Red Hood Outlaw #37 Preview

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I know it won't happen, but I wish Rocafort were the new main artist.

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He even manages to make Woods' shitty costume look badass!

Attached: RHOUTL_37_4.jpg (1249x1920, 1.08M)

And that's it.

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Rocafort has been posting character sheets of some of the new guys on his twitter and Instagram.

Attached: 68442358_2414555788632786_7395105785816023040_n.jpg (768x960, 218K)

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Why Rocafort is stucked with this shitty book?

Some neat designs

thanks OP

Can we please go back to the good costume?

Rocafort needs to stop being such a fill-in slut and get a nice lengthy 20+ issues collab going, so I can finally buy his trapezoid plastic filled shit in a deluxe or Omni.

I'll concede that Lobdell is good at coming up with random characters.
He's not good at writing them but he is good at coming up with them.
And Rocafort still deserves half credit.

It cracks me up that March thought Devour was a chick

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Can you blame him?

Oh, and the rocky looking fellow is a redesigned Doomed.

Attached: RHO38V2.png (922x1400, 1.97M)

>No includes guns

Is too much to ask for a GOOD Jason figure?

He's an edgelord who loves costumes that look like 90's Image rejects, so he's naturally a big fan of Lobdell

From what I've heard, the idea of a team came from Rocafort.

Rocafort's art is so nice

I miss when comic were still allowed to have sexy female character pre sjw/liberal invasion.
Looking at how the artists used to draw comics compared to know it's like looking at eastern Europe pre and after the udssr with all the beautiful old churches having being destroyed to make space for featurles gray concrete towers

Attached: star fire pre sjw.jpg (1280x1968, 584K)

>Is too much to ask for a GOOD Jason figure?

Attached: rhik.jpg (376x500, 34K)

Oh I know what he could devour... with his ass!

Ah, My bad. I should've added "ARTICULATED"

>Have to fucking backseat for this shit
I liked Jason owning the Iceburg Lounge

>Tfw the only one that actually likes MK Jason
I mean, it's a nice look

Is decent. Medri's design was much better.

Attached: BS27.jpg (790x1200, 415K)

>I miss when comic were still allowed to have sexy female character pre sjw/liberal invasion.
So the same artist drawing childrens vs drawing a grown up alien-woman?

I missed Rocafort

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Wait, Devour’s a dude? NOOOO!