Who are some superheroes that happen to be racists?

Who are some superheroes that happen to be racists?

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Why are black people so entitled?

Nighthawk is the best one. He hates whites and especially white cops

>Hal sees a black underage girl
>What does he do?

>What have you people done to help yourselves?

Why is O'Neil such a hack?

>Blue skins
>Entire race transported from their solar system due to the star collapsing
>Orange skins
>Defeated tyrannical warlord that took over the planet
>Purple skins
>Contained a genetically engineered bio weapon accidentally released into the wild
>Black skins
>"How come you ain't made it so we can eat at certain restaurants?"


You realize this was written by openly liberal white guy, right?


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So I see anons are still using this comic panel made by a white guy to cry about how blacks are entitled. Decades later and it still generates salt.


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>sleeps at desk
>probably fucked underage girls

>How come you ain't mad it so T'Shandrix 'n LaQweensha dun hafta pay fo no new sneakers 'n lean? Racist!

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But some of Hal's best pals are coloreds, like Pieface, Slanteye, and Sambo.

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Those are entire species he's referring to, this sentiment weirdly distinctulizes blacks from the human species. It's not like Hal only helped one race on those planets. He's prevented all of humanity from being destroyed before. Does this guy think someone with actual physical superpowers can solve socioeconomic problems? It's kind of dumb if the author sees that as a valid criticism of Hal/heroes.

Just a clumsy story, clearly informed by guilt. And guilt is a theme that can be explored wonderfully in comics with heroes, but to shunt responsibility for the sins of the many on one person for having power/privilege, is to ignore the basis of the problem and allow the ones responsible to go unquestioned; because only the sympathetic will feel guilty, not the real oppressors.

>Everyone always wonders why I'm a racist, you'd be a racist too if a black fella shot you with an energy beam!

Well, there's this one that calls herself Teen Lantern...

A funny quirk of my job is seeing the names of thousands of pre-teen students. Saw one today with the first name TreyMendus.

No he isn't he's just making up a story to address something. It isn't unrealistic for a poor and homeless black man to think that to superheroes who are too busy being space cops to worry about the homeless

>My organization works at an intergalactic level, intervening in local affairs is outside of my jurisdiction.
There, was that too hard?

Hal works at local levels as well though. And Green Lanterns have frequently helped out oppressed races/species on other worlds

If the author is sympathetic in that perspective then i'd wager he is guilty about the treatment of blacks in america and whites' lack of action to rectify it, he wouldn't even be wrong to be per se. I just don't think the idea that a superhero should be held responsible like this really holds water. It just seems clumsy and akward to confront a random superhero with straight up blame for inaction like this. I mean, he's comparing stopping an asteroid from destroying a planet or ousting a tyrannical despot to changing the face of society entirely, evolving society's long held ideas of race and prejudice. Superhero comics were a part of a gradual evolution in culture which helped to de-normalize racism, usually allegorically.

What is Green Lantern going to do? Force people to get along? It's just not comparable, Green Lantern is comparable to a police officer at best, he's not going to be able to totally influence society and culture.

I think this is mostly contextualized around silver age comics where GL is mostly on earth and just Might is Right philosophy. Keep in mind this is DC really pushing what they can do in the Bronze age

>" listen whitey!"

lmao white boi got put on hush mode

>Hal calling anyone stupid and irresponsible

>what is Green Lantern going to do?
Did you read the series? He does a lot

How angry was Neal Adams at having to draw this? He really hates liberal ideas and changed the script on O'Neil a few times in this book

Alex "White" Power

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How does he feel about his sister fucking girls?

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everyone loves /ll/ so probably feels good, if she records it

He's known that she was a dyke since they were kids.
Probably skeeved out but he's used to her coming home with tuna on her breath and the occasional black eye from whatever lesbo butch she's being fisted out by,

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So is Yea Forums now turning againts O'Neil because one out of the context page?

Having read the issue, it's actually even worse in context. Hal saw a guy under attack by a mob, so he saved him. But then everyone yelled and attacked Green Lantern, and then Green Arrow came in to tell him that the mob was right to attack that guy because he's a dirty slumlord trying to evict them and thus he deserves it.
So basically, because he saved a rich white guy that happened to be sleazy, that means he doesn't care about the black skins.
Also, the issue claims that all the things the slumlord was doing were perfectly legal and thus the system is bad. Except that most of the things he was doing were in fact pretty illegal even back in the 70s. If Green Arrow had said "he's breaking the law but the cops and the courts don't care because they're in his pocket" it would be one thing, but he outright states that what the bad guy is doing is by the book in order to create a forced conflict over what is legal vs what is right.

Why do "uhhh it was out of context" faggots get blown the fuck out every time?

Did you just not read the other panels or what?

Ollie is pretty extreme kinda case of left leaning person and it is not like he is always right and most of time he isn't right in this run.
Oh shut up, /pol/fag. You haven't even read the whole run. Go back to complaining about niggers like it will help anything.

Basically I think it's because after slavery and Jim Crow era BS they were never able to break out of poverty and hold a lot of resentment. Since they couldn't keep their original identity from their ancestors unlike a lot of other immigrants. Everything we ever did to help them after getting human rights only exacerbated the us vs them mentality.

To be fair this was in 1970. Before this Hal was a silver age character who mostly dealt with wacky happenings in the white part of town, like 76% of which were because he fucked up with his own power ring or had some weird complex about Carol. He only went into space maybe once every half a dozen issues.

You have to remember the green lantern corps as we understand it literally did not exist then. We basically didn't get any real corps focused stuff beyond an occasional one-off until like 10 years after this issue came up. They were mostly a piece of trivia ancillary to Hal's wacky brain trauma adventures.

If someone said this in 2019 when Hal had like 50 space villains to fight and barely ever went to earth it'd be another matter but this just wasn't the case.

Yeah, because they aren't known for their racism at all. Ever. No. Why would you even think that openly liberal white guys would start up gangs of people wearing black masks who run around attacking other white people for being white? Psshhh, fuckin' unheard of. No way these guys could be the sort of bigots that want to do everything for the poor non-whites, thus robbing them of their agency. Absolutely goddamn ridiculous.

Yeah but he is an Irish.

Pretty sure the Irish jailed a man for making an offensive joke last year.

What does /pol/ have to do with the "muh context" faggots like (You) getting blown the fuck out LITERALLY every single time?

Bur thank God they got rid of the English, eh?

I always thought Larry would make for a good Captain America story

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My man Nighthawk

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Is this whole Green Lantern/Green Arrow book so fucking cringy? Every time I see something about it, it's trying to be "deep" and "socially relevant" and hilariously failing.

´coz "WE WAZ..."

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The story where Speedy is revealed to take drugs was OK.

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Not a burger, but Why american negros are so racist against other people, but felt at the same time the victims of racism?

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Now that the water is under the bridge it's very easy to call this cringe but it was fucking revolutionary at the time. It's very easy to judge things from your own standpoint but like it or not, these issues were moving the entire fucking world at the time, but those books were still being written for 10 year olds.

Never read it (like anything else from this book, just some panels posted here and there). But do you seriously not consider the middle panels here cringy? They put racism, war, capitalism and general "old generation bad" over few panels in drug story. It seriously just looks like a writer venting. I mean, I could imagine focusing the story on one in depth, like someone going hippie because pacifism and falling into addiciton, or being unable to cope with his "socioeconomic" situation or whatever, but this doesn't look good at all.

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>Never read it (like anything else from this book
Why the fuck are you commenting on them then you fucking dolt. Have you never read a single pre-1980s comic? Do you honestly think everything was fucking From Hell from the beginning?

>these issues were moving the entire fucking world at the time, but those books were still being written for 10 year olds.
Aren't you overestimating thing a bit right now? The best selling comic book ever sold what, 8 million copies? And this was largely due to speculation and it was 20 years later.

The political issues, not the comic book issues.

I'm commenting on things I see, every panel from that book just looks bad. And I'm asking if this reflects how the book was as a whole.

Because it works. Don’t let it work.

Please do tell me your top 10 favourite books and why exactly do you think Neal Adams is bad. I will even give you the "O'Neill writing hasn't aged well", but are you seriously implying Neal fucking Adams is bad?
>And I'm asking if this reflects how the book was as a whole.
You don't sound like you would enjoy it but mostly because I assume you can only read bombastic widescreen shit. Even if you were anti-capes you would at least understand where and when these books happened.

Nah, this run is genuinely great even if heavy handed time to time.

A thread died for this

That's the entire world, jackass

Because american society is built upon questionable ideals which just turn daily life into this bizarre war, and the refusal to deal with the consequences of 300 years of legal racism + the influx of immigrants from all the LatAm countries the US insists on destabilizing and interfering with creates an even more bellicous society.

Based Hal shutting that nigger down!

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Get fucked and go back, poltard.


Based Namor


I'm not a poltard I'm a leftist

Why are you arguing with a rightist like they're not just a drone shill

Because he most likely has some retarded deterministic view on race while the racial situation in the US is by far the worst and most segregated in the entirety of the Americas (and it affecs me because the american discourse trumps any other discourse and creates very artificial situations which makes any assessment about the real and present racism in MY country almost impossible).
I just really hate burgers.

They don't actually care what anyone says though. They say no argument, then present fake shit. They need to go back.

Christ, no wonder they went to GL for the "look how forward thinking we are!" shit.

Don't bump /pol/ threads, tard.

>even mentioning old comics were racist is /pol/ now
What a world.

Don't be intentionally retarded.

>the racial situation in the US is by far the worst and most segregated in the entirety of the Americas
This is pretty true

Pretty much every ethnic group except whites act "racist" towards other groups. As for claiming to be victims, people seem to get some sort of high off of being attention whoring faggots.

Shut your face, shill