Is MegaMind a Deconstruction of Superhero Movies?

Is MegaMind a Deconstruction of Superhero Movies?

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It runs out of things to say after the 30-minute opening

I too saw that shitty youtube video.


Hey schafrillas how ya doin

it's a PARODY


come to think of it, are deconstructions just unfunny parodies?

No, it’s a normal super hero movie. Fucking evangelion fags and their obsession with calling everything a “deconstruction”, I hope you all turn into goo.

No, Dark Knight is

ITT: nobody knows what deconstruction means

I'd say it's a deconstruction of certain superhero tropes. Like superhero/supervillain origin stories, the dynamic, and the dogged nice guy trope, but...not really.

I'm not saying all deconstructions have to be some depressed sadsack thing, but to deconstruct the entire superhero movie'd have to be a bit more than that.

To be honest, its themes are more on point with reconstruction, with him reconstructing the dogged nice guy, and the idea of BEING a hero. Though it wasn't that either. To be honest it was just a film about a bad(sympathetic guy) becoming a good guy.

Is it the trend these days to call a slightly underrated movies, masterpieces?

Reminder that Titan did nothing wrong.

it was certainly ahead of it's time
it tried to warn us of the seething evil and rage that is the incel

It's more of a subversion of any hero type story. Change the coat of paint from capes to something else and very little changes.
And it's way too shallow to be a proper deconstruction, it's just "what if the bad guy was actually the good guy?"

Except for thinking that power=love, and then lashing out against everyone when he got rejected.

Now if only the movie didn't insist on characters explaining what the movie doing.

It’s weird how everybody brings up Titan being an incel, but Megamind isn’t any better. He only becomes good because a woman shows him affection.

The difference is that the ginger was a "niceguy" Hero, but got rejected and became an incel.

this, Megamind before didn't actually care about Roxie, she was just his go to beard to get Metro Man

not really. it's a superhero movie with a unique point of view and a lot of interesting concepts, but it's still very much a superhero movie.

It's either a spoof, a riff, or just atypical.

I’m not saying that Megamind is an incel. I’m saying that the message of “getting a girl solves all your problems and will finally fulfill your life” is not good.

No. Deconstructions are unfunny satire. Not all parody is satire.

The release of Shrek and its consequences have been a disaster for western animation as a whole.

I think the message "You can only be happy if you're in a relationship" is not good regardless of gender.

The release of Flash and its consequences has been a disaster for western animation as a whole.

That and pixar's stupid assholish meanspirited bullshit and obvious oscarbait.
Entire fucking industry is a goddamned dumpster fire.

Further explain pls.

It was pretty good.

Would have been terrible if Metroman had been the villain.

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Music Man is such a daddy

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He looks like late Markiplier

if you use deconstruction word ever with anything other than it's own definition that means you're a fucking retard
yes, you are literally stepping back in mental developments and there's nothing that can save you
you will always loose some intelligence forever for using this word, there's nothing to be afraid of op because you're not very smart from the beginning but you should really stop using this word for your own good