Is V's shadow gallery the coolest hideout in comics?

Is V's shadow gallery the coolest hideout in comics?

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Yes mostly because of the illegal shit, which will happen in our lives. Start collecting all the controversial things you can. Pretty soon memes will be illegal.

It's okay worst case the dystopian society wont handle the incoming ecological disaster

It's cool but not as cool as being on the Moon.

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The ecological disaster isn't real otherwise the elites planning dystopia would do something about third world overpollution and overpopulation

What do you think the walls and gated communities are for?

A gated community will unironically not save you if your country looks like Zimbabwe, as the whites in zimbabwe found out before they were eaten.

It's profitable to not do that, and most elites will die or be incredibly old before things get bad enough toe effect them

Why do you think they’re all investing in space travel?


>and most elites will die or be incredibly old before things get bad enough toe effect them
The reason you're not an elite is because you cant plan beyond five minutes from now.
You become elite by planning over generations.

hoe did you morons manage to turn this into a politics thread

>the looming and verifiable ecological collapse going on all around us isn't real, which makes it ok for human beings to act like a plague and ruin perfectly stable ecosystems for the dumbest fucking profit-driven reasons, nature sucks anyway, we should terraform earth into eternal mcmansion rows

holy shit someone please, PLEASE, go back in time and murder Martin Luther and maybe RPG the Mayflower as well

This. Ban them all.

>start talking about important things
No go back to being cattle

I thought he was a hacker? Where is his computer?

It was the future so he has a phone

Knothole is a whole village

Attached: High-tech-knothole-spread.jpg (700x491, 213K)

That is why i have printed all my rare pepes

He's correct you stupid fucking Latin faggot

Both are pretty shit to stay in to be honest, if you're a woman.