Will we ever get a Disney film set in Sweden, besides Kiki's Delivery Service?
Will we ever get a Disney film set in Sweden, besides Kiki's Delivery Service?
wasn't frozen set in Scandinavia
Pretend Frozen takes place in Sweden
Nah, original story is set in Finland and Frozen largely reflects that. So no.
Coincidentally, I'm watching this for the first time right now
Do I go sub or dub Yea Forums? I checked out both, after the intro scene she meets another Witch while flying. In the dub she's stuck up and snooty, but in the sub she's actually quite nice and wishes good luck. What's up with that?
I watched the dub while waiting in line for a rally and it was nice. Disney does excellent dubs with Ghibli films.
There are two dubs. I haven't seen Kiki in a long time, but people tend to remember the dub with Phil Hartman really well, even if it's not the most faithful.
I saw it last month at amc as part of ghibli fest. Went on a sub night and they played the dub. They did the same damn thing for nausicaa but the projectionist that time was a cool guy and stopped the damn thing 10 minutes in and restarted with the sub.
I don't mind the dubs, they're pretty good quality, but fucking hell why have a dedicated sub night if you're going to shit it up like that?
Thanks for the responses. My rip has all languages, both English dubs too, not sure which one the "better" one is.
I watched Cat Returns the other day and wasn't really happy with the dub on that, I'll have a look at the two English tracks, I only checked the one
Watch the sub version first
Unless you’re a Phil Hartman fan as he basically adlibs the cat as Salem
I love Kiki! She’s so cute.
Frozen is set in Norway. Arendelle is a play off of the town of Arendal. It's the justification for why they shoehorned it into the Norway Pavilion at Epcot and they ended up putting more Norway references into the shitty Christmas special.
Always watch the subtitled version if it’s available
Disney made a number of obnoxious changes like Kiki drinking coffee to cocoa because they thought coffee was inappropriate
I was just watching Heidi Girl of the Alps and this thread reminded me just how similar Kiki and Heidi are.
How is that obnoxious at all?
It’s just condescending. There are worse changes but trying to refrain from spoilers.
Why is her face sunken into her skull?
Very! I want to give her head pats!
I fucking missed Kiki. I've only now gotten to watching Ghibli films and I would've totally paid to see it in a theater. I didn't know Ghiblifest was a thing until this thread. Oh well, next year is always an opportunity (pls no jinx)
>Nah, original story is set in Finland
Which is in Scandinavia.
My Neighbor Totoro is this weekend. 25, 26, 28.
>wanting coffee over cocoa
Censorship issues aside, your taste is trash mate
Finland isn't in Scandanavia. Read that gay Scandanavia webcomic for more info.
which I now realize I'm going to fucking miss because the sunday showing is at 12:55pm instead of 7pm like every other one they've done. Jesus Christ.
I thought this was.... actually I guess I never really had a solid grip on where this took place, but much further south than that.
nice. Fuckin wholesome shit. the world needs more of that.
The town she sets up the delivery service in is named Koriko, but the cops look french to me. It's weird and doesn't really matter.
They’ve shown Kiki twice over the years and Totoro has been there nearly every year so they might show it again
Spirited away and princess Mononoke still are going to air this year
original dub for Phil Hartman as Gigi
Also The Secret World Of Arrietty and The Tale Of The Princess Kaguya
>bought the complete Miyazaki collection a few months back
> Have watched series spirited away 5 times and Kiki's 4 times
Comfy times were had
How is the secret world of Jake Arietta?
What's everyone's favorite Miyazaki film?
Nausicaa and Porco Rosso, mainly for Susan Egan's performance as Gina. Though for Ghibli in general, I really like Princess Kaguya, Whisper of the Heart, and When Marnie was There.
Nausica is my personal favorite
Of course you go sub, unless you have some sort of issue where you can't read subtitles fast enough
Spirited Away
Totoro. I think it's literally a perfect film.
I went to the Kiki's showing with my brother and a friend that was the dub. Mostly because it was the only time we could see it
Well, I finished watching this after asking dub/sub earlier.
Very pleasant, nice film. Really is a coincidence Yea Forums has a thread up for it, I don't into Yea Forums at all so I'd never have gone there to even look. It's funny, before this I watched The Cat Returns, and didn't really like that. Sort of wondered if perhaps Ghibli films just weren't my thing, but this was much better.
Good coming of age story, nice setting, fun supporting characters, enjoyed it.
Yea Forums is the worst place to discuss Miyazaki films
>Will we ever get a Disney film set in Sweden
>I watched The Cat Returns, and didn't really like that
Have you seen Whisper Of The Heart? Cat is a spinoff of it which goes in a very different direction.
Whisper is pretty slow paced but it has some moments, and gets memed a lot because of Country Roads.
Yea Forums is the worst place to discuss anime
Really m? That’s what you found wrong with that sentence?
Nah, I really have not seen much anime at all so I've not seen that one. A different direction sounds good, I should have watched that instead.
Is it through there are no go zones on Sweden?