Never watched this

Never watched this
What are the difference from the comic?
Watchmen thread I guess

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Zach Snyder didn't read the comic and thought it was about badass ubermensches instead of being about washed up losers in spandex coming out of retirement to fail one last time.

Rorschach is a edgy badass instead of being a stinky lunatic who just happened to be right for the wrong reasons

Nite Owl is an edgy badass instead of being a fat limp dicked loser

Silk Spectre is a sexy piece of cardboard instead of being the emotional core of the piece

Dr Manhattan is a gaudy spectacle of power level wank instead of being a tragic depressed figure losing his grasp on his humanity and memories, to the point where he can no longer discern his imagination from visions of the future. (I see myself kissing that woman who isn't my wife. Therefore, I have to kiss her.)

All of the actors are very well cast except Silk Spectre 1+2, and the costumes look great. Soundtrack is aggressively obvious. It's worth a watch, and it's almost entirely accurate to the book, just needed a different director to inject the feeling of comic book soap opera

>Everyone has super strength for some reason.
>Dan is basically a chad now
>Alien vagina octopus is replaced with Ozy framing Dr.Manhattan for attacking multiple cities across the globe
pretty much everything else is exactly the same. But you'll need to watch the ultimate cut or whatever it's called.

oh, yeah, 90% of the flashback sequences were cut and and were used in a montage in the opening credits with Bob Dillan's song

> Soundtrack is aggressively obvious
How can a soundtrack be obvious? By being really loud?

It's... not bad exactly. It's kinda fascinating especially if you read the comic first. It's incredibly faithful, almost to a fault, yet kinda misses the entire point of the book.

This guy's kinda got it, although Snyder did read the book. An easy explanation is that he's dyslexic which kinda explains a lot. He looked at the pictures - studied them intensely and had the main characters read the dialogue from the comic almost verbatim most of the time. But damn, every little, subtle change he makes shows that he had no idea what the comic was about. He manages to somehow make the characters all heroic (visually at least) which contrasts with the actual dialogue and themes that the script (which is mostly the comic) is trying to convey. It's like reading Watchmen through the eyes of Zack Snyder and if you've read the comic prior you're kinda in awe of how much went over his head.

I think the biggest problem is the little changes though. He'll make a change, and that's fine it's a fucking adaptation for godsakes, but then he won't change the stuff around it and as a result some shit just doesn't make sense in the context of the movie. Like cutting out the 'squid' from the end but he keeps Bubastis - even though Bubastis's entire reason for being in the story as setup for the squid is gone. Now Bubastis is just in the movie at the end with no explaination. Or when Dr. Manhattan's fist crashes in at the end he says "It didn't kill Osterman, you thought it would kill me?" That's a line from the book but in the movie they've never said Jon's last name so if you haven't read the book that line makes no fucking sense. Or when the prisoners are about to kill Rorschach they change the weapon from a blow-torch to an electric saw, whatever, fine. But the prisoner still says, 'I'm going to spark you up." despite holding an electric saw. And once you start applying those little changes to the characters and their actions it becomes incoherent.

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By being obvious, "It's the eighties we've gotta have 99 luftballoons in there somewhere!"

"Hey how about we put the original Leonard Cohen version of Hallelujah over the sex scene? We'll have the whole thing build up to Nite Owl symbolically climaxing!"
"Won't that just be a bit Team America sir?"
"Nah it'll be romantic."

Ah. Thanks.

Just imagine this page extended into near parody levels while Hallelujah (OG Cohen version too, and not the good live version the clunky studio version to boot) blares in the background. You know how the flames at the end are kinda symbolic - Snyder has them literally come at that exact moment. It's kinda hillarious.

There's also some slow-mo when the Comedian rapes Silk Spectre 1. Not enough to be funny, just enough to be really tonally off and kinda sickening - but not in the way a decent rape scene should be (the one in the comic's pretty good when it comes to this) more just wrong on a technical level. Like... what the fuck am I supposed to be feeling here? I'm more confused than horrified and mildly turned on.

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Sorry wrong page. It's late. This is the infamous Hallelujah sex scene as it is in the comic. It's almost dignified here.

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I haven't seen the movie since it came out, but that last paragraph there is funny as hell.
Zack Snyder is such a goofy nitwit.

The writer/director fundamentally misunderstood the story and the ending, and consequently the rest of the movie lesding up to it makes no sense.

He didn't. You did if you ignored the politics and philosophy of the characters.


No one ever talks about how this part got completely butchered.
The text is Jon and Laurie arguing about humanity's worth, then Laurie figuring out the truth about her father.
But when you look back, you realize it's Jon's words, during the argument, that provoked her into thinking about the events in her life that would provide her the clues to the truth.
It gives you a completely new perspective on Dr Manhattan because this series of events could not possibly have been an accident.

But in the movie they just kinda argue pointlessly until Jon just does something to force her to remember her past. And it feels completely random, especially when Jon is suddenly talking about human life being a miracle.

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> Hallelujah playing over the rape scene.
The media shitstorm from that would have been quite something.

>"It's the eighties we've gotta have 99 luftballoons in there somewhere!"
I never noticed that before.

Pretty amusing.

which was probably the best part of the movie other hollis death scene

There was another subtle changes that proves who Snyder can understand scenes for shit. In the Comedian's funeral this was the position of Adrian, John and Daniel. Because that is the way the flashbacks are played in the story. But they flashbacks are not in chronological order.

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In the movie the flashback are told in a chronological order and i had no problem with it. Is an adaptation. But how are the position of the characters in the funeral? In the exact same way of the comics! So there is a small foreshadow lost in the translation.

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Anyone who says the only difference was the ending (coughtvcough) is retarded. And there's a tier beyond retarded for those who say the movie ending was better.

I fucking noticed that too! I'm fine with changing the order of the flashbacks but then Snyder doesn't change the other stuff around it, it's maddening. On the other hand I think I only noticed it recently because I was more distracted by there being a giant American flag behind the comedian when he does his, "The American Dream? It came true, you're looking at it," speech. Snyder's sophomoric as hell sometimes.

>theatrical cut
When Rorschach breaks into Blake's apartment the scene ends with him narrating "out there somebody knows..." cut to Hollis Mason's "it all started with the gangs". He's the one "who knows", this is a clever little transition that is the kind of thing Watchmen did all the time.

>director's cut
After Rorschach's "somebody knows", two cops walk in. Rorschach knocks out one, then somehow dodges the other's bullets and escapes through the window. Then it cuts to Mason scene. The transition is lost because Snyder wanted Rorschach to be more badass.

>theatrical cut
Rorschach drops the journal at the New Frontiersman. On the shot of the journal lying there on the pile of mail we hear Laurie's voice talking to Jon "why don't you just tell me how this ends?". The story ends with the journal. A clever little juxtaposition that is also very comic oriented. now, I think it's the same in the director's cut, but in the ultimate cut they splice in part of the Black Freighter animation so this is lost

Why would the director's preferred cuts of the movie get rid of things that were actually in the spirit of the comic?

The only part that I think was really well adapted was Manhattan's origin, and also Hollis Mason's death.

The film is fucking stunning to look at, and almost everyone is cast perfectly. Shout out to Crudup's Manhattan and Haley's Rorschach

The editor for the theatrical cut may have understood the comic better

I've always described the difference between the comic and the movie like this: in the comic, you're surprised Ozymandias is the villain because he seems like the nicest guy out of all of them. In the movie his first scene is bullying someone while wearing dark eyeshadow as literal storm clouds gather behind him and the soundtrack blares "Everybody Wants to Rule the World."

My default explanation is comparing it to Desolation Row. The comic is the Dylan original, long, deliberately paced. The movie is the MCR cover: fast, loud, and missing like two thirds of the lyrics.

One of the most accurate and faithful adaptations when compared to other comic book movies. Not even memeing but Snyder put a lot of love into this. The scene with Rorschach and Manhattan at the end is legit better than the comic's version.

And Moore purists fucking hate this film.

Only big difference is the ending. In the movie its tachyons something something Dr Manhattan blew up New York. In the book it's a giant squid.

Also Dr Manhattans dad in the movie is hideously out of character.

t. brainlets

No u

>Not even memeing but Snyder put a lot of love into this
I agree, he really does seem to love Watchmen even if he only has a superficial understanding of the comic

I agree, but I feel like Adrian gives the feeling that he's looming in the background.
Not exactly ominous, but just that you don't know much about him for most of the book.
Especially in the planned assassination attempt, where there's absolutely no text for two whole pages, implying some information is kept from the reader.

>What are the difference from the comic?
Snyder fundamentally missed the entire point.

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Yeah, he got the visuals perfect but didn't even begin processing the meaning and treated it like a sincere action hero movie starring Rorschach.

>he got the visuals perfect
He didn't even do that though. In typical Snyder fashion he drained all the color from everything and put everyone in boring ass costumes.

>Never watched this
Who watch the watchmen ?
not user