Episode portrays Flanders as trying to censor everyone and Lisa as the free speech advocate

>Episode portrays Flanders as trying to censor everyone and Lisa as the free speech advocate
Shouldn't it be the other way around to be more realistic?

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Other urls found in this thread:


what episode was this?



Technically it would have to be each promoting free speech but labeling each others free speech as hateful and harmful and must be stopped.

When will you learn? Everyone with opinions are terrible.
Though, that's just my opinion.

it makes sense for either of them to try and censor stuff but i'm pretty sure there's an unspoken rule that lisa has to be 100% in the right in every episode of zombie simpsons

the thing about the bad guys is their favorite thing to do is blame the opposition for everything they're guilty of. /pol/ is basically a long list of what they've ASSIGNED to to their enemies, which is taken up as roleplaying, falseflagging, and general trolling. But not actually what that side believes in.
something people shouldn't need explained to them, but... It's amazing how well you can succeed in reversing public opinion when people are idiots

also this isn't realllly a thread that needs to exist, is it? because those same bad people profit from strife and controversy. it's best to just stop paying it attention

How many things have SJWs actually censored? Fundies have actually gotten stuff censored. You think people on Yea Forums of all places would know that. You know. The Comic Code.

Simpsons drop in quality directly correlates with its rise in popularity in Japan.
Many are unaware of this but the highly conservative (conservative as in not kicking up a fuss and shunning) culture of Japan likes Lisa far more than Bart or any of the other members of the family.

Most of Yea Forums was born after soccer moms stopped being a thing.

>It's amazing how well you can succeed in reversing public opinion when people are idiots
well, some people are idiots, but also, disinformation campaigns are extremely well-funded. even the cable news channels that aren't dedicated to partisan disinformation, still give shitloads of free airtime to lying hacks because they have to "both-sides" every issue...

but, yeah, let's call a spade a spade. conservatives do not care about free speech. they just use it as a cudgel to force people to let them talk. they work very hard to suppress liberal and leftist speech.

This was made BEFORE SJWs decided to play the same book as Christian fundies did back then.

Though if it were classic Simpsons, it'd be this instead.

> not kicking up a fuss and shunning) culture of Japan
Just because they don't kick up a fuss doesn't mean they don't when they need to.

japan for the most part has been highly resistant to the corruption of the west and the lowering of quality of life and IQ as a result via lies and subversion.

j**s fear the samurai is a saying for a reason.

Why do you lie, tje other point of view was carried by Marge, Lisa doesn't even appear in that episode

It's not really a left or right issue. You're right that it's a conservative thing, but that's what makes this so infuriating. SJWs claim to be liberal, but seems to be conservative when it comes to speech and sexuality, not unlike the Christian Fundies they (and everyone else) hates. Then again, it's not that surprising when radical feminists and fundies joined forces to ban porn back in the day.

Right, religious fundamentalists have never tried to censor or control the flow of information.

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Which is ironic when you considered what she did regarding Itchy and Scratchy.

Are you serious? Are you that far in the rabbit hole of leftist garbage that you have to ask?

"Hate speech" gets censored all the time. What is "hate speech"? Whatever SJWs disagree with. "I don't want my 3 year old to be told how to use a dildo" = "Hate speech, you're a bigot." "I don't think 'BLM' is actually helping the community, in fact it's getting more black people killed because police don't even want to enter the areas" = "Hate speech, you're a racist and you don't care about black people."

You can't even have a conversation anymore with people on the left. Whereas "fundies" essentially have no power. I haven't seen a church successfully get anything banned in decades, whereas a bakery that doesn't want to bake a cake for a gay wedding can be sued into oblivion. "Right to refuse service to anyone" no longer applies if you have wrong think.

Indeed.the issue isn't "liberals are the real censors". It's people who self proclaim themselves as liberals are censoring things under the guise of progressiveness. Underneath that, they are conservatives in denial.

You don't know much about Japan, do you?

She learned her lesson at the very end of that episode with David's statue

Why do you fuckers bitch about cartoons you clearly aren't even watching?

>I don't want my 3 year old to be told how to use a dildo
This is why accidents happen

Well, the newer episodes seemed to have forgotten that. With Marge's "Call me a killjoy" bit.

>Christcucks not censuring stuff
I know you hate libs but come on op

Young liberals wanting to censor "hate speech" are amateurish newbs compared to old protestant prudes. There's this one EXTREMELY Ned-Flanders like dude that keeps showing up at town meetings where I live, and it's always a hoot to listen to him on the radio as he routinely and politely asks that everything and anything get censored, banned, or put behind closed doors for being a bad influence on kids.

This. The current libs you hate don't know why they are liberals because they've been instilled valies they learned from their christcuck fundie parents. They ditched Christ but kept evrything else.

Japan doesn't give a single fuck about the Simpsons what are you on

No, despite recent trends the religious right is still way too censorship happy.

>/pol/ is basically a long list of what they've ASSIGNED to to their enemies
I didn't realize that /pol/ is a bunch of jewish elite globalist bankers fighting for world domination under Israeli rule.

>release date 2010
You see user, this was about at the time of the cultural turnover. With Obama in office and the Long March Through the Institutions complete much of the western Left no longer felt it needed to be anti-authoritarian as *was* authority. As I'm sure you know what happened next was that the activist wing started using it's power to try and censor opinions they disagreed with to the point of getting fired and/or arrested.
But you should also bear in mind that the Simpsons writers are by this point several years behind popular culture. They are still heavily mired in the mindset of the early 00s, seeing the Religious Right as the enemy of freedom they need to fear and denigrate, which is of course why Flanders became a strawman in the first place.

Well they ARE trump supporters now.

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>right holds free speech rallies
>left tries to violently shut down free speech rallies
it's like I'm seeing double

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Who the fuck cares?

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More like you're free to speak mind, but don't bitch if you get punched for saying stupid shit.

Flanders is christian, I don't see what you're getting at.

Speaking of which, what denomination IS Lovejoy's church anyway?

Eh, its old religious right v newer religious right on that.
Unironically boomers.

Everyone but Trump's cucks

>right holds free speech rallies
>left tries to violently shut down free speech rallies
Yes, that's what I said.


Man, I had forgotten about the wet hair thing.

>The Comic Code.
Fredric Wertham was a literal commie Jew.

>"Hate speech" gets censored all the time.
It's not just that; we've already had the Supreme Court of the United States of America have to tell liberals that "No, calling something whatever your memephrase of the week happens to be, "hate speech" or whatever, does not allow you to violate a person's First Amendment rights."
The dwindling religious right doesn't even try to pull that shit, and lack any sort of real institutional power anyway. As far as religions go, it's the only one that's completely open season to mock in Western society.

>lowering IQ

>radical feminists and fundies joined forces to ban porn back in the day.
The fuck are you talking about? Feminism has always supported porn as a means of subversion.

How do you force someone to let you talk? Conservatives are the only ones who care about free speech while leftist are trying to censor everyone to the right of the Huffington Post.

Copernicus was never sanctioned you retard.

Look up the stats for European citys and see yourself.

>Feminism has always supported porn as a means of subversion.
There's two types of feminism; one believes that being a cumdumpster is empowering, the other one believes men so much at looking at you is rape.
Feminism is an exercise in finding new and creative ways to be wrong.

There's a difference between not wanting trannies to be allowed to masturbate in front of children and wanting to deplatform everyone who says trannies masturbating in front of children is bad.

>The dwindling religious right doesn't even try to pull that shit, and lack any sort of real institutional power anyway.
This is what left cucks actually believe

Is it just one guy in here screaming "Leftists!"?

Posting cats in a politics thread.

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Why are rightwingers so good at making cakes?

>guy who's worried about evil conspiracies to lower IQ can't even spell "cities" right

they actually respect traditional arts like baking

lad, I just got back from work and drank 1/3 a bottle of white wine. I dunnae give a toss.

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>houldn't it be the other way around to be more realistic?
No, that's pretty much how it goes.

>Liberals want freedom of exp-
A man in Canada was fined for printing a pamphlet that quoted gay STD stats and offending some queers. Because of that, "Feels > Reals" is now enshrined into Canadian law.

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Conservatives do not believe in freedom of speech.

Comes with a more traditional upbringing from a not broken home.
Ever notice how gays always to to bakeries owned by conservatives to get their homocakes made?

and Cali made knowingly infecting a person with HIV a non felony.
Its disgusting.

So you support free speech then?

The majority of the serious religious right would happily shut down Yea Forums for being a hive of indecency. These are the people who wish we had blasphemy laws. Despite how hard they totally own the libtard sjws, they are not your friends either.

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Religious people are more likely to change the channel. The left is willing to punish someone for satire.

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Literally a reaction to blatantly being the only religion allowed to be mocked.

That said blasphemy laws dont sound too bad depending on the definition of blasphemy.
Like, an arsons fire spreads to a chruch? Not blasphemy.
An arson intentionally targets a church, add blasphemy to the charge.

But that would just get out of hand due to loose definition so best not to do so.

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>Religious people are more likely to change the channel

That's some solid bait there bud

there starting to stab each other accusing each other of being more left than the other, it's weird.

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Do not feed intentional trolls

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But it's true. They just make a safe Christian version of something while the left demand that every other character on the show be a black lesbian.

At no point did I say that the left aren't a bunch of overly zealous censors, they are, but I don't like this trend of pretending that hardcore religious fundamentalists are somehow good because they also oppose the far left. They just want their own brands of censorship instated instead.

They create a safe space?

>but I don't like this trend of pretending that hardcore religious fundamentalists are somehow good
They're not.
They're also pretty much reduced to a couple ancient boomers knocking on death's door in retirement homes.
They're not the ones assaulting people in the streets.

... which bring it in line with knowingly infecting anybody with literally any other disease. AIDs was given extra punishment, not for any real reason but because it was a hot button issue. If you infected somebody with rabies, they would have a far worse medicated quality of life then someone infected with AIDs.

The actual impact of the prior law, lead to less reporting and testing. The law was barely used, except as a means of going after sex workers, even if they were engaged in contact that had no way of spreading AIDs.


>Of the 379 HIV-related convictions in California between 1988 and 2014, only seven — less than 2 percent — included the intent to transmit HIV, according to a recent series of studies from the UCLA School of Law’s Williams Institute.

Instead, the law mostly affected sex workers or those suspected of sex work. The vast majority of the convictions — 90 percent — were for solicitation cases where it was unknown whether any physical contact had occurred. When expanded to include the 800 or so people arrested or charged for the laws through 2014, more than 95 percent were related to sex work, the researchers found.

They create a separate market, but they don't expect everyone else to play along like the left does.
The right generally opposes obscenity while the left opposes expressing ideas they don't like. One is preferable to the other.

Yes, for their children.

No. Conservatives support censorship, liberals support free speech. What are you, a 12 year old /pol/tard?

>The actual impact of the prior law, lead to less reporting and testing.
That sounds like a problem with faggots, not victims.

>liberals support free speech.

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It's almost like """""""sex workers""""""" are more likely to get AIDS.
I have no idea why that would be.

Yes, but that show is so poorly written that you can't expect it to be realistic.

Isn't, "Think of the Children!" the main reason why the 90s were filled with religious fear mongers trying to get everything banned?

I don't know what you're talking about, the 90s were fucking awesome.

Lawmakers are supposed to make laws to be the most effective. The most effective thing in such a public health case, as endorsed by a multitude of health professionals is not to have a punitive measure like automatic felonies. The law basically encourages people that might be at risk not to get tested, so they don't meet the knowingly arm of the law. Particularly one that can be triggered over something that has zero risk. There are barely any cases of the scare mongered scenario of someone deliberately infecting people

Again why punish AIDs harshly, when they are far worse diseases that people could be infected with.

pretty much yeah, /pol/ kiddies don't remember d&d and pokemon being considered works of the devil and idiots eating it up.

It isn't really fear mongering when everything they said would happen is actually happening.

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Wow, a picture of something that may or may not have happened to one person on a planet of 7 billion people.

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>d&d and pokemon being considered works of the devil
That shit was only talked about on slow news days and it was always done by some fringe church in the middle of nowhere. Every kid at my church played Pokemon.

You think that because you were a kid and didn't have the internet back then.

>Trannies get people arrested for offending them

I think he means the mid - lat 80s i think where companies intentionally went too far with toning everything down.
Kind of like now where they are going too far with pushing leftist shit.
It will come back to bite them.

some people are boobs and will cry about shit they don't fully understand, not like that is new news.

Literally both media hyping up a small group into a national issue.

Most dident give a shit.

Never trust media

>The law basically encourages people that might be at risk not to get tested, so they don't meet the knowingly arm of the law.
That's completely on them.
If they live a lifestyle with a ridiculously high rate of contracting AIDS, its in their own interests for regularly getting tested for AIDS, in everyone else's best interests in getting regularly tested for AIDS, and have no excuse to not get regularly tested for AIDS, unless they want to infect other people with it.
>someone deliberately infecting people
Well of course it's not "deliberate" if you don't "technically know", because you don't actually give a shit about how many people you infect.
>Again why punish AIDs harshly
Because it's essentially murder, is completely destroying the LGBT community, and is spreading like wildfire.

I'm probably older than you, zoom zoom. My uncle was a pastor and let me and my cousins play Doom on his computer all the time. The "satanic panic" is a cliche for faggots who want to feel like victims because mommy didn't get let them play DnD on Sunday mornings and made them go to church instead.

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I think I'll take SWAT Kats over Soilent Universe, thank you.

Was literally created by two born-again Christians.

>Children's beauty pageants are run by pedos
>Children's cross dressing beauty pageants are run by pedos

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I will never not be upset at how shit Su was.
tons of hints and potential, all flushed away for crying and lesbian sex innuendo.
Which reminds me, since they confirmed it was sex innuendo, they straight up showed underage sex on television with steven fusing.

I'm not talking about quality of entertainment, I'm talking about the information overload hyper politicization of the modern internet age versus the past.

yeah pageants outside of baby ones (since they are mostly for the parents) are disgustingly harmful

>Because it's essentially murder, is completely destroying the LGBT community, and is spreading like wildfire.
Hello 80s Man. How is President Reagan?. If you actually paid the slightest amount of attention, or did any research you would know that AIDs medication has come a long way from the initial panic about it. The medication drop the chances of transmission dramatically. ART medication once the viral load is undetectable makes the transmission essentially zero. The lifespan is far longer, and it is much easier to prevent the full onset from HIV to AIDs.

Again you are arguing against the opinion of medical and public safety experts. They say that not making it a felony is far better at preventing the further spread, then punitive action. Because treatment and medication are far better then locking up random sex workers.

Well you can also blame SJWs for that.
Although you had some pretty cringey blatant Christian propaganda in the form of terrible TV shows and video games, made exclusively by Christians for Christians, SJWs worm their way into every form of media in order to infect it like an AIDS ridden San Fransisco gay prostitute bugchaser.

>ART medication once the viral load is undetectable makes the transmission essentially zero.

>homos can't even bother to get tested for AIDS
>but they're somehow all taking this medication to prevent transmission
>despite AIDS still skyrocketing, the vast majority of new infections being among the LGBT community, despite being 2% of the population

If you hate gay people, just say so. Personally I don't give a shit about them one way or the other, but it's utterly ridiculous you're touting around a disease that's basically a gay genocider as "something we should completely ignore, and not punish for spreading".

>It's okay not to tell someone if you only have a little bit of AIDS.

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We also remember that it amounted to nothing.
While the shit going on now is getting codified into law.
Did anyone ever run on a platform of banning Pokemon from playgrounds?

Yeah if only bugchasers and AIDS denialiests weren't so prevalent within the community we wouldn't have this issue.

It is still a misdemeanour. And people were hit with this felony with no transmission.

Also new cases of AIDs have been steadily declining. The region it hasn't is mostly in the South, which accounts for over half the new diagnoses in the whole US. Guess which laws they have on the books.

>Japan likes Lisa far more than Bart
the fuck are you talking about?and even if this was true, why would the conservatives japaneses like lisa?no one likes lisa

who fears the samurai?i have never heard htta saying in my fucking life

Sounds like a literal niggerfaggot problem.

You're welcome.
Please lurk more outside of Yea Forumsmblr.

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>The new provisions, which took effect January 1, now require an actual transmission or for prosecutors to demonstrate that a defendant had intent to transmit HIV. They also recognize that certain risk reduction measures—such as being on antiretroviral treatment or the use of barriers like condoms—negate intent.

>despite AIDS still skyrocketing
Nope, it's going down.
>the vast majority of new infections being among the LGBT community, despite being 2% of the population
True. But that's also true for blacks.


Saved 5,558 Jews during the Holocaust. The Japanese as a whole had nothing against the Jews

Japanese war crimes during WWII make the holocaust look like a fucking summer camp.

I used to work as a fiction editor and the people who always complained the most to try to get stuff to not be printed were the hyper Christians.

They LOVE censorship. They act like it's their mission to purify every bit of content out there to conform to something they find acceptable and wholesome.

I was disputing a retarded pol meme, not defending the Japanese. And no I really wouldn't say that. They were both incredibly brutal and stupid, but the Japanese didn't have stated goals to wipe out 100% of any group.

I could understand your position if you were some kind of retired boomer.
But I highly doubt it.

>The right generally opposes obscenity while the left opposes expressing ideas they don't like.

Those two mean the same thing. Obscenity is what the right doesn't like. Everybody likes censorship when it's shit they don't like getting censored.

We had people complaining that a magazine we worked on was going to publish the autobiographical account of a homosexual woman who was persecuted in the middle east and wound up getting tortured, because they thought we'd be promoting homosexuality.

It's more like the left want to ban opinions they don't like, and right wants to ban their children from having to see a gay transgendered anal sex parade marching right outside their house.

Yeah, I’m sure his only objection to homosexuality is the STD rate, he’s just really concerned about the health of homosexuals, it has nothing at all to to with the belief that homosexuals deserve eternal suffering and torture. I’m sure if the STD rate went down he’d have absolutely no problems at all, he probably has nothing against lesbians, who have lower STD rates than both male homosexuals and male and female heterosexuals, it’s not about stirring shit up and demonizing the queers, it’s just concern for their health.

Now don’t get me wrong, the fact that he was fined is absolutely retarded and unacceptable, but don’t be disingenuous about what what his motives likely were, unless he was some sort of health professional.

A lot of people on Yea Forums are too young to remember when people who wanted to hurt homosexuals were trying to constantly demonize them as being plague bearers that weren't safe to even stand next to.

Lesbians also have massive STD rate.
They also have the highest domestic abuse rate of any sort of pairing.

It's more like the left wants to ban those calling for murder and oppression of people, while the right wants to ban everything that isn't their wank dream of the 1950s all white town.

Probably because most of us aren't Muslims.
>It's more like the left wants to ban those calling for murder and oppression of people
That's already illegal, and its illegality was passed by the right.
Your idea of "murder and oppression" is just "not having open borders".

You can tell by his post what sort of opinions of his he is concerned about being ridiculed over. >Probably because most of us aren't Muslims.
Literally the US in the 80s.

The right also wants to ban opinions they don't like, but when they tried it we all told them to fuck off, so now they mostly stick to the big stuff like anal sex parades.

Now the left is trying it, only they're actually succeeding, and anyone who tells them to fuck off gets deplatformed and called a Nazi. Even if they're gay and black. Especially if they're gay and black. The only thing more sinful than a heathen is an apostate, after all.

Your pic related is someone who was never sanctioned you absolute mongoloid.

Yeah that is why the entire GOP and most of the Democrats are in jail. Oh wait no, that doesn't happen.

>fundie Christians have tons of power
>country's doing great and the music is awesome
>Tumble has tons of power
>country is meh and the music forgettable

No, the 80's sucked ass and the music was pretty shitty. 2010's aren't much better but at least I have a computer.

Yeah clearly the right cares so much about free speech ...

Yeah no. Here is a Trump administration planned executive order that would give them wide spanning powers to censor the internet at will.


The right doesn't care about free speech. They only use it as a weapon to attack the left as a whole, despite pro censorship leftists being a mere faction of the entire left. Just like they don't actually care about stuff like deficits or morality, when it becomes inconvenient. Remember when Republicans were so outraged about Bill Clinton getting a BJ. Now the first lady has soft core porn pics floating about the internet and the President brags about sexual assault and walking in on underage girls.

>The right also wants to ban opinions they don't like
Sure... before any of us were alive.
Now they're unironic champions for free speech, because "the right" of today is not "the right" of yesterday, any more than the current Democratic party are the KKK.

>There's two types of feminism; one believes that being a cumdumpster is empowering, the other one believes men so much at looking at you is rape.
To be honest most men would probably prefer the former.

>and the music was pretty shitty
>all of 80s music was Poison and Bon Jovi
Wanna know how I know you're from Reddit?

>The right doesn't care about free speech.
Compare any "rightwing" website with any "leftwing" website.
"No u" does not even remotely work in this case.
It's explicitly a leftist problem.

>Liking shit bans
I'm sorry you have shit taste.

Oh boy you've never been on Free Republic. Get banned for even a minor deviation from the owner's beliefs.

I've been banned from two trump focused groups for asking questions they didn't like, such as whether people are concerned that the trade war was a mistake.

The first amendment is protection against the government censoring your speech. Someone disagreeing with you, or being deplatformed for violating a sites terms of use, is not a breach.

Yep. It's amazing how little so many people on the right seem to understand the actual constitution on this stuff.


Nearly every single right wing subreddit, bar the libertarians immediately bans anybody that doesn't toe the party line.

then why do you guys get butthurt when Google and Facebook remove links to right leaning websites? they're private companies not the government so the First Amendment doesn't apply to them.

> Communist pretending to be a libertarian
it doesn’t matter who is doing it if the result is the same.

I used to like the Usenet days when you could post on talk.politics and any opinion could be expressed before people moved to circlejerk websites where only one opinion was allowed.

Trump and people who think trump has any clue what he's talking about get butthurt about people being deplatformed for violating tos, or over imagined biases.

Everybody else understands how the first amendment works.

Google is technically within their rights to do so, however it does if nothing else demonstrate their California liberal inclinations as a company.

>Free Republic
Oh boy that takes me back. I was banned from there for endorsing Ron Paul.

Again, why are you guys consistently shocked and dismayed that tech companies are mostly run by liberal guys from the West Coast and not your boomer flyover redneck dad from Indiana.

Facebook literally just underwent an audit about bias against right wing content and it was found that they didn't have any.

This all just stems from butthurt people on the right upset that they don't represent a majority opinion in online discorse..

I have not. If that is true, I disagree with their policy as well.
I imagine you refer to groups that are already censored by their host site to begin with.
I wouldn't know, I'm not a filthy redditor.

As far as I can tell, every single rightwing media outlet, social media, networking site, etc, are all in favor of free speech, which will eventually win out over oppressive purity spiraling for "wrongthink".

"OMG I CAN'T EVEN RIGHT NOW *BLOCK* *BAN* *DOXX*" is not a rightwing virtue, and even if you think rightwingers are big doodoohead dumdums... they have more experience defending their positions than anyone who lives in a censorship-heavy hugbox, due to the very nature that they have to defend their positions by means other than censorship.

Usually, when google and facebook do that it's to insane conspiracy theories or hate groups. I don't give a fuck about flat earthers but there's a special place in hell for antivaxxers.

>insane conspiracy theories
>hate groups
These are literal buzzwords.

>This all just stems from butthurt people on the right upset that they don't represent a majority opinion in online discorse..
Proofs? Because if you go on websites related to cars/outdoor stuff/weapons and other "macho" activities the userbase is pretty fucking right-leaning. I suppose if you go on a feminist-themed website it may not be.

>I imagine you refer to groups that are already censored by their host site to begin with.
Nope. Managed entirely to their own devices, and their own chosen mods actively ban people for wrongthink at the drop of a hat.

It's super easy to go get banned from far right sites.

Google is not leftist biased. They knew about Cambridge Analytical back in 2015, and let them run their operation because they get money. Google lets anybody run massive ad operations, left or right. They only care about making money, and the left is what would hinder them from doing so. Warren would do something about them, while Trump just bitches about bias, while cutting their taxes and letting lobbyists write the rules.

The person that got fired for being a 'normal conservative', was actually stealing documents and is a far right conspiracy theorist.

How are you taking this from aggregates like google and facebook to hobbyist focused sites? You are all over the place.

>or hate groups
What exactly is their definition of a "hate group" though?

He said right leaning people didn't represent a majority in online discourse, likely because the websites he frequents don't have a right leaning userbase, so it's confirmation bias.

No they aren't. Fuck you and fuck antivaxxers. They shouldn't have a platform that lets them bring back fucking nearly eliminated viruses that can completely mess up people's lives. Flat earthers are retarded but ultimate harmless.

You literally isolated that out of context from the entire rest of the discussion that had been focused on places like google and facebook, which are aggregates.

>I wouldn't know, I'm not a filthy redditor.
>As far as I can tell, every single rightwing media outlet, social media, networking site, etc, are all in favor of free speech, which will eventually win out over oppressive purity spiraling for "wrongthink".
>"OMG I CAN'T EVEN RIGHT NOW *BLOCK* *BAN* *DOXX*" is not a rightwing virtue, and even if you think rightwingers are big doodoohead dumdums... they have more experience defending their positions than anyone who lives in a censorship-heavy hugbox, due to the very nature that they have to defend their positions by means other than censorship.

They all say that, while banning anybody who does disagree. Right wingers are adapt at being utter hypocrites.


So, uh, about that Simpsons show...
And why was The Critic objectively better?

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Any group that promotes hate speech. Hate speech defined as abusive or threatening speech or writing that expresses prejudice against a particular group, especially on the basis of race, religion, or sexual orientation.

I'm not the guy who calls for MSNBC to be shut down for hate speech but I have heard some parties call for Fox News to be shut down for hate speech.

I bet $5 they didn't censor ANTIFA or the New Black Panther Party or La Raza.

The right wing obsession with free speech, is just a way of working the referee. They endlessly complain about bias and oppression, at the slightest hint of opposition. You know like fact checking their bullshit. Then the media bends over backwards to appease them. Since they get positive results from such bullshit, they keep pulling it to try pull the Overton window where they want it.

>Having a taste this bad

Wholesale euthanasia of boomers is long overdue.

Attached: Gritty_guillottine.jpg (500x494, 53K)

Nice try Satan, but we already knew you shilled for Fox

>Constantly see right wing people complain about people being deplatformed
>Every time I look to see why somebody got deplatformed and wasn't able to appeal it it's because they were posting honestly heinous shit

I don't see the problem.

>did not even read the post he was replying to

Go post that on your /pol/ boogeyman, or Gab, or whatever that other new social media site is (Parle?), and watch how quickly you DON'T get banned.

there both so shit that they don't even deserve to call themselves news networks. i think fox had some legal shit with that like a year ago.

What was this heinous shit? If you were a literal Stormfag calling for a new Holocaust then I could sort of see it but I'm fairly sure in most cases it just means "Someone expressed an opinion that goes against that of establishment Democrats."

That would shut down most anti-white groups though, which clearly never happens, so "hate speech" is nothing but a radical liberal buzzword.

The critic was ok. The jokes land better in retrospect because Hollywood has completely merged with pop culture to such a high degree. Because knowledge of stupid shit like what director was wacky or what actor was overrated are now in the forefront of every ones minds. Honestly back then, people didn’t have time to remember or care about the stupid things we do today. And so it was canceled for not hitting with audiences like it would today.

compared to?

They will be pushing this grift until they figure out that they might as well start rounding up dissenters because everyone else got silenced

>all 4 of them!

Fox presented themselves in court as being an entertainment channel and not actually a news network.

>but I'm fairly sure in most cases it just means "Someone expressed an opinion that goes against that of establishment Democrats."

I'm sure you can produce names of people who got banned from social media for this, surely.

Every time I've looked in to one you usually find some mix of
Harmful conspiracy pushing, like alex jones pushing his crisis actor sandyhook shit.

Blatant white supremacy/racism.

Death threats/calls to violence.

Literally mirrored rhetoric to people like the christchurch shooter.

I know some things are best left for dead when they died on a high note, but do you think if the show were revived would it be just as good as it was?
Also, while we're on the 80s music subject, what do you think of Arena Rock and/or Glam Metal?
Yay or nay?

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>Fox presented themselves in court as being an entertainment channel and not actually a news network.
And every single other American media outlet has used this as a precedent ever since then.
Fox is not significantly better or worse than literally any of the other shit being peddled. At worst, they ignore actual issues to talk about irrelevant garbage like "the war on christmas" every year.

>Every time I've looked in to one you usually find some mix of
>Harmful conspiracy pushing, like alex jones pushing his crisis actor sandyhook shit.
>Blatant white supremacy/racism.
>Death threats/calls to violence.
>Literally mirrored rhetoric to people like the christchurch shooter.
Sounds like ANTIFA a lot more than your Uncle Jed and his MAGA hat desu.

Nah, fox is a lot worse than a lot of other networks. They do way more to push a bias, lean on their ins with the current administration, and the whole while actively keep trying to push the image that they ARE a news channel and claim to be the most fair news channel.

Tucker Carlson alone is a stain on American television and decency.

>How many things have SJWs actually censored?
Only in Clown World would anyone ask this question.

No all the other major networks are still classified as news.

>b-b-b-but Antifa!

Still waiting for that list of deplatformed people who did nothing but disagree with democrats.


>this damage control for a fox fucking "news"

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Then why didn't they deplatform ANTIFA or La Raza? Short of, I dunno, those guys being the SA of the Democrat Party.

The only reason you believe that is because all other networks agree on a certain narrative to push, and Fox is only just a smidge outside of it.
It's literally just "9/10 liars with this opinion agree that this is the truth, that many people can't be wrong!"

You don't even really have any idea what you are talking about.

A shitload of groups and accounts get banned off every social media platform every day. A shitload of white supremacist groups are still up on facebook. You are just cherry picking to try to feel victimized.

Now, either produce that list of people deplatformed for just not agreeing with democrats, as this is the third request, or get off it.

Yeah, you're right. SJWs have never censored anyone. In fact, they don't even exist. Also, antifa is a peaceful hippie organization that protects your freedoms.

Trump's basic agenda has been about undoing 25 years of bullshit trade agreements and border security, which are both extremely popular with working class Americans, so Democrats can't really attack those two things. They're lost and confused have nothing but to scream about Nazis (wait, how can the most-pro Israel president ever be an anti-Semite?) and racists.

>It's all a conspiracy! Everyone is in on it but Fox!

Attached: You right now.png (479x485, 123K)


If only white supremacist groups actually had any power and weren't just five meth heads in Idaho and a bunch of undercover Federal agents...

It's not black and white.

Christian weirdos want to censor liberal content (primary "non heterosexual" content). Leftist weirdos want to censor uncomfortable truths (black population percent vs violent crimes percentage, dark sides od immigration)

>damage control
You seem to misunderstand.
I'm not defending "le faux news".
I'm calling you a fucking retard because although being equally bad as whatever cuckshit you unquestioningly consume, the only reason it's singled out is because it's "right wing", and by "right wing" I mean still the exact same sort of controlled opposition as the rest of our MSM.
If you haven't realized that our media is indefensible shit, then you are a uniquely retarded individual, regardless of whatever your political leanings are.

Attached: trust_indicator_combo.jpg (473x1144, 69K)

>supreme court
...why do we have a president



>WASHINGTON — Amid President Donald Trump’s trade war with China, nearly two-thirds of Americans say they support free trade with foreign countries, according to the latest national poll from NBC News and the Wall Street Journal.

The Democrat Party is back to where they were in 1984 and 88 or where the Republicans were in 1936. They have no marketable candidates and don't know how to appeal to working class voers.

>Chart shows right wing people massively distrust the media over everyone else.
>The Republican focused news network has been pushing a narrative that all other news networks are pushing fake news, and that any news that is inconvenient to their opinions is fake news, for years.

Totally a coincidence.

You were being asked a very specific question and yet all you do is dance around it and move the goalposts.

Antifa doesn't murder people. Far right and white nationalists have a list of associated killings and mass killings long enough to wrap an elephant with.

Attached: Charlottesville_attack.png (1200x854, 344K)

>according to the latest national poll from NBC News and the Wall Street Journal
>NBC and WSJ
Wait, aren't those wholly-owned subsidiaries of the Chinese Communist Party?

The entire "fake news" meme was started by our massively overbearing liberal media in order to convince people that "alternative media" is inherently untrustworthy, and just "listen and believe".
This backfired entirely.
That has absolutely nothing to do with "le faux news".

>NUH UH! Fox didn't push that! It was the LIBERALS!

You guys work like clockwork.

No. And clearly discussing with you is a waste of time if you won't even consider facts that didn't fit into your bubble.

Yeah and then you have old fossils like Ted Koppel who need to die soon who ramble like Grampa Simpson about the good old days in 1975 when they were unchallenged and there was no Internet or talk radio to give you a viewpoint outside of theirs. These guys are staunch Leninists, they believe a small, elite group of media "professionals" have to guide the masses who can't be trusted to think for themselves.

The civil war can't come soon enough.

It was started because anyone anywhere can post shit on the internet and have people believe it. And there were in fact groups deliberately spreading false information.

>Trump's basic agenda has been about undoing 25 years of bullshit trade agreements and border security,

I really wish for a no-deal Brexit this fall, just so anyone that is not a coservatard around the globe can see why BS like this wouldn't fly and it would only ruin millions of lives.

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>Source: Dude just trust me

But the only people chanting fake news unironically now are conservatists so I guess the meme worked.

>you have "free speech"
>get thrown in jail
>"user you have the right to free speech, But that doesn't mean we can't jail you for it afterwords"

I think most people agree that both extreme sides of the argument are retarded. Individuals have the autonomous right to watch what ever media they want, it's basically supported by the constitution. Lisa and Flanders only want to either police content, or make value judgements on what actually falls under free speech for the majority IE censor content.

This is like the fifth or sixth time I've seen right wing folks complain about unfair deplatforming, then when asked for examples just completely bitch out because they don't have any.

>waaaah people disagree on the interwebs so i want everyone to die

Attached: doverboystom1.jpg (477x360, 48K)

Jiang plz.

you still haven't provided a example. just one.

Thing is, even if you think Alex Jones is a crank (and I think he very much is), well, it's still a free country and he's entitled to be a crank as much as he wants, as long as he's not calling for actually killing or maiming anyone.

>The civil war can't come soon enough.

Anxious to lose again, Cletus?

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The trade war is a tax on the poorest people in america you statist prick. The price of everything increasing by 1000% is not good for america.

Alex Jones pushed a conspiracy theory that a bunch of murdered children never actually existed and caused a hate campaign to spring up to harass the parents of those dead children.

This is why people don't want him on their platform, and as private business entities they have every right to boot him for it.

Wait, didn't those people become poor in the first place because Bill Clinton signed away their job to China and Mexico?

They became poor because of Reaganomics.

Some analysts are predicting that the democratic party is actually in danger of never being relevant again.

It literally was.
DURMPF just co-opted the term to refer to the MSM.
It was tactically retarded. The obvious conclusion of telling people "You can't believe this media outlet" is "Well, then how can I believe you?", with the completely predictable outcome.
That's why nobody believes the MSM anymore, regardless of political affiliation.

>nd caused a hate campaign to spring up to harass the parents of those dead children
Unless he himself actually told people to harass them, then he's not really at fault for that, is he?

>t. doesn't know what free speech means.
It only means the government can't lock you up for what you say. It doesn't mean others can't try to stop you or deny you a platform, that's just them expressing their free speech too.

I'm not American, but America has an enormous influence on the rest of the world.

The left isn't going to win a physical civil war.

Well 85% of all media is owned by only 5 companies. A conspiracy isn't unbelievable.

>as long as he's not calling for actually killing or maiming anyone.

That's the problem - one doesn't need to openly rally for a final solution - especially not when one can simply condition future mass killers by inundating them with insecurity about how evil leftists and brown people threaten his very existence to the point where he begins planning his very own final solution. And this is what people like Alex Jones are doing.

Attached: El-Paso_killer CHUD manifesto.jpg (1536x2048, 626K)

Seen here. President Reagan signs NAFTA into law, December 1993.

Attached: download.jpg (1160x773, 289K)

Imagine unironically thinking that the entire concept of free speech only means "the 1st amendment as it applies to Americans".
Can you seriously not comprehend why the very concept of being able to freely debate ideas might lead to a better society?

>Bill Clinton personally gave people's jobs away!

Capitalism literally gave people's jobs away.

Why does no one on the right ever seem to want to blame the corporations that chose to send jobs overseas?

He's literally been getting worked for it in court, so no he does seem to be liable.

Bruh, American car companies have had plants in Mexico for almost 90 years, the fuck are you one about

Violently shutting down rallies is "expressing free speech" now?

There isn't going to be a civil war because the whole left vs right shit is just a dog and pony show. The rich and powerful will just keep trodding all over everyone else as usual.

While we're at it, thank Bill Clinton for making that all possible with the Telecommunications Act of 1997.


Ah, so you are a boolicker, then.

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>Menial factory jobs only left the US because of NAFTA, a trade agreement that only includes one country of many that those jobs went to, and that isn't even the biggest one.

How do you get to be like this? Like, zero critical thinking going on here.

This is a non sequitur. You are insane.

It is pretty funny that the whole "responsibility" and "decisions" stuff flies out the window when businesses are concerned.



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By the logic you're using, do you not think the rhetoric coming from the Democrat Party and their media mouthpieces could possibly lead to nutcase leftists assaulting people who wear a MAGA hat?

Oh wait, what do I mean by "possibly lead to" as in implying it's a hypothetical scenario.

>Why does no one on the right ever seem to want to blame the corporations that chose to send jobs overseas?

CHUDs were condtioned to LOVE their factual oppressors so much that they would rather exterminate non-whites and LGBT people than even begin to question the validity of capitalism as a system.

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Trying to rewrite history to conform to his fanfiction.

They do the same thing with businesses that hire illegal immigrants.

Even Trump and some big GOP guys who all push anti immigration stuff got caught employing illegals.

They just don't want to punish people who hire them at all.

They became poor of their own volition, not because the free market failed them.

They feel entitled and think they have the right to this. Remember the girl taking that maga hat from someone and then refusing to cooperate with the police


Attached: Comming backlash.png (1296x6328, 905K)

Good luck bitch, your tranny overlords are still dilating for another three hours.

Because, we takin' over ese!

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They deliberately chose to stagnate their own wages?

Too many words nigga. Keep pics short and seet.

SocJus is tyranny by majority rule.

These people want to become the new world order.

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The alt-right is anti-corporate.

No you stupid mong, i mean report the leftist spam since they are the ones well, spamming bullshit

>It's another "Right wing folks try to complain about how violent the left is when they are the only side with radicals producing a bodycount and leaving manifestos detailing their political motivations behind doing so" episode

I've seen this one.

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That's just as bad.
You shouldn't be reporting anything at all.
This isn't Facebook.

>/pol/tard so delusional he wants to ban everyone who isn't a /pol/tard as well, while simultaneously whining about left-inspired censorship.

If nothing else, I've at least never heard any Democrat leader criticize ANTIFA. Silence=acceptance.

>The alt-right is anti-corporate.
Only if that corporation is based in California and isn't vocally supporting them.

I hate that show with a passion

Attached: Beaver on Unions.png (1394x1350, 652K)

The left is genociding the global white population. I'd say a few shootings are a drop in the bucket compared to that.

Literally every mass shooting I can think of was done by Mudslimes and lefty extremists. They keep on hoping the next time it happens they'll find a copy of Rush Limbaugh's book or something in the guy's belongings but it never happens.


I've never seen anything like that.

Get better bait user. Instead of saying that the left has no radicals, imply that the right wing is more dangerous. I suggest saying something like "hill billies attacking muslims is more common than anything antifa does".
remember to keep your bait believable


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Trench coat mafia

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Didn't you know that they were born with MAGA hats grafted permanently to their skulls? Trying to take someone red cap off is like nazis robbing jews from death camp transports of their possessions!

Attached: White mass shooters_pol flowchart.jpg (1334x1989, 476K)

Who has antifa killed?

Shame he dident kill more.

Attached: Beaver on Immigration.png (1839x1123, 753K)

>Herb Block
You do know that dude was a lifelong far left Democrat, right?

>But you just voted for Trump, who is an even bigger Israeli puppet and has done more for them than Hillary ever would

>The left is genociding the global white population.

By not giving you an obediend girfriend?

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Attached: Beaver on Multiculturalism.png (1088x790, 580K)

>complains about /pol/
>uses reddit examples

ANTIFA has totally ruined Portland and made the city unlivable for normal people at this point.

He saw an interracial couple at the grocery store! Hillary Clinton must have had a hand in this! Maybe even George Soros!

Literally misrepresenting actual cases anyone can look up.
Blatantly against US law.
Fuck you.

Where did I say or imply anything that would in any conceivable way have any relation to the issue of having or not having a girlfriend? Nowhere. You are merely trying to change the subject.

Likewise, where was anything said or implied about interracial couples? Nowhere. You are trying to change the subject.

Learn Horseshoe Politcal Theory.

Flanders and Lisa are both Anti Free speech, just for different reasons.

Just like how modern feminists want cover up women like conservatives muslim.

They gave someone brain damage and have attacked a lot of people, but no deaths from what I've seen. They're an organization of pussies so they have a hard time actually killing people.

Way to prove his point by contributing nothing.

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Portland was unlivable long before then.

I've seen interracial couples occasionally. In particular a few weeks ago I saw a WM/AF couple. The woman was super obese and the dude was a skinny white nerd.

So zero, vs the actual rightwing extremist bodycount from repeated mass shootings.

Neat. Yeah, totally the same guys.

What a terrible thread.

Already covered in

Attached: 5 sentences.jpg (630x448, 53K)

That's the modern internet for you. I miss when it was just nerds talking about stuff they liked.

These threads are always the same.

Political shitflinging, people on the left start asking people on the right for sources, don't get any, then people on the right start spamming shit and going full white supremacy/retard.

Attached: Bad media.png (1000x725, 546K)

>ANTIFA has totally ruined Portland and made the city unlivable for normal people at this point

By making white nationalists feel unwelcome for a split second?

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Ethnic replacement.
It's happening in Africa with Chinese, but you don't say shit about that, do you?

>Nuh uh! The right wing shooters were fake! It was all liberals and muslims!

Isn't that sad. Can't even let the poor people mourn the dead in peace.

Yeah totally not blame shifting there.

Attached: Feminism.png (1500x3719, 595K)

I don't get why they think this plan will work. Do they think we don't see how much the establishment hates Trump or something?
I don't know shit about Trump or his political stances but even I can tell that Trump isn't a neocon

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>Literally misrepresenting actual cases anyone can look up.

If that was so, you would have posted a clarification instead of hollering about 'da truff!'.

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By rioting, vandalism, and assaulting anyone who they thought was "le ault rite", including their own members who happened to be carrying an American flag.
But hey, I'm sure those WWII vets you assaulted really appreciated you "standing up to fascism".

2016 really ruined this place and the internet in general huh

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Oh but the Orlando nightclub shooter wasn't named Timothy McVeigh...

Attached: Beaver on Free Speech.png (1274x778, 362K)

How many walls of text that no one is going to read are you going to post?


Isn't it interesting how when I hit Submit, I already knew I was going to get this for a reply?

>But I can name one that was a muslim! Doesn't that mean none of the ones that hurt my feefees exist?

At this point they do it to silence discussion.

Go on pol on a non happening day and its full of blatantly off topic / troll spam by these cunts

TL;DR of that wall of text or fuck off to your containment board.

Attached: VirginPol_VS_ChadK.jpg (2518x1024, 924K)

ya the flood of new people and anons leaving for cripple chan really did a number.
Just look at how fucking sensitive Yea Forums has gotten. You can't even post an underage ship without some user going off the rails and calling everyone a pedo.

Until the wreck of a thread ends.
Only way to be sure

Attached: Beaver on Morality.png (2218x1814, 1.58M)


They would just be competing censors.

Honestly i suck at that for stuff i dont write myself so rather leave it whole.

Attached: Beaver on Nations.png (947x2359, 1.02M)

what about the deers?

Your thread is bad and you should feel bad.

Thank you, you admitted it wasn't a guy with a MAGA hat who blew away all those gays in that club.

*deer pee

It's becoming obvious that their trying this shit up other boards also.
I hope our tourists from double chan can see how many of them we have to deal with on this board

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And just so you know im not some corp pet.

Seriously, left and right, cant we just agree on fuck mega-corps?
Like, the left dose shit that targets ALL business, chasing off the guilty and punishing the native. While the libertarians ease up on All, benefiting the native, but also the international megas.
Give us a Teddy Roosevelt.

Attached: Libertarianism.png (1231x441, 25K)

In regards to the First Amendment, there was a Supreme Court ruling in the 70s that a neo Nazi group was allowed to stage a parade in a Jewish neighborhood so long as it remained peaceful and no acts of violence were called for.

Im a bit glad for the change of pace though, it was getting a bit too echo-chambery around here during the 2012-15 era.

I was at /pol/ by the time it was confirmed - entire fucking board cherished what Omar Mateen had done.

>The shooter was a radical muslim who wanted to exterminate homosexuals, therefore he was obviously a leftist for.. some.. ugh.. reason
>Also, it was a good thing he did, because fags had it coming for years!

Attached: 692.jpg (2147x781, 1.3M)

Obama was the guy who said "Too bad, those jobs aren't coming back. Screw you."

v, co. his, and k. I think are the most affected outside of pol.
That said, I have seen a few cunts on tg stirring shit so who knows.

Attached: Libertarianism 2.png (1262x2094, 1M)

I actually remember a talking head on CNN going "I'd hoped this wouldn't be a Muslim terrorist."

Depends on if you're talking about the libertarian left or the libertarian right honestly. Free trade isn't a one size fits all agreement with those people.

Please fuck off from here.

You are a retard.

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Why the fuck would anyone not celebrate their foes killing each other?

And that's the way it should be.
The idea that either censoring, or literally physically assaulting people means that you're "changing hearts and minds" is why the rightwing is on such a dramatic rise, "nazi" or otherwise.

>HELP we are being oppressed because our /pol/ board only consists in 99,5% of an echo chamber!

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No its definitly not.

Im of the mind companys need to be limited in size (Like max amount of land they can own depending on type of business or somthing) And operate ONLY inside of the nation.
international trade with approved trade partners if fine. Everyone lives import stores.
But the international mega-corps that exploit slave labor to milk the civilized world dry must end. see

ITT: Lefty idiot proves it has no ability to discuss issues rationally and when it's confronted with an argument it has no answer for, it simply squeals Nazi, racist, or homophobe like a stuck pig.


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How does far-right mass shootings fit into that?
People care more about not being outright murdered than they care about someone keying their car or calling them a racist.

>Yea Forums is an ehco chamber
I see anons flinging shit in every thread

Attached: Unbridled Capitalism.jpg (1807x933, 902K)

Delete the pol bait

So are we just going to ignore that the left are more violent that the right? This isn't even a new things it's been a stereotype since the fucking 80s

I wager that against ANTIFA and their ilk who enjoy the blessing and support of major corporations, Soros, and the Democrat Party.

Non-existent to who the fuck cares.

Stop repeating yourself like a broken record

Attached: Beaver on Equal-Oppertunity.png (1916x1166, 1000K)

Stop making bait threads.

Violence in general is far less prevalent now than decades ago. It's basically a non-issue.

Attached: Beaver on cyronyism and nepotism.png (1312x888, 453K)

>since the 80s
Try going back to the 19th century when the German anarchist Johann Most called for "mass slaughter in public places."

>/pol/ thinks he is the kind of poster that Yea Forums would want

Yea Forums got taken over by /pol/tards and got much-much worse off as a result, with half of threads on a daily basis related to /pol/ whining and not Yea Forums-related content.

The sooner gook moot rapes /pol/ with endless word filters, the better.

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I say survival of the fittest, and if a corporation figures out a way to make a product faster and superior to another product made by a worse company then it deserves it's monopoly. Capitalism built the railroads and roads and telecommunications of the past, and then duly elected bureaucratic cunts came in and took the power for themselves and declared a monopoly where previously there was none. Capitalism defeated slavery, capitalism elevated the standard of living for the poor from literal roaming vagrants to a sustainable lower class. The state is the enemy of the people, and of world.

Attached: Beaver on Violence.png (915x1161, 370K)

Good, fuck portland and its literal traitor council.

Attached: Anti-Christian shilling.png (1806x1252, 125K)

>Left is violent because they disrupted a march of white nationalists

>Far-right is civil, because far-right mass killings in recent decades are only a response to OMG WHITE GENOCIDE!!! so they are a non-issue

Hexing reality doesn't work, /pol/tard. Go wallow in your misery somewhere else.

Attached: Dylann_BLACKED.jpg (872x1024, 443K)

Requesting air strike.

Attached: Value Logic.png (1242x625, 185K)

Shooting are indeed a non-issue compared to genociding the global white population.

Okay im actually about out. Anyone else care to take over this this bullshit closes?

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>and if a corporation figures out a way to make a product faster and superior to another product made by a worse company then it deserves it's monopoly.

And who is going to ensure just that?
Mutual agreements between corporations exist and as such advancement is stifled for the sake of shitting out line upon line of the same under a different name, fully aware that it will be bought because there is no viable alternative as they are pushed out of the market.

/pol/ is literally the opposite.
You can be as much as a libcuck as you want, and in fact, it will get the most clout for it.

Attached: 4 Stages.png (1544x2400, 596K)

Am I supposed to believe that the people that type up these multi-post novels about how awful hedonism and consumerism and multiculturalism and whatever the fuck elseism are, actually practice all this shit they preach? Is there actually a population of traditional scholars on Yea Forums, or are these all coming from some fat fuck that jerks off to little girl anime and likes to pretend he's one of the last real men?


Monopolies can only exist with the connivance of the government.

>Shooting are indeed a non-issue compared to genociding the global white population.

Real crime perpetrated in response to one that only ever existed in the heads of white nationalists and anyone stupid enough to fall for it.

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Attached: matsushita1.webm (512x384, 1.23M)

Megas work together to literally starve out any real competition.
Or in many cases, buy it out then kill it.
Its no secret why EA keeps buying shit.

>i-it's a conspiracy!
Mass immigration is white genocide.


Attached: The pol screaming troll.jpg (816x1356, 378K)

If you want to get technical, it's the genocide of everyone other than Jewish elites by creating an entire subclass of low IQ retards to serve them.

Attached: Democracy by puppet.jpg (638x939, 71K)

What an absolute garbage fire. Abort thread.

Oh here we go. There's always a government or an about-to-be government. You live in a fantasy world if you're not being ironic.

Attached: Failed speech check.jpg (492x816, 127K)

Again with the IQ thing. People are more educated and more likely to be doing technical, skilled jobs than ever in history. Where's the evidence that people are somehow getting dumber?

Attached: Chinese banter.jpg (1024x512, 119K)

Looking at this thread definitely proves something.

>Where's the evidence that people are somehow getting dumber?
The prevalence of leftist ideology.


Any american public school?

Or any European school in a major city

Attached: Beaver on Education.png (1896x1096, 995K)

He's joking, but literally it's hard to change peoples' beliefs, so I try not to believe in anything.

based and correctpilled

Fuck off

Fun Fact: Stormfront and Russia aren't the only groups trying to radicalize channers

American intel agencies use Yea Forums and infinitychan for radicalization and entrapment

Channers are getting radicalized by the left, although the left seems unaware of this.


Stop making extremely low quality threads.



>ranting about shit schools don't teach
>taking three posts to ALMOST say "we should teach critical thinking skills"
What a fucking retarded beaver


Have sex

Whatever you respond with, continue to dilate.

You're a literal basement and intentionally retarded.

Remember when extreme right-wing propaganda only swayed dipshit fundamentalist christians?

Pepperidge Farms remembers

Second floor, actually, try again off-topic shitposting tranny.

Mods. C'mon.

What a stupid pol thread.

Cringe. Everyone hates you.

He's worse than a Neocon because at least they'd be more fiscally responsible. He's like the worst parts of a republican and democrat combined.



got a screen?
not that I'd doubt this being a raid

Go there.

You aren't convincing anyone of anything. Progress will not go backwards for rightists.

America's extremists are messed up. I used to think the overreaction to the Woke Gillete commercial was the Right being dumb. But then Socialism Monopoly came out and the Left decided to up the ante in being overly offended.

What is this timeline.