It's a Raven gets harassed multiple times by an intelligent alien dog episode

>it's a Raven gets harassed multiple times by an intelligent alien dog episode

Attached: 2514560593.jpg (1920x1080, 1.22M)

You just know

>thought it was beast boy
>didn't try to stop him

Anyone else fap to that video of raven getting fucked by a horse

>secretly loves attention from nonhuman guys


>realises it's not beast boy
>encourages him even further

Attached: 25145600284.jpg (1920x1080, 696K)

>it's a raven's crotch area has more lines than usual episode

Attached: when they see your dick.jpg (1183x996, 459K)

>it's an ice cream episode

Attached: no no, you don't understand, it's just ice-cream.gif (200x182, 574K)

I like to think that after beast boy raven cannot go back to human dick so from that point on she just legitimately dates dogs.

There's no possible way that they haven't fucked while he was in animal form. She's a half-demon, so she probably doesn't get hung up on taboos.

Attached: Raven tongue.jpg (1920x1080, 117K)

>user meets Raven for the first time.webm

This is it.

The worst thread I have ever seen on Yea Forums. It really has everything that makes this place a garbage dump of subhumans.

>it's another Raven gets figuratively raped episode

Attached: 45732849529.jpg (1920x1080, 427K)

>ah bloo bloo people wanna fuck the cartoon

Attached: 1539438314275.gif (750x396, 1.9M)

huh, there was actually quite a bit of that.

>it's a raven gets gaslighted and fucked by a paper dragon


I wonder what form beast boy most prefers to have sex with.
I wonder what form beast boy most prefers to masturbate with.

But isn’t sex painful for most animals

>I wonder what form beast boy most prefers to have sex with.
Probably dog, because of the knot.
>I wonder what form beast boy most prefers to masturbate with.
Well he can change individual body parts, but probably something with opposable thumbs or an animal that can blow itself, like a dog.

Not the males. It'd go against evolution for males to experience pain during sex.

What's the evolitionary gain for females to experience pain during sex?
To make sure that only the strongest males get some due to the females always trying to get away? That doesn't really make sense. If the females liked sex they'd all gang up on the strongest males and the strongest genes would be passed down for sure.

There's not one, but due to sexual dimorphism, it doesn't matter whether they enjoy it or not. Look at ducks. They're fucking rape machines. Female ducks are sometimes gangraped to death because of the corkscrew penis.

But making sure that only the best male reproduces is why a lot of prides and packs are the way that they are. Only the alpha male is allowed to reproduce, then he gets old or loses to a stronger male and loses his reproduction rights.

Green rocket!

That's why they call him Beast Boy, huh?

Attached: 1db.jpg (719x731, 38K)

Its why we need to oppress incels

Anymore examples?