Why are there communist superheroes but not fascist ones?

Why are there communist superheroes but not fascist ones?

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Iron Man


Ollie isn't a communist, he's a champagne socialist.

Plus superheros as a concept are inherently conservative. No matter what views the characters or authors claim to espouse, they're still using physical might to stamp out crime as it occurs instead of attempting to prevent it through social means.

I mean canonically stated to be fascist not just implied to be fascist as part of a poorly thought out political statement.

because fascists are bad guys whos job is to get beaten and lose.
also, water is wet.



Retards can't understand the point of the thread

Iron Man supported the Superhuman Registration Act. That makes him canon fascist.

There are plenty heroes at least somewhat authoritarian if not downright fascistic, but they are usually written by leftists who hate capes and fascism, so I have to assume you won't like them.
That being said, the nazi-ubermensch in Jack Staff whose name I forgot has the same aura of Earth-X Supes, where I clearly disagree with everything this motherfucker stands for but for some reason they still come out as upstanding honorable people.

but communists are fascists user

When has Green Arrow canonically been stated as communist? At worst, he's labelled as a bleeding heart Liberal.

Dr Doom.

>Fascist is the same as authoritarian
I wish people know what words meant.

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The idea of superheroes is inherently democratic. You have these people with amazing power and resources, yet they don't use these things to dominate others. Instead, they use them to maintain the general welfare and the good of their fellow men. More than that, they all have secret identities; the superhero, therefore, is an 'everyman,' someone who hides his true strength so as not to put himself on a higher level than his fellow humans.

This. Also Ollie is a millionaire. Not a communist.

Miller version, DK2

Ollie’s a fucking radlib though. Or is anything left of Blumfph communists to Amerimutts?

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His leftist phase started while he was broke.

I just have one question.


When will DC bring him back?

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I don't think Iron Man himself is a facist but he supports facist ideas at times.


How the fuck has no one mentioned Judge Dredd yet?


Read Moldbug.

>a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed

>a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

Oh, IDK. What ideology has enough leeway to lend itself to heroics and which one screams "i'm the bad guy"?

Seriously. Why aren't people talking about Magneto in this thread?

Magneto is a Nazi, unironically

>His leftist phase started while he was broke.
It’s almost like those things always happen around the same time

What? No he isn't. He is just about not letting mutants be abused. And if that is not ok with the world he will fuck your shit up

The Authority
Dark Avengers
At times, Doom technically counts as both (Hi Tommy!)

>Enforces a law passed in a democratic republic by two houses of Congress and signed into law by a democratically elected president with enormous public support

Jesus Christ. I know Iron Man was a fucking prick, but words do have meaning you know.

That's not what democratic means.
Billionaire. Always has been, long before other rich characters were.
In fascism, the state is all powerful. In communism, the people own their own means of production and the state *should* barely exist. That's like calling mercantilism capitalism.
I don't know that Magneto counts as a hero, and when he does his heroism is mostly attached to his defense of a minority, not his totally bullshit beliefs on race and superiority.

You can only be one

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Hey I’ve been wondering that for awhile. That arc is extremely relevant. Hawkman would be torn to shreds if he did that today though.

You can’t be a communist hero either but either way you missed the point of the thread

To shitpost politics?

They can and i answered the question

The ideal of a communism is inherently noble, too bad people just suck at actualizing it

>DUDE it’s not REAL communism
Yes, and Hitler was a crony capitalist and not a real fascist

No you didn’t. You are too distracted by your opinions to understand what OP asked. It doesn’t have anything to do with your personal point of view.

The Comedian, the man was basically a nazi

>Dark Knight

I know you're dumb and just trying to shitpost about "muh libs" but if anyone was wondering, yes there are ACTUAL communist superheroes.

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It's pretty clear i'm saying there are no fascist superheros because fascists don't work as heroes

Did the great 10 ever explicitly fought against capitalism?

So you are saying no one ever even attempted to do something because they knew that your faggot ass was opposed to that thing so no one tried over the course of decades?

Why would they do that?

If they don't they may as well be apolitical


They're Chinese though.

>no one defining terms


No what i'm saying is that popular superheros are not fascists because fascistic values don't work well with heroic characters
at least to most people unless they are fascist or fascist adjacent, but few people are

He's not far off, the basics of Communism is very kumbya and everyone pitches in.
The problem is that Marx was an idiot and didn't understand how people work because he was a NEET being propped up by his buddy Engels. Who was also an idealistic idiot, but had a lot of Daddy's Money.


I reject your nationalistic cult!

I SMASH the FLAG of your oppression!

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1. He's a villain
2. I already said the characters' beliefs aren't supported by their actions.

Superhero comics are conservative power fantasies for liberal nerds, where they can experience a world where good triumphs over evil by simply punching it in the face.

1. Not in my heart.
2. Flagsmasher is a textbook anarcho-communist. He destroys governmental institutions in order to provide power to the people, and rebels against right-wing and authoritarian social forces such as, you know, nationalism. Look at any AntiFa dude on Twitter and you'll know that my boy isn't alone in deciding that violence is a suitable means to begin the revolution.

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Again, he is a villain. He's not presented as morally good and he is regularly defeated by the superior might of the hero, typically the nationalist icon Captain America.

He's only a villain because the system portrays him as one. Flagsamsher is really the hero we all need in our lives: one who will crush the state and institute an anarcho-communist utopia.

in all seriousness though I'm not even a dirty red and I would still love a Flagsmasher standalone comic. The man has this energy that's hard to find anywhere else.

because you can pull some sort of heroism or goodness out of the basic communist idea of taking from the dragons hoard and using it to feed the desperate starving children of the world but it's really REALLY hard to find anything truly Good and Just out of the Death Cult of fascism and the worship of violence and the licking of boots.

>That's like calling mercantilism capitalism.

God you just reminded me of a bunch of people who thought capitalism goes all the way back to the caveman days and that that anytime two people exchanged anything that was doing a capitalism.

It's so fucking hard to argue politics when no one fucking knows what words fucking mean and just make up their own definition.

Why is Space Ghost doing this?

He REALLY doesn't like large governments.

Also, the fact that I'm running out of good Flagsmasher quotes that aren't from the same comics says a lot about how underused this character is.

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because fascism bad, communism good!



He raises a very good point.

>I wish people know what words meant.
I say the same thing every time I see some thunkpiece by some clickbait hack that thinks they're smart for saying that superheroes are fascist.

It's canon to Millerverse

Go to bed, Whedon

Rorschach is an objectivist, and thus, he's against fascism and authoritarians in general.

That's like saying everyone who supports tighter gun control is a fascist. This is why mutants are a shit allegory for racism. To many of them a literal WMDs for the comparison to work. I'm not racist on any way but mutants would terrify me

>it's another low quality political bait thread
>retards go for it every time

There's plenty of conservative heroes but the only outright fascist one I can think of is Overman and even that is iffy


>That's like saying everyone who supports tighter gun control is a fascist.
I mean yeah basically. Gun control has been a part of every fascist regime and is historically racist.

Yeah you cunt why the fuck would you need social welfare and work regulations when you're a billionaire? If he was still rich and a leftist you'd call him a champagne socialist or whatever, if he's broke he's just looking after himself, I really don't understand why americans pretend being rich is a moral thing (and worse, the ONLY moral thing)

World War 2 and the Holocaust. You can't proclaim yourself a fascist without everyone thinking you want to start wars and gas Jews, so nobody thinks you can be a fascist and be a hero, and nobody understands fascism as a concept outside of the context of the Nazis and World War 2.

In contrast, the west never had a big war with communist Russia or China that defined culture for generations afterwards. They killed millions of their own people but you're not taught about that in school like you're taught about the Holocaust, and it becomes more of an abstract historical fact compared with WWII and the Holocaust where survivors and their descendants are living among you and shaping your culture.

There are also plenty of champagne socialists living in the west who have never actually lived under socialism or communism and think they sound like great ideas on paper and we'll get it right next time, and society tolerates them, allows them to hold political office in a way it doesn't allow people who are openly fascist to.

A lot of people call Wakanda fascist, cause they have typical right-wing elements like a respect for hierarchy over equality, but it's not. Wakanda is just traditional ethno-state. It's an authoritarian monarchy, with some power-sharing at the tribal level.

Cant't exactly call them fascist, cause they're too conservative. Fascism is a progressive ideology; not in the sense that it is left-wing (it's not, fascism is definitely right-wing), but in the sense that they want to radically change and remold man in a way that helps him fit into an idealized future. Usually, to try to reshape his consciousness to be completely communal at the ethnic level (communism tries to make him communal, just at the class level instead of the ethnic level).

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>Marx was an idiot
He was more like "This ain't gonna happen now, but IN THE FUTURE communism will be totally inevitable!"

Fuck off

"Writing" is a profession you fucking dolt

How could you forget him OP?

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>In fascism, the state is all powerful.

so every attempted implementation of communism has resulted in fascism?

What a garbage thread.

He's a shill. Don't dignify polshills with arguments.

In a way. Italian fascists also came from ex-socialists, and Nazis are self-explanatory. Both them and bolsheviks instantly went for authoritarianism.
It's the result of the human response to "But how do we completely change the economic system?" being "Just make a dictatorship and order them to change LMAO".

Only to retards

Go back. No one wants pol here.

>/leftiepol/ admits communism is impossible

fucking kek

Please end this thread. This shit is tiresome.

Lefties would be pro-registration. They want more state control.

So do righties on other issues. Libertarians aren't Republicans for a reason. State and government control is bipartisan the difference is what lefts and rights want from government control.

Go back to /pol/

Ollie was left-wing, but he certainly wasn't a communist. He's a European-style socialist at worst.

Go back

>available to all as needed
unless uou are a kulak.
also, reminder that the founding document of fascism wrote it as an anti racist ideology

Too bad they're super racist and cucks

any heroes whose motivation i dont agree with are fascist

Don't bump /pol/ threads, dingus.

Voluntary registration isn't a problem, what actually happened in Civil War was FORCED CONSCRIPTION. It was the Mutant Registration Act except broader.

Why would you bump this absolute garbage thread?

For unironic nationalist superheroes you want ancient heroes like Heracles.

Just because they are Chinese, doesn't make them commies

Wow. Another /pol/ bait thread.

The Soviet Union and Red China killed more people than the Nazis. Also America fought a war against Nazi Germany for 4 years, we fought a war against communism for half a century.

The irony is that most socialist societies end up becoming fascist

Fuck off with your polshit.




Go back

What am I selling?
Also bump.

No one cares about your shit. Things aren't going to change for /pol/ incels.


Go back

Leave. We're all sick of your embarrassing asses.

So you don't deny it's true

/pol/ is inherently wrong. I don't dignify polshills with arguments.

Captain America
>I'm gonna punch you until you agree with me and my way is the right way

wasn’t he in the Holocaust?

Fuck off, incel pol shill

You are posting in a shill thread.

Carol Danvers

Lookit dem screamin' lard elemental


How did writers manage to make a guy with a red skull for a head be the one making the most sense?

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Are you broken now?


I think a few marvel writers are genuinely enlightened but keep it under wraps

If you're incapable of arguing then you're incapable of being right

It was probably a Steven Universe and/or cumbrain thread, so good.

You're an idiot.

/pol/ is obviously wrong, incel. Don't be intentionally retarded.

Go back

Because that's how facists get support, they appeal to emotions by cherrypicking, and then once they get support they make everything worse.

There's a reason why cap's rebuttal to red skull's speech is never posted

Dream on, people in Yea Forums are known for their absurd levels of ignorance.
Now that /pol/ is here as well we've got levels of stupidity and ignorance of a level we've never before seen.

That poor thread that gave it's life for this garbage

I thought he was one of those Atlas Shrugged types?

Get this shit out of here.

>There's a reason why cap's rebuttal to red skull's speech is never posted
Because it's literally "I have no argument, and am going to punch you now."

You don't dignify a rightists with arguments. You just destroy them.

How about you post it then, mr American

You obviously don't read comics.

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Owning guns is enshrined in our constitution as a natural right so yes, wanting to restrict a natural right makes you a fascist

Fuck off /pol/.

Those who fight monsters.

>It's canon to Millerverse
Who fucking gives a shit? Besides, Oliver was an asshole in Miller's work, even more so than old man Bruce.

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He actually started acting even before the law was signed because "futurist".

Why do you think, dipshit?

>The Soviet Union and Red China killed more people than the Nazis.
They did indeed, they probably killed more of their own people than the total number killed in WWII, but western education and popular culture doesn't teach you from an early age about how bad these regimes were the way they do with Nazis. It's just human nature for people just care less about things that happened far away and to other peoples.

>Also America fought a war against Nazi Germany for 4 years, we fought a war against communism for half a century.
The Cold War wasn't the same as an actual war. It was decades of hostile standoff but the only actual wars were proxy wars like Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan.

SHIELD did that, Iron Man didn't.

That was literally the plot of the Illuminati book.

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In the Miller's DKRverse I think.

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Stay on your containment board, shills.

Politics in comics are almost as old as comics itself you fucking retard

You have an entire board. Just like Pokemon and horses.
Stay there.

I'm not from /pol/, you're just a fucking idiot who refuses to simply hide a thread and instead needs to whine like an autistic piece of shit in something you could simply just ignore

He answered OP's question, dipshit. Millerverse Ollie is communist and that's just dandy because it's canon to its own universe.

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You're a lier and shill.