Cleveland Brown Jr

Does Yea Forums a fan?

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id hang with him

this show sucked it was like all the best parts of Family guy mixed with the worst parts of American Dad

I prefer the real cleveland jr.

he was literally the only likeable character on the show

his mom was juicy

While I hate what they did with his character from Family Guy, I do think Jr. was one of the few enjoyable parts of the Clevland Show.

He ded

I liked him more when he was a ADHD kid jumping around,
and not some weird personaliy mix of Chris Griffon and Steve Smith.

Are they even supposed to be the same person?

I think they mentioned in early press releases that Jr. got fat and lazy as a side-effect of his hyperactivity medication.

Pretty sure. Same name and all.

I'd fuck his mom

They did one skit where he was an agent who killed the original Cleveland jr and replaced him.
I dont think we were supposed to take that as canon though. Like the Peter getting replaced by his evil twin skits.

What happened with her tiger toy? Was he alive or not?

His name was Larry. He was a leopard. And yeah Larry was alive.

Did Larry ever do something?

now that I think about it, this is accurate
somehow its still better than family guy

One time Cleveland saw him move

Did he killed the jocks who bullied Cleveland Jr. on the Halloween episode?

Nah. They only got egged and probably beat up Junior the next Monday morning.

>Tfw Larry episode where he goes full tulpa never

I fucking miss this show. It was silly, edgy (not as much as Family Guy) and wholesome all at the same time.

I unironically miss the cleveland show

Me too. It was the best Seth McFarlane show.

welp now y'all have inspired me to do a series rewatch, thanks for that

but only her ass.

I'll fuck Roberta

Except stimulants would suppress his appetite.