Marco and The Powers of Metal

Previous thread:
>Marco and his band of waifus endure living in the limelight of Star's shining ire everyday, risking their lives journeying for adventure and glory in the name of rock and freedom.

The full artwork is finally done thanks to lurkingArt, and the adventures may continue. Tell of what adventures Marco and his harem: Connie, Anne, Luz and Tulip, have gone on and post great metal and rock music to go along with it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Awesome pic.

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Anne looks awesome

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Totally, each character looks real good.

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Can I buy a poster?
>In the grimy and car dominated realm ruptured muscle a horrid curse progressively fuses driver to machine. Unfortunate drivers find themselves losing all sense of sanity, as they lose all feeling and bodily functions, and are driven by a psychotic need to fuel themselves with the blood of the innocent rather than oil.
>Marco and the gang must run a series of races to escape to the dimensional portal, before succumbing to the realms barbaric curse or else they may find themselves becoming a five headed van hydra cursed to slaughter.

Do feel free to write as you want, just pick a song and imagine what fantasy album covers could come from it

>On one of their cross dimensional adventures, the Gang decides to spend the evening at a local Tavern.
>But of course, as is the usual way with these things, a fight was bound to break out as soon as the gang stepped into the establishment.
>As they leave the now smoldering remains of what was once the tavern behind, the gang reflect on their actions that lead up to the fight.
>"Anne why'd you have to tell that guy that his head looked funny?!"
>"What? His head was literally a shoe, don't tell me you didn't think it was weird looking too Connie, with those weird shoe lace eye stalks."

That previous thread has got some silly ass ideas.
Any ideas that are concrete and set in stone for this overall idea?

Yeah, the last few posts put out some genral guidelines for what's going on, I'll post them

>Main characters are: Marco, Connie, Anne, Luz and Tulip
>Connie is the first girl in all of this while Tulip is the last to be added
>Star's reckless destruction and cleaving has caused her to become evil thanks to corrupt magic by something akin to the evil in Heavy Metal. Also leads the Septarian warriors after she realized Tofee was right
>Their main HQ is Uncle Andy's barn with Greg's van remodled and repaired to be their own van
>Rock music is a very determining factor in the story due to the Foreigner belt given to Marco by Andy
>Their adventures take them to places that are fantastical and influenced by Hair Metal music and their often wild and fantasy album covers

>Marco: Barbarian
>Connie: Warrior
>Anne: Rogue/duelist
>Luz: Wizard
>Tulip: Engineer

This one was done by a different poster

> General Plot Background for the Adventures of Marco and the Brown QT Harem. (Working Title)

>All begins when Star attempts to destroy the magical dimension, turns out it had an unforseeable cause that, instead of actually getting rid of magic, it simply fucks up all of time and space and opens up rifts across the multiverse.
>Different dimensions all over suffer from the effect, essentially opening rifts to other worlds and dimensions. (Which is how all the shows become interconnected and how the charaters can meet up.)
>Not only that, but even cosmic dimensional entities feel the effects, alerting greater good entities and long slumbering and forgotten evils.
>Marco who was there with Star at ground zero effectively gets blasted into the multiverse wider and falls into a rift that transports him.
>All around the dimensions our favorite characters fall victim to the effects as Anne and Luz get blasted out of their show dimensions as well.
>Connie would have as well, but Steven saves her and as such, gets transported instead. An explosive aftereffect leaves Connie and Greg to think that he was actually killed instead of transported to another plane of existence.
>Marco soars through dimensional space for a time until at last he's able to throw himself into a rift that takes him to the SU dimension, where he promptly falls through Andy's barn roof and passes out.
>From there he's discovered by said Andy, Connie, and Greg and after initially introductions, they go outside and see that the whole sky is just a constant cosmic storm of dimensional rifts and portals opening up at random and spewing out elements and locations from other worlds.
>Eventually Marco finds that his pair of Dimensional scissors work still to a degree, but they now need to be charged with magical residue to function properly and he can only jump from dimension to dimension one at a time so long as the scissors still have a charge.

throw more girls at Marco

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God this fucking sucks

>The whole premise begins as trying to find a way home but as Marco travels a few times and discovers other allies (The rest of the Brown QTs) it suddenly evolves into a series of adventures as the group adapts to the changing environment, search for more magical residue to charge the scissors or jump through diffrent rifts, exploring and adventuring within each dimension they come across diffrent enemies and old friends.
>Eventually new evils appear to take advantage of the chaos throughout the dimensions and the Brown group finds itself having to combat them while they search for their ways back home.
>Culminating in a focus on stopping all the bad guys they can and searching for new powers ro aid them in their adventures while making new friends along the way.

The user said it was speedily written and done to the best of his abilitoes, but it's still fine. Side note: Tulip is a kinda inconsistent as she was the final girl to be added, but that's been worked out and she's fully part of the group. It all depends on who's writing.

That was an issue in the last thread, some anons wanted to add more but it was agreed upon that we shouls work with what we have now, rather than adding new girls most of the time

They forgot Janna who was agreed to be the rogue/thief of the group.

who do we have now?

That was Anne not Janna, she was initially thought to be part of the group, but her position in the OP pic didn't suggest that and it was agreed that she was with Star.
Connie, Anne, Luz, Tulip

Why are marco fags a thing? I figured everyone on this board would hate this crossdressing mexican.

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>I figured
Figured wrong animecuck

>RWBY is anime

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with Marco it makes 5 five, good number for posing. I think we could go for 7 but no one would agree who the last 2 should be

It's all trash user, all of it.

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we need a trap Marco sitting in a throne with the girls as reverse traps around him

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If we got to increase the number (not saying we should btw), pet it be to 6 and let the final girl be from the main show. While I was thinking, harem anime like Infinite Stratos came up and 5 girls was a good number. The problem however is that one of the girls has the potential to be underutilized and forgettable.

I did some thinking if we have to increse the number by 2 I would say Reggie and Janna, if by 1 then just Janna. But the 4 girls now are doing just fine so theres really no reason to increase

Alright, sounds like a good overall premise, got some neat ideas scattered here and there.
Guess its all just left to content creators to establish anything further consistent.

So what is the main reason behind Star's heel turn? Was it in reaction to the death of innocent magical being, the destruction of Earth? Is there still some good in her, does she regret her decisions and can she still be redeemed?

I'm of the mind that 3 was good enough and the soild threshold, plus the three being Connie, Luz, and Anne are the whole reason why they're referred to as the Brown Gand/Harem.
I feel like we're best sticking with that theme, if only for the hell of it.
If we really have to add more, its probably best to go and find other brown qts that might be fitting additions or at least suggested characters to use for anyone interested.

I like that a lot user, that's a good solution. But just one question though. I like her but wouldn't Reggie be a bit too young given that she's 12? Everyone else is 13+ but 12 seems like a danger zone.

The destruction of Earth and the botched destruction of magic and cleaving caused her to go evil. Alongside that, it was agreed that an evil akim to the one in Heavy Metal is corrupting her as well.

A little bit of all of the above. In the general premise idea that posted here: Above all, Star gets corrupted by an evil influence and she's out to spread mayham in conquest of the rest of the Dimensions that are now accessible after she's messed up cleaving magic.

Here’s my take. Reggie wouldn’t work in the harem, she wouldn’t be able to handle being with somebody, she’s just not mature enough.

Thank you for your idea user, because if she was ever added, Tom Sawyer is absolutely mandatory for her.

so is a no for Reggie
we have the brown harem

you guys want to setle with the first 4, go for 5 and add Janna or go lock on 6 and suggest someone for the position?

I like Janna as like as a sixth ranger kind of thing to be honest. Just not in from the beginning.

>I like Janna as like as a sixth ranger kind of thing to be honest.
Well shit user, now I just got hyped as fuck.

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Was there any character suggestions in the last thread?

Fionna from Adventure Time, if I remember correctly. Forget if she’s real or not.

>it's another Yea Forums creation thread

Literally, let it die. This will not catch on. Look at the channel-tans, they're clearly dead. Just like this thread.

I think we should settle for 5 and have Janna like the sixth power ranger like the other user suggested

Says the one helping to bump this thread by posting here
That works pretty well actually

>Marco: Barbarian
>Connie: Warrior
>Anne: Rogue/duelist
>Luz: Wizard
>Tulip: Engineer
I guess Janna would be a thief/scout or assasin

Thief would be mandatory, but either scout or assassin would work.

She had some knowledge of magic in the show, like hypnotism and summoning. How can that fit in?

>hur-dur I bumped it once, that's enough for others to join in

You sound like cum for brains.

Need all the magic you can get in the apocalypse. Maybe a Combo thief/ dark mage.

Is just one autist posting his fanfiction after Marco showed her true self aka beta kek.
Shit is beyond pathetic
>kiss a gorl and that girl ends as a lesbian
Imagine being that guy

there always shamans or necromacer, but plot twist shes a thief/healer

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Well it is, and once again thank you for bumping this thread again by posting

>getting this upset over what was agreed to be a crackfic

>dude, you dont fuck with the white mage

>Janna, Luz lost her staff and Anne said you were the one who was with her last. Know anything about it?
>'Cmon Diaz, I didn't back out of helping Star for nothing, besides I would never steal from anyone here. Well except Andy.
>Than why are you wearing her blue smock?
>I'm feeling a little bit under the weather.
>And you have her spell book why?
>Just looking to fix that bald spot on your head.
>And her ingredient pouch?
>I was just whipping up a nice drink for you after that last Lizard fight. Speaking of which why don't you drink up.
>Janna did you- *ULP*
>That's right Marco just drink it all up and let the doctor do her work.
>Hey did it work?
>Too early Anne, when Marco wakes up, then we'll try mixing some of those white vitality spells with some growth spells I picked up from the old book. You do your part?
>Connie and Tulip are too busy helping Luz hunt down all of her stuff across the city.
>Perfect, now let's just take him upstairs, made sure to nab Andy's keys and an extra 5 bucks for myself.

thief/white mage Janna is kino

What type of mage or class was Janna when she ran with Star?

This is the shittiest Yea Forums project I've ever seen, and believe me I have seen some SHIT on here.

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what kind of mage steal souls?

We are not the worst.

Rogue Necromancer?


she was a succubus


should be a comic
>Marco and his gang explore an unusual realm for adventurers, where all the fights and combat a preordained and rigid in structure. Warriors march, fight and die in a specific way and schedule, even adventuring is strict.
>Yet the only clue to discover whats going on, lies in a naked star man who resides in the center of a complex, guarded by hundreds of guards who seem to programmed to counter every possible action

This got me pumped

Are there enough male characters to balance the females?

No not really, Marco is the sole male character this crackfic focuses on along with his interactions with the girls who love him. Uncle Andy and Greg show up from time to time as supporting cast members, and Oscar occasionally shows up as well. If you have any ideas do feel free to post them, but do know that no gay shit is in this.

Damn, now that I think about it, Tom must've been Marco's only male friend back in Star Vs after you take away Ferguson and Alphonso.

There's Gustav but he never shows up again.

>There's (blank) but he never shows up again.
Star Vs. post-season 2 in a nutshell. I like that Greg is there to stand as a father figure for Marco, but it would get pretty lonely without any more male companionship.

>"Hey Greg, Greg!"
>"Huh, what's up Andy?"
>"Those friggin kids have got to go Greg! I want them out of my Barn right now!"
>"Ah come on Andy, don't be like that-"
>"Shut your trap Greg, you know damn well those kids have been more trouble then their worth. Every friggin time I show some bizarro magical bull crap happens and I end up getting the brunt of it. I got turned into a damn cow once and nearly got humped by the neighbors bull Greg, near preparation Greg!"
>"Er, yea that was quite the problem at the time Andy but have some heart. Some of those kids have nowhere else to go. If the house the Gem's where staying at was still around then it wouldn't be a problem but there's nothing else to it. Besides it hasn't been that bad, they renovated the place up all nice and we've had a few good adventures here and there."
>"Dat don't make up for all the crazy crap that's been happening of late and lemme tell ya, it happens way too often!"
>"Oh Andy, no it doesn't-"
(The roof of the Barn explodes upwards)
>"...Andy, Greg! Anne did it again."
>"... Ok Andy, I'll try talking to them."
>Marco and Connie chase down the bounty of a peripheral Saharan hunter through the floating ghost landscapes of individual flats of whistling grass and rebounding trees. Precise acrobatic skills are required lest the both of them plummet to their deaths as the land randomly phases out of existence.


You know the IP count hasn't increased, right?

>One of Evil Star's Spetarian Super Soldiers manages to track the Brown Gang back to the Barn.
>He takes them unawares and manages to defeat them while they're defenseless.
>Now he's standing over the gang gloating as he's just about to deal the final blow.
>"Ghahaha, foolish puny heroes, did you all really think you could evade the grasp of Empress' Star's dreaded Right Hand? I shall now make you all regret ever crossing my mistress-"
>"Hey Scale Chode!"
>The Septarian super soldier ceases gloating as his attention is drawn to the entrance of the barn, where Uncle Andy can be seen standing there.
>"The hell you doing in my friggin barn? I don't recall inviting a jackass over."
>"Do not seek to interfere fat man! Least you desire to feel the wrath of Empress Star-"
>"Yea yea yea. Hugs n kisses, listen dirt bag, you leave those kids alone and get the flying hell out of my Barn right now or things are about to get uglier then your mother."
>"Insolent human! You shall regret those words as I pull your innards stright out of you're-"
>(The Septarian Super Soldier's head suddenly expoldes and is reduced to a pulpy mess as Uncle Andy has blown it off with a sawed off Shotgun)
>"Well now, not much can be said except that your dead and you have no head. Friggin jackass." (Andy says while holding the still smoking shotgun as the Septarian's body falls to the floor lifeless.)
>(The Brown Gang is stunned at this sudden turn of events.)
>"Whoa, Andy... you saved us."
>"Damn right I did, I ain't letting no dirt bag off youse guyz until you can pay me some damn rent for livin in my barn."

nice job user

Thanks man. Gotta cover the fun with greentext posts.

You sir are the the only reason Yea Forums deserves to exist.
I know we got Marco’s crew and that Steven/Azula duo. What other groups should there be?
>With her magic corrupted and advanced, Star's spells have taken on a new terrifying life of their own, worst among them is the All seeing Eye. At the cost of her own health, the effects of the spell have become much more malevolent, rather than subconsciously causing a small wheel to simply explode, said wheel will instead rupture with malign energy and explode with the force of a landmine to brutalize the unfortunate rider.
>The spell was put to its worst use when Star traped Marco and his band into a cragged and infernal land of dead trees and perilous hazards.
>For three days Star used the All Seeing Eye to constantly hound and harass the gang for her own amusement, at times while her Spetenarian soldiers were fighting she would choose one soldier locking blades with a girl and blow him up as an impromptu suicide bomber.
>The gang had barely escaped with their lives before Star had truly ruined them. Their mad dash through a canyon had nearly killed a few of the girls as the boulders turned into rolling mines, Connie had received the worst of it as Star targeted her specifically.
>Now the gang only makes sure to fight Star when in person, otherwise they try to make sure to finish the fight as quickly as possible in fear of Star's Eye of Perverse Chaos

Not even sure, those were the only two groups that were ever made.

Steven is alive in this AU and is stranded in an island with Azula.
there also the super teen squad, Ben, Kim, Jenny, Jake and Danny, all lost their powers

I don't remember the teens being included in this. Don't they have their own thing?

Since when is he and Azula on an island? Or those hero guys

yeah, Im just shitposting. the island thing is an excuse to keep people out of the story. The teens arent either, they're too broken to be

The Azula/Steven stuff is from the very early threads at the top of this one, the Teen stuff comes from other threads where they were having Star as their own version of Thanos, but they were never in these threads at all

oh, well that's fine then

Oh dang I remember that post from another thread. Star killed all of Jake's magical friends and left him depowered. No clue on what becomes of Danny tho.

Oh that was fun.
I see, makes enough sense for another side story I guess. I don’t know.

>Not an I/E show where the hero is walked through a specific type of metal and its uses in society.
>After Janna betrayed Star and left to join Marco in fighting against her, Star was furious, so furious in fct that the evil residing inside her wand gave her some interesting ideas.
>Ideas such as making Janna regret ever meeting he and serving her to commit heinous actions for her. Despite putting on a strong facade of aloofness, she knew that the weight of her guilt her guilt hung above her like sword dangling over her head.
>Even if Janna ran away the sword would never stop looming over her, and now Star will cut the rope and let it fall. Star decided to go on a tour of vengeance, offering those hurt by Janna under Star's orders would be greatly compensated if they brought her Janna's head.
>In addition, a gluttonous bonus would be offered for the heads of the 4 girls who followed Marco around, and each consecutive head a hunter brought would bring even greater riches.
>But any Hunter who would dare to try and kill Marco instead of bringing him to her alive would be suffer beyond all recognition.
>Star's rage will be sated and the evil within grows stronger.

>You sir are the the only reason Yea Forums deserves to exist.
I don't dare take all the credit, afterall we got a bunch of cool artist in the draw threads, namely the artist that drew the sweer ass pic in OP's post.

i wonder if somedrawfagg will show up again

I hope so, we could use some visualization for all these ideas and his stuff if fun.

Wow this thread and idea as a whole is fucking retarded

thanks for the bump user

whats the deal with Marcos belt?

It's the foreigner belt for ATHF, a very powerful tool of rock

Foreigner Belt from Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Gives you the power of Foreigner songs.

I just created a Society6 account if you're still interested in purchasing a print. I used the maximum resolution file which is 22x31" @300dpi. So any order above those dimensions will sacrifice dpi quality.

Also I should warn you I've never used this site before, so I can't comment on the print quality this store provides.

I think it looks fine for now

Gotta be sure to save all these >greens.

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So I gotta ask for the sake of it-
How many people here actually like these crack ships?
Cause I'll admit... they're pretty cute.

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They're pretty cute but need more work put into them to shine. Also bump.

So besides the Foreigner Belt, are there any other kinds of Relics of ROCK! that the gang could possibly find?
Something like the Pick of Destiny or any other object?

Attached: Pick of Destiny.jpg (488x488, 68K)

Howabout any guitar from Brutal Legend, if the Brown Gang ever stumble upon them?

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There's an idea I suppose, they could pick up Clementine (the Guitar's name) on one of their adventures and its different forms can be power ups.

That could work

Going into the ultra bad parts of the underworld to get it would be fun

Loving these

out of curiosity, how bi is Reggie anyways?

there are a lot more from the last thread

She’s only had a crush on like a older girl, she’s never show much interest in boys.

Thank you user
What if all three relics were to be combined and used all at once together?

It’s how Marco defeats Star once and for all.

We'd best go and screencap 'em all when we get the chance. No point in letting them be forgotten.

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dont really care about shipping, just like the barbarian AU idea

Just realized we haven't had any Iron Maiden songs yet, gotta work on that

Any suggestions?

Here's mine-

how about 2 minutes to midnight?

>The gang stumbles into a realm filled with doomsday cultists attempting to destroy themselves out of a fanatical devotion to a belief that when all are dead, they will be reincarnated into a mighty sword for their god to wage eternal war.

the hateful dead of all the magical beings Star killed?

That would work.
Another user in the last thread brought up that Iron Maiden game as well since it's got dimension hopping.

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I like that Eddie continuously appears all throughout human history

Seeing all the diffrent variations of Eddie is pretty cool, especially the ones based off albums and music videos.

Star seeding magical undead throughout dimensions and using them to cause havoc?

So what are the other characters’ looks? Like Greg, Andy, Azula, Steven?

Haven't expanded any visuals on the character, though Azula's in her crazy mode.

That’s where’s she’s at her best

I'd say Steven should be in his movie look, he's better that way

I can dig that, maybe darker colors for a post-apoc look

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okay what the fuck is this?

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a Yea Forums thread

I would prefer if his shirt was black or drker color, the light blue against the pink started bothering me for some reason

Cringe kino.

Marco the Barbarian against the forces of evil, namely his jealos ex-girlfriend
>Marco: Barbarian
>Connie: Warrior
>Anne: Rogue/duelist
>Luz: Wizard
>Tulip: Engineer
6th ranger
>Janna: Thief/white mage

But fun.
And hey, the greens and art are pretty good.

I like it, maybe one of his dad’s old ones to remember him.

don't forget the music

Gregs not dead thou

Yeah but it’s like a memento considering Greg is lost to him, also I think we have them meeting up after Greg’s started considering Marco as a son because he and Connie have somewhat moved on.

i read this thread but i dont get it that much, is this thing like a Conan the Barbarian parody or a heavy metal parody or both?

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what would you guys say if we gave Marco Stormbreaker? not the lightning powers, just an regular axe in the same shape, or a smaller version

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that's already there in the form of , also we cant have too much crossover stuff lest we overload

As an MCU fan and capeshit fan in general, I feel it wouldn’t mesh, though it is a cool idea.

user, Barbarians are heavy metal

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There's the basic overall idea but for the most part, its pretty open.
The overall theme is the crack shipping of a Brown QT harem with Connie, Luz, and Anne.
>Janna, Anne and Luz take the van on a joyride through a pschedelic realm, with an unstable foundation. Imagination comes to life but only to try and trap them forever to sustain them for life while they try and break into Earth
>Tulip and Marco ride Nacho to track them down and save them, while Connie stays behind to guard the growing breach in the barn and prevent Andy from finding out, or else.

Anyone think they can make something out of Dare?

I just realized something, whatever happened to Moon and Eclipsa?

They're likely back on Mewni or what would be left of it since they left the Magical dimension sooner.

Could be they’re in hiding. With a mad Star on the loose.

It's really bad for them since Star is technically the only Mewman who can perform magic now

Does Eclipsa have her daughter Meteora with her
+ Globgagor?

she should still have them, although Mina will still be a problem

Would Mina help Marco n co as an ally? Or would she go solo?

I imagine she’s still intent on murdering all monsters, and I don’t see Marco really being okay with that.

Wonder if we'll include special 'events' for the Brown Gang, like this one:

I don't know what the fuck this is, but you posted Rebuilding a Planet, so I'll give it a look.

You are lucky I love Galaktikon.

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Nevermind, this is shit. Carry on.

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Events can come up whenever at any time

I love Galaktikon too and it's totally fine if you don't like this thread. That said though, favorite song? Because Deathwaltz and Could This Be The End are just perfect.

Both, with like a Harem anime and Mad Max sprinkled in.

all mixed together with 80's album covers

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>Marco and his crew accept a job to escort a tribe of oracles on a pilgramage through multiple dimensions until they can reach their destination.
>The oracles impart great wisdom, knowledge and advice to the pack and the experience is worth multiple liftimes.
>However the lessons are always forgotten for the oracles are burdened to continuously age at a fast pace, and once they die of old agr they chronologically loop back to their original age, causing all people to forget their experience.
>With each passing loop, the more they learn the less they retain. And unlike other regular people the gang gradually feels a melancholic, hollow feeling that they've forgotten something very important and can never get it back.
>When they reach their final destination, the oracles say their goodbyes and reveal the truth of their curse
>After the revelation the crew has forgotten everything and their only reminder that something happened is their payment and ornate clock with thse words written on the back.
>"Thank you, for remembering us"

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spotted the moron.

Sidr note, Rush will always be one if the best bands of all time

So what songs do any of you guys prefer when writing, I find that SOAD goes well when writing about Star

I like listening to some of the out of the way classics when writing, helps to get in the mood and perhaps helps visualize what I'm imagining.

Internalized homophobia and and racism mixing with fetishism.

Wondered what happened to Annon's writeup idea for the Brown Gang

If anyone asks, I'm still doing mine, but IRL stuff is bogging me down harder than a swamp.

Damn dude. Hope things get easier for you.

>Wondered what happened to Annon's writeup idea for the Brown Gang
Same for me man, bogged with work. Luckily its my day off now.
Its been slow but I got some ideas down. I think I'll be shortening my story to save some time.

>They're pretty cute but need more work put into them to shine
Indeed. Hopefully we can see some more good art.
>dont really care about shipping, just like the barbarian AU idea
That's fair, it is pretty neat. At least its an open ended idea so shipping doesn't have to be the focus in some interpretations.

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Always love seeing the greentext combined

here's another he made, I want to try and get one on ones for each girl with Marco

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Wonder if any Queen songs will work here


I wonder what Greg and Andy think of the six girls Marco currently has right now. Before it was three and now they're taking up more space in Andy's barn
>Escorted by Tom: Janna, Connie and Marco explore the lower and more hellish levels of the Underworld for clues to a legendary guitar, avoiding degenerate low lifes and encountering demons who to corrupt Marco and take him to the Tainted Coil

Just a question out of the blue, but is the Butt Witch technically a demon?

Attached: Butt_Witch_concept.jpg (1280x947, 202K)

Yeah. I guess she is. Very demon looking at least

thank you, was having some random idea about her with the Twisted Coil

But what happened to Star?

Attached: 1566184207276.png (1920x1080, 1.57M)

She fucked up the cleaving and destruction of magic, caused wide spread destruction and was corrupted by an evil power

She became the worst force of evil

She's just being herself then

So why do the girls like Marco?

It's just one (Connie) but platonic with the others, I think.

Well for starters they're all crackships, Marco just has a good personality and character that allows him to fit in with any character, and finally Marco is not the same whipping boy as he was past S3. Marco's has the experience he had back in the Netherzone and is made to have more of his adult traits be prominent as a Conan like character.

What would be going on if this were playing?

Janna would have stolen ultimate Witch powers.

Attached: tumblr_p4z6pr2QoW1wek1pfo1_1280.png (1250x1595, 675K)

And Star is most likely enraged as hell about it. Luz has to get in on this

>Luz has to get in on this

>"I can't believe you stole the Staff of Ultimate Magical Power Janna, you know staffs are my thing!"
>"Finders keepers. Hate the game not the player."
>"Its not fair..."
>"Relax Luzzy, I managed to swipe a magical item for you too."
>"Sure did, here-"
>(Janna gives Luz a collar)
>"... what?"
>"Cool huh?"
>"Here's the best part."
>(Janna presses a button on the collar and it begins to flash)
>"It lights up."

Attached: D_e-V3CU0AAebiv.jpg (900x1200, 85K)

>Luz and Janna attempting to unlock and learn Star's spells, but they keep on getting unintended consequences and mishaps, while Star grows more annoyed that someine is hampering with her magic

Eclipsa runs a bar on the seedy part of town.

>"Janna, you can't just try and unbind all of this stuff on your own. I'm the one with more experience"
>"And the one whose going to read this section of this journal, also think of Marco while you read it"
>"Let me see that. Finte Regina, Levien Terra, Aphronix Ricar- wait a minute. This is a steroid hex, were you trying to get me to cast this on Marco!?."
>"It's just a temporary one, just think about it. You, me, a super hunky Marco who can think of nothing but us and this collar. Can't you just imagine the fun we'll have?"
>"I'm more curious as to why Star had this hex in the first place"
>Meanwhile in Star's lair
>"DAMN IT JANNA! Now what am I supposed to cast on the Marco clones now."

>"We have ultimate power in our hands. Control over magic, matter, space, time..."
>"Yeah, but can it pull off some sick tunes like my keytar?"

Attached: oskar.jpg (960x539, 55K)

>"Hey! The hell I tell you about coming over to my Barn ya friggin hippy!"
>"I like it when the old guy yells, its funny."

Attached: 1565574581293.png (1040x880, 523K)

>"You know Uncle Andy still wants you off his barn right?
>"He just needs to let his heart experience my jams, he won't be so angry after this piece"
>The very second Oskar presses a key a shotgun blast is instantly heard towards their direction along with incessant shouting about hippies.
>"You should probably go now, private stuff going on, wouldn't want Andy to get involved"
>"Oh, I totally get it dudes. Don't worry, I'll entertain him with his very own concert."
>"You should play some Rush for him, he'll definetly love that, here take this 2112 album I 'borrowed' from him."
>"Awesome idea Janna, I'm gonna go practice it right now"

>like Greg 'adopted' Marco, Uncle Andy will 'adopt' Oskar

I think it would be more like Osksr thinks Andy adopted him, but Andy's trying to return him to the orphanage and not in one piece

>Oskar pours his heart out to Andy, oblivious to it until Oskar talks about his single mom

In all honesty I think Janna is unnecessary. Another user in the previous thread had warned that the harem shouldn't be too big, or we risk getting nowhere with the character.

4 was the original number: Luz, Connie, Anne and Tulip. I can't see what Janna could bring to the chemistry.

My personal opinion would be that Janna could be used to show how most people would live through the dimensional mayhem: changing, letting go of their past ties. Marco and the girls' goal is originally to go back to their respective home which evolve in time.

Janna would just explore the many realm doing what she please and taking what she wants. She never seemed to me to have any strong attachment to anybody not even her family. She would still be an ally to the group, but more of an occasional ally.

“>After Star is defeated and cured of whatever dark influence she was under, we got the usual celebration party”
“>Janna leave stealthy in the middle of the party”
“>Look back at her friends enjoying themselves”
“>Smile and leave toward the sunset, never to be seen again.”

That user you're talking about is me, and I've actually warmed up to the idea of Janna being a member, but only as a member from defecting

Yeah, 6th Ranger plus ha she advantage of having a connection to Marco’s life before the apocalypse.

Is there an archive for the art of this idea?

Same, I rarely see the sixth ranger concept outside of power rangers and it worked perfectly here. Also, if you think about it, Janna was the original brown girl considering she knew Marco all his life.

Still I think that 4 is already much more than enough. I would rather see her doing her own thing that chasing after marco. It could led to an interesting moment when she's drinking with the gang after they meet on the road. Janna, half-drunk, would admit she had a crush on Marco but never got to telling him. That would led an awkward Marco asking her if she still felt this way toward him. (We could have them getting closer to one another, their lips almost touching.) But just to have Janna placing a finger on lips and responding "Nop", with a grin on her face.

And it would play in one of the theme of the story: Change, Letting go of your past. Having her as an off/on party member could still be doable, but most of her time she would be living her own adventures.

This user here has it pretty down, but I would like to adress the number part. I like to think of the members in the way of Mass Effect, especially 2. ME normally has a large cast of companions, but ME2 accomplishes it best by having a large party, but each member is individually unique and memorable. Only a few members fell by the way side but most were loved for how they interacted with Shepard and their input on the story. That's how I see the girls, the girls interact with Marco and each other while also bringing something unique to the story. Connie with being the original, Anne and her boldness, Luz is unknown yet brings magic and a touch of innocence, Tulip cares most about family and the group as a whole, and the user here already described Janna.

Now I'm with you on keeping the party manageable and I'll be honest, nearly got convinced me, but Reggie is unknown and may not add much to the party. That's how the girls should be, unique and additive to the story. Although I'll say this, one girl more is the absolute maximum that can be added and I'm still trying to figure out Reggie. That's what I think, but thank you for voicing your complaints so we can all come together amd work things out.

I have mentioned before that as a fan of Twelve Forever, Reggie simply does not work in this harem.

1st album:
Truth Orb and the Kill Pool
Prophecy of the Lazer Witch

2nd Album:
Could This Be the End
Icarus 666
Some Days are for Dying

You thought it was another user. But it was I, user !!!!!

>Holy shit, Marco we're getting our asses kicked. GET JANNA NOW
>*ring-ring* Hello? You're getting your asses kicked? You need some back up? Yeah, I got nothing to do. Hold up, lemme conjure a portal and I'll see you there. Oh and Marco... CHICKENBUTT.
The Sixth Ranger was the support, Tommy had to use his powers sparingly until they ran out in MMPR.

Sorry my bad, I just can't stop thinking abut it.

She could be a pretty cool antagonist though. After seeing so many people die/be raped/tortured, reggie young childish go full-lockdown. Trapped in her own delusion she is a threat to other and to herself.

Before going for the evil route, may you please tell me why Reggie wouldn't work as part of the group (besides size)?

They’re not me. Reggie simply isn’t really the type to work in any romantic relationship. She’s not even emotionally mature enough to handle having a crush on someone let alone be in a relationship with multiple people.

yes user, plz keep goin

Coming down from an exercise high right now btw, so I'm thinking more clearly now. Haven't seen the show yet, but I have seen screencaps and other posts that support what you're saying. She'd probably be a whole bag of issues and emotional instability with how self aware she seems to be. Also the picture of Reggie with a locker full of spaghetti really comes to mind right now.

Those are all the crackship pics we got by sonedrawfagg

Dio-user here. To follow on what I was saying before, the fact that she still is very childish and not mature enough to deal with dramatic situation, the fact that she goes into a delusional-madness might be justified. Or if you're not into the evil route, the gang could meet her as she is wandering the realms trying to find the inhabitant of endless. She could work very well as a standalone like Janna. It would also show her going into adulthood after her world became far more hostile. It could show that marco is not the only one that has a quest and an agenda in life.
Thing is, there a difference between a space base filled with adults and a group of teenagers squatting a barn.

>Is there an archive for the art of this idea?
Not yet no, this is really the beginning of the whole idea still and that OP pic is the first.

There's also the general crack ship pics that started all this autistic madness.
They sure are fun.

Attached: Crack Ships are Superior.png (500x735, 445K)

What weapons does which character get? Also anyone ever play Baldur's Gate?

Marco: mace, may switch to other weapons as the story goes
Connie: her crystal sword
Anne: sword and dagger
Luz: Her staff
Tulip: Rifle
Janna: daggers

I think that idea with Marco's dimensional scissors becoming his sword/weapon would be neat.

Attached: tumblr_p4y3obm8rr1vcw8a0o1_1280.jpg (915x1920, 518K)

That'd be nice, but I'd still like it if the guitar and rock relics would still come into play

>but I'd still like it if the guitar and rock relics would still come into play
Oh yea, for sure. It'll be like his upgrades and all.
In fact, lets say his scissors could turn into a guitar.

Yeah the Banana Janna thing is probably an imaginary story

He's missing his mole

You people come up with the dumbest shit I swear. Still, I'll keep an eye in case this turns out to be a surprise gem like tgt.

What's tgt?

How new are you we have storytimes for it all the time every year, even on other boards. Lurk more.

I think the party would have an arsenal even if they almost never change weapons
>is that a freaking lava sword in MY BARN!?
>uuuh, no?

Attached: 91d41b30a7d64fb08f0379cc4c5ac0f8.jpg (1920x1080, 54K)

Attached: BarkleyShut up and Jam, Gaiden . best rpg party ever . v.jpg (338x259, 59K)

Too often Andy has to deal with all the weird shit those kids bring home.

Found it. Just that the term was a bit confusing at first.

Alright Anons(Especially for ), I got the layout done for the story I'm gonna write-up as part of the Brown Gang's adventures:

>Marco and the Brown Gang needed new spare parts to upgrade the Van, of which Andy gives them cash to use while Tulip writes down the parts.
>While they get the first few parts with ease, the other parts get harder to find. Luckily for them, an inventor has advertises his wares.
>Unfortunately for him, his tools/other parts was stolen by the ‘Resistance’ of which after a brief pin-point, Marco n Co. go on a wild hunt for the parts.
>The inventor joins in with his friends helping him, since he has beef with the Resistance army.
After one long trek, the united group finally found one of the Resistance camps where the stolen parts are.
>Sneaking in isn't an option, but the inventor works with Tulip to lure the army out through an all-out firefight while Marco n the others rush in to raid the camp as to get back his stolen parts.
>The plan goes off without a hitch, and the Brown Gang got the parts they need to upgrade the van. Now the Brown Gang needs a new plan to reinforce the firefight, of which they use some of the Resistance's tech against them.
>With the Resistance camp out of the picture, the group goes back to the barn to upgrade the van, of which the Inventor helps out for free(Having recovered most of his tools back) as a means of thanking them.

Feel free to to point out any changes/improvements to this synopsis.

Pic above is the inventor(The green-haired dude, I'll call him HG.) and one of his friends(His adoring assistant).

Bonus theme song for the accompanying adventure:

Sounds good man, best of luck and hope it goes well. We can use stories.

Shit I forgot the pic.

Thanks, will get it done as soon as I can.

Attached: HGee.jpg (1200x675, 136K)

>That Foreigner belt

Why isn't this a real fucking poster?!

Attached: 1565465101051.jpg (662x662, 60K)

Artist talked about it.

take your time user


I envision this as a land of violent tiny people

Eh, plan to make the HG + Co normal-sized. Might work though.

>"Ok so where were we? Oh yeah, Luz, what do hou think of summoning a 7 headed satyr?"

> Marco and harem driving the van through a forest
>The engine break down cause of damage taken in previous adventure
>Tulip try to fix the engine, Connie's napping inside the van.
>Marco, Anne and Luz take a walk in the area, waiting for the van to be fixed.
>Suddenly, howls start to be heard from all around the forest.
>And an organ start to play.

what organ are we talking about, something like this?

More of a church organ.

nice ambience then, go on

>Marco, Luz and Anne get attacked by a pack of werewolves
>Gruesome battle ensue. They're victorious but wounded.
>Retreat to the van
>Find a grievously injured Connie ad a missing Tulip.
>Connie tell them that they were attacked and that Tulip was taken away
>Connie is enraged, frustrated that she was unable to save her friend, just like what happened with Steven.
>Get told she is too wounded to help them find Tulip. Luz is forced to throw a sleeping spell to make sure she won't follow them.
>Anne track the werewolves to a cathedral deep into the woods.
>They sneak into it and found the werewolves doing a Mass, with the biggest one dress like an archbishop.
>Werewolves believe they were cursed cause they liked Rock more than God.
>Tulip is on the altar, unconscious.
>Werewolves think that the sacrifice of a virgin will allow them to be forgiven.
>Gang launch a surprise attack, battle ensue.
>They fight but the werewolves are too numerous and they start to lose the fight
>Just then, the van burst through the middle of the cathedral stained glass, smashing werewolves on arrival.
>Connie come out of the van and fight the Wolf-Bishop. More fighting ensue.
>Luz throw a Fireball starting a fire in the cathedral
>Connie knock the Wolf-Bishop down and a part of the burning cathedral fall and crush him.
>Taking Tulip back, they retreat in the van and flee the burning cathedral

I can really feel a powermetal album cover from this

So in all this mess, if Uncle Andy is basically just Carl, I think it's only fair that we give Greg a chance to be Willie Nelson (the monster).

Maybe he gets captured by an evil wizard (voiced by Dana Snyder, of course) who turns him into Willie in hopes of causes mayhem, but Greg/Willie's still just such a nice dude that it pisses him off to no end.

Attached: Willienelson1.gif (867x700, 44K)

I don't know about that, we've just been having Greg be himself and bonding with Marco as his new surrogate son after Steven left.

From where I'm at, this thread is always more active at night

Likely cause the anons interested are off work or in different time zones.

I mean it could work as maybe a temporary thing for like one episode.

With all this universal mayhem going on, does he still work at the carwash ?

He does, gets more traffic now cause of all the Dimensional travelers passing through.

that could work
who knows, he most certainly has a lot more free time now but he'd still try to busy himself

>They get back to the barn
>Andy tell them to go wash themselves as it smell like they burned a dog in there
>Everybody in the kiddie pool
>Too tired or wounded to do the usual shenanigans
>At best some handholding. Tulip is quiet as she almost got sacrificed by a bunch of monster.
>An hour later everybody is sleeping except for Connie.
>She on the roof of the barn, just sitting there.
>Get joined by Anne, who's not sleeping
>They stay there for a while, just silent.
>Connie think that she's going to criticize her for her action.
>Anne thank her for saving they lives, telling her that she's happy she got their back and that she just wish Connie wouldn't throw her life away so easily.
>They stay silent for a little while, then Anne stand up and announce she's going to bed.
>Connie says a barely audible "Thank you"
>Anne leave with a smile on her face

Pretty good job user, the progression of the story is great and the third part is the best

The first is a different story by a different user.
But thank you, I feared it wouldn't fit the mood of the AU.

Then good job on your parts then they fit well, and if it was the first post you were worried about I can kind of see, given the video game parts if I'm correct,

>A septarian patrol go into a forest.
>They're patrolling looking for any trespasser and refugees.
>At one point they realize that they're one man short
>They regroup and are on their guard
>Suddenly an axe is thrown right into the sergeant face.
>Panic start to spread among the man
>Scream of "RETREAT, RETREAT" are being head all around the forest
>Soldiers see the silhouette of a short creature with orange hair right before she tear them apart with her bear hands.
> One of the survivor said to had a clear sight of what was the beast.
>He described it as a short hairless creature wearing a helmet made of the skull of a wild beast, rotting flesh remaining on it, atop a bunch of wild ginger hair.
>The forest has since then been declared as forbidden by imperatrice Star.
>The few who have been into the forest and lived to tell the tell declare that you can find strange totem made of flesh and bone and it's seem to look like poorly made children and childish creature.
>It is also said that on some of the trees you can find a twelve, written in blood.

Oh dear lord what has Reggie become? Has her imagination finally run wild with overwhelming insecurity and emotional turmoil?

Does anyone have this thread in audio book form, I'm to lazy to read it all

Uh no. No one made an audio book of this. There’s probably an app that does that

>Marco and co are pursued by several squad of septarian rider
>The group see a dense forest in the horizon.
>They decide to try and lost their pursuer in the forest
>As they enter the mass of trees, they dont see the rider braking with all their might and not daring to enter the area
>Realizing that they escaped their opponents, the group rejoice and decide to keep traveling through the woods to make sure they shaken up the riders.
>Tulip is nervous, as the last time they were in the forest, things turned sour for her.
>Anne soon join Tulip i her worries, as she remark that the forest seemed devoid of wildlife
>No chirp can be heard, no critters can be seen
>Anne tell the group that "This place ain't right"
>As they continue their ride through the forest, spike come out of the ground and pierce the wheels of the car.
>As they leave the vehicule, alarmed, to inspect the damage, they realize that the spike are made of "candy"
>However after anne give it a quick lick, to the dismay of the rest of the gang, she arch her back and start to spit on the ground.
>Between the cough and the gastric fluid coming out of her mouth, she inform that the "candy" is sweet, TOO sweet and that her mouth felt like it had been force to show on dozen of handful of sugarcube
>Tulip start replacing the wheels but fall one short.
>Luz try to fix the last wheel but discover that her magic seemed to malfunction
>She give the hypothesis that some magical interference must make her unable to use magic
>The group also realize that Marco unusually quiet
>All his instinct are telling him that he is in danger, making suspicious of everything.
>They summarize that it's probably why they weren't pursued here.
>Luz advice to move the van to another location with less interference, which will allow her to fix the tire.
>The group is then forced to push the van, with Anne, Marco and Connie pushing the van and Tulip an Luz on the Wheel.

So the Imagination realm Reggie travels to seems to have leaked out and is having an adverse affect on magic

Despite everything, I don't think Star should be killed. Living with the fact of having killed all those innocent people must be hell.

>As the group continue to advance in the forest, they make a gruesome discovery
> Tulip and Luz are the first to see it. As the former hit the brake.
>The pusher are surprised at the stop and move toward the head of the car to learn why they have stopped
>They soon see the reason.
>Fifty meter or so from them, they see a 10 feet long totem composed of different animal, all on varying stages of decomposition
>From where they are they can see fly and maggots festering the rotten flesh.
>Soon a closer inspection reveal the presence of the number 12 written in blood on several trees
>Marco urge the girl to push harder and make more effort himself. Luz, in the front try not to think of how some of those corpses looked humanoid.
>Anne stay quiet for most of the walk but mutter quietly "We're being followed. Don't look back"
>As they silently push the van, meeting other totem similar to the one before, Marco sees that the tree are slowly moving to allow the truck to pass.
>Ann shove her elbow in his ribs "Don't look ! She's moving us to her nest" she whispered angrily
> Keeping herself from looking behind her she continued with the same low tone "Her advantage is that she has mastery over the environnements. Her tactique must reside also on the element of surprise. Since we know what she's planning to do we can counter her"
>arriving in the middle of the forest hey see a cave near a mass of totems.
>Soon they hear a screech coming from behind them and they are meet with small child wearing rag and some fur serving as a cloak
>Residing on her head is a helmet made from the skull of a beast, still harboring rotting meat on it.
>The group unsheathe their weapon ready to defend themselves
>The feral creature launch itself toward them, the group sidestep as the car is litteraly sent flying
> An axe appear out of nowhere into the hand of the degenerate and start waving it violently

Holy shit Reggie got brutal, this is pretty good stuff man, real Lord of the Flies feeling right now

I could tone down on the video game parts if that is ok user.

that's fine

>Marco is the first to discover that blocking the strike is a bad choice as the impact feel like getting hit by a truck.
>The group is forced to dodge every attack as only one attack can create a crater
>Luz leave the van with Tulip
>They watch the fight unable to aid as tulip was wounded when the beast struck the van
>Luz think for a moment before running into he cave, hoping to find somethin useful.
>Tulip has barely the time to say "hey-wait a minute", that she see her friend disappear into the darkness
>Luz see that the cave is filled junks and bones from animal and other "origins"
>Several drawing can be seen on the wall, showing a young girl with her friend, on an weird island with similarly weird creature.
>The last paintings show the breach in the sky and people getting pulled into them, a young girl alone, then finding a group of man and the man doing something to her in the last picture.
>Luz find a weird shaped key sitting on a pile of bone.
>Outside the fight continues with the group losing hard as the freak smash them around and dodge most of their attacks
>Marco get strangled by the creature, as she is close to him he can sell the rotting meat, the blood, the filth on her body, but most of all the mad spark on her eyes.
>However using the last of his strengh, Marco kick her with both feet disengaging her.
>At the same time the van smash into her, throwing her dozen of meter into the bushes
>Tulip on the wheel scream "GET IN!!!"
>The fighters limp into the van and they quickly get out of there
>The group allow themselves a moment of relief
>Before a shock is felt in the back of the van. >The group turn to see the blade of an axe coming out from the back of the van.
>Blade came out, only to be replaced by the mad face of the lunatic
>Using it's inhuman strenght, it allow itself to enter the van before throwing itself towards Luz
>Connie try to restrain the creature but get thrown off, her arm bent into an unnatural shape.

>Anne: She tried to kill us Marco
>Marco: She’s 12, She’s been through a lot. Everybody here has, we’re not all the same people we were before.
>Tulip: We can’t just keep her with us, she’s feral and plays with scabs.

fuck she's broken, this is terrific stuff

Attached: 1506682491952.jpg (500x375, 173K)

>Soon the creature is on Anne trying to shove the axe into her face
>Anne repeatedly stab he creature but to no avail as the lade only to scratch the surface of it's skin
>Marco arrive from behind and take her in a headlock, retreating into the open back of the van.
>Marco then attempt to throw her off the van only for the beast to sink her teeth into his arm.
>The beast is holding from the arm of Marco, using only it's JAWS. Marco can feel her teeth against the bone of his arm.
>Soon however the teeth severe the flesh from his arm and the freak is finally of the van.
>The group stay silent as they soon exit the forest.
>The silence is then broken by Tulip who say "I don't give a fuck for what reason, for who, from where, we never go into a fucking forest again !!!"

>The group get back to the barn exhausted and almost-traumatised for some.
>The girl leave, some mumbling about needing all the cold showers
>Marco and Anne are laying in the van, still exhausted.
>Soon Marco stand up, ready to leave.
>Two hand take him by the collar from behind
>Before he can say anything Anne turn him toward her and smash her lips against his.
>Marco is taken by surprise and cannot procede what is happening
>Soon Anne is shoving her taking into Marco, invading his mouth and conquering it for herself.

>As she take of her lips from his, they both look at each other flushing
>Anne is the first to leave and get out of the van
>But not before turning one last time toward Marco
>"Seriously though, we should really get your arm cheked"

We HAVE to save this for the future, this is too good

I hope Savage Reggie gets a happy ending

she literally got a piece of Marco
>Hey Janna, could really use a white mage right now
>uhn, wha? no way dude, Im tired and all out magic stuff, use healing juice or something

>what? All you did all day was bum out in my barn
>shh, I want to see if Marco look good with some scars

Everyone makes mistakes.

Some weird Heavy Metal anthology thing by the looks of it. With Star spending most of her time invading other worlds which ends like pic related.

Attached: d9qlg1l-aefbf786-c6df-469a-9863-a4c97097ff2b.jpg (2000x667, 951K)

Damn, great job with all the posts user, hope you save this quick tale.

Savage Reggie might be too broken, she's more like a feral dog now. So who knows what could be done for her; especially if we're to believe the implication that she was raped, brutally might I add.

Hm, doubtfully on the rape implications(At least from my POV). I'm leaning towards more of medical experiments/injections from one of Star's experiments on Seperatian DNA/Magic/etc or some other force. Mostly because if rape was an implication she'll only attack Marco and not the other girls. Might also explains also her psyche: Whatever chemicals had injected in her had turn her brain whack moreso than most recreational drugs.

Looking back at it now in this part, I think you have a point
>The last paintings show the breach in the sky and people getting pulled into them, a young girl alone, then finding a group of man and the man doing something to her in the last picture.
The fact that Reggie found these men does put things into a deeper perspective. Regardless of meaning, whatever they did fucked her up badly beyond belief, especially with her monstrous strength, stamina and endurance. If Star truly is behind this, then the force you mentioned may be even more malicious than thought.

If they keep her, it'll be like taking in a feral cat that hates you

That’s a classic cat owner joke

never knew that, pretty funny

>In a barren, desert wasteland, a cloud of dust can be seen many miles away
>We found the gang, driving through this scorched land
>The heat in the van remind some of the inside of an oven
>As the girl are sweating some of their clothes become see-through and other tug on their shirt hoping to feel the wind on their heated bodies
>Marco feel like he's in hell while watching heaven
>To calm his wandering mind, he drink what's left of the water, spilling some on him
>He does not realize that this has the same effect on the girl
>And he doesn't understand why the girl are all whistling while looking at their shoes
>Luz remark that this was their last water
>As time pass, they realize that the sun did not move from it's position
>Most of the gang is trying to sleep in the corner of the van, trying to hide from the sun
>Only Tulip is watching the road, hoping to see an oasis, a portal ,anything
>What she see however is a giant cloud of dust in the horizon
>As she tell the other to "Come check this out", they get closer and closer to the dust, revealing a huge flock of the biggest most metal, flaming truck they have ever seen

here we go again, I wonder who's attacking this time?

I don’t know the but the writers here sure know how to build suspense.

Reminds me of this.


>As they got closer from the flock of trucks, they can see diverse mecanical arms, exchanging, fixing and installing material on each trucks
>One of the arm, equipped with a magnet is slowly approaching the van
>The gang is reluctant to be taken in by the truck but admit that they do not have another solution
>The magnet fixe itself on top of the van and lift it into truck
>As the gang see the inside of the truck, they realize for a second time, the gargantuan size of the trucks
>The inside of it seem the size of a small base or hideout.
>Some bikes can be seen as well as cars rudimentarily reinforced with metals and spikes
>Chairs and other sign of habitation can also be seen
>Marco and co are welcomed by several rough Mad-max-looking man and women, pointing guns at them
>The biggest one, harboring a wild moustache and wearing an open leather, allowing to see a hairy and muscular chest where scars can be seen
>He speak "Just to be sure, you're not here to star some shit are you ?"
>Marco respond, exhausted "Even if we wanted to start some shit, we're not in a state to do it."
>The leader looks at them for a moment before making a sign to his men, making them lower their weapons
> He continued "So what the fuck are you doing in the area, there's litteraly nothing around here"
> Tulip sighed and explained "We took a wrong portal because of a certain "someone".
>Luz grumbled a "They all look the same"
>Marco cut "Anyway, if you have some food and water it would be pretty cool"
>The Boss smiled "Sure in exchange you let my boys use your girls"
>Anne outraged let out "Fuck you! We're not gonna sell ourselves for water"
>The Boss shrug and says "Alright, you got gold ?"
>Marco take out his wallet "I got some green if you wa-"
>The Boss interrupt "Dude, I don't need more toilet paper. Do you got jewel, spare part, fuel ? I could take the van of your hand.
>Tulip shook her head "We don't hava any of that and we need the van to go home!"

Who is this man and why does he shake my bones?

>Boss continue "If you sell it to us we can take you to a fix portal some 500 miles from here, it's where we're going anyway."
> Marco sigh "It's not really ours, it was more lent to us than anything. Look can't we do anything for you to help us out ?"
>The boss stay silent for a minute then look at a scaffolding before asking "Can you get on top of that in less than 25 seconds ?
> Anne and Connie smirk and says "Easy!"
>Jumping and escalading the scaffolding they arrive atop the scaffolding in less than twenty seconds"
>The Boss smile and nod approvingly "Good, Good. I think I may have a proposition for you".
> He sign them to follow him as they sit in a more comfy corner of the truck.
>The boss then took a long swing from his bottle before speaking
>"You see this huge bunch of truck not here for no reason. Those here truck are all participating in the biggest truck race a 100 dimension around. The race has started 3 month ago and is still ongoing."
>"Usually the race is a little more "eventful, but with the heat and since we're in the afternoon, most people are sleeping, drinking or doing whatever"
>Marco cut the man "You want us to help you win the race ?"
>The boss snort "Fuck no, kid. You see to keep thing interesting we sometime improvise little contest between us, in which we bet valuable and engine parts."
>The next one will be a race on foot atop the trucks, the mor-contestants will have to run and jump from truck to truck"
"I'm not really interested in loosing someone from crew but since your here, you or one of your gal could represent my crew. So what do you say ?"
>Marco look at the girl with Anne and Luz nodding and Connie and Tulip shaking their heads before looking back at the Boss "Deal!"
>The boss teak his hand and shook Marco's before adding "Oh, and before I forgot: violence is allowed everyone armed, you can't give up and and cheating is strongly recommended."
>Marco stare at him before sighing and asking "Can we drink now ?"

>The Boss smile and says" Sure", before giving him a bottle
>Marco took a huge swig of the bottle before posing it
>He stay still for a moment before turning to the Boss and asking "What's in the bottle ?"
>"Spirytus, why ?"

Should we mention others or?

>A rectified spirit from Poland bottled at the extreme ABV of 95%. This is often used as a base for liqueurs and other infusions, and we highly recommend that it is never drunk neat.
>ABV of 95%
>never drunk neat
well shit's fucked and how is that man even alive?

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>Marco’s crew and Steven’s crew when hearing this bitch dissing songs

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Who is this supposed to be?

no idea, but he's pribably of irish descent

>"How could I known, he didn't eat anything in the last 6 hour or so ?
>Marco is sitting or more precisely forced to sit by Tulip and Connie.
>A little red, he exclaimed "Guys, I'm alright. I'm not drunk at all", he said smiling, with a little gastric fluid dripping on the corner of his mouth
>Luz is casting healing spell to avoid seeing him frothe from the mouth.
>Connie ask him "How many Fingers I'm holding ?"
>Marco respond "That's easy. Three!"
>She facepalm "I didn't lift my hand yet..."
>She turn toward Anne and ask "You sure you want to do it ? I can take your place if you want."
>Anne wave it off "It's fine. It's no the first time I find myself in potentially life-threatening situation"
>Connie sigh, resigned "Alright, just be careful !"
>As they walk toward the car that will carry her to the last truck and the beginning of the race, the Boss took out a handgun with a beetle-shaped canon. "You need something something to shoot with. It's too weird looking so that I can use it anyway."
>Anne feel the gun in her hand and try to get used to the weight "Neat."
>The mecanical arm take the car and put it on the ground
>They have a quiet ride to the end of the truck hord
>They see several other car converging in the same direction
>As they arrive near an almost run-down, rusty truck with oil leaking from its end, the car passenger door open "That's your ride, try not to miss it."

Gonna be busy tomorrow, I'll try to continue tomorrow night.

I still don’t know who this is but cool! It’s really good

Who do I know that’s Irish?

Based Anne

You've done a wonderful job user, you take a rest after work

I wonder where Reggie will be in the future?

Eh, maybe she’ll readjust to some sort of society.

If by chance the KND do exist in the new Marco's new, messed-up world, they could probably adopt her. Mostly of having to deal with a hoard of kid/child refugees running in.

they should not exist


>Marco and the gang hunting down interdimensional thieves who've literally stolen the entire barn and everything in it

>they see a blue lady in the horizon carrying the barn

>Marco, Steven and Greg doing a Father-Sons Finishing Move

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who could it be?

who's the lady user?

>Star is a malevolent tyrant who's fucked up badly and is corrupted by evil
>Reggie is completely mindbroken and was mysteriously augmented into a wild, extrenely strong savage by mysterious men
Think we could add Sasha and her bullfrog brigands into this antaginistic mix?

Sasha and her brigands are mostly mercs who get hired every now to raid villages and so on, as to either keep the pesants in line or fight on a bigger battle.

I think someone brought that idea up actually, either way I approve.

I can see her becoming a roaming enemy who sometimes accepts jobs from Star to terrorize people, fight alongside her magical undead. I'd say they have a standing, non-expiring bounty claim, on Marco and his harem, so that way they can continue to encounter and hound them for as long as they want, without fear of a consequential deadline from Star.

I can dig this scene