Why can't Franklin fuck Rachel? She's hot and a red-head. Their children could inherit the Earth...

Why can't Franklin fuck Rachel? She's hot and a red-head. Their children could inherit the Earth. Rachel will end up going full lesbo if Franklin doesn't pump her full of babies. Did you know there's actually a time-line where Rachel and Kitty become a couple and actually have babies Mystique-style?

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How old are Franklin and Rachel now? Valeria is 15 so Franklin must be older than that.

It doesn't matter. They're both mutants and age is superfluous for them. This is about the survival of the species, after all. He could literally be a child and it'd change little.

Rachel is fucking Kurt, so no need to worry about her going gay.

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Fuck off, Kurt. You creep. Go back to fucking your own adoptive sister.

But she's married now. And his friends from britain are married now. So obviously the next step is for Kurt to start feeling old and marry Rachel.

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Chill out there Cyclops Redfield.

Didn't he fucked Captain Britain's wife in the whole Age of X thing?

why is Franklin considered a mutant when its clear that he gets his powers from his parents who aren't mutants and not that he's got some bullshit x-gene

Rachel rudely dumped him a while ago.

Because she's a good girl and do as she's told. She knows how much the future counts on her.

He has the x-gene and his parents influence made his powers manifest immediately instead of as a teenager like normal mutants

They even had a kid, but artificial dimension so it probably wont ever get mentioned again, like Betsy flirting with Blob.

Can't wait for /ss/

Where did that happen? Last mention of it I saw was in Red.

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>like Betsy flirting with Blob.
That whole event was baffling.

Goddamn, Jean. Stop trying to push your degeneration on people. It's not okay. Kurt is practically 40 years old.

You'd probably have an easier time getting your now teenage son to fuck his adopted daughter, Scott.

No, leave Cable alone. The last time Cable had sex he got so depressed a younger version of himself had to kill him off to spare him. Betsy raping the shit out of his body really did a number to him.

Because he is a mutant, cosmic radiation just super charged him.

>be Cable
>try to assemble a team full of mean dudes to protect mutants from killing bio-weapons
>not realize the fucking toxic waste that is Psyloque and Fantomex's sex life
>your adopted daughter for some reason follows you into your team
>Psyloque start to rape your clones knowing you'll not remember any of it as a coping mechanism to deal with stress
>Fantomex corrupts your adopted daughter and steals her virginity
>Fantomex betrays the team in the end and ruin all your shit
>can't even get it up anymore after all this shit
Cable led a hard life.