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Parody youtube anime when?
Isaiah Price
Robert Myers
>Bruce Wayne spends at least some of his money opening an all girls' school in Gotham
>anime-style adventures abound as a group of the girls in it get into hijinks and sort-of fight crime
>could borrow heavily from Gotham Academy
Yeah, it might work.
Christopher Cook
Cute spunky tomboy Robin would be more than enough to make this the best batman story in years
Joseph Evans
Why isn't Killer Mothra a total mommy?
Brody Rogers
>ganguro harley
You know, if I hadn't seen it, I wouldn't like it.
Angel Hernandez
>maid "alfred"
Henry Parker
Jessica todd? Brandy Wayne? Alexia pennyworth?
Gavin Reed
I'm partial to Brooke Wayne.
Gavin Cox
Ojousama Bruce doesn't make sense, Wayne is suppose to be a mess of a person so nobody ever even think he could be Batman.
Now maid Alfred trying to get Batman to marry could be fun.
Jason Anderson
I want to fuck Robin
Luis Perez
Could make her extra girly and spoiled so she doesn't seem like someone who'd want to get her hands dirty fighting crime.
Jayden Lee
If Bruce Wayne was a girl people would be even less inclined to even imagine that she could possibly be Batman. Fuck criminals or people in general would probably be resistant to even admit that the Batman was a girl to begin with. They'd probably insist that she was a man even if shown things implying the contrary.
It'd work to Bruce's advantage.
Nathaniel Ward
Just give her a thicc padded batsuit like Batfleck's.
Julian Martinez
Pretty sure there was a comic where Batgirl tells some kids she is Batman and when they don't believe her she says exactly the same thing.
Grayson Edwards
> finding a way to merge batman and sailormoon
Horree sheet this is so crazy it might just work
Jeremiah Evans
Or maybe Brooke Wayne is naturally broad and has small boobs, so when she's playing rich girl she has to stuff her bra.
Jaxon Rivera
Remember what happened to the last spunky tomboy Robin?
Colton Kelly
Andrew Edwards
Just have her in the BvS suit with a voice modulator and up her brutality.
Justin Barnes
Loved by all but the writers?
Zachary Scott