your source>butchers your source
>rapes your characters
>disrespects your creators

Heh...nothing personnel...kiddo

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>rapes your characters
It's a Moore comic, I'm pretty sure that means at least one of them was already raped to start with!

>i'm laurie blake, fbi
aw shit

trailer is bad but when bowie starts playing it went full cringe. one of the worst parts of lindelof's leftovers was that the soundtrack was chokeful of the most obvious and on-the-nose choices possible. fucker is subtle like a sledgehammer

This is going to be the best piece of cape-related TV produced in the 2010s. It's not even in question.

>silk spectre gets raped...again

>damon lindelof
No way. The guy is like David Goyer, still getting work despite the series of fuck ups.


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Uh... Who is the villain? What is the story here? That trailer was a mess... It looked like it was produced by Michael Bay.
Boom! Crash! Bang! Soundbyte boom! Tells me nothing

the villain is white supremacy

This is probably unironically correct

A curious view considering he just wrote one of the best TV shows of the decade, with a flawless ending to boot.

Attached: lefto.jpg (1200x675, 367K)

>after season 1
Ahahahaha...wait are you serious?

>having a villain, let alone one that's obvious from the start

>Nothing ever ends...
Why? Why is it bad for something to have an ending? Why are we expected to continue consuming the same story and characters for literal decades until the corporate executives have wrung every last cent possible out of a franchise? Why is everything a reboot or a remake or a rehash? What happened to original ideas?

this isn't Watchmen, though but WINO (watchmen in name only) created and written by Damon "I fucked up Lost, Alien, Star Trek, World War Z, etc" Lindelof

Yea Forums told me that conventional storytelling was for weebs and warcrime deniers.

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>weebs and warcrime deniers
I feel like you missed a couple of steps there

>Manhattan sees all time as some kind of fractal happening in the same instant so for him there is no such thing as beginning or ending as it is always happening


>butchers your source material
That's E V E R Y T H I N G Watchmen related passed the original comic. Much like nothing passed the original Avatar: TLA is any good. Some things are better left alone.

What the fuck is even happening? Where are the Watchmen? Who is that black woman even meant to be?

Yeah the only thing this is guaranteed of being is shit

>World War Z was Lindelof
Hahahaha, I should have fucking known
That guy and Kurtzman are walking disasters

>white people bad

I’m not a /pol/tard but I hate this shit.

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Fuck this

Is it bad that I don't care how true to the source material this is, and only care whether it's good in its own right or not?

Like, we already have Watchmen the comic. I can go back and read that whenever I want.

And Watchmen the movie, though I have some problems with it, does a lot of the scenes from the comic beat-for-beat. I can go back and watch that any time, too.

I'm not necessarily defending the new show, because I haven't seen it yet, and some of the dialogue in the trailer is pretty clunky. But like, if I dislike it, it's probably not going to be because it isn't the comic.

Keep hating the truth

>passed the original comic
If it were up to moore, that would also describe the original idea with Charlton characters.

This isn't The Boys live-action adaption!

It sounds like a bad premise. They could have made a straight sequel, Rorschach diary posthumously printed in the New Frontiersman reshapes public opinion. Instead it's the original characters, Manhattan on Mars again, but it's a different story so they can fit in whatever they think is contemporary

>>disrespects your creators

Yeah, Steve Ditko really got a bad deal from the industry.

Jesus, this looks unwatchable.

Obscuring Adrian's face doesn't mean he wasn't right there and the villain from issue one.


I'm waiting to moore's fag to screech

>>disrespects your creators
How so?

This show is a sequel and so far, it seems respectful of the continuity established by the source material.

Now my interest is picked. What are they going to do with the Alien "attack" plots?

To be fair, watchmen is pretentious overrated shit so it's quite hard to disrespect it.

God, no wonder you dropped out.

Okay, calm you tits down. the comic conclude with Rorschach's journal getting published by an overtly racist newspaper.

Of course it's going to create a bunch of angry white men, angry and upset that a literal elitist scarified million to achieve an obtain his liberal utopia, while most people prefer to believe the official story and think the Rorschach believe are just conspirationist nutjob.

the interesting twist is that they are actually right.

It would be stupid to complain about that, as it is the most natural and organic development after the end of the comic.

moron see If you complain about this, then you haven't read the comic.

Also, several protagonist are white.

>. They could have made a straight sequel
> Rorschach diary posthumously printed in the New Frontiersman reshapes public opinion

How can you complain of them not doing what they are exactly doing? what the fuck?

>Instead it's the original characters, Manhattan on Mars again, but it's a different story so they can fit in whatever they think is contemporary
No, it's a straight sequel to the comic.

>this isn't Watchmen, though but WINO (watchmen in name only)
It's a direct sequel to the comic. Do'nt know if it's what you mean by saying it's not Watchmen, because indeed, it isn't an actual adaptation of the comic, but making it a sequel instead at least mean it's possible to respect the source material.

Might be ok then, I thought it was going to be like a soft reboot when they had hooded justice and Manhattan in the trailer and they said it was 'remixed'

>and they said it was 'remixed'
They didn't, hough. The show-runner explicitly told that absolutely everything that has happened in the comic is canon to the HBO show.

You can directly tell it's a sequel by seeing Ozymandias is old.

I think the Hooded Justice is simply a copy-Cat. Just a speculation from my part.

Ok I just glanced over wikipedia before and assumed they wouldn't do that because there's doomsday clock

Rorschach's journal greatly impaired Ozy's plan.

Why Moore doesn't do anything to stop this? He can stop this once at all, right?

We don't know if it will be bad yet. And nothing we have seen so far seems to contradict the source material.

Warner/DC own the film and tv rights to his stuff. He refused to be credited on it

Wait, does the movie and TV show also count as commercial material, or does moor actually receive money for this one?

>Also, several protagonist are white.
white people have the lowest in-group preference so that doesn't mean anything

He doesn't own the rights. The only thing that he can do is publicly say that he thinks that it sucks and that he doesn't want any part of it.

He gets $0 for this. He signed away his rights a long time ago and he refuses to be compensated for movies, etc. because he doesn't want to look like he's endorsing them in any way.

Don't know if he's getting any royalties for this but he's turned down millions of dollars from them before when offered

>white people smart
>klan-esque organizations may actually have a point
No, I like your reasoning, but there's no way they're going that route. It's more like "we need a subtle analogy for something social justice an also black people can't never be bad people"

>rapes your characters
>disrespects your creators

None of this matters, this is the nature of the comic book industry. It is a shame that Moore was victim to a predatory deal but it is what it is and that's pretty much how this industry was created

>Created by Damon Lindelof

This is all that matters. Instant 0/10.

>He signed away his rights a long time ago and he refuses to be compensated for movies
That's not true, his contract actually specified he would get a share on merch, but DC screwed over him naming all of the merch as "marketing product".

your sentence doesn't mean anything. Like literally, you are putting together a bunch of random words to make it sound like your stupid anger is justified despite being proven wrong, but it still isn't.

>No, I like your reasoning, but there's no way they're going that route.
It's exactly that rout they are taking. and they are not acting smart. A good point that can be taken out of it is that even if conspirationists are right about the elite srcewing over people, that still doesn't justify the hate toward the minority.

Johns is getting more royaltiesfrom marionette in this series than Moore for the watchmen IP, and that's not even a joke.

>an also black people can't never be bad people"
This is never true. almost all of modern stories have all of th characters flawed.

Honestly, it still looks better than Batwoman.

>Nothing ever ends...
I have heard that one before, and with another premise, i'd be hyped.
But Watchmen was supposed to end with the original graphic novel. The prequel were unreadeble, DDClock is shit and the fact that this series is produced by the clowns of HBO and has an hack like Damon Lindelof working on it doesn't spark any interest in me.

Maybe because it has something like 20 times the budget of Batwoman?

To be fair tho she was asking for it. Repeatedly.

Nothing indicate Silk Spectre get raped in the series.

>None of this matters, this is the nature of the comic book industry. It is a shame that Moore was victim to a predatory deal but it is what it is and that's pretty much how this industry was created
And then you guys whine about why even mangas outsell comics in the land of the free

The bowie part is the only good part here. Part because the song is stellar. But the cut fits. I like the black old man scenes.

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Whats horrible is that it suddenly takes place in some small rural town.
Was it cheaper to shoot in?
Than the "they criminals attacked us at home, we gave the policemen masks so they dont know where they live" makes no sense. You just have to watch people leavin the police station, follow them, look what jobs they do and check if it fits their living situation.
Besides it should be
>Get asked to produce a Watchmen show
>Have an unproduced season of "The Leftover" script lying around
>Make a "The Leftover" with Watchmen slapt on

Heh...nothing personnel...kiddo

Attached: leftovers.png (1000x308, 529K)

Villian will be Rorschach army (hello, i am white supremacy) and the masked cops (Lets smash your skull-police brutality).
Story is some kind of civil war between rorschach army and cops, our hero, Regina King (hehe, Regina comes from rex =King, so she is queen of Kings), in the mid.

Attached: watchmen.jpg (960x1440, 168K)

Because every story or character that is good, is worth to get more stories. Why make new characters like "Not your"-Watchmen when you can use them?
Better than have thousands proxy supermans.
The problem is that you only should make sequels when you have a good story to tell and a good team.
Sadly studios tend to cram trash out because its a safe bet and they onlycare for money.

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I think he meant its so far from watchmen that you wouldnt know its supposed a sequel if not for the Watchmen logo.

No, its a god approach. And most cries you hear is that they dont really care about watchmen but need the name on it to make it hypeable. Its mostly a pr decision whichmost here hate.

Who is Lautie Blake?

I think that the Rorschach army are people that think after the peace and liberalisation under Robert Redford, the US isnt safe anymore. So they will be a vigilante army and fight the police. The police instead gets scarred and puts on the masks, which make them feel stronger and force some police brutality (you dont know my face so who you gonna report?).
I think this plays 20-25 years later, so this is more a setup, the conspirancy of the squid evolves into setting up the Rorschach army and the police to fight each other and keep the normal people in line.
I think only a handfull of people know the real ozymandias part, the explosion we see and him pushing a lever is the past where he kills the frontierman and the rorschach book. So the black old man is one who knows it and try to reach the vigilante hero to uncover the truth and stop the police-rorschach army fights.

The hooded justice is from a minutemen tv show. I dont know if this midnighter vigilante is from the tv too.

Sure he could do the thing of "its rubbish" or "that isnt logically if you read watchmen.
This would make it some sort of fanfiction tier stuff.

>worse, she doesnt
>she is just not getting enough attention from her husband and is perfectly justified

Manga is like asia fast food for restaurant. Its mostly bland and very high repeatitive.
The artist are slaves and so this is cheap in production for mass consumption.
The only reason is, in japan you have a big pile of dirt and some diamonds, so they only will release the diamonds in the US and on top they have a backlog of 10-20 years of good material. It only seems they have superior artists, but instead they just appear to be better, but istead they are very siimilar but with a different paint app.

>rapes your characters
Everyone's either dead or fucked off, what's left to rape? Not to mention there's all the stupid shit Doomsday Clock already did, but I'm guessing you don't follow that because you're likely some Yea Forums-shitter.

>disrespects your creators
Alan Moore doesn't even give a fuck about Watchmen anymore.

In the trailer the fbi women,
in the comics Laurie is Laurie Juspeczyk aka Silk Spectre and her father is Edward Blake aka The Comedian.
So she took the name of her father and went to the FBI.

I don’t mind whites being the villain, since we always make the best villains, but I hate when the heroes are minorities that had no ties to the original comic and they’re whole character arc revolves around overcoming racial injustices

It can't be worse than Before Watchmen or Doomsday Clock, right? r-right?

Noone minds if the villian is white or the hero is black. See 70s, 90s, Spawn. Or better, Kamela Khan aka Ms Marvel!
But since the 2010s its obvious agenda and on top hamfisted bad written.
Its like CGI in Yea Forums, its mostly a big sign that this is just use as gimmick or was the main work they put into it!

Before Watchmen was good to Ok. Dont name drop it in a sentence with Doomsday clock!
At least you can see that in Before Watchmen the artist cared enough about the source material.

>the artist
the artists did, but none of the writers did (except maybe cooke)

At least JMS cared. Wein and Azzerello cared so far they didnt destroyed or corrupted it.

Sounds preddy redpilled bro.

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