ITT cartoon scenes that make you cry every time

ITT cartoon scenes that make you cry every time

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Would spongebob moisten up if you cummed on him?

cum is salty so that'd only make it worse

Attached: tumblr_needtel9h21rczu9no2_500.gif (500x281, 1.6M)

What remarkably realistic cg!

Who’s these guys?

Sad and bitter ending.

Attached: tumblr_ort44gwZf91rk9c31o2_500.gif (500x251, 2.67M)

In my experience, he'll get crusty and grow mushrooms

Every damn time.

Attached: Ace's_demise.png (600x338, 276K)

>you don't have to be... The bad guy.

Attached: tlm.jpg (1280x720, 69K)

Which show?

The dead of Rory and Amelia Pond - Doctor Who - The angels take Manhattan.

The final scene of Hocus Pocus.

Attached: giphy.gif (400x217, 483K)

That’s Yea Forums?

based and frenchpilled

Attached: bakara readin.jpg (1276x1032, 217K)

Attached: for the sake of anyone you care about.jpg (854x480, 37K)

OMG. That episode is the highest moment of the season 2.

End of the maze episode was gut punching as well.
shame about the rest

The destruction of Ochobot.

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He has to come back. In the non-canonical stories is a badass.

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I don't think we've seen the last of him, hes actually lived through worse before
Hes had his entire front of his body blown clean off, rather than just shredded
Just wait for MC12, shouldn't be too long of a wait apparantly

Kenny Dies was hard to watch minus Eric's shenanigans

He had a good character development throughout the season. Bold, the best secondary character.

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The scene when the melody cries because everyone looks at her like a horrible machine, all she wants is a normal life as a person.

Attached: melody-locus.jpg (694x519, 120K)

don't have a screencap or a youtube clip of it, but the ending of the Samurai Jack episode Jack vs The Lava Monster destroys me every time

salt water is salty