misato is my waifu
>But she's used goods!
I really don't care.
The fact that she's only been with one person is kind of desirable in my opinion, since it it dispenses with all of the immaturity and unrealistic expectations when it comes to relationships, without going overboard into "loose" territory.
Misato is my waifu
Ok. Take a happy Hilda
>The fact that she's only been with one person
All the girls in that show was sub-par at best. I mean one of them didn't have a personality and the other was a clone.
Agreed, Misato is the patrician choice.
>Only woman who actually gave a shit about Shinji
>killed to protect him
>died protecting him
>acknowledged her own abandonment issues
>a freak in the sheats
>proven to be faithful in a relationship
Compare that to the autistic inhuman clone of his mother, the woman who's obsessed with his dad and the girl who's just as self destructive as him but also just as emotionally immature. There's no contest.
Do you guys normally talk about anime here?
Is there any western cartoon on the level of eva?
Gay-ra or Steven SJWverse
Random girl with glasses from school whose name I don't even remember is the one true Eva waifu.
As much of a Misato fan I consider myself,
12 oz mouse or the MAXX
You do know she has been with more people. Mainly Kaji and Shinji
Wrong board, OP. Yea Forums is 11 doors to the left.
Shinji never really got any
>Japanese cartoons aren't cartoons
Perfect Hair Forever
Not really. We've had whole threads about it in the past, and the general result is that while western cartoons very rarely brush up against a similarity to a single aspect of Eva, there really isn't anything in the west that combines its approach to its themes, its bizarre finale(s), and its massive cultural and genre impact.
You can't get something like Eva if you don't take the medium seriously as something you can use to tell stories for adults. And thats not how the west treats cartoons. We don't have an Eva in the same way that we don't have a Ghost in the Shell or an Anohana.
Don’t ignore Steven Universe like that
>Leftist makes a show
>Get angry that it's leftist
I bet you scream at bakers for making bread you shit sucking mongol.
It looks like Yea Forums and it bleats like Yea Forums, isn't this Yea Forums content?
SU doesn't cut it. It only ever comes off as Eva-esq when it is directly referencing Eva, which doesn't count. Its an homage, which is cute, but by being an homage it objectively isn't doing its own thing. Like when Pearl fights like she is from Utena or Garnet does her ORAORAORA that doesn't add anything other than a borrowed visual flair.
This doesn't make it bad as a show, but it does make it base as a point of comparison to Eva. Likewise, SU doesn't have the cultural impact that Eva has yet, and being a very recent show we can't even say it is going to last yet.
I won't deny that SU is one of the better cartoons of the decade, and it wears its influences from anime on its sleeve, but that doesn't make it a contender to this particular throne.
>one person
She was mute until college then snapped and slept with anything with a pulse
>only mature when on the clock
>too autistic to understand how to help someone's emotional problems besides sex, going as far as to french kiss Shinji like that wouldn't fuck him up
>openly plays favorites towards Shinji even though he's a selfish piece of shit; looks towards Asuka with total apathy when she's having a breakdown in the bathroom and doesn't even bother telling her about the extremely important regen engines the MPEVAs have, much more cavalier with her in ops, etc.
Misato can go fuck herself, she didn't end up any better than anyone else in the cast.
Yeah but Ritsuko is best.
Imagine her coming up with a great new plan: take the DNA of the best and brightest and birth a new generation of angel-fighters.
Now, whose DNA would be best? Well, their best young pilot, and son of their great leader, of course. But she'll need to test it out of herself first.
Anime is literally the Japanese word for cartoons though. South Park is an anime. Giving them a 'separate but equal' board is racist.
So if it isn’t equal, it’s fine?
She is far and away best girl
That's even more racist. Why can't Western and Japanese cartoons share the same board? Worried that Western shows like Thundercats Roar or High Guardian Spice can't compete in the marketplace of ideas?
Absolutely based. Misato is the superior choice in every regard.
>only mature when on the clock
Girl knows how to keep the job and home life separate.
>too autistic to understand how to help someone's emotional problems besides sex, going as far as to french kiss Shinji like that wouldn't fuck him up
She was giving him something to live for, the affection he'd never had from anybody else. How would you inspire a teenage boy to believe the human race is worth keeping around? Kissing him wasn't autistic, it was the best last ditch effort she could do.
>openly plays favorites towards Shinji even though he's a selfish piece of shit; looks towards Asuka with total apathy when she's having a breakdown in the bathroom
Misato was tired of Asuka's shit in a way that only a woman approaching the wall can be tired of a teenage girl's shit. Misato had access to Asuka and Shinji's files, she knew that they both were dealing with the same sense of abandonment and she watched them deal with it in two separate ways. While Shinji's poor me pity party was pathetic she watched Asuka put on a tough face and shit on Shinji at every available opportunity, Misato wasn't fooled, she knew Asuka was doing it out of fear of an emotional connection with him and then Asuka breaks down and needs a hug?
Nope, fuck you bitch, you can't act tough and then cry. You wanted to be a cunt then you get treated like a cunt. Misato is best girl who did nothing wrong.
Reminder that Misato didn't survive to join the world hivemind in instrumentality. She was killed by gunfire before her consciousness could survive.
Why was she there welcoming him then
That was a figment of his imagination.
Why did ghostly Rey appear over her corpse then?
>Misato will never shove her tongue down your throat and promise to fuck you silly if only you get in the damn robot and fight some cosmic horrors, with the fate of humanity on your shoulders.
She was lucky to be honest
Would she have seen Kaji or Shinji when the world got tanged?
>knows how to keep her job and home life separate
Not the point, she's a huge alcoholic and is usually drunk to some extent and wasted at least twice a week. It would get pretty goddamn tiring.
>She was giving him something to live for
Shinji would have to be pretty fucking stupid to think she was going to stay around after this. Hell, he realizes like ten seconds into the elevator she's dead meat. It was a stupid fucking last ditch effort and only made him feel shittier.
>Asuka is mean meme
I love this point the most because everyone forgets how Asuka, besides some stray instances of venom and the occasional harmless jab, is openly amicable to Shinji from episodes 9-16 and only starts being an actual cunt to him after he's shut her down and neglected her like a piece of trash half a dozen times by then. Anyone who's not as fucking dense as him would have gotten the hint that she was into him and reacted appropriately. Asuka at least tried to break the cycle of the hedgehog's dilemma, while Shinji was at his worst from day fucking one. Of course, Misato doesn't care because she's just about as fucked as everyone else in the show is.
I like Misato too, but how is this Yea Forums in any way?
None at all
But comics, definitely. Watchmen is honestly much better than Eva.
Looney Tunes has more intellectual depth than Eva and GitS
Saturday Morning Watchmen, maybe.
Worst part of the fanbase desu.
>b-but Asukafags
Concession accepted
Alright, I'm baited
>I love this point the most because everyone forgets how Asuka, besides some stray instances of venom and the occasional harmless jab, is openly amicable to Shinji from episodes 9-16 and only starts being an actual cunt to him after he's shut her down and neglected her like a piece of trash half a dozen times by then
The closer anyone gets to Asuka the shittier she treats them. Asuka is amicable to everybody on the surface because that's her public image, the moment anybody gets close she pushes them away. The only person Asuka doesn't bitch out is the person she feels the least connection to, IE the bitch with two parent's who love her and a stable home life.
>Anyone who's not as fucking dense as him would have gotten the hint that she was into him and reacted appropriately
See above, I'm not saying Shinji isn't at fault but the moment Asuka realized he was a real human bean he was fucked.
>Asuka at least tried to break the cycle of the hedgehog's dilemma, while Shinji was at his worst from day fucking one
Funny considering Shinji is the one who actually rejects instrumentality while Asuka gushes over finally being connected to her mother. Hedgehogs dilemma my ass, Asuka quit while Shinji started from the farthest back and ended up surpassing her courage in pursuing intimacy on his own terms. Consider when she calls him disgusting at the end of evangelion, Shinji's able to accept Asuka for her flaws while she's still pushing him away for his "weakness" while in reality she's always been weaker than him and her anger is just further proof.
>Of course, Misato doesn't care because she's just about as fucked as everyone else in the show is
Like I said, Misato had a front row seat to watching Asuka's hypocrisy. How long can you watch a girl pat herself on the back for lashing out in immature anger without getting apathetic? Misato had to endure the Asuka show for months.
>the closer anyone gets to Asuka the shittier she treats them
Wrong, it's a push and pull deal with Asuka. She goes from stable apathy or disdain for you to slowly getting more attached, while occasionally snapping at you in displaced anger. The best example of this is the start of the Arael episode where she confides in Shinji her feelings towards her step-mother, and starts to yell at him when she realizes what she's doing.
>the moment she realized Shinji was a real human bean he was fucked
Asuka's mean sometimes, yes, but it's nothing on the level of an actually emotionally abusive person, speaking from experience. Shinji was only fucked after, realistically, episode 22, because after that point Asuka's fully on the self-hatred spiral. If he had given even a little pushback, he would have gotten somewhere with her; he's a complete pussy, so he didn't.
>Funny how Shinji rejects Instrumentality while Asuka is happy to be reunited with her mother; Asuka is weaker than Shinji
First off, these aren't related. Of course Asuka's happy to have her loving mother back, who wouldn't?
Asuka didn't quit in the end, that was the point of her death scene and why she's the only one who came back besides Shinji. She realized the same point that even if life is shit, it's still worth going through just for the chance to end up happy, and over the course of the show she makes actual attempts to attain this. Shinji, on the other hand, is an absolute quitter for the most part. He quit on his job multiple times, he quit on Toji, he quit on Asuka and he quit on Rei, and then he quit on the entire human race, he finally makes one decision to press on, and then he's about to quit on Asuka AGAIN when she forgives him. He's a near-complete coward.
>How can you watch a girl pat herself on the back for lashing out in anger without getting apathetic
She read the file, right? She didn't get apathetic, she's just never given a shit about Asuka to begin with.
No me
>in a towel
>painted nails
Yeah she looking for dick
>She's the same age as me
I don't understand how people can grow to be so confident and effective at such a young age when the odds are stacked against them socially. But I know peers who are like her, professional persona-wise, so it's 100% possible. I just don't know how.
Netflix changed enough in their dub to invoke the Toonami rule.