I want her to smash my balls.
I want her to smash my balls
I want her to cuddle me
don't take her spider-boy away.
She can still molest him in the comics.
Okay Op, but seriously can someone tell me why she has the hammer.
>Carol fans in a nutshell
woah easy with those pronouns
i know you guys are all mysoginists here, but calling brie a "she" or "her" is really insulting to actual women
Brie Larson has to be the most whitebread generic plain as fuck boring actress I've ever seen.
Imagine being so blasted about a woman that you make this post
I also want someone to smash your balls.
imagine imagining that everyone is upset all of the time
Except they are, are you new here? To the internet?
they're not user
Of course Billy is worthy
>Now playing
Tee hee
Think I'll make an outrage farming thread out of this
Here’s your (you).
What the fuck is with you limp dick faggots and this ball busting shit? That’s not fucking hot that’s fucking painful
>hurrrrr HURRRRRR that’s what makes it hot!!!!!!
Nah. It doesn’t fucking freak
>brie larson will NEVER step on your balls
just die in my sleep already ( ._.) ( ;_;)
Yeah I really wish you would die in your sleep. Fuckin loser