I hate fags so much.
They have no place in God's house.
Doesn't it ever make you tired, doing this day after day?
I'm tired
Is raping little girls also gay?
>equivocation ('calling two different things by the same name') is an informal fallacy resulting from the use of a particular word/expression in multiple senses throughout an argument leading to a false conclusion
Panel A: child-abusing homosexuals
Panel B: law-abiding homosexuals
God’s house is one of racism and fearmongering.
Gays are bad sometimes
Church is bad sometimes
Trees kill people, so let's not plant trees in our gardens and never let children near trees.
Based God.
So, stonetoss now is just relying on the "gay=pedophile" falsehood?
>Gays are bad
I hope you eat shit and die you fucking nazi scum.
46% of homosexuals admit to being molested by a homosexual adult in their childhood
gays make up about 2% of the population but 30+% of child molesters.
get AIDS and die faggot
>46% of homosexuals admit to being molested by a homosexual adult in their childhood
Indeed, glad we agree.
All gays are paedophiles though
The men, at least
>but 30+% of child molesters.
False. the vast majority of child molester are straight.
Why does everyone forget that the Church was always full of homosexuals? What with all those priests who diddled kids and all
So 70%?
>All gays are paedophiles though
Statistically speaking homosexuals per capita account for more pedophiles than the general population.
They love little boys
Mad pedo fags
it was really only after the 60 when they started letting gays be priests
growing up thought that it was stupid that the villain would consider themselves evil and relish in their evilness. I thought it was unrealistic.
Then I come up on vile people like this stonetoss person or various /pol/sters, and realize that the cartoons were right
30% doesn't mean majority
it does mean vast overrepresentation though
gays clearly don't call out pedophiles since NAMBLA (National american man boy love association) is openly allowed to march with pride parades.
Statistically speaking right wingers per capita account for more terrorists than the general population.
Evil doesn't exist, manchild.
Morality is fiction. It's all made up.
Kidfucking faggots aren't evil, we just disagree with their behaviour.
yes the priests are gay, we know
Imagine being this soi
>100% of mass shooters were born from straight couples
>majority of criminals were raised by straight couples
>most straight boys want to be molested by adult women
>98% of males have fantasized about raping a family member at one point in their life
>97% of abandoned children are the result of negligence by straight parents
>dude, trust me
>dude, trust me
>dude, tho seriously, c'mon, stop being orange man bad, trust me
everyting can be provided a negative rhetoric without proper context
in fact, that's literally the whole spiel of stonetoss and equivalent far left comics
in your instance, I've met fags far more tolerable than you
Pretty fucking awesome tbhfam
That's not actually true
Yes, faggots are evolutionary dead ends as well as being child abusers. They do not produce their own children, thank god.
It's true when you realize he's talking about Islamists.
Citing per-capita statistics is different from making outlandish claims about 98% of males wanting to rape family members.
The majority of shooters in the west actually originate from single mothers, not in-tact monogamous couples
As well as a good portion of criminals in general
In Germoney they count a muslim shouting "heil hitler" at jews as right wing hate and not as islamic hate
Tell that to the choir boys that had to suck off Father Dave
>30% doesn't mean majority
It's simply not 30%. Making shit up is not helping your point.
>since NAMBLA (National american man boy love association) is openly allowed to march with pride parades.
No, they are not.