to be the focus point of an episode

But then the show got cancelled

What was her lore?

Implying Irkens are stupid enough to fight another species on foot instead of in army of planet-destroying mechs.

Attached: 60390DBC-87CE-4158-BBF8-4B3AF34711A4.jpg (250x188, 12K)

That would be fun. Finding out the best methods to fighting Irken soldiers. Too bad ethos and logos are dead in the Zim timeline unless you're a Membrane. No other humans would be able to organize, execute, and appreciate such an effort.

Attached: 1499566112436.jpg (500x480, 27K)

Uhh, can I rise up even if I have dual membership with TAK?

people have already pointed out ways humans are superior, so let me point out a few Irken upsides

They have an incredible ability to heal, and can shake off some pretty serious injuries
(ex. when Zim's entire lower half was fucking demolished by the lice-killing device, when his eyes melted out of his skull, when he broke every bone in his body, etc.)
see above

I think they can sense shit/pick up vibrations with their antennae or some shit

they live MUCH longer

...I think thats pretty much all they have on us, physically

Attached: leggies.png (716x540, 564K)

Well if we're going with the interstallar smart humans then they'd probably just have auxillary troops whose only job is to dispose of PAKs, either via a plasma torch/thermite, or some form of electronic disruption.

Most of those are implied to be a park of their cybernetic augs or cartoon logic.

oh, also the parasite-killing shit in their skin

not sure how I missed that considering I posted a screenshot from that episode

>mechs instead of tanks
oh yeah sure
>shoots your groin hinge with a HEAT round and leaves your stupidly complex machine unable to move
Don't even get me started on shit like Gauss cannons and railguns. Humans have always just obsessed about sending pointy objects at faster speeds, from the speer to the arrow to the bullet to the mac round its all the same.

>bombs your joints

Attached: low_flying.jpg (1600x1207, 902K)

Sent to Meekrob, home of those energy aliens from Dib’s wonderful life of Doom & the Irken’s worst enemies. Their tech is stalemated by their ridiculous energy powers. After her requested mecha gets mixed up with Zim’s defective SIRs, she would go on to enter them in a SIR competition, lose, then get assigned back to Meekrob.

Later, Tenn is found out & captured so the tallest send Zim & Skoodge over to rescue her (Dib following them) - setting up the events of the Irk-Meekrob war that would have finished the series in the IZ movie: Invader Dib.

Attached: 8433F66D-E031-4AFD-9843-8A55F42DBF22.png (250x231, 132K)

I feel ya bro. We could've gotten more Tenn AND Tak

>attack the joints
Ah, fellow kommando, good to see you. Its good to see you've studied well.

which ones are which, because I don't think any of those I listed are

what ARE from their cybernetic augs (which are in their PAK, and kind of a part of them anyways)

Spider legs

built-in space helmet with the ability to turn invisible

built-in laser blasters

built-in computer with a database n shit

life support system

and more

Thank you for the juicy lore, daddy.

shit dude you kinda summed it all up. They're ass without their fannypaks

>Wow those disgusting creatures sure are convinced they can beat us
>Should we just blow up their planet?
>Yeah let’s do that, much less awkward than having to hear them talking about our joints

Attached: D6F606F8-E246-41C3-9C78-932940997A1C.png (400x300, 195K)

Well, first off Skoodge would have started living with Zim and become his friend that wants to help him conquer Earth. Much later, the Meekrob would have captured Tenn, and all the Invaders would be sent in to rescue her. All the other invaders fail, Skoodge and Zim end up saving her.

they're literally just...dead without their PAKs

autist, all this talk was hypothetical if both parties were on equal ground. I understand that your favorite alien's getting their asses kicked tickles your autism but surely you can't believe we think we could fight them as we were right now?

>It's just Doomguy
Life is pain user.

Attached: IMG_20190824_151608.png (681x628, 196K)

>Ms. Bitters, I have a MIGHTY NEED to use the restroom once again
>Okay, but that's your last restroom break for the rest of the school year
The voice actors make this show so timeless with these perfect deliveries. May you rest in peace, Lucille Bliss.

Attached: 1536317991294.gif (500x375, 496K)

It’s a joke user, I was roleplaying as red & purple, lighten up

fuck. in my stupor I have played to far and revealed that I am indeed the austist. woe is me


Someone draw Squidkid Dib and Gaz vs Octoling Zim and Tak right now.

It looks like early on they were naturally the tallest of their species, but starting with Hobo 13 their bodies looked a bit more robotic and artificial. I'm guessing they were surgically stretched out to become that tall.

Just doomguy having a laugh, something wrong user?

>Implying I have a problem with our lord and savior Doomguy

Attached: RIP_AND_TEAR_0.gif (285x246, 168K)

Holy shit user, you've done it.
You've discovered the new idea.

Attached: 1562355698881.jpg (540x312, 49K)

Attached: massive destroyed.jpg (1360x768, 146K)

I'd enjoy seeing him go apeshit in a few universes. It'd be good fun.

who freaking knows anymore have some Irken corsets

Attached: corsets.png (1280x1325, 992K)

>Red & Purple lie dying in the wreckage
>Professor (Dib) Membrane stands over them, his universe now saved, the resisty & the meekrob basking in their hard-earned victory
>”Any last words Irken scum?”
>”Yo-You...You’re a fucking manlet Dib...” *Dies*

Man, he got old fast.
All FPS protagonists are merely pale shadows of the greatness that is Doomguy.

Attached: Dibs_Planet_Sized_Head.jpg (5000x5000, 695K)

Uh oh.

Attached: Whoops.jpg (1080x619, 212K)

But do Irkens purr?

Fucking love Jhonen.

Yeah, well, he thinks you're nasty.

I'm ok with that

Attached: tumblr_inline_pgf84mBXFB1qcebhq_500.png (500x675, 451K)

>Implying I'm one of you Alien fucking degenerates
I'm just here looking for good Taks.

Attached: 39B420135E424D509B642B7F3FD877F6_0.jpg (600x500, 63K)

so is he just a prude or what?

He hates homosexuality with a fiery passion.

He doesn't like his characters sexualized and he always came off as an asexual Robert Crumb to me.


he hates fags and other deviants, quite based really

It's on paheal

I'd say the PAKs

[ This post has been halted by the Irken Army. ]

Attached: file.png (1480x800, 834K)

Gaz is thicc

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-08-15-11h07m25s400.png (716x540, 373K)

Attached: TableTalk.png (1382x600, 338K)

Is Bob smaller than Zim?

The left Irken isn't Zim

Bob is smaller than Zim, I'm pretty sure. I literally just watched Hobo 13 and they're back to back at one point.

I know, it's a table OC. NOW ANSWER ME!!!

I think he might actually be, though

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-08-23-20h33m41s279.png (716x540, 467K)

who is it?

Toaster the supreme Irken OC.

New bread

>you will never be an Irken's slave

I think her name was Drip or something. It's a Yea Forums OC. She REALLY likes serving her Tallest.

I imagine the break room shenanigans between these two are hilarious.

Absolutely delightful

I like to headcanon that she's the second table-head in Florpus.

Bob would think she was a terrible bootlicker. She would be intensely jealous of his spreader bar and whenever the Tallest spit on him.

That same episode made Zim a little taller than Skoodge didn't it? In the pilot they were the same height.


Attached: Sadness cheese.png (1194x874, 630K)