Are you excited for this show, Yea Forums?
Are you excited for this show, Yea Forums?
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Where the fuck are Mike and Sully
Voices cost too much
It looks okay
Every animated show on Disney+ looks better then this
I'm excited to see more Monsters, Inc. lore
>Still using the pre-Monsters Inc. timeframe
then just replace the voice actors with sound a like's they've done it before
Billy isn't doing much and John is already working for them.
Likely they weren't asked and Disney doesn't give a shit.
What the so it's just going to revolve around these characters that look exactly like the background characters from Monsters University???
Obviously they'd want to cut cost and not bring back any of the old voice actors but Was the Pixar Intern guy who could make a really good Mike Wazowski impression really that expensive?
It's still set right after the first movie, that's why they got a lot of the original voice cast (including Mike and Sully) back
They aren't though. The show is about the main character going to work at Monsters Inc the day they switch from scare energy to laughter
yeah because money is such an issue for Disney
They confirmed Crystal and Goodman are returning, do some research next time.
It is when they have to actually spend it.
These could be Sully's parents lol
You joke but she's got the fur pattern and he's got the size.
After seeing University, no.
What's Goodman up to anyway after the whole Roseanne rigamaroo?
Today I will remind them...........
Please tell me this is a fake and they weren't retarded enough to put the 2003 renders of Mike and Sully next to that goblin
It's what they call production development
He's headlining The Conners show they continued on without her.
Doesn't get near the same ratings but they signed the contract.
They're announcing all this Disney+ content and some of it seems mildly interesting. But I'm still not paying for ANOTHER streaming service. I'm just going to pirate that shit, if they were putting this stuff onto an existing streaming service like hulu or netflix or cable TV (which I also still have) I'd happily watch it legally. I'll probably watch this, but I'm not fuckin paying for it.
>if they were putting this stuff onto an existing streaming service like hulu
Funny you mention that since they announced a bundle with Hulu and ESPN for 12.99
I don't have Hulu so i'm getting this one. They'll definetly raise the price in a year or so because that deal is too good for them to keep permanenty
Just leaving this other piece they showed at D23E here
They are the bosses
So this is how far animation has come, huh?
The thing is it's not even Hulu + and all they did was take $5 off of what you'd get paying for it originally
Hmm, I'd upgrade to that since I'm already paying 12 bucks a month for ad-free hulu, but the 12.99 price only includes ad-filled hulu. Still gonna have to pass on that. Ads on hulu are the fucking worst, I hated it when I'd have to restart the TV because an ad would play and then the fuckin show wouldn't play.
I want to fuck that green lady
>People used to joke that everyone coming out of Monsters University with a scaring degree have been fucked over
>It's actually the synopsis for this show
if Johnny is in I'll watch
if not, I'll think about it
Too bad the discount does not apply to commercial-free Hulu or Hulu Live. My folks are cutting the cord & feel lost without channels to tune in to.
Oh shit really? That kinda blows then. Hope there is an option for more money to get ad free Hulu
there is gonna be a lot of porn of the purple guy
I,m already jacking off as we speak
hope so he's cute
Based on Monsters U's credits, he's been at MI's rival company Fear Co.
How so?
i still wanna see what he's been up to
Why it’s not 2D animated
I wonder if Fear Industries and Fear Co. use screams as a source of power.
That'll make for an interesting plot for the show.
Of all things, why would you want Monsters Inc to be 2D?
laughter is more potent than fear, meaning a scaring degree is now useless.
>Nancy Kim
Hoo boy, here we go...
that premise genuinely doesn't sound bad
It is pretty relatable to the job market. Innovation means change. Either you adapt or die. Change isn't inherently bad, it's just a normal course of life. We all have to adapt to innovation to survive.
Can't wait to see monster lawyers. Monsters, Inc. would likely have a board that doesn't want to share their breakthrough with their competition. Problem is energy is a utility.
They have their original voices, but they're only in recurring roles rather then being mains.
sure i guess, been waiting for more substantial info on the production crew for a while, still not going to get d+ but i'll definitely check it out.
Wait this guy graduated at the top of his class just to do a job that two drop outs ended up getting as well. What a loser.
Yes, but I really wish they ditch that scare economy/business nonsense.
Not just that, but majoring in something that is considered obsolete and replaced with an entirely new set of skills.
God I don't care about monsters Inc
I want more inside out and bugs life and entire reboot of buzz light year show
So...just like real life?
>Inside Out and Bugs Life
>Buzz Lightyear cartoon
Fuck yeah
And what's not to like about Monsters Inc? The plot to the show is kino.
bugs life sucks bro
It depends what direction they go with the show. If it's le randumb comedy where he just keeps doing stuff wrong, then it'll lose its appeal within a couple of episodes. But if they stick a semi coherent storyline in there, it could be good
If there is even a slight chance that it'll bring Claire back, I'm all for it
Same goes for Hardscrabble. MI / MU had some nice designs
>that one Hardscrabble smut fic
My dick was diamonds.
I've kinda been imagining her sipping coffee in a desk job at the company since they announced this show.
TV show level budget CGI animation is usually uncomfortable to watch for me. Also Pixar has proved they can make good and stylish 2D animation in their shorts.
Damn right, that was some good stuff
I feel like I've seen some fanart of her aged-up wearing office type attire somewhere. Wish I could remember where it was
You mean this?
You sir, are a hero. Thanks!
Just so we're on the same page I was talking about this one;
Here ya go user
Damn lol, beat me to it
why she gotta have them fuckin bug feet. she is so cute and I love her face and voice and upper body but then she has those terrifying legs
Makes you wonder if other companies adopted MI's current method of energy production since laughter provides more then screaming.
They're in, dipshit.
Synopsis is more like what happens right after MI switches from fear to laughter
If they're really going for the tech industry allegory then MI would be aggressively patenting laughter energy and attempting to force Scream Industries and Fear Co. out of business.
Weakling, a real man would caress her legs... if she allowed them too.
>tfw no perky goth, girl next door, childhood friend to wake you up when you overslept.
Life is so unfair bros
Or maybe the elite that are profiting from scream-based utilities will want to crush MI for rocking the boat.
>monster milf
Well Yea Forums?
I always wondered how a world with both monsters and humans getting along would be like.
>no pixar
Boo, I thought this would be the studio’s first television series
Those two drop outs also made the industry that guy majors in obsolete
Actually it's DTVA's work, Pixar's role is only as consultant.
Will they bring him back?
>Keep Surprising People
The fuck is this supposed to mean
>disguised as gargoyles
So the Jason Alexander gargoyle was just a monster?
MU made me feel bad for him desu
Why would the ditch scaring altogether? Even if a better source of energy came along, it doesn't make the last one invalid. People are still going to use solar energy even if gas might be better
she's an eye on a stick
>Monsters University - Party Short - Mike's New Car - Monsters Inc - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Monsters at work
>now there's a Monsters Inc timeline
KH3 isn't cannon
>her job is now useless and she'll have to turn her school into a clown college
lmao I want to see this.
Are you telling me Mike and Sully beating the shit out of Anime Edgelords isn't canon?
Man, i know it was too good to be true
of course I would don't patronize me.
If Kingdom Hearts was canon I'm pretty sure it took place at the same time as the movie anyway didn't it?
Sometime after but not too long because boo was still little.
Have we ever seen boo as anything other than a toddler?
>amphibious octo-mom produces minotaur/reptile child
I need some deep lore on monster genetics
Randall is literally the only reason I would watch the new show.
He was adorable in MU and I wanna see him make a comeback as an antagonist or something.
Wait so is his new design, or are these two separate new characters?
As long as it has monster waifus.
New design. I'm surprised they made a change this drastic in only five months.
If you're asking if I'd fuck that monster MILF, yes. I would.
Hardscrabble, too.
he looks less scary than Mike
Y O U ' R E
Only if it's going to be a Randall Redemption after what we saw in University
Randall a cute
Wait seriously? I knew there had to be a catch in the Hulu bundle but geez.
>Baby Boom leads to industry prosperity for Scaring industry
This is what Disney does. They trick you into loving something, and then they force you to watch as they destroy it.
How would you fuck her? Is there a wet hole hidden beneath those tentacles?
Good news is, there is
Bad news is, there's also a beak
Hey, coochie is coochie. I’m erect either way.
Have fun getting your dick bit off
I will! Thank you.
I don't get it
Scanned from a folded insert from The Pixar Treasures and just stacked the pages on top of each other.
Second half of a "Monster History" thing that was part of early story development for the movie that Pixar previously released on the original DVD, exploring how the ancestral monsters were in conflict with early man, were transformed by the enchanted fruit of a mysterious island they were chased off to, and chose to scare humans in revenge.
so i'm guessong the story is about a monster who's out of a scaring job?
Or he has to learn how to be funny/a comedian on the spot, despite instinct telling him to be scary.
How does she have sex?
the kids takes the genetic code of the father
Not always.
Mike and Squishy both take after their mothers