Movie manages to be insulting to every element of the Spider-Man character at once

>movie manages to be insulting to every element of the Spider-Man character at once
>everyone praises it for being a "love letter to Spider-Man"

How did this happen? Was everyone just distracted by the animation or was it a covert marketing strategy?

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All of them?!

How was it insulting? I found it spot on

...but enough about Tom Holland's Spider-man.

Mousefags are seeth

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it was made to condition fans to accept non-mcu iterations of Spiderman. They were planning to fuck over Disney from the start

Both Spider-Verse and the MCU movies are okay to good, it's just that they treat Spider-Man like trash

This is bait, but I'll ask you to explain yourself anyway.

This is probably also true.

>Wasted dubs
Fuck you

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>and ironboy 3 is any better
spiderverse 2 with uncucked sp//dr

OP is right, Sony should get their stinking, shit-stained, failure-producing hands off Spidey.

Iron Boy is just as bad, but no one is claiming the MCU Spider-Man movies are particularly treating the character with respect and love. In fact most people point out the dependence on Iron Man as a negative thing.

It's really more a lateral shift than anything.
That being said Spider Verse was better than the last 5 spider Man movies out together.

>movie manages to be insulting to every element of the Spider-Man character at once
Not enough tony stark fanboying?

How was it insulting to elements of spiderman???

Well this is bait so it isn't.

Finally someone f*cking says it

I mean they didn't mention Tony Stark ONCE in the movie

Actual, literal nonsense being posted.

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the whole point of the movie is to have other spidermen without pretending classic spiderman never existed, they just experiment with the basic concept
compare that with something like, say, ghostbusters 2016

I didn't understand, why was MJ at Kingpin's spidey memorial dinner in his building?

Free food?

I hate this movie and I hate the spider-verse
Animation is spetacular
The story is very weak

I thought there'd be a subplot about MJ investigating Peter's death. But I guess maybe Peter never told her about Kingpin.

Yeah that was my first thought too, her doing some investigating of sorts. It seems strange to me that he never would have told her about Kingpin at all. Especially when aunt May seemed to be heavily involved in his spidey life, I'd assume MJ would be too.

Also, Spidey Noir movie when?

If you notice all the praises have one thing in common: the animation. Hardly anyone talks about the plot. It’s the same thing when people tell you a movie was “fun”

Spiderverse just did the same shit that the the amazing movies and three fucked up only this time they got a screenwriter(s) who could handle the amount of characters given by not giving everyone but three of them a proper character. But you know what they say "fourth times the charm"

It turned the concept from just a guy trying to do good and turned that shit into a literal universal concept. They rick n mortied the whole thing, so I suppose that's why it's popular faux sentimentality while it berates you with colors and jokes to cover the paper thin plot. Animation is pretty but that's all it has

They love the character so much they killed him off twice, implied he'd be a school shooter without the powers, made him a depressed failure in life who gives up too easily, and replaced him with non-characters who all steal from him and then gave them their own film series while Peter himself never had a solo animated movie.

>Animation is spetacular
Ly shit

Because the subliminal message in the film is "you'll be forgotten and replaced even by those you claim to love you" its pretty nefarious

I thought the plot was alright. Properly defined relationships, goals, threatening villain, just enough drama to feel invested.

>It turned the concept from just a guy trying to do good and turned that shit into a literal universal concept. They rick n mortied the whole thing, so I suppose that's why it's popular faux sentimentality while it berates you with colors and jokes to cover the paper thin plot. Animation is pretty but that's all it has
Well put, good summary of the movie

My biggest complaint is that Pig, Anime, and Cage enter the movie too late to be developed and just distract from the Miles and Peter stuff. I wouldn't mind also losing Gwen.

Also the "anyone can be Spider-Man" thing doesn't land for me. It's not some sort of social movement or frame of mind, Miles has spider themed superpowers.

Breaking News
Mouse Chodes destroyed

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I mean as annoying as it is I understand why sony won't give up the property, it's their only viable franchise. I just fucking wish Marvel didn't get bought out, I still don't see what disney has actually done for them.

Nah dude just barfed a thesaurus to show his disdain for a kids movie

The whole message of
>"anyone can wear the mask"
Actually just means
>"everyone can wear the mask"
Don't get me wrong Spider-Man needs to be a normal guy but being Spider-Man isn't what makes Peter interesting and having 500 "Spider people" just devalues Peter since no one else is given any obstacles.

Fuck you user.

Looks like the fucktards from that shitty Spiderverse topic on Yea Forums yesterday have moved here.

Are we really at this point of being buttmad about the Sony/Disney split that we're gonna start pissing on Spiderverse now

The problem is you simultaneously recognize that Peter Parker is an interesting character outside of being Spider-Man, but also can't recognize that because of that very fact, Peter doesn't NEED to be Spider-Man, Spider-Man can be any number of people.

Noir, Peni and Ham sucked.
Literal trailer bait, they do nothing the whole movie.

It'd would've been better to remove them altogether so we could have more scenes between Pete, Miles and Gwen.

People have been bitching about this movie since it came out. Mostly because it stars Miles.

Hey 've been pissing on it this whoooooooole time before it became a corporate sticking point

But its a stupid concept because at the end of the day anyone can wear a mask but are they really saying that one name means something so important on a multiversal scale? Honestly if you dropped the multiverse schtick and just had one peter training one miles it would've worked better. But you needed to devalue peter to being just one of an infinite amount of peters training the special?

I'm not pissing on Spider-Verse, it was quite good as a modern urban legacy hero story, only it bashed Peter a lot in the process, but people are claiming it celebrated him. It's strange.

i thought that was tomino telling japan to do better than spider-verse?
only Peni sucked, Ham and Noir at least had a purpose on the team. Peni's job can literally be done by Miles, Peter, Gwen and even freaking Aunt May.

as far as i can tell, the only ones who knew fisk was a gangster outside of his employees were spidey and aunt may and kingpin's wife and son, but who cares about roadkill

kingpin likely invited her, considering both spidey's death and his secret identity were public knowledge, so it would make sense for her to show up

Warms my heart to see this movie finally knocked off its pedestal.

It didn't bash Peter at all, how the fuck are you getting that from this movie?

MJ would've known, if aunt may knew and they were married MJ would've known who he was and who likely killed him.

aunt may would've known because she was basically the alfred-figure to this universe's peter
MJ might be a different story. it wouldn't make much sense for her to just show up there if she knew he was the one who killed him

Yeah, this one user is really doing some big damage

Parker luck anyone? Despite everything he always gets back up? Here we get a Parker who just isn't feeling it anymore and his troubles and reasons for why is that are perfectly in line with Spider-Man and he finds inspiration in Miles, not because he is black but because he is young, new, untested. Becoming a mentor to Miles inspires Peter to finally pursue forming a family, give a little meaning to his life, perhaps even passing the torch sometime. The one that got replaced was Miles' Peter, which by being blond already clues us in that he was not going to last.

I mean, they did make Penni into a generic animu girl, but it's good besides that.

Gotta start somewhere user.

>I still don't see what disney has actually done for them.
Make their niche product into a mainstream product that probably outperformed any of their own previous work by like 100 times in terms of money earned?

Didn't they do that themselves though? Avengers was already in production when disney bought them

It seems like you're in the minority opinion, OP

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Yeah, it totally wont just go nowhere

I mean they needed it for the plot, it was the same reason why gwen was able to stay a fucking week in the universe without glitching once in front of people

You do know the concept of spiders from different universes isn’t new right. Even before the comic event Spider-Verse, we’d been introduced to numerous different spiders in different universes and Peter had teamed up with some. Hell Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions was years ago using the concept of multiple spiders teaming up

Well, the anime industry is fucking creatively bankrupt since even their 'high-grade masterpieces' follow some of the same tired tropes that are eating the industry away.
Is that hypothetical movie about a girl and the poster features pastel colors? We already failed step one. More if they fucking move their heads like muppets while crying in an 'intense' scene. It's like the fucking MCU over there.

nice to see Hobo-Peter

Dude what? What did Noir and Ham even do?
Aunt May could've done her job but Aunt May was a literal tech genius, Peni was the only other good guy in the movie that could've actually accomplished remaking the mcguffin.

I told a few people one time that I had no interest in seeing Spider-Verse because of the unbelievably cheap-looking animation (plus the design being a bit too stylized for me). I barely made it out of the conversation alive.

Well the animation technically was anything but cheap

Being cheap and looking cheap are two different things, you could theoretically spend a ton of money on a Flash animation made by an amateur and it'll still look like an amateur Flash animation. I respect the effort and money put into Spider-Verse, but sadly the direction was off.

>What did Noir and Ham even do
save Penni from being killed by Scorpion
take out Toumbstone

I'm well aware that spiderverse is the fourth time, in as many mediums, that the concept has been done. But the goal of those was never to outright replace peter parker, but it was to show that ONLY peter can be spider-man. Fuck when the cartoon did it in the 90s (produced by the same man that produced spiderverse) He was the hero and the villain. I don't mind black heros or a replacement to spider-man but what I gt annoyed is with Miles have your cake and eat it to existence

Cant say I agree, but whatever

>>movie manages to be insulting to every element of the Spider-Man character at once
Every fucking time it's the same shit.

Thinking everyone you disagree with is a samefag is the first step in being wrong

Take your pills

>movie manages to be insulting to every element of the Spider-Man character at once

I agree alot with this. What made spider-man so endearing was that it was who peter was that made it all possible. He didn't have a multi billion dollar company or alien tech to help him, it was his ingenuity and wits that built his gadgets made his costume and developed his fighting style. Nobody was there to hold his hand when he had to fight rhino or sandman. Watching someone get handed everything and more Peter had to suffer for is beyond irritating.

>Then you're left in the dust!
>Unless I stuck by ya!
>You're a sunflower!
>I think your love would be too much!
>Or you'll be left in the dust!
>Unless I stuck by ya!
>You're the sunflower!
>You're the sunflower!

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Based and spiderpilled

accuracyfags are autistic

The ballerina shoe laces are such a small but vast improvement I'm actually disgusted while looking at the regular Spider-Gwen costume.

It's not about accuracy, it's about how he's treated, like an expendable side character in his own franchise

It was fun and you’re an autist goon.

Fucking this, just get rid of these knockoff spider shitters, theres only one spider-man, and thats peter

I really love the movie, but pic related makes me laugh without fail every fucking time. It's such a hilariously stark polar opposite to the film and its message.

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Liberals hate white straight men.
Peter Parker is a member of said group so natural they are going to praise a sjw movie like Verse which main message is "Peter Parker is nothing special so it's time we replace him with a black guy and a race mixing, feminist girl. Also we turned Peter Parker into a Jew now for extra cultural Marxist points"

it's actually the lowest grossing spider-man movie of all time so nope seems like people who like it are the minority.
Secret live of Pets made more movie then it

The movie literally ends with Peter getting his happily ever after.

*being phased out from his own franchise

Another version of Peter pops up in the post-credits sequence. Hell, there are already three fucking Peters in the movie before him. It's supposed to be an ensemble of different Spider-Men and Peter still makes up almost fucking half of them. Plus he was the breakout favorite of the movie, it's easy as hell to incorporate Peter in any future movies if they want. You're just determined to be upset.

Because it appealed to the Tumblrinas and SJWs

>It's fine you guys pete will just be comedic relief that's great right? He's not the main character in spider-man

>just the comic relief
He was the heavy lifter for the whole fucking movie, are you just being deliberately obtuse now? Even when he's fat and getting tossed around by Ock he's still succeeding at his goal, and from that point on he kicks ass

How? It was disney the one that asked for more money, not the other way around.

Pete lost every fight in the movie

ah, so it all boils down to the tired victimization complex of the original getting "replaced". Grow up, buddy.

The movie was good, you're simply too butthurt to admit it.

>1 fps

It's like a friggin pichure show! Who the hell watches this crap??? Go back to Japan!

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It ended up making me look into the tokusatsu Spiderman show. Who knew a japanese iteration of a Marvel character was responsible for the existence of Megazords.

No nigga it all comes down to wanting to see an actual connection between the original hero and his replacement. Bendis never wanted their to be one and spiderverse did the same fucking thing, Miles just gets all of the accolades without ever having a good story. You suck his dick because a studio stole animation techniques and finally put them into a full length feature rather than just use them in short films. Which I suppose it's fine because like miles himself there's nothing actually there in terms of creativity or progress, it's just a reboot with different colors, you've got the "best animated spiderman movie" and I hope your fine with calling it that through the next three spiderverses

user, you're literally just wrong about Spiderverse if that is your problem. You don't have to like the movie but don't just lie about it to pretend you have a better reason than "I didn't like it". Hell, most of the movie's biggest fans are people that hated comic Miles and were happy to see a version that sucked less ass.

What's with faggots like you coming out of the wood works and spamming threads like this; where where you the last 8-9 months?

I took the anyone can he Spider-Man thing as more of an aspirational anyone can be a hero thing, you just have to take that leap of faith and get out there and do something, it's not about the super powers so much as the willingness to do something, but yeah the "anyone can be Spider-Man" slogan itself is a BIT off.

But the problem with that is nothing positive is going to come from it. The movie doubles down on the lack of connection between peter and Miles yet at the same times shows, in painful detail, now much better he is when they're used together. So he's going to be stuck in the shitty limbo in the books where he has a history in the 616 but also doesn't and we;re never going to see him carted back to his shitty side universe and not going to see him actually be quantified into the story. Then its on the business side of things, we already see sony throwing literally everything away to have the cheapest possible production possible for its two confirmed sequels and as everyone knows sony has done a fantastic job with their franchises and keeping them not devolving immediately into shit, beyond this movie right here nothing good is coming out of it forced accolaids and modest box office.

Fuck I can't even call it the best spider-man animated movie because the games does that better than any spider-man product sony has released.

>make multiple billion dollar movies and numerous hundred million dollar movies that mainstream their shitty B list heroes and catapult marvel into the mainstream cultural milieu
Yeah Disney hasn't done shit for marvel get it together Mickey

I absolutely loved the style (in fact I think this is what most people mean when they say they like the animation, since the animation itself is a bit janky), but I can see it being not to everyone's taste for sure

Iron-Boy isn't Spider-Man and never will be.

But thats the thing Marvel was in its way already in making those movies happen, Avengers was already in production and they had the the second phase planned by the time they were bought out so what, beyond making marvel a part of a conglomerate, did disney really do? They fucked Iron man three they fucked age of ultron and they;re fucking hulk

>they fucked xyz
If you look at pre Disney marvel the record was even more grim, 2008 hulk was shit, captain America started off strong but the second half was awful, iron man 2 was just as fucked as IM3, and Thor was trash.

I'm not sure how much Disney enabled things to get better like with Winter Soldier, or little experiments like Ant Man or Deadpool, or wilder shit like Guardians, but I doubt Marvel alone distributing through Paramount like pre-Disney is going to have the ability to push this amount of stuff out at the quality level they have (stinkers aside, I'm not going to pretend Disney hasn't fucked some stuff up, but don't pretend Marvel didn't pre Disney when they only had two truly good movies in phase 1)

I see a cunny

2008 hulk wasn't shit it just got a bad rap due to the ang lee movie, besides I would've accepted another one if it meant we got jen in the MCU

>or little experiments like Ant Man or Deadpool
Isn't Deadpool unaffiliated with either since it's Fox before Disney bought them up?

These are Disney shills. Don't believe me? They all focuse on devaluing the animation techniques used and on Miles 'replacing' Peter.

Wait and Marvel had antman all set its just edgar write wouldn't fucking get off the pot to actually work on it and get us ant man and the wasp in the first avengers

Not sure about the fox angle but you are right, it's not affiliated with marvel or Disney, my bad

>How did this happen?
I don't know, maybe I'm 33 and relate to out-of-shape boomer dadbod Pete?
Shut the fuck up, kid

he's not a boomer he's generation x

>they all focus on the biggest issues the movie had

That's what I mean, what Disney supplied was resources, it feels shitty that they get a lot of the credit but that financial oomph really allows a lot more than Marvel could do alone (including making their main movies better and allowing smaller side projects)

But ant man not being made wasn't about lack of resources it was more Marvel wanting to develop a relationship with directors to make this shared universe to happen. Sure you could say the lack of resources was a problem but when you had so many of those studios working together with marvel I have to imagine they're almost equivalent to disney

These two are not even issues, it's subjective.

I watched it on shrooms and it was pretty great. Prob shit sober tho.

Try to look beyond surface level

I just love how...HAPPY Lizard looks over it all...

>kids' movie
I mean, I know that you're right about the film living rent free in his head, but wasn't Spider-Verse more for general audiences?

he literally needed to be rescued by the strong independent race mixing girl and the future titles are only going to double down on making peter less and less important.
isn't it great that the main hero is no longer allowed to save the girl, that is so sexist and outdated, in this new Progressive retelling the girls save the boys and the white guy get's to play comic relieve while the black guy takes over and fucks his first true love

It hardens my heart that somewhere, some contrarian asshole is too busy rejoicing because a bait thread "knocked it off a pedestal".

There's a black person REEEEEEEEEEE

This is basically Raimi man, his one true love is Mary Jane. Gwen was a non entity in his continuity.

Liking the movie is one thing, but not seeing why others might dislike it is delusional, from the start the movie was loaded with a ton of things Yea Forums has always expressed disdain for, and then it did very little to redeem those things. It's a miracle anyone here openly admits to liking it really.

What things?

The symbolism is there regardless of circumstances

Miles, mixed race, interracial relationship involving a darker skinned guy and a lighter skinned girl, Peter is Jewish

>modern rap
>faux 2D
>low FPS
>chromatic aberration
>multiverse stories
>Shadman character design
>celebrity voice actors
>product placement

>celebrity voice actors
I mean, that's reaching and par the course.
I'm lost, what?

The literal plot of the movie is "A white man who the audience is supposed to believe is wrong, is killed unceremoniously then immediately forgotten by everyone, including his family, since he is instantly replaced a black kid trained by a mensch?

>celebrity voice actors
Beyond Nick Cage and John Mulaney nobody else was really recognizable

>who the audience is supposed to believe is wrong
What? What was he wrong about

>le FPS complaint
I want to call you stupid, but that would be an insult to morons everywhere.

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He was wrong as the hero, he was wrong as the person he believed himself to be.

Legitimately what?
He was literally called perfect

So, what you're saying is, you didn't watch it and based your opinion on /pol/ hysterics?

Be better than this. Use your brain. I believe in you.

>thinking Yea Forums hates gender-bending

The movie literally opens telling us he's the beloved hero of New York City and does nothing to challenge that (In a way, an Ultimate Spider-Man).

And then he jobs to Kingpin

Yeah Yea Forums just loves Riri and Whor

Did you miss the part where Peter reluctantly trains and vouches for him and inspires him? In fact the original Peter from his universe is the one who sets him up on the journey, he literally idolizes the man and is trying to be like him. It's not about replacing him at all

The explosion got him, Kingpin got him while he was down and pinned by debris

>shows Peter overcoming personal adversity and getting back on his feet
>this is somehow bashing

Yes and he was immediately forgotten by the city and his wife, who went to his killers party the day after he died

Yes and the audience knows that spider-man isn't supposed to be the perfect hero

Do you only believe in subliminal messaging if those messages line up with what you believe in or what you feel comfortable in seeing?

Sure loves Peni

The super collider exploded on him and he just fought a hulkish Green Goblin, he's in pretty bad shape. Of fucking course the Kingpin has it easy this time.

user I think you're the only person who saw Perfect Peter being in the wrong

Yes I saw the part where the mensch trains the mutt to completely replace the white man. Its pretty fascinating

He wasn't in the wrong user the audience wasn't supposed to ever believe him as spider-man. He was just supposed to be an ideal to be forgotten and easily replaced not a character.

Again, sounds like your own thing

Do you have any opinion on this movie that doesnt involve being a retard neck deep in /pol/

Oh you're right there wasn't a scene where he was completely replaced at the end of the movie, we never saw his wife completely fine with being surrounded by remembrances of her husband funded by his murder. Miles is just a replacement story not a character, he's about destruction not addition


MJ doesn't know Kingpin killed Spider-Man, though


MJ didn't know about the kingpin crap

I'm not falling for this troll even a little bit
I consider Spiderverse in the top 5 best animated films of the last decade.

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If aunt may knows who he is his wife does. Besides you can't just simply emasculate him by watching his first love fall in love with someone else your putting peter parker out like a cigar, you gotta really tamp it.


No, she doesnt, because if she did then it wouldn't make sense for her to go to the dinner held by Kingpin

You're almost there user, you'll figure it out on your own, I believe in you

Already answered

Spider-Gwen is an empty canvas who has basically nothing to do with regular Gwen personality-wise.
(And bizarrely was created by the ASM movies in a roundabout way.)

Just like it makes sense that people trapped in alternate universes only have a limited amount of time to get back or they'll die, yet gwen was in there for a whole week and never suffered any symptoms until the plot called for it?

>1 Spider for each of the 7 DIFFERENT UNIVERSES shown, 2 for the main one if you want to count blond Peter and Miles
Ok retard

But they still insist on it being explicitly Gwen for some unknown reason...

user, she didn't know about Kingpin

Then why are you asking for more opinions if you can't clap back against anything else I've said? Do you believe that subliminal messaging only exists when you feel comfortable about it? Do you not believe in corporate propaganda?

>One Peter out of multiple ones takes the self loathing a little too far
>He gets out of his rut and gets back on his feet in every way he was """failing"""
>Bashing the character in general

proof? Because it makes no sense for her not to know

obviously meant for

Because of marketing reasons after the ASM version of Gwen proved popular with audiences and Marvel Comics decided to cash in by doing Gwen cover variants for some reason.

You sure its not cucks propaganda? Because that really feels like it, but I suppose who'd think that a hollywood company would insert nefarious programing in a big budget movie

There’s not enough Peni in this thread, let’s fix that!

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Fuck off

>strong independent female Spider-Man
>only adapt the short story where she's with Miles

>she's much older than him
>age her down so she's his age

>she has nothing to do with the original character
>still insist on calling her Gwen Stacy

>her circumstances in the movie don't follow the rules the movie itself set up
>ignore them so she can be with Miles

And none of this raises an alarm with you that something might be up? I wish I could be that blissfully unaware

>They rick n mortied the whole thing
Are you twelve or just functionally retarded? Rick and Morty didn't come up with the concept of alternate universes.

t.microdicked magat

No but they're a useful analogy for how multiverse versions of characters trivialize stories and stakes

No but they did popularize the lol so randomness of the multiverse for normies

Don't forget the handprint miles BLACKD onto her head

t. retard

So your satan? I can see why you're fighting so hard for people to not believe that corporate propaganda and subliminal messaging are real things to look out for in media

Just how the "mighty Whitey" trope is clearly propaganda used for the last 80 or so years. Cry moar, Brad.

>The end of his arc is one big fuck you to OMD
I thought you fags wanted this

I don't know is it really propaganda when a country makes media to make their people look good? Can you just convince WB to make a static movie already, or can you niggas not find enjoyment in things unless they've been stolen?

According to Spider-Verse:
>Peter in his prime would die like a bitch to Kingpin
>Peter would let his life spiral out of control
>Peter wouldn't care about seeing a living Gwen
>Gwen wouldn't care about seeing a living Peter
>Gwen should be alive and for the purpose of being Peter's successor love interest
>MJ doesn't care about Peter
>Aunt May needs gimmicks to be interesting
>some random literally who OC is a better Spider-Man than Peter
>Spider-Man needs gimmicky supporting characters to carry a movie
>Spider-Man needs gimmicky multiverse plots to be interesting
>Spider-Man is not relatable enough
>Peter needs to be replaced

Overall very respectful of the character and the mythos, the brand is in good hands

Are you offended that isn't a sequel that comes out 14 Years after the original and results in a mediocre rehash of the original?
Or it's because they didn't shove enough intelectual propieties and FEMAYLE EMPAWEMANT down your throat?


Noir was a good story instead of making Spider-Man a socialist. He was funny in the movie, Peni and Ham were stupid and useless, just like miles.

Did you like, miss the entire movie? You know, the part where everything you just said was bullshit

What the fuck was with that Goblin as well?

>Peter would be an unhinged maniac who tries to murder his bullies if he didn't get powers

Good man

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>but no one is claiming the MCU Spider-Man movies are particularly treating the character with respect and love. I

....I'm sorry but have you seen the sheer rage on twitter and reddit right now? People legit believe that MCU Spider-Man is the BEST Spider-Man.

Yes because the problem is people who only have associations with these characters through the movies user hinthint

Alt universe was the best way to make it stand out considering it's the 6th dedicated Spidey film in the last 19 years


>It turned the concept from just a guy trying to do good and turned that shit into a literal universal concept
Why is it a bad thing that there’s somebody who wants to do good in all possible universes?

Because its not that user, the movie is about how peter is old and irrelevant in his own franchise and how that's true on a universal scale. Fuck not only did we see peter die forgotten in this movie but we also saw a dead peter who was a school shooter, do you just revel in destroying everything for the sake of inclusion?

>not seeing why others might dislike it is delusional
Not if their criticisms are as bed-shittingly retarded as OP's.

Its the same rate of release as the james bond movies, only thing is its about to overtake bond with what sony has planned. Which doesn't sound good in the slightest

>want to talk about Spiderverse on Yea Forums
>every thread co-opted by delusional schizos, ESLs, and unironic racists circlejerking their opinions
I know I should be used to this after years of using this site, but I am still disappointed.

Just another person disappointed by Spider-verse

>destroying everything for the sake of inclusion
Oh, I get it. This was never about Spider-Man, this was about you not liking minorities.

Okay, that's cool you're disappointed. I understand that, I've read some great arguments. Problem is, most of the salient, well-meaning discussions are buried under post after post from, frankly, obsessed faggots going on about white genocide this and "respecting characters" that ,an issue that that can be seen in some long-running properties, but is used here primarily as a crutch to a "I don't like change in media creation squat" argument.
No chance to appreciate strong points in writing, visuals, audio, or themes: just talking to a wall that insults you if you present any kind of reasonable argument.

I don't like anyone but the only reason Miles got this movie was because he was black yes, its why we didn't see more of Miguel or mayday. I don't mind black characters, but pairing a black spiderman with gwen stacey is the problem. I know why its done I'm just saying its a cheap shot and its all its ever been. She was paired with miles for the same reason sins past was released as is, as a rushed oversight deliberately created by some angry fat guy . I don't think it's unfair to say i have intimate experiences with a deliberately angry fat guys so I don't want to over sell anything. I will also say the game ruined the movie for me in that how they actually wrote miles into the story. I still didn't like him but he wasn't the worst decision in the game and shows his own character (hopefully they take more from spiderverse there I suppose, he now has a few alt costumes, can't wait for sweatpants spidey)

How did you manage to get so much much White fragility on one post. Amazing!

What do I have to be fragile about? Just being another member of a slightly more efficient completely dysfunctional society? Which I always took as a shared endeavour but I see its not working together its just pulling down, which yes got as this far. I hope we'll break out of this cycle of destructions but I fear we won't considering we celebrate the success of adaptations of children's products. Can you also stop calling yourselves minorities? we live on a finite globe, you just have to decide what you want to see in the blade runner esque wasteland we're shooting for.

This movie is going to be the reason that the next Sony reboot will have Miles as the new Spider-man going forward.

Attached: 1532633649191.png (354x313, 159K)

>Another version of Peter pops up in the post-credits sequence
You realize that's Miguel and not a version of Peter, right? Who happens to also be black btw.

That was on Perlmutter, who would have still been in control if Disney hadn't forced him to only work on the TV division and leaving Feige with the whole movie division.


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So a realistic smattering of New York residents.

I like iron spider despite his deep connection with stark. Pete slings his webs and his one liners. He starts out as an unsure kid, but still fights the fight. I think they had to change it up a bit just because this is the third friggin movie version in 20 years.

what the fuck am i reading

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Pure autism

There were people other than Whites in it. This somehow equals "politics" Don't try to understand their logic, user. It's pointless

>MJ doesn't care about Peter
we all know its bait but some times i wonder if people on Yea Forums just read the threads and pretend they watch the movie.

>Spiderman shouldn't be funny or make jokes

he shouldn't be relegated to only comedic relief though, you niggas don't care though as long as you feel better about the cucking the movie can get away with anything

you could argue miles gets more jokes then any other character, and those are jokes about how he is award and incompetent

Yes and peter is shown to be an overly emotional bitch with less composure than a teenage girl

god damn

in one scene for a joke

Fake fans don't actually know anything about Spider-Man and they want to sound smart when praising it.

in the same scene we learn that MJ didn't love peter, his pain is meant to be laughed at and ridiculed

>MJ didn't love peter
nigga at least watch the movie

Is it true that they're using different directors for the sequels? Why would they change shit up when the original staff did such a good job?

I did and I remember clearly wondering why would a widow of all of 48 hours willingly surround herself with her husband's killers? Don't give me the she didn't know bullshit, pete had her photos on his desk at "work" she knew

Because it was a total fluke it even happened in the first place and sony doesn't want to pay people oscar money

Sony is the kid who would ask for your help with a problem and tell you they got it before you finish explaining it to them.


>It turned the concept from just a guy trying to do good and turned that shit into a literal universal concept

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>Peter in his prime would die like a bitch to Kingpin
he literally fought for two days was already exhausted from fighting Green Goblin then had to fight Prowler afterwards then took an interdimensional explosion to the face and then died when a man with 900 pounds of muscle slam down with all of his strength on his chest

user its nice of you to show the producer has been doing this idea for 20 years. Showing once again that Miles addition hasn't contributed anything to the franchise

>Don't give me the she didn't know bullshit,
but she didn't that's the entire concept of Kingpin is that he fools basically everyone, Kingpin had a family portrait does that mean they knew all the criminals shit he did

so it's not about them "disrespecting the franchise" but it's really about you just hating Miles?

Kingpin doesn't fool anyone. Kingpin works like all organized criminal bosses work: everyone knows they're a criminal, but no one who wasn't bought can finger, arrest, or prosecute him. The problem is that if someone like MJ were to break common courtesy, even though Kingpin knows she knows, she'd end up in the Hudson.

Its about them wanting me to hate miles user, the multiverse shit has always been a stupid to spider-man at least the example posted came after 5 years of story to establish pete and his supporting cast, not just make spiderman and spiderman the only characters in a spiderman movie.

Why wouldn't she know who her husband was? Who gets married with that big of a secret hidden? Unless you enjoy the idea that the marriage was a sham which is another interpretation the movie affords you

>Why wouldn't she know who her husband was?
Because he literally hides who he is to the public that has been the case for years.


>the multiverse shit has always been a stupid to spider-man
the Multiverse shit has some of Spider-Man's best moments the only time Spiderman comic has been stupid is when Ben Reilly showed up

Hopefully Gwen-65 gets together with Peter before the Spider-Verse sequel is out and they're forced to change it. Adapting that one-off non-canon short story for two movies straight instead of anything else from the decade of other material is ridiculous to me.

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Bitch none of Spiderverse is canon

Peter is trying to patch things up with Mary Jane at the end of the movie

Not canon, but it can influence the comics when higher-ups want "synergy" with the media mainstream audiences actually see.

You know the spit between sony and disney could be good then, maybe it'll push disney to cancel miles and gwens books to hurt sony

You mean how they killed off Noir right away and Peni was reduced to being a hesitant jobber for Takuya to save her?

What happened is that people who hate you take undisguised pleasure in something you loved, in this case Spider-Man character, being insulted and destroyed.

No one reads those already.

No Venom..

0/10. Next time more Eddie.

>Peter wouldn't care about seeing a living Gwen
>Gwen wouldn't care about seeing a living Peter
This is what gets me the most, i don't consider Gwen the better Spider-wife but her tragedy with Peter is still one of the most iconic in the medium, even outside of it to some extent, so what the hell is the point of "Gwen Stacy but alive" if you remove all the Gwen Stacy out of that formula? Like, of course the movie doesn't completely rely on Peter and Gwen being sad about each other, but kinda like OP said, this sort of "modern stories only" dismissiveness is supposed to be the biggest love letter ever to the character and his history? Yeah ok, they winked at scenes from movies, is that it? Even Raimi adapted The Night Gwen Stacy Died without even featuring the character

The Peter makes sense since Gwen in his universe is probably just some chick he dated one time to make MJ jealous given the whole Raimi allusions of both the Petes, Gwen however definitely had a Pete who oddly looked just like the Older Petes.
But to be fair I can see them wanting to keep the movie moving along rather than spend time on that and being real, all the other Spiders besides Pete were just flavoring they went with to play with the gimmick.

Yeah but Gwen herself talks about her best friend's death being one of the burdens she carries, yet she doesn't really show any kind of special reaction to him while boomer Peter has a special reaction to seeing MJ, and to top it off she seems exasperated with him being like that. Makes Gwen look to be very aloof and distant.

Not to mention Gwen in the movie is a main character yet she's barely above the other minor Spideys in importance to the story.

>The Peter makes sense since Gwen in his universe is probably just some chick he dated one time to make MJ jealous given the whole Raimi allusions of both the Petes
Every little decision could have an in-universe explanation, I'm not talking about that

>But to be fair I can see them wanting to keep the movie moving along rather than spend time on that
But if the main story thread they themselves chose to write has to dismiss Peter's major connection to a character they chose to include, we can say they were being disrespectful.

There was no progressive praise for it like there was for CM or BP so I was actually expecting a great film, it was overhyped. I found EVERY character to be incredibly bland due to it mostly being quick snips of characterization and it being heavily dependent on you already caring about these characters. Only problem is due to the changes they made I have no idea who these characters actually are because Ultimate Peter Parker didn't look like Ben Reilly or have a Spider-Cave so it's obviously not any Spider-Man I know. Then all of the emotional moments that absolutely killed in the comics were so rushed and poorly done that they just fell completely flat for me. Just like when they moved Miles to 616 they took away all of his problems and character drama too. There was also zero emotional weight to anything that happened, Aaron dies and the film just glazes over it. Don't even get me started on the villains being absolute cardboard cutouts. Most of the humor just did not stick for me, the worst being that abysmal post-credit scene and Christmas soundtrack I was also absolutely disgusted with Peter Parker, especially him not caring about Miles world dying and them breaking up him and Mary Jane for the dumbest reason possible. Nic Cage was the best, but he had like four lines and I think that's just due to me loving Cage in general more than Noir being interesting. The animation was great, even the chromatic or whatever effect didn't bother me despite it being my biggest complaint from the trailer. Really it captured what I hate about modern superhero films, it's all spectacle and no heart. Marvel is definitely not getting the rights back though, probably ever at this point seeing how well this did and Venom did better than literally every X-Men film ever made. All in all I just was having The Amazing Spider-Man 2 flashbacks the whole time imagining endless sequels and spinoffs with characters just as bland and uninteresting. 4/10 if only for that gorgeous animation.

>There was no progressive praise for it like there was for CM or BP
Yes there was, the movie exists almost exclusively to receive that progressive praise, and after it won Oscars and shit you could see articles talking about for example what a great and brave author Bendis is for daring to create a beloved Spiderman if colour

You just don't notice it as much here because people decided Sony is a poor underdog so they aren't as scrutinized as much as some other companies

You gotta slap those japs at any cost user.

Got 'em


I don't think you know what that word means. There's more blacks than whites, blacks aren't a minority. There's more chinks than whites too. Pajeets also outnumber whites. Calling all non-whites minorities is painting a picture of them being some kind of minuscule entity that needs protection when in actuality they are more like locusts swarming the globe.

Examples? Or you just outrage trolling.

I like mcu spidersoy, but holy kek

Raimifags seething

Only on Yea Forums and even on Yea Forums it's pretty split between actual Spider fans and retards.

looks like my cat taking a shit

why the fuck does doc ock have 6 arms

Saying Verse is insulting to Peter Parker is such a brainlet opinion that brainlet isn't even a strong enough word for it

Imagine being that fucking stupid

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How fucking ironic.

>but it was to show that ONLY peter can be spider-man.

Uh no?

And I can't fucking wait! The tears will be delicious!

I wonder how Milesfags will justify the character when he gets the Sony meddling treatment and goes from bland and inoffensive to aggressively bad. He's black so it doesn't matter though!

They didn't watch it I mean..
>Some random OC who's a better Spiderman

This is how you know they didn't watch and are just shit posting

Miles is a random OC who's pushed as being the actual, better Spider-Man everywhere he goes

Just admit you didn't actually watch the movie and be done with it.

>strong independent female Spider-Man
>only adapt the short story where she's with Miles
Her universe is pure unreadable cancer, they are better off starting from scratch in the movie.

Except the movie already adapted the two worst parts of her story and nothing else, school shooter Peter and the Miles relationship

So anyone taking bets on who these new outraged people are in these threads?
1. Microsoftfags attacking because of Sony and muh console wars
2. Yea Forumsfags because of the deal news with Sony/Disney/Marvel pushing Sony can't make movies
3. Mousefags because no monopoly
4. lurkers that attack anything on Yea Forums that's popular once most of anons discussing it leaves

I'm placing 2/1 on number 2.; 4/1 for 1.; 20/1 for 3. and 10/1 for number 4.

Stop being new

>Yeah but Gwen herself talks about her best friend's death being one of the burdens she carries, yet she doesn't really show any kind of special reaction to him
she says to Peter when he tries to talk to MJ that that's not his MJ and that she's been there. So I can see why she's not going to be an emotional wreck.

To MCU fags the mouse can do no wrong.

What do you get for defending this shit. Good boy points for defending the "poor minorities"?

Nothing either of those anons said could even be pointed to that

She's also been there longer than the others. She's dealt with it, off screen.

Which makes no sense given the multiverse rules in the movie

To be fair the movie also adapted Miles ONLY two stories his origin and the death of his uncle so it balances that they’ll double down on the worst decision bendis made


Isn't school shooter Peter like the only part of her backstory that isn't cringy? I mean, it made thematic sense within the movie, I think they made it work.

what should I read to get into miles, is there even something to recommend.

Not really

His Ultimate Spider-Man stuff up to when Peter comes back, I'd highly suggest stopping after Cataclysm

Ultimate Spider-Man #1 – #12
Spider-Men #1 – #5
Ultimate Spider-Man #13 – #18
Ultimate Spider-Man #16.1, #19 – #28
Cataclysm: Ultimate Spider-Man #1-3

YOu could just start with the current run and not miss a beat, saladin isn't really bringing anything to much from the past (I don't think he's touched bombshell) though you're still going to be dissapointed because his books suck

You have to start earlier than that for his story if you're going to have him delve into ultimate, considering bombshells arc starts off with peter you should go from the ultimate run starting right before 150 and go from there

You’ve been trolling with the same shit for months, dude. Get some new material.

Just because you call it trolling doesn't mean it's not true

I think it's pretty obvious to get what Bombshell is all about without reading back to her first appearances.
The real issue is Ultimate Spider-man Miles is a fucking slog not worth reading and is all of Bendis' worst habits. I haven't read his new stuff which I heard was better but I heard the same of Miles EVERY TIME they try revamping him.


I wish the whole MCU would be replaced with Superhero cartoon movies.

Considering that you're being a crabby contrarian and calling other user's like for this movie terrible, I really don't think it is.
t. someone who doesn't even like the movie

The new stuff isn't better it's just not bendis, I say start earlier because it seems weird to jump into ultimate miles without having at least some pete there to see that he was a different character before bendis sabotaged it in order to make miles look good. Not that his ultimate pete was any better

>Well, the anime industry is fucking creatively bankrupt since even their 'high-grade masterpieces' follow some of the same tired tropes that are eating the industry away.
This isn't actually happening.

Ralphfags and Incredifags who do nothing but fap to Vanellope/Elastigirl all day

these threads haven't changed since december, you just chose to pass the buck rather than accept that the movie was never a "love letter" to the franchise, it just utilized the iconography

Finally watched this movie this week as well as the Incredibles 2. Spiderverse had some like 90s era diversity casting, without being mean-spirited. Fat Peter was still totally competent the entire time he was on film, he only got beat at any point because of his glitching. Miles, I agree, was boring and Peni was basically superfluous.

The Incredibles 2, by comparison, was way way way unkinder to the source material, making Mr. Incredible a bitter, resentful jackass. This was a real example of the SJW lobby at work, assassination of the white male father. But Spiderverse? Not so much.

But we see that mr, incredible is a far better parent than hellen ever was. How is that SJW?

Miles is a trash character

It wasn't character assassination, it was just not respectful of the character by adapting the wrong stories and implying certain things. It's okay as a movie but it's definitely not a love letter to Spider-Man.

Spiderverse doesn't undermine white men so much as it undermines the uniqueness of Peter Parker/Spider-Man. It makes the exceptional nature of his origin less exceptional by repeating it on some literally whos across multiple universes. Yes, I know the comics have done this for decades. It's still stupid. Did you know that we never had a high budget animated film with Peter as the protagonist? Instead we got Mild Morales. Meanwhile we can see what Disney did to Peter in the MCU. The comics are not in a better place either. It's all a mess.

Good post

We need raimi back


>Spider-Man is popular and successful because he's the Everyman but with powers
>someone still felt the need to tell a "anyone can be Spider-Man" story for some reason
>did it with multiverse bullshit and requiring everyone have Spider powers
This is the dumbest roundabout bullshit I've ever seen in comic media, the movie manufactured a point that didn't need telling, and then told it in the worst way imaginable. The train scene in Spider-Man 2 did more for this point than all the non-Peter Spider-Men combined.

it's literally bendis' fault

i don't understand why anybody doesn't get boil it down to the root issue

miles is a character that doesn't need to exist. same for gwen,

every copy is a watering down of what made the original special. and the best part is everybody tries to get past this by saying 'MILES WAS SHITTY IN THE COMICS BUT SPIDER-VERSE MADE HIM A REAL CHARACTER'

no, you shitbirds, just because a character is written better than bendis doesn't redeem its inception

theres should have been atleast 1 spider without powers

>Literal whos
Spider-Ham/Peter Porker= cartoon animal Peter Parker
Noir Spider-Man= 40's pulp Peter Parker
Peni Parker and SP//dr= teenage asian female Peter Parker with robot controlled by her spider
Spider-Gwen= alternate universe where Gwen Stacy (not a literal who) became that reality's Spider-(Wo)Man instead of Peter Parker

That's 3 Peter Parkers plus a character closely associated with Peter Parker. The only 'literal who' is Miles and that's the point.

You’re one of the good ones

Miles was always black!

I can understand that complaint, I can see the validity of that viewpoint, especially since Peter Parker isn't just THE Spiderman, he's one of the most entertaining and consistently likeable iconic comic book characters of all time. I just wanted to clarify my take that it wasn't as evil and mean-spirited a film as many critics convinced me it would be. Even B. Parker kicked ass for me and I am fully onboard the "Western media is actively defaming white males" train in general.

Remember Miles isn't about adding or sharing, he's about replacement. Its what Bendis wants

There is no validity just fragility.

This would have been 100% embraced by Yea Forums back before Yea Forums and /pol/ came here from their containment boards and were allowed to stay. Just saying.

How do you feel about Ben?

Was miles really embraced when Bendis first replaced peter with him?

>movie manages to be insulting to every element of the Spider-Man character at once

fuck, hahahaa

Do you really think /pol/ would have gained any traction here if tumblr hadn't fucked up the place first?

>No but they did popularize the lol so randomness of the multiverse for normies

10/10, you colossal, starmongling, turbocunt.

The truth hurts user, just accept the cuckedness of it all and grow

Normies don't care about the crisis, or seeing new characters be made or new ideas being broached. They just like names they know constantly said to them over and over and over

Ssssshhhhhh user they don't understand that their calling everything racist and terrible while providing no practical solutions has done nothing but make everything worse

Attached: 1500502173427.gif (160x160, 904K)

>What a Wonderful Life
>Doctor Who
>Star Trek
>Doctor Who
>Doctor Who
>Buffy the Vampire Slayer
>Doctor. Who.
>Back to the Future
>Doctor Who
>The Butterfly Effect
>Doctor Who
>Anything Douglas Adams

I could go on man, parallel universes isn't a rare fiction topic. There's even jokes in half of these about how common it is.


Its funny that you mention It's a wonderful life considering its all about how one person is so important and how the world would be worse if he was gone and spiderverse is all about how replaceable anyone is even spiderman. You zoomers are being brought up with weird propaganda

It's literally the first movie to give us post One More Day depressed dad bod peter parker.

Do you idiots actually believe what you type or are you trolling?

he can't because it'll reveal he's either A) a troll or B) has a shitty argument that exposes his shitty opinion which essentially boils down to 'not muh Spider-Man'.

Do you not believe the disconnect between the coasts and the center of the country is the cause of the mess we find ourselves in?

Lot of bait in this thread. I think we all mostly agree this is the best animated spiderman story and best spiderman movie point blank.

Attached: spider-man-into-the-spider-verse-dom-spiderverse_cbg400.1058_lm_v1.jpg (1280x680, 141K)

Spider-Verse is about how anyone can be a "hero" though, that has nothing to do with being replaceable unless you want to be cynical about it.

No user it's about how anyone can be spiderman because being spiderman means nothing but the name apparently

>best animated spidey story
There's no story here though, its all just references. Spectacular spider-man and the 90's finale still beat this

Though if you said its spider-mans best animated movie than my hands would be tied, but its also what you're going to be saying through the next 3 spiderverse movies. Literally nothing good will come of this movie


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Keep saying user, I'm sure one day even YOU'LL believe it.

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Believe what? In humanity? it's too late for that. No this movie is just a watered down lego movie

>They see your dick.

Show is decent but its art direction is pretty plan for the most part. The characters look like the ben ten reboot. The story can't really compete with this film to be honest. Can't even name an episode of the show that is better than this film.

Yea Forums has always shat on this movie long before the deal fell apart, like they shit on every comic movie.

I enjoyed Spider-Verse a lot and I can totally understand why people love it as much as they do but I don't quite get why it's a golden god to some. I thought it did what it tried to do perfectly well, but it's in no way a definitive Spider-Man story to me. An actually good Miles origin? Yeah, but not a classic like If This Be My Destiny or Happy Birthday

>Spider-noir went from one of the few Spider willing to kill to Nicholas Cage
>Penny went from Evangelion to a cutesy little kid
>Spider-gwen is probably alright for how she was prior to her Peter dieing but he's explicitly dead here so her attitude is pretty odd.
>Fat Peter is good
>Miles is good
Peter Porker is probably fine but who gives a shit about him.

So they get a 50. That's passing in some countries isn't it?

In terms of story most of spectacular trounces spiderverse, the only thing spiderverse has is its animation. Like Miles himself all it brought to the table was a superficial story you can ignore because you're constantly pelted by jokes references and colors

Kingpin's own wife and son didnt know he was a criminal remember? As for the MJ thing she didnt know who killed her husband, just that they found him dead.

Yes because a crimeboss with the resources of the kingpin who can own a home and his own base of operations is the exact same as the guy who had to build his webshooters in him moms house. MJ knew, if this movie actually believes itself to be a love letter to spider-man she knew and they did it intentionally

No, its idiots that let every conman from Anitia to Vox to god knows how many shitty game journalists and youtubers whip them into a frenzy against each other that only profits them. The whole culture war wouldn't even be a thing if people just stopped falling for the same shit over and over until present day.

You're trying to force this MJ thing and it just isn't working. She knew he was Spiderman, but she didnt know where he was when he died. That's the point people are trying to get you to understand. She can know he's a criminal and only show up due to her job, but there's no point in the movie that implies she knows Kingpin killed her husband.

Its more that the left has nothing to sell but self hatred and penance and the right just sold, well the exact opposite of that. Its not to say I find it correct but their aren't solutions being presented about the problems of the world there are just people who say its our fault and others who say its not their fault. America is a failed experement and we'll collapse in ourselves soon enough to the (maybe) detriment to the world at large. I dunno maybe I'll try to find someone to weather the apocalypse with but if my facebook is any indication I'll just burn myself alive in pennance to crimes no one alive committed but I (or at least anyone white) apparently need to pay for. I may live stream it but we'll see if I can find a nice spot to immolate

Yes just like there's no point in the movie where they explain why Gwens spider sense didn't lead her to that peter. Its about the subliminal messaging user

It's not a radar that homes in on other Spider-potentials, It's a proximity based ping. NYC is a big place.

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This is what im talking about. Stop listening to people who only want to exploit you, and for fuck sakes get the hell of the mindrot that is facebook and social media. White people arent going anywhere, especially not genocided by fucking comic books and movies.

Subliminal message of what? Meeting the protagonist?

It is though its the reason she went to the high school

That you're easily replaced and forgotten

I don't care about bullshit "white genocide" I care about the future. I see no path to the future I just a never ending hellish present

>That you're easily replaced and forgotten
That's your depressed ass reading of it, not what's actually being said.
>I don't care about bullshit "white genocide" I care about the future. I see no path to the future I just a never ending hellish present
Because you've convinced yourself there isnt a path after wallowing in whatever really at the heart of your issues. Trust me, go Cold Turkey off social media and Yea Forums awhile and you'll notice just how much that shit influences you.

People get really hung up on, "Peter is only Spider-Man NO ONE ELSE CAN WEAR THE MASK REEEEE"
The whole of the movie can be summed up by MJ's eulogy.
"He didn't ask to be Spider-Man, he chose to be Spider-Man"
Similar to the classic "With great power, there must also come great responsibility" the reason we identified with Peter for decades was because of the conflict that came with wanting to do the right thing and living a normal life.

I'd say it did a fine job of encapsulating that message.

Attached: Whole point of the movie.jpg (1620x637, 171K)

I didn't think it was possible for someone to be this wrong and gay at one time.

and now he's been replaced


Whats wrong with that?

We still have Peter B. Parker.
Side note: I think if blonde Peter didn't die he'd probably retire and give the job to miles anyway, his "I am so tired." being a large indicator of how he was feeling in regards to being Spider-Man.

>enjoyed the MCU Spidey films
>still a Grade A response

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Yes that would be nice but that's not the point of miles, peter doesn't get a good end. He dies failing then has his replacement pick up the slack

You want to name a good miles story out of his 9 years of publication?

Eat a dick, this was a fun movie.


>imagine being mad that a hero movie explores the idea that a hero can fail. And shows the consequences of it in multiple aspects.

>Imagine being this indignant about being a jews fetish finally turned profitable

Attached: iron boy.png (500x954, 188K)

>imagine being this insecure that you think you see jews hiding behind everything because it's easier to say that everyone is trying to replace you than it is to admit that the reason you suck is because you set yourself up to fail by believing you were above everything and everyone.
How's it feel knowing you're projecting your insecurities on cartoons?

Didn't Disney hate Jews? How would he react if he knew his company was run by them now?

I'm just glad this failed deal took Disney down à peg

Down with the mouse. Disney is not Marvel. They just own the name. A Spiderman movie doesn't have to come from Disney to be good.

Gwen went to the school for research most likely. Her cellphone wouldn't be able to connect to 1610 cell towers to access Miles version of the net. The school year had started so she could spend the day in the Public library without potentially drawing the attention of a truancy officer.
The first time we see Gwen interact with Miles she's watching a documentary on Alchemax. It's only on the 2nd day that she was drawn towards Miles and his developing Spider-powers. But because he didn't gain his Spider-sense yet they didn't have the connection/understanding of their similarities, like Miles did with encountered 1610 Peter inside the collider.

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Jews don't hid behind everything user, that's a childish accusation and an incomplete picture behind the degradation of culture. To say they're not involved on any level of production though? and to believe that hollywood only puts propaganda in things you don't like seems naive. Besides Bendis has admitted his own thought process in shoving Miles into everything he did and it's easy to see how this movie looked to replicate that, why he did it may not be as nefarious as I want it to be. Its only a small corner of something thats been polluted but I suppose it always was polluted wasn't it?

Though seriously though is corporate propaganda only considered such when you don't like whats being stated?

Isn't it fun to speculate with characters? Gwen went to the school to get the meet cute with Miles and MJ went to the Kingpins fundraiser to emasculate peter both in the grave and across the multiverse

only in the shit fake universe written by Bendis

This, the term minority is just Jewish conditioning

I dont need to spider verse did more for miles than all the shit they have written for him

this but unironically

>"I am so tired." being a large indicator of how he was feeling in regards to being Spider-Man.
But he literally says "I still LOVE being Spider-Man" in his intro.


I doubt it, Peter B. said something similar and look how much he loved being Spider-Man

What exactly did it do for him? Most people who say this were just preoccupied with the animation and characters to notice that he's exactly the same as in the comics, if this was a solo or a live action movie it would've been a disaster, Miles can't carry a story.

>Homecoming has Peter defeat Vulture without the tech suit and then refuse to be an Avenger
>Far From Home has Peter fail as a hero but then succeed on his own and redeem himself
>Spider-Verse has Peter die, then fail at life, then bow out so his woke replacements can take the stage

Nice try though

>Literally nothing good will come of this movie
If animated Spiderman for all audiences becomes a thing, we might get a show that's not aimed at little kids for once.

I still don't know how this hasn't happened yet with the MCU being so successful with normie adults. Surely they'd watch a well made animated TV show that's aimed at adults?

>If animated Spiderman for all audiences becomes a thing, we might get a show that's not aimed at little kids for once.
Spectacular was 10 years ago

>Spider-Verse has Peter die, then fail at life, then get his shit together as Spider-Man and go home so he can get his shit together as Peter Parker

Yeah, that would be the case if the sequels weren't all confirmed to focus on everyone but him, who you'll never see again. From a meta storytelling aspect he was in the movie only to give a blessing to his replacements.

And it got cancelled prematurely. It also had quite ugly and very blocky character design. It only excelled in storytelling and animation. The dialogue was a mixed bag. Just because it's the best animated spiderman show to date doesn't mean it doesn't have any flaws. Even it were flawless it still only got two measly seasons with lots of stories left untold.

It's sad how shitty Marvel treats their biggest character. It's like they're trying to ruin him as much as they can.

They're only replacements in your head.

And in the official movie series

We don't even know yet that Peter won't be back in the next one. Also, Miles and Gwen are only the stars of the animated films. When they start pushing Peter aside in the live actions films, then I'll be concerned.

>the perfect Christian blonde blue-eyed Peter in his prime dies
>the failure Jewish fat slob old Peter replaces him
>Peter B only trains and approves his minority and female replacements
>his female replacement is his first true love but the universe calls her to his black replacement
>invents a spider-sense feature and breaks its own multiverse rules to bring them together
>Peter's actual true love divorces him in one universe, goes to his killer's party the day after he dies in another

>it's okay if we don't have Peter in Spider-Man animated movies because he's in all other Spider-Man media

Some of you seem so desperate to believe that Peter's getting phased out that I think you secretly want it.

Phased out or forced to share his own successful franchise, it's the same to me. No one ever cared about anyone but him.

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When did Peter B. say anything about loving being Spider-Man?

This is my only problem with Spider-Man PS4.

The egregious part for me is that they all have spider themed powers and suits imitating his. It's like cheap chinese knock-offs, only that they are produced in-house.

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who's the artist

Based retard


Isn't that the same daughter that he sued for abuse near the end?

You have no concept of price, it's okay as long as you know.

Can you give me an example of cheap or reasoning behind the use of the word?

what is bendis origin story, why does he fetishize black folk so much?

Spider-Man isn't expendable, but he felt worthless. People treat you how you behave. He stopped trying and nobody is going to put their faith in someone who stopped trying. The point of the movie is that we all fall down and we all need to get back up.

You remind of the dwarves in Aslans country who could taste nothing, but shit.
Open your eyes, and read Spiderman.

That's fine and dandy but everyone is getting a sequel except Peter so on a meta contextual level it meant he was expendable. If all of them (or none) got a sequel, your point would stand, but the way it is right now, he was a token character in his own franchise.

Are you kidding? They had to reinvent Miles because Ironboy's baby ripped him off so hard. Instead of living up to a dead man, his focus is on accepting responsibility thrust upon him.

Huh I thought it was white man successful at entire life continues to be successful after death, by passing on legacy and m/o. I guess that's why you'll always be a loser, you can't let yourself win.

actually watching this right now because of this thread. this garbage treats peter even worse than its worst critics make it out to.

Yeah it's called mirroring the comics. To be honest you misunderstood the glitching issue because they did. The universe was stable a week ago, then it became unstable with their universes trying to rip them back. It's called the unreliable narrator, and usually anyone talking to children happens to be one.

Lol yes propaganda is anything with an opinion. Which is it bro, are you pro empowerment or anti? You seem to hate this empowering movie.

I see you just wanted another movie about an angry selfish nerd, who lets his family die, with an old lady who says good job, and... Wait what was your problem again?

How would you feel if your best friend who killed himself came back as an old fat loser about to kill himself? How would you feel if your old girlfriend you accidently killed came back a kid who could take care of herself?
How would that conversation even go?
> Hey we used to fug
> Eww no
> No I mean when you were older
> I meant never ever
>I killed you
> Oh that makes more sense, can't catch me this time
> No I mean I couldn't save you
> I couldn't save you either Peter maybe nobody should

I don't really get it. Why are some people so committed to shitposting about spiderverse? Is it because its generally well liked and people have to hipster bash it, or what?

>I met a man once, so I know all men.

>Especially the ones who look the same.

That's what you sound like. Maybe use names next time.

Sony is awesome, wtf kinda treatment are you talking about

No we like this movie, we will defend it using it's own strengths.

>I still don't see what disney has actually done for them.

Rehab the property to the point Spider-man breaks a billion dollars box office.

Its going to be fun when in the next one does poorly but still ok then the next does even worse and they have to come back to Disney again.

Also the fucking idiots sold the merchandising rights for a 1 time payment of like $100 million to fund the first ASM movie. How fucking stupid do you have to be to give up the real cash cow of the rights to own.

>but it was to show that ONLY peter can be spider-man
What about Miguel? There's plenty of alt-universe Spider-Men that aren't Peter, this is nothing new.

You liked Spider-Man 3, both TASM movies, and Venom?

It was an attempt to salvage the horrible Ultimate Goblin who is just a hulk monster.

The MCU is generally well liked in the mainstream as well, but Yea Forums has actual standards

No that's what happens when you have to deal with change. Look at this thread, guy gets upset Spider-Man looks like more people than just him. He gets over it, but it's harder than punching someone in the face and calling them evil.

Pretty much the Yea Forums mentality, if something is popular that means it's bad. Black people in the movie just adds /pol/ into the mix and you have a recipe for shitposting cancer.

>name reasons how they modified the comics aspects in order to fit their bad faith agenda
>"yeah it's called mirroring the comics"

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Absolutely not, his comics are completely mediocre and Spider-Verse is the most characterization he's ever had.

You really want another reboot, because they won't just give us a Spider-Man story. The market wouldn't support it, because kids are the main market. It takes a few years to make a movie and by then the audience has mostly aged out. Adults are cheap bastards mostly and hate things that make them feel like kids.

It would go something like in the comics, where they didn't arbitrarily age her down to pair her with his replacement (I mean Bendis still paired them despite the creepy age gap but thankfully it was quickly forgotten and written out). But your horrible misinterpretation of the actual events already told me you don't care about the comics and just go along with whatever you're told to believe, without trying to look into why.

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I hate Spider-Man 2. Shitty Doc Ock. Peter just got his powers and now he loses them. Aunt May rightly calls Peter a bitch. Why was MJ with Jonah's Son again? Why would she agree to marry someone she was willing to leave...

I agree

Well they ruined Peni that's for sure, but the paedo's love it.

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He is an enigma, he's a jew but he seemingly experiences white guilt. He doesn't strike me as someone with a nefarious agenda as much as he just seems incredibly incompetent while also buying into others' agenda, not even the woke crowd likes him.

Ultimate Spider-Man used to be good.

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That's a shitty movie that only became popular because it wad shitty enough to be cheap as fuck and was broadcast often as fuck. Every adult knew the town was better without him, but lied to their kids.

Ye-yeah... In that order.

Current comics, they never follow the original stuff. They can't expect new fans to put in work.

I am talking about the current comics

I love the comics, but we're mot talking about Peter and Gwen. We're talking about Fat snarky sweaty greying gross loser sweat pants Pete. That's the issue, that version of the character was a mess. If Gwen needed a mentor maybe, it would have been better. She has no reason to respect him until later on. In fact she was around to see the greatest Spider-Man, so she was probably already disconnected after seeing him die and finding out everything about him.

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So why make a movie about fat snarky sweaty greying gross loser sweat pants Pete then? Or if you do, why do you have to add Gwen? Why do you need the multiverse?

A story about Peter B in his state at the beginning of the movie, running into Miles who's from his own universe and training him as a legacy since he wants to retire with MJ could've avoided all of these issues while hitting all the same beats, but they seemingly cherrypicked and tailored the story that would treat Peter and his mythos the worst.

You're right these are a year older than the movie.

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fucking a

This was the only good mainstream animated film to come out in 2018.

>his "I am so tired." being a large indicator of how he was feeling in regards to being Spider-Man.
I too watched the Everything Great About video on Spiderverse. Maybe you should form your own opinions.

how come eveyone gets mad that a different universe version of a character isn't exactly like the original they know and love?

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Miles has almost 10 years of comics, Gwen has 5, their relationship was a one-off plot point in literally 3 issues 3 years ago that was never brought up again. He's had three different girlfriends in the meantime and tons of romantic interests, she's been spending a lot of time Peter since then. She's a lot older in the comics, and close to Peter's age, she also has a lot more in common with the original Gwen than the movie Gwen.

How come people get mad when a different universe version of Bruce Lee almost got beat up by a fictional character in a fictional movie?

That's only your intentionally cynical take on it

*the moviemakers' intentionally cynical take on it

> Same beats
This is as much about Peter getting back up as it is about showing Miles the webs.

The movie you're describing would be him stepping down, actually being replaced like everyone is whining about in this thread.

The ending of the movie is about how it's not over for Peter, he still has fight in him he's still Spider-Man no matter what. He might even have a chance with MJ.

Spider-man is treated as an everyman, but he's a nerd at his core. He's not just smart he's angry about the things he doesn't have. He's an incel when he forgets that he doesn't have to be. That's the reason, movies are made for the people who need them. A lot of us have given up, feeling hopeless and dejected. The movie is a reminder from those who've been there to get back up.

Then just change it from Miles being Peter's immediate replacement, to being his long-term retirement plan, or to them handling different cities at the same time.

They did? I loved it, but I thought he was really small.

Cause they’ve got a stick up their ass.

Let's put a Spider-Man in every city!
Clone saga: Spider-Man inc.
JJ and Norman team up
Heroes stepping down because spiders got this.
Spider-Man about to step down when the clones start going rouge.

Okay I'd watch that.

That would make sense if the Peter that the film focused on was the one from Miles' dimension rather than a different one.

If there's any chance a deal for Spidey in the MCU could be made how long until we hear word of it? Like Disney hasn't said anything as of yet, period. I assume waiting until they see if a deal can be made (or they pull their head out of their ass). I'd just like them to speak up officially so people can stop hoping for something that may not happen.

There was almost a year between firing and rehiring Gunn for GotG 3 and they didn't mind the movie was delayed as a result, there were no new MCU Spider-Man movies slated for Phase 4 and beyond so they can take a lot of time to do something about the deal without even having to delay. Sony already has a history of canning developing Spider-Man projects so even an announcement of a new movie by them isn't final.

>I'm not falling for this troll even a little bit
>responds to the thread anyways like a fucking dunce

The what?

I see, thanks. If Sony announced something would that speed up Disney's decision making? Hell how long did the original Spidey MCU deal take to iron out?

>its just edgar write wouldn't fucking get off the pot to actually work on it
They also wanted to fuck Wright over and only have him write it and not direct it which he didn't want. But sure, defend the big mega corporation.

Spiderham was the best part of the movie, should've been the main character. Cage was cool but underused. Peni is useless and not even cute or sexy. Cat lady doc ock was jarring and just wrong as fuck, same with badass aunt may. Feminist writing is just dogshit and those female characters just don't seem legitimate at all. Blonde Spider-Batman dying just for Miles sake was racially aggressive as fuck. Writers think about choices like that, blonde blue eyes guy croaking to make way for spiderboy was super deliberate.

Peter Fatman somehow didn't bother me. I saw him just as a blatant admission of the writers feeling for Peter Parker. How they see him, how they want him to be seen. This movie was a hot mess though, no coherent plot, villain not established or given time to breathe, all just to throw more screen time at niggerspic. Also, whoever said there's only one rap song in the movie is functionally deaf, the whole soundtrack throughout the whole movie is full of shithop and R&B.

Niggerboy is kind of impressive though in terms of how much love and care was extended to the character to make sure the real lil niggas watching get their lil black baby cocks stroked properly. Somebody must've watched a lot of youtube videos of skinny little niggas blogging, the facial expression were properly niggy. The retarded fashion sense ( I leave my shoes untied on purpose like a real nigga yo), the graffiti, trying to be supercool all the time. You can tell somebody really loves twinky little adorkable niggas.

Shit movie though, so Im not even mad about the niggershit. Frame rate in the gutter, action scenes boring as fuck, no engaging plot. 4/10 super overrated

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Cut the bs, everyone knows you're just mad the main spiderman is black.

>Miles Morales "the black Spider-Man" gets announced in 2011
>Yea Forums says "great, now every bad piece of media featuring him can be dismissed as racism"
>almost 10 years later
>it still happens every time

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Don't forget the fact that there's no SpOck, who's pretty much been the main protagonist/focus throughout the two Spider-verse comics we've had.

It's not like it was even the only spidey film within the year. Not even close!

He literally is though, he dies and gets replaced. That's what being expendable is

How was he successful after death? He was just replaced wholesale within 2 days he was forgotten. I'll never be happy because the world says its racist for me to be, so I just shit post here and help my family and friends until I'm no longer needed. I'm way closer than I thought luckily, though its disheartening because their is no hope left regardless of my being here or not. Hell just like spider-man in the movie, I'm not important because there's someone right there waiting to replace me, heart body and soul maybe they'll do better next time

Empowerment? What's empowering of the biracial son of jefferson davis learning that the only way he'll only be remembered is if he takes the name of a white man?

Bendis and quesdea both ruined the character to suit their own ends. Queseda did it to show the world that true love is a lie (Since his marriage fell apart) and Bendis ruined him to build Miles because he is a bad writers who doesn't know how to give build characters in their own right, he ca jut let the audience know that characters you like like his characters.

Miguel doesn't rely on the death of peter solely to make the name, he just stumbled into it. I don't like him much but at no point was he ever presented as an out and out replacement of peter just as another guy from another time.

Hey at that point Marvel was only a super corporation. It wasn't until they got bought out that they became mega. But regardless it was Marvels fault because they didn't find a director who wanted to work with them, we got screwed out of the wasp being a founding avenger because of it


You cock-sucking, buttmunching faggot. The film on pic related didn't sell shit and you guys keep sucking its dick nowadays. Same could be said about MegasXLR and Sym Bionic Titan.

Quality =/= Sales

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But Spiderverse wan't even close to being a good movie. The only good action scene was the web swinging at the very end before the credits.

The film's writers admitted that they cut some interaction between Gwen and Peter since they were afraid the film would've become more melodramatic since they were going to insert it between a scene of Peter encountering Aunt May and one of Miles finding out about his Uncle.

One thought-up solution was that during the bit where Miles and Peter are webbed up, B Parker would've admitted that Gwen was his ex to Miles (insinuating that his Gwen Stacy is still alive) but the crew didn't like it

Man, half of the times I come to a Spider-Verse thread its like seeing half of the posters being like those Gamer Joker memes with the captions "I hate women and minorities"

Gwen didn't even seem phased by learning that a peter died in that dimension to. It was incredibly poorly handled

Can't write good but need to finish the script by tomorrow? Just add a lot of women and minorities to the story, anonymous strangers will defend your atrocious work against all online criticism for free!

If Miles Morales had dies so that some blonde kid could become Spiderman, you would by the first to screech racism and if the inverted replacement Spiderman was written as shoddily as Miles, everybody who's complaining now would still be complaining.

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I can understand complaints on Miles being poorly designed, movie miles does a lot better than his much more inferior comic counterpart, but issues are still issues.
I liked Spiderverse, it has flaws sure, but I can like it despite them.
Although some posters have legitimate complaints, a few just Miles because he isn't white.
>REEEEEEE he's reeeeplacing Peter

No the only complaint is they broght back gwen to both make her nothing but a stronk woman (who seems to have disdain for peter parker) and relegate her to just being a love interest who needs to be saved. FUck what about the scene where Miles literally BLACKD a handprint onto the side of her head

that's like people upset muhammad ali fought superman 1v1

I hated the clone sage and Ben Reilly is as white as they come. I just do not like the whole "let's replace Peter Parker" angle. Miles being black isn't the fundamental issue, replacing Peter is. Miles being a diversity token character just adds insult to injury, but that is secondary to the actual reason why people are pissed about him.

Ever since the 90s Marvel seems to have harbored some kind of hate boner for Peter Parker.

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>You got a problem with cartoons, you arachnoid spic?
How did they not get an R rating for this?

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because outragefags are mad at everything, including shit they don't care about.

>My name is Peni Parker, I come from New York from the year 3115 and the rape of nanking never happened


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He's great in this movie, the comics maybe not so much, but his portrayal here is very likable and endearing. The only reason I could imagine you'd have a problem with him is if you just didn't like black people or something silly like that.

but what's actually different between this and comic miles? You talk about him as if the movie had some sort of revelation about him but he's the same exact character

They made him look like a cute little monkey. The character design on him is ridiculous over the top dorky and cutesy.

You are valid.
Why do you continue to breathe?

for the same reason you do buddy, god wants us all to suffer

but is the design all it is? because I don't see anything different with his character other than he like graffiti

I would think so, they really played up the cuteness and haplessness. He's super clumsy at the beginning. Before he steals and vandalizes one of whitey's costumes and becomes hyper competent in a nanosecond because he decides to basically, all he ever did was fall on his face and get embarrassed by everybody.

Why did blond Peter have a fucking batcave in his backyard anyway, was that a thing in Ultimate?

Because they needed to work in a way to give Miles everything without ever having to earn it. SO even though its in peters character to never have those kinds of resources a his disposal (at least in that manner) it was easier to turn him into batman than actually have him and miles grow together as characters

So that wasn't in Ultimate at all, it's just something the movie did without explaining it? I bet the writers were like, oh yeah, he's white and blond and blue eyed so lets just give him a white privilege cave just because, that'll make killing him off even more fun for us and more of a political statement.

I don't think the deal is in limbo as much as people seem to think, Disney is likely looking to permanently acquire the rights and this is just one step of the plan. I don't see why they would care about the measly 50% of the profits all of a sudden, and then not back down when Sony refuses, feels like a public display. Tom's Spider-Man having tighter ties to the MCU than any other character makes sense if you look at it as Disney putting pieces into position for when they strongarm Sony about the deal, now Sony is forced to either gut the sequels or reboot for the fourth time, both of which could be disasters.