How Strong Is Hawkman?

I mean how can he fight Black Adam?

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Well for starters Hawkman's Nth Metal weaponry negates the magical defenses Teth Adam possesses. It's the same way he's able to injury a fucking ghost with his mace. Second, Hawkman's multiple lives have given him countless years of battle experience.

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On top of that, Hawkman is supposed to be tough as nails and had a great durability.

Yeah, but he's human. No healing factor, and no super strength. He literally flies and hits people with a stick.

Even then, strength aside this is another one of those situations where one guy forgets he has superspeed.

Adam should be able to whip around Hawkman in any direction in a second. Hawkman still has to pay attention to things like momentum, physics, wind speeds etc when flying. Adam just bullshits through the air in any direction he wants.

No one understands Hawkman. This is the same Carter that got his shit ripped apart by bird mutants with really sharp claws and they put him in a hospital for a few months. He also lost to a large lion man with all the strength and power of a lion man.

Yet somehow he is supposed to handle Adam and the occasional kryptonian

>I mean how can he fight Black Adam?
nth metal is basically plot device, like vibranium or magic. it does what you need it to do.

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Nth metal seems like the most bullshit because they do not even make an attempt at keeping the abilities in the same area. It really does *anything* the writer wants in that issue. Negate gravity, regeneration, superstrength, magic, traps ghosts, curses people, harms gods, teleportation, breathe water, survive in space....they don't even care.

At least with vibranium they try to keep it all as sonic wave storing, or vibrating at frequencies to do a thing, reflecting all vibrations back etc. Nth metal works on a "Fuck just does this now"

>It really does *anything* the writer wants in that issue.
That's literally what magic does, though.
Something doesn't work, so you do it again, and it does. Shit, even SCIENCE in comics works that way. Reverse the polarities, beams of "pure energy" and shit. They just use scientific words to handwave mumbo jumbo. Nth metal has always been straightforward about it. "It does amazing and mysterious things." Because of that, it's coveted.

You get some more rules based science and even magic in other comics, but when you're writing stuff for years and years with changing writers and some who just don't care you get the handwaves. Even Kryptonite (plain, green kryptonite) can work differently issue to issue, sometimes making Superman powerless, sometimes poisoning him, sometimes doing both.

What is the point in the hawk theme then? Why not make him magic metal man? It's basically Matter Master in all but name now


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>but he's human
No, he's not. And yes he does have enhanced strength

The hawk theme make him look cool.
He is a warrior with a big HP, defenses that render almost every attack at 1 point od damage and gets a magic mace.

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>I mean how can he fight Black Adam?
He can't....he really can't. Maybe that 'Claw Of Horus' shit he pulled on Superman but that assumes Adam isn't going to just superspeed through him like a cannonball.

Black Adam's respect for him works in Hawkman's favor.

That's all. Most of the time Adam isnt really going for the kill with Hawkman.

Yes he is you retard


His mace isnt magical

This, magic weapons wish they were Nth Metal

Carter Hall is human you dipstick.
Hawkman has a shit fighting style since he always jobs

How does Hawkman's flying work? Does he obey the same rules a regular bird does or is it just the same kind of principle as everyone else? I assume the latter because no way he'd be able to fly with wings that size, but I also feel like he isn't capable of the same level of speed and maneuverability other flying heroes can achieve.

Carter is strong and durable enough to go toe-to-toe with Black Adam for a short period but will lose any prolonged fight because he's not as strong or as durable as Black Adam.

Carter is an enhanced human, basic brick powerset plus enhanced senses.

Nth metal belt provides lift and propulsion, wings are control surfaces.