Why do movie critics and journos suck Disney’s dick so much when films like these exist?

Why do movie critics and journos suck Disney’s dick so much when films like these exist?

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All the Japanese ones are shit but much of it is company worship and nostalgia

>Weeb shit

Go back to Yea Forums

Promare blu ray when

>much of it is company worship and nostalgia
This. They’re already calling Toy Story 4 an Oscar candidate for BEST PICTURE (not just Best Animated Feature).


Even “weeb shit” is better than anything Disney in recent years.

>It bad because Japanese

>It good because Japanese
>It bad because American

Less than half of the films in the OP are Japanese, dummy.

They're whores and Disney pays them to suck Disney's dick.

Because they are american critics shilling american products to protect american monopoly over media.

I didn't realize Spain and France were Japanese prefectures

This but unironically

Compare OP with this and you can see why.

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Can western shows get any shittier at this point? This is basically a stick figure

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I can tell the right is Anne from Amphibia because she has many defining characteristics
I can't tell who the freak on the left is because they all look the same

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Because Disney literally owns the critics and journos

Everything single human on earth is owned by either disney or amazon

>has many defining characteristics

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>I can tell the right is Anne from Amphibia because I only watch this shitty show

Because most animated films are too niche to generate clicks, but Gisnep isn't. Even you had to resort to naming them to get some (You)s.

There's not a single encouraging thing in this image

It's a known factor that award ceremony judges don't bother watching the movies in the animated category, and just give it to either Disney or Pixar.

those films are BORING

>Why do movie critics and journos suck Disney’s dick so much when films like these exist?
Because none of them actually care about animation. Most of them have seen nothing but Disney, Illumination, and Dreamworks movies their whole life. Maybe a couple Ghibli movies or something from Europe at most. The academy awards and most critics don't actually exist to say what's good they exist to legitimize the mainstream industry and occasionally throw a bone to a small project.

>Because none of them actually care about animation. Most of them have seen nothing but Disney, Illumination, and Dreamworks movies their whole life. Maybe a couple Ghibli movies or something from Europe at most.
So they're like 99% of Yea Forums?

>The academy awards and most critics don't actually exist to say what's good they exist to legitimize the mainstream industry and occasionally throw a bone to a small project.
We need to do to the Oscars what the Sad Puppies did to the Hugos.

It’s coming to US theaters 9/17

4 of 9 are Jap you stupid fuck.

4 of 9 is less than half

>caring about critics and "awards" ceremonies

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So who is the weeb chick on the left? I thought white skin blue hair and eyed chick would get me far but it doesn't because nothing else stands out

Children of the Sea is visually one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen just from the trailer.

I hope the actual movie is good!

Aqua, from Konosuba
The issue here is that you were lazy to do any actual research

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>seasonal shit is Yea Forums waifu
no one remember aqua anymore

she is shit
no one remember her
not even the best waifu in that anime
and by no meaning she could be called Yea Forumss waifu

Did you forget how to type English bud?

The answer really is this
It is like the videogame awards.
Japan puts out way better shit all the time than all the paint-by-numbers cinematic-experience drek and seasonal shooter shit the west cranks out each year.
Before Breath of the Wild there hadn't been a Japanese GOTY winner since Resident Evil 4 back in 2005.
There is a bias.

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The first guy you responded to never said that all the movies on OP's chart were anime, he only said the ones that were, sucked.

Anime voice acting needs to be less theatrical and more realistic if it wants to be considered worthy of any praise, especially the dubs.

Seriously anime looks amazing compared to american cartoons and I'd prefer it if it wasnt for all the cringe music and over the top voice work

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>it's bad because american
the worst from japan is still better than the trough of shit from pic related

This. Not a weeb but current American animated movies are pathetic.

>t. pleb

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