So how fast is She-ra getting canned?
So how fast is She-ra getting canned?
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its not were getting a porn centered plot
1) Executives =/= crew members
2) It isn't.
Seek therapy.
Boy this is... really low-key a good thing.
But this is great news! Judging by the state of cartoons and kid's movies today, those "family entertainment" retards don't know shit. And yet these incompetent bastards somehow manage to stay afloat on all of the networks. Producing shit, but covering up with the "it's for kids, they like shit like this" excuse. Good for Netflix. Just give the kids stuff to a regular producer who does good show or movies for adults.
And nothing of value was lost.
your an obsessed idiot that doesn't know anything about production is the only thing this is telling us op
Kinda hope Kevin Smith doesn't fuck up that Anime He Man revival of his.
Kek, get fucked noelle
get woke go broke ..
pushing an agenda gets tireseome and less wholesome.
Unrionically, why are people going, "Fuck yeah! Netflix's kids executives were shit"?
The kids cartoons on Netflix aren't bad. The majority of Dreamworks shows are entertaining, which is a big portion of their library. Twelve Forever, Carmen Sandiego and She-Ra aren't bad (Not bad enough for people to be going "Fuck yeah!"). Skylanders is Sonic Boom levels of entertaining. They're doing a lot of exclusive deals with Netflix giving us Rocko + ZIM which was a good steal. Hilda is great. Harvey Street Kids is pretty good.
What do people hate exactly?
It's all politics, unfortunately.
moron crossboarders think the showrunner of she-ra is the same thing as someone in an executive postilion.
Just those few lines from the article are a fucking joke.
>I have heard
Real grest journalism there dumbass, source is his ass.
Not to mention Netflix is the only place that's still willing to put out action cartoons out regularly, while cable only has Big Hero 6 and Rise of the TMNT.
I'm not saying everything that comes out of there is 100% gold, but there's some good variety here and there.
The executives are the ones that greenlight projects, dipshit..
and a show runner is just in control of there crew not an executive or an executive producer. congratulations your not completely retarded.
But producers are the ones who form the creative production teams. It was a producer who most likely reached out to Noelle, not the executives. They don't have time to do all that e-mailing and reaching out shit.
Would I like this if I thought the Boys were dull, dumb and edgy?
It turns down the edge by at least a factor of ten. They've cut a lot of fat, but in my opinion they shaved off a lot of the meat with that fat too.
These people get their Yea Forums news from sources like TheQuartering. Do you expect them to have smart takes?
I get all my news from Asmongold reacting to Quartering
I hate the current state of animation and kids entertainment in general. I think any change will be good because the only thing change for the worse from the current point can bring is a collapse of kids entertainment as a whole and a full restructuring from the ground up.
How so?
And those executives come from Dreamworks, not Netflix.
I Hope sooner, cause that monstrousity has caused so much trouble. She-ra is so done, so noelle's career.
>Kinda hope Kevin Smith doesn't fuck up
Strap in buckaroo
It won't be seeing how the show is made by DreamWorks and they just put it on Netflix
soi-ra belongs in the shitter.
And that's what people said about the last era of animation. Nice circular logic
Dream on incel. She-Ra is one of the few kids shows that Netflix openly promotes. Expect more like it (highschool spin-off when?).
To be fair, Netflix does fuckall in advertising. She-Ra, Voltron, and some other cartoons are lucky Dreamworks is picking up the PR slack.
most of the exclusives aren't "woke" at all. They have an absolute shit ton of random shows nobody ever talks about. You're complaining about something you technically don't even care about
This doesn’t affect She-ra or Noelle at all, dipshit
None of the executives or producers are from Netflix so She-Ra is perfectly fine. The real question is what does this mean for shows like Carmen Sandiego, Hilda, and Twelve Forever?
>Not to mention Netflix is the only place that's still willing to put out action cartoons out regularly, while cable only has Big Hero 6 and Rise of the TMNT.
But those two shows suck. No one discusses those and frankly as far as boys seeking action media? They always go and watch anime that is not as pussy censored like Western Cartoons and if not that? They go and play a videogame like Devil May Cry instead to get an action fix.
we have bh6 and rotmnt threads, i'm not saying they have a massive following but anons do attend those threads. also your kind of seriously under valuing how many people and ideas have been put under the netflix banner.
It's not a bad show. Hell, I'm curious where things are heading.
Cope harder, dyke ra is an unpopular failure leg beard
After stealing all those storyboard artists? lmao
I want to make Glimmer my slam-pig. She has appeared in my dreams, and in them I had my wicked ways with the chubby slut.
I get all my news from fucking your mom.
Believe it or not, not every child is fascinated by blood, gore, and extreme violence.
How would you know? You're not a child.
not him but, are you saying you are or that you can speak for everyone?
I'll explain to dum-dumbs who this is significant. When executives get fired then new executives get hired. New executives are hired specifically to turn around the division from how it is now to one that is making money. Shows that don't make money are cut. Given the dynamic of VoD, it means that productions are not renewed or some mid production than pulled off the air. For "woke" programming its going to be examined and determined if it is a good draw of new subscribers.
Another factor is that of human ego. New executives want their projects to be the one saving the day and not the old ones. They will drop old shows and bring in new shows to represent their targets. Everyone who watched Sonic the Hedgehog cartoons knows the story.
TLDR: All your shows are on the block.
Now I know why He-Man is an "anime"
Even Dreamworks' shows?
I remain amazed at people that
1) Think She-Ra might get "canceled," or
2) Get excited when it gets "renewed."
They were promised 52 episodes from the start. They know they're getting 52 episodes. They've planned for 52 episodes. They were funded for 52 episodes.
Netflix and Dreamworks have a good partnership going.
Literally the only question to ask is "will there be a sequel? A movie? What's next for the staff after they finish the show?"
It's a devil you know situation. The new execs could make even worse cartoons.
What if they were fired because it wasn't political enough?
It's not a good thing. When execs get axed, any show they had a hand in bringing on will get the axe as well. Executive heads love to burn down everything related to anything that was let go, including old regimes. The real news will be which shows actually manage to survive this. Dead Forever
Because Rocko taught me to accept and embrace change unquestionably
Ken Penders not Echidna Netflix anime when?
rocko wasn't produced under netflix you boob
>and She-Ra aren't bad
Opinion discarded
Let me guess, Netflix thinks it can't compete with Disney streaming so it's cutting the fat? That's disappointing as I have no interest in Disney.
Depends as their deal with DW shows are for multiple seasons at a time. Most big boy contracts have early termination options and Netflix might take them up on it. The third option is to renegotiate the contract to cut the losers from the winners or that future productions meet their new demands. Although I think Disney is going to eat dreamworks next in its conquest.
A component of this is that Netflix watch numbers per ahow are never given out, or at least I have not noticed them. What shows are successful or not is completely unknown.
Right? I really hope disney + is a big failure so this streaming bubble can pop faster and something better can replace wokeflex and shitsney
I thought people were sorta positive for she-ra, is this just a case of a vendetta-autist?
Though, i can see someone at Netflix feeling all these nostalgia driven reboots that they don't fully own being potentially damaging in the long term and might want more content thats fully under their umbrella creatively.
>Although I think Disney is going to eat dreamworks next in its conquest.
Doubt it, im hoping disney cant buy anything else after the fox deal seeing as how their business at the parks is falling flat.
Three names somewhat worth nothing.
1) Jenna Boyd. This is the biggest one. She was director of Kids and Family........ live action comedy series. She was hit or miss, but hadn't much to do with animation. You might see significant changes in their lineup of Kids and Family.... live action comedy series.
2) Jill Stafford is the biggest name having to do with Yea Forums. She has a ton of experience on things like Mickey Mouse and Phineas and Pherb. On Netflix she was part of their original animation team, behind... well, Carmen Sandiego, The Hollow, and a few other things. Not Dreamworks. The Hollow started well then turned to shit, btw. Just putting that out there.
3) Josh Fisher. Pretty respected, but, like... I couldn't find much on what he did for Netflix beyond him shilling toddler-fare like Super Monsters. Nothing wrong with stuff for the very young kids, mind you, just saying he had no hand in anything Yea Forums cares about, near as I can tell.
I legit think he could have had that if he pitched when Netflix was drunk on success and had no idea what made a good show.
>I thought people were sorta positive for she-ra, is this just a case of a vendetta-autist?
No one but a small minority of tumblrinas likes woke she ra, user
This is absolutely true. A change in Viacom executives is apparently what killed Glitch Techs for example.
I thought glitch techs was still getting a season 2?
it's not passing the 3season rules that would implies pay raise and shit. netflix has no reason to order infinite amount of anything since they aren't bound to audience for money, only subs.
Sure, user.
I think it should be noted that it was produced by Nick and the distribution rights were to Netflix a year after it was origianlly sipposed to air.
It was lsftovers, sad to say.
I never said it was you imbecile
Well, Disney is taking their balls away so it is likely. Also Netflix has had some bad fortune recently. It really is the time to cut fat to stay on top.
Voltron and She-Ra are basically "maxi-series," immune to the usual 3-season rule on Netflix.
Netflix goes up to Dreamworks and says "gimme 52 episodes of this licensed property," and Dreamworks says "we'll get started on it" then starts handing Netflix blocks of eps, which Netflix tends to chop into even smaller blocks, calling them seasons while the people who made the show go "oh... you're going to put just 6 eps up for a few months and call that a season? Okay, I guess..."
What are you, a scrub? Get all your news from Asmongold Reacting to Asmongold Reacting to Quarterpounder like a real man.
Season two was in preproduction when they suddenly let the whole team go because "they're waiting to see how season one does first". That's never a good sign, and Nick sitting on their dicks and not doing anything with the completed first season is even worse. Considering we've heard no news of production starting up again, I suspect it's dead for good.
This has very little to do with their animation. They're cutting some people that did live action shows and the "for VERY young kids" shows. The most significant one by Yea Forums standards is someone that helped get Carmen Sandiego done, but she was just one of the people behind that.
This shuffle might be in reaction to Disney, but animation-wise it's not a seismic shift by any means.
The live action shows were horrible. Every single one of them was so weak in concept and execution.
Why does netflix even order from dreamworks when their usual output is as bad as she ra?
Have to admit, from what little i've seen their kids orientated live action stuff has not been that good. Though my Niece isn't really in the age bracket that most of their live action stuff is in yet.
Netflix make shows aside from sleazy romantic comedies and docos about the sex industry?
They also make vapid competition shows and B-rate movies dressed as A rate movies.
That said I want a sequel to Bright.
Good points, Exeter.
I'm morbidly interested in No Good Nick after being forced to sit through some of it on a plane (my TV wouldn't work, and the kid next to me was marathoning it with subtitles on. I kept glancing over and going "wait, what?")
I also liked Bright.
Dreamworks is by FAR the best thing Netflix has going for them for kids. They're not going to piss Dreamworks off, if anything the two companies are going to get more buddy-buddy in reaction to Disney.
Youre joking, right? Every dreamworks cartoon is utter fucking garbage and netflix would be much better off without them and getting some new animation in instead.
>Harvey Girls Forever and Twelve Forever are likely Dead Forever
Ironic, but sad.
standard issue hate cult apparently a couple of outrage tubers covered it so well never hear the end of it.
Yes, user, with Disney pulling all of their movies off Netflix, I'm sure that Netflix can't wait to cut all ties with the studio behind such low-grossing films as Kung Fu Panda, How To Train Your Dragon, Shrek, and Madagascar.
When theyre making them nothing but crap, yeah i expect they would.
I don't have time to explain money to you.
Stafford was behind Carmen Sandiego, The Hollow, Last Kids on Earth, Cupcake and Dino, and yes... Twelve Forever. If we assume Twelve forever is a victim of this, then so is Carmen Sandiego. I'm not so sure they're going to toss out all the shows associated with her though. That seems a bit baby-with-the-bathwater to me.
>I don't have time to explain money to you.
You dont really understand it if you think dreamworks giving netflix shit content is a good deal for netflix.
Universal, the parent company of Dreamworks is working on a streaming service. Netflix's attitude with the Disney Marvel shows that they are willing to cut ties with anyone who decides to become a competitor.
Universal can work on it if they like. I doubt it'll go anywhere. COULD BE WRONG, but Paramount isn't exactly doing gangbusters right now.
Disney is in a whole different league.
>If we assume Twelve forever is a victim of this, then so is Carmen Sandiego
Carmen Sandiego is a longstanding IP, Twelve Forever isn't. The latter is much more disposable in their eyes. Twelve Forever is fucking toast. I hope they signed a short exclusive binding agreement so we can maybe see it continue as a web series or something after the two or so years is up.
Hey man CBS merged with viacom so now were gonna get star trek that actually looks like star trek again
I mean, again... they're getting rid of an executive. Executives leaning can mean shows get canceled. It can also mean shows don't get canceled. Depends on if the new person goes "eh, keep it."
There's nothing worse than Nu-ra unless it's called Steven Universe. And there's literally nothing worse than Steven Universe.
They should keep making American cartoons for niche audiences unironically. Shitty contents like She-ra are needed for shitty audiences
Its pretty annoying they are staring to invest anime.
nigga you try saying that with a straight face while looking at this poster.
It's fine being sexual and erotic in cartoons when gays make it.
The policy won't change anyway. They should stick to it until they go bankrupt.
Comcast market cap: $200B
Disney: $244B
Netflix: $130B
Disney is the clear leader, but I would say Comcast is competitive. Comcast also has something Disney doesn't: cables. Until Disney and AT&T decide to merge or internet neutrality is restored, Comcast might have a unique advantage here.
Whats the point of making shit like she ra when they make nothing actually good though? All i watch on netflix is miraculous and they dont even own that.
Because not every show by Netflix and Dreamworks is fucking She-Ra, you obsessed faggot.
>She-Ra will be cancelled before premiering after I spam Rotten Tomatoes with 1 star reviews
>She-Ra will get cancelled after 1 season
>She-Ra will get cancelled after 2 seasons
>Mattel hates She-Ra reboot and will never produce toys for it
>She-Ra will get cancelled after 3 seasons She-Ra will get cancelled after 4 seasons
>She-Ra will get cancelled after 5 seasons
>Netflix went bankrupt because they didn't cancel She-Ra
>Rags on She-Ra
>Watches Miraculous
I hope you don't think your opinion has any credible value after revealing that.
Miraculous is actually good though, and isnt run by some daddy issues fueled butch with an axe to grind.
lol no. Holy shit no. what the fuck, no.
>Miraculous is actually good though
Now I'm certain you're a shitposter.
likelihood of it getting a season 4 gets less and less the more I hear about netflix
the fact that no one outside of Yea Forums or tumblr really talks about it doesn't help its chances
I think several of its staff have been looking for new jobs, whatshername that was the main showrunner is apparently getting a graphic novel published, so she's likely not showrunning anymore, the new he-man stuff is getting pushed while she-ra was absent from power con, and season 2 & 3 were basically just one season split in half
all of this evidence is circumstantial, but the likelihood of this continuing much further isn't that great from where I see it
17 billion loss
Fucking Netflix. Why do they fucking suck at handling cartoons
It's literally funded for 52 episodes. They said that from the start. The writers plan to tell one cohesive story with an ending in the 52nd episode.
And after the 52nd episode airs, people will be going "Fuck yeah, we got it canceled with season [whatever season the 52nd episode airs in]!" Because they're just that stupid.
Well netflix will put themselves out of business if they keep pushing garbage like she ra instead of producing actually good content
Canning a shit cartoon is being good at handling cartoons.
>mishandling of Saint Seiya literally getting hatred from ALL OVER the world
>a lot of kids cartoons get no marketing and fall on the wayside
>all these nick cartoons probably underperformed (because of no marketing)
>generally none of their cartoons really get much attention aside from a few standouts (like she-ra right now)
>17 billion loss, gotta cut corners somewhere
It also became routine at Fox for years where they kept on offing one potentially great show after the other. Got weird.
Slam? Pig?
This is a term now?
I've tried watching some of the Dreamworks stuff and it really is that bad, along with most of the shows they've done.
There's no reason for the cartoons they've done to be so mediocre other than Netflix having no standards.
How come she looks thinner naked?
not him but iv'e been hearing it as far back as 2010 at least.
what an horrible fanfiction you are writting there in real time.
But pan pizza rebel taxi said Netflix was the future of animation.
People pointing out that virtually none of the people fired affect Yea Forums, aside from the lady that green-lit The Hollow, Carmen Sandiego, and 12 Forever
An absolute autist won't shut up about how much he hates She-Ra (a show not affected by any of this)
Claims that a show that was funded in its entirely will be canceled
People incapable of seeing the forest for the trees bitching about various things they insist were big mistakes for Netflix, somehow missing the biggest blunder the animation dept ever made: paying THIRTY MILLION for the Chinese animated movie "Next Gen," a movie which critics called... absolutely nothing, because they didn't see it. Only a handful of people on Yea Forums bothered watching it.
Maybe it has more to do with the recent drop in subscriptions.
With luck, they're just losing the executives pushing divershitty or something.
Isn't that a Brazilian show for adults that they did shitty translations for?
What part of that was false? Do you think Voltron got greenlit every season?
i don't know how the fuck they managed to make green eggs and ham so fucking expensive. or why for that matter.
pretty much yeah.
Sorta. The translations are pretty accurate, you've just got Brazilians whining that we don't understand and it's totally funny where they come from. Cultural stuff. Whatever.
Brazil just has shitty joke writers and goes "you don't appreciate our humor" when people notice.
>hating her-ra
This sucks
>liking dyke ra
Celebrity actors don't speak into a mic for chump change.
Green Eggs will probably top Next Gen for "biggest blunder," but I was just looking at the stuff already released. Like, I'm not going to claim that Voltron or She-Ra are the megahits that Netflix was probably hoping for, but fucking hell, if you want to see where they made big mistakes with their animation money, Next Gen is sitting right there, collecting dust, with a price tag bigger than decent sized islands.
>liking miraculous ladycuck
>liking he-ra
Regardless it's a pretty shitty translation if they couldn't pull out something funny even if they had to go on like Ghost Hunt.
>liking preschooler eurotrash
>liking feminist propaganda
>liking psycho mary-sue bitches
>liking psycho mary-sue bitches
You mean like nu-adora?
>Maybe if I wear this skintight outfit, all the pedos will ignore what a shitty character I am!
you are both very tough internet connoisseurs, now shut the fuck up
Work hard Netflix
Cater to more SJWs
I'm going to feel dirty saying this, but I think Netflix would be better off funding more anime exclusives. Netflix is probably discovering that heavy investment in new cartoons is not a needle mover in terms of subscriptions. The extremely young viewer doesn't care if shows are old or new, or good. Co-financing anime is not only cheaper, it would put them in a better position in Asian markets. It's also a genre Disney+ is unlikely to want to compete in.
Netflix only needs a modest selection of cartoons. They need to be more selective now, and learn to say "no" to some of the things Dreamworks is shoveling out.
>defending pedos
How redpilled
>durr hurr youre a pedo because you think a cartoon is hot
Dont let the door hit you on the way out tumblr prudefag
The character designer for She-Ra has publicly stated that the show has ended and that she is looking for work. She also posted her resume online.
And your source is...
>The character designer for She-Ra has publicly stated that the show has ended and that she is looking for work. She also posted her resume online.
>thinking you can get any work after making all those horrible redesigns
It's not. 52 episodes were ordered (four complete story arcs); most, if not all, are already in the can. Beginning, middle, end. Netflix is already shifting focus to MotU: Revelation (which is at least 2 years out), this one is far more likely to be cancelled due to Netflix's financial woes (Kevin Smith finished the script for the first episode literally yesterday).
You do realize executives choose what stays and goes right?
I don't give a fuck about this show or your faggot ass culture war but imagining new management doesn't jeopardize everyone's on underneath them is just stupid. You're ignoring reality to state a technicality, one which doesn't actually change anything.
>no mention of buddy thunderstruck
Will this affect Trollhunter and Tales of Arcadia?
And what about the non-grimshit anime on there?
>Will this affect Trollhunter and Tales of Arcadia?
>And what about the non-grimshit anime on there?
That's the different story.
Jenna boyd gone?
Does this mean live-action ATLA is kill, she was the exec prod
Because people are dumb and like bitching about eveything. They also hate that people like things they don't like.
Until the next thing culture warriors get their panties in a bunch over, and the next thing after that.
>So close-minded when you hear one disagreement "LOL DISCAARDDEEDDD"
It's not a good insult to admit you're a 5-year old.
No way Shera cost 17 billion to produce
Why does everyone keep calling the She-Ra show gay, dyke, sjw, or whatever even though none of that was actually in the show?
I think it outshines the source material in everyway.
>having shit opinions and thinking his voice still matters
Aww, the tard thinks hes people
Because they can't just say "I don't like this show." They need to fight windmills as well.
i thought Nick was going to release the show in Netflix like Zim and Rocko
The women look like boys.
I dont think she stated the show ended. Just that she was no longer working on the show.
Its on the person's twitter.
The designs are pretty shit I agree but that hardly makes the show anything claimed there. It just makes it ugly.
Shut up, furry.
Croods, Peabody and Sherman, TURBO, Home, Dragons and Captain Underpants aren't "really that bad". What is your idea of a good kids cartoon that isn't a 90's thing you grew up with?
Because She-ra isn't bad?
>She-Ra isn't bad
There is plenty of gay in the show though? Like Bow's dads and Spinerella/Netossa (i think?), Huntara... I like the show, dont get me wrong.
Dragon Prince is gayer than this show.
Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with She-Ra?
>Yea Forums hated its creator Noelle Stevenson for Lumberjanes and Nimona and for being a gatekeeping bitch
>Thundercats Roar was getting developed around the same time and people conflated the two
>animation budget is shit
>She-Ra looks like a trans man
That being said, I haven't seen the show but apparently it's pretty decent and Catra is the best character by far
catra is an interesting character i will say that much, depends if you enjoy watching a character self destruct through there own discussions and actions as they spiral to the literal void
Muh Netflix, in the same way some are going "Muh Disney!" over the Spiderman negotiation thing
Isn't this kind of a moot point anyway? It was stated pretty early on that they have 52 episodes to work with, already paid for. It's not like they even have to jockey with other shows for air time, since it can be drawn up at any hour.
How gay are we talking?
Is that all season 2 stuff? I only saw season 1 and it had no gay and had several others lust for one another heterosexually. And kind of in your face at times even but that's aside the point.
I don't think they remember how bad things were
Please, don't fight. Don't be like those "tribe" shitposters. Both shows are great in their own way with great main characters.
Her clothes are fucking awful and do everything to hide her figure. I can only imagine it was an intentional effort to make her unattractive
the 2 princesses at bright moon always hold hands so i assumed they are a couple. bows dads are in s2, and huntara is in the third
>Netflix fires person that greenlit Twelve Forever, The Hollow, and Carmen Sandiego
>Topic gets hijacked by retards that want to hate on She-Ra
This is just the state of things now
I was surprised that Polyle had drawn this between all the absolute degeneracy.
People that hate She-ra are so stupid they think it might be canceled when it's already known how many episodes there will be. It shouldn't be surprising that they are also stupid enough to be incapable of understanding that the people who got fired don't have anything to do with She-ra.
Man, Fuck these niggas up. Both shows are pasty and gross
Interesting. I'm not saying you're wrong, but I'd be curious to read about this. Got any sauce for it?
She-Ra is already contracted to get a certain pre-planned number of episodes. It’s not going anywhere before its time.
Netflix will can that shit yesterday.
They spit in the face of the normies and doubled down on kissing up to the queer mafia and the small loud minority in media and online. Much to the detriment of their series that was already on very very very thin ice with everyone,.
no they won't. they don't care what you or your ilk thinks, you're not the audience so why would they care about you?
There may be other sources, but I remember reading about this in an interview with Noelle last year. Refer to the subheading 'a speedy development cycle'. The wording is a bit vague regarding how far along in development they are, but it makes clear the number of episodes they have been working on.
Your fantasies about your own importance to Netflix’s plans is charming. Netflix got exactly what they were interested in, as far as I can tell. They asked the creator of Nimona and Lumberjanes to pitch them a She-Ra series that would appeal to girls in 2018, and were satisfied with what they got back enough to give her a full show. That popularity with girls has been enough to spawn a decent amount of fandom discussion and fan art on parts of the internet that are not Yea Forums, and they’re not going to cancel it because comics board shitposters who never actually watched the original are mad that her boobs aren’t big enough.
I think the meat they added was pretty great too, Homelander and the Deep were amazing.
Someone who will drop their netflix
Normies will drop their queer pandering gay gaslighting asses yesterday.
Netflix exists only because people BELIEVE that it's worth owning. That it's stock is worth a fuck.
That it's media that it owns is worth a single solitary fuck.
Do you understand? People won't simply fall for the "YOU DONT MATTER SO SHUT UP" kind of shit you're doing.
They'll be offended and they'll unsub.
>Do you understand? People won't simply fall for the "YOU DONT MATTER SO SHUT UP" kind of shit you're doing.
They'll be offended and they'll unsub.
No they won’t they’ll unsub if there isn’t something they want to watch on the platform. Only the most extreme unsavory types will cancel a subscription over a girls’ cartoon show. You’re so stupid that you actually believe She-Ra being abandoned is a done deal because people who weren’t the target audience are mad at it, and you’re actually getting offended at the idea that someone is suggesting you’re not the target audience to the point that you’re bringing in gaslighting accusations. Every piece of evidence available from the pastel colors to the soft edges visual style to the lesbian ship teases to the female-majority cast to the very person they initially hired to do the show solidifies the idea that the show was designed for girls and tumblr user women in mind. And it’s working, the show has a following in those circles. If you’re convinced Netflix is going to cancel the show because some guy on Yea Forums doesn’t like it, you’re perceiving a warped version of reality.
>lady who gave us Carmen Sandiego and had nothing to do with She-ra is shown the door
Dumbfucks: Yeah! Take that, She-ra fans!
If there's anyone to complain to, it's Dreamworks. They have full creative control over their shows, and a minimum order guarantee.
If Shera only gets this minimum, it probably means it was a failure in Dreamwork's eyes.
Whoa, hey now! Let's not swing that stick so wide.
This is why American cartoons tend to be garbage, trying to keep pumping out episodes as long as possible instead of trying to tell a story with a good ending. Enjoy your zombie Simpsons and Adventure Time ending on a whimper.
>all that shit
>not bad
for fuck sake Yea Forumsmblr...
You don't deserve to use that reaction image.
>The 12 year old thinks he's wanted here
the season of VeggieTales done by Doug Tennapel was ok
I think what makes this really funny to me is that those same dumbfucks claim that there is no cult mentality about the hate on She-Ra.
You're right. Who doesn't love hate watching all these awful cartoons on Netflix! I and all my 4channer friends love to hate watch Netflix shows. It's the whole reason we subscribe. Ironically watching shows you hate is the thing to do.
>If Shera only gets this minimum, it probably means it was a failure in Dreamwork's eyes.
That minimum as far as we’ve seen seems to be 52 episodes, or 4 seasons. There’s no reason to think if it ends at that that it was a failure, because that’s a respectable run in itself, and the showrunner and team could easily plan to make the show they want with the conclusion they want within that span. If it ends then, it may be because it simply made sense to make the show run for 4 seasons.
Name a single fucking animated series that's like that on any continent.
Just one.
>all the men are hipsters
lol, nice plan she has there.
user, the only thing netflix has going for it is the good graces of it's subscribers and its own shitty programming.
What they have can be gotten elsewhere on the net FOR FREE.
When people realize that they are paying a show that puts out shit they hate when they could be getting it for free then the "prestige" of paying for netflix and "investment into" netflix will be over.
You understand?
Netflix is fucking living on the good feefees from it's consumers and fairydust and pixiedust of worth being whored about on wallstreet.
After reading that headline all I can think about is sitting there raged out, sweating, veiny as my dick, which is out and at full mast angrily watching this poorly drawn horrifying monstrosity.
Moments away from slamming my dick through the screen and not stopping till my balls are bone dry and I'm completely incapable of moving an inch.
>When people realize that they are paying a show that puts out shit they hate
Functional adult humans are paying for things like Dark and Mindhunter. You’re living in a fucking fantasyland if you think any significant section of the audience is going to DROP their subscription specifically because a cartoon that probably doesn’t even appear on their personalized feed is somewhere on the service, and they don’t like it.
Not fast enough. Also, the rest of Netflix (as in, the entire company) should be canned as well.
>Look it up
>Its a click bait tit-
>"I mean, some people are really going to hate it, and that's fine. I'm sure a lot of men on Yea Forums will be pissed off."
If she only knew we liked it.
Amd yet, it happens.
I’ve already explained to you why it doesn’t.
>When people realize that they are paying a show that puts out shit they hate
Do you really believe normies give half a shit that She Ra exists? What mad reality are you living in?
Seriously Yea Forums, I'm worried about you
...having a finite number of episodes with a dpecific goal in mind is incredibly common in Japan. FMA: Brotherhood got 64 eps, just adapting the manga then ending. Bebop ended very young because they wanted to end it. Gravity Falls was more truncated than Hirsch had hoped for because he got a bit nervous, but he still hit most of his main points and ended it the wsy he wanted.
Shows written with at least a vague ending in mind are a good thing. Trying to milk an idea as long as possible is bad.
1. Tuca and Bertie isn't a kids cartoon you fucking moron
2. Tuca and Bertia got canned, which means you should be siding with them since the showrunner did something you hate
3. Lol you fell for clickbait
You talking to yourself there, pal?
Tuca and Bertie got canceled because their studio went through shenanigans.