How is it that Ben can put out one of these masterpieces almost every day, but other "cartoonists" can barely manage a scribble over the course of a week in time for the Sunday paper?
How is it that Ben can put out one of these masterpieces almost every day...
Why is it implied that Trump is allied with Hitler I don't get it?
Now yo are being funny, user.
Okay, so, basically, Trump otp-in being named King of Israel, but it's Bernie who is showcased being a nutcase? How does that work out?
Those are thought bubbles.
He's imagining things.
Orange man bad, user
Please stop making these threads.
Bernie imagined that Trump thought the Jews saw him as the second coming of God?
>the King of Israel is a nazi
>smarmy capstone comment by author in the corner
More importantly, where were you when Ben became a Kelly comic, except not ironically
Funnier than the "caricature"
Trump at least consider them to be very fine people.
Not really.
No one wants these threads. Move it to /pol/.
Nazis are better people than jews.
Nazis > White supremacists > Jews > Neoliberals > Neonazis > Zionists
Everyone wants Ben Garrison threads.
>Nazis are better people than jews.
Not really.
nazi=white suprem.
I want them.
Go back
Nobody know, even Garrison.
Why are we helping jewtopia again? Is it just so we can trigger some fucking commies on the left or what? We should be runining them out of the country, not following them.
Because the vast majority of Americans who share your hatred of communists are hardline Israel supporters.
we're a year away from reelection and the left(Yea Forums) still can't meme
It's because you're cucks
Nuke it
Virgin Christians think that Israel is necessary for the End Times
Chads know that what is necessary is 10,000,000 tons of protein powder
22 shot and killed on El Paso, Texas.
Watch your edges, pussy
Based Ben
This. Hes imaging the white supremacy its not real.
Too based for Yea Forums.
Yeah! Go back to Yea Forums! We are 4channel now! So that means we won! This is a tumbler board now! Take that sweaty!
Best threads on Yea Forums. Deal with it.
Stay in your pol containment board
Stop spamming this shit.
Just ignore and report, user.
You're the one spamming. You could be posting in a thread you like, making the posts you want to see on Yea Forums. Instead you're being a shitposter.
This is a low quality troll thread. It's spam.
based hitler putting the libs in their place
Nah, this is a high quality BASED thread. Either post BASED BEN or fuck off.
Don't feed the troll, user. Let's just enjoy Ben's work.
Kamala Khan?
He loves Jews? I don't get it either. I thibk it had something to do with Hitler wanting to stop illegal immigration from Mexico. He was all about that shit.
These are all direct quotes. I'm not sure why anyone would get mad about this.
So green man is good then?
He's just garbage.
It is a low quality troll thread
>Bernie is flailing around trying to hit imaginary non-threats
>Ghost Hitler is ACTUALLY grabbing and tugging on him
What is Ben trying to say
It's an intentional troll thread
unlike the rest of the Yea Forums?
>Nazis > White supremacists > Jews > Neoliberals > Neonazis > Zionists
good to know
Mostly. Go back to /pol/.
I belong here more than you will ever be
Stop making troll threads
>Pokemon Creatures
These are actually pretty funny. Other than the excessive use of labeling, Ben has real talent.
He mostly takes commissions nowadays, right?
>Horizontal Harris
is he calling her a whore?
he's literally boardwalk caricature artist tier
Wow. Now even the artist has a little punny comment.
He's becoming more like that Onion guy every day.
No he doesn't. That's unironic fake news.
He said there were fine people on both sides of the statue argument, and the specifically said that he doesn't mean the white supremacists who have no place in our country.
You got got.
Not American, why do donkies keep showing up?
>its not real
>He's imagining things.
Mascot of Democratic party, opposite Republicans and their elephant.
Yeah and not just him. It's a hashtag on twitter.
I think it's implying that he's seeing things that aren't there, but why include pepe then? That's not even a nazi pepe is just regular pepe a thing that exists.
>Maga cactus
Imagine getting mad at Ben Garrison comics. Out of all the shitty right wing webcomics.
Ah yes, all that white supremacy that's absolutely sweeping the nation. Minorities far and wide are being beaten in the streets on a daily basis. Just ask Jussie Smollett about these terrible hate crimes.
Is this trying to say White supremacy isn't real?
That is pretty retarded even by Garrison standards.
A thread died for this mess
Go back
Damn...this one is kinda right...
Just stop