ITT: we post Yea Forums related things from our childhood that we fondly remember and other anons tell us if it holds up or not
ITT: we post Yea Forums related things from our childhood that we fondly remember and other anons tell us if it holds...
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I went back n played it on an emu. It was ok? Little clunky at times but writing was good
does anyone even remember the original show this was based on?
Looks like some DiC cartoon
i already know it didn't age as good as bikini bottom, but what about on it's own, as the first spongebob 3D platformer?
The original show is called Space Goofs. Did some research, surprised to see Iggy Pop did the opening theme song.
I remember it being called Space Goofs instead.
Nick shows had a shitton more good games than Disney or CN’s output
Most people really fucking hate this game, but I think it's pretty comfy and fun despite its obvious flaws.
Some really bad gameplay here and there, bit it's surprisingly faithful to the feel of the first two seasons of the show.
The people who worked on it now work on the cash-cow known as Oggy & The Cockroaches; which has been running since 1997 and has gone full blast after Space Goofs ended
party blast is not one of them
I remember the GBA version being surprisingly better. I also remember the GBA version of BfBB being shit.
I also had the gba version that was bundled with sharktale. played the fuck out of both of them.
ironically, I don't think I've ever seen Shrek 2 in my entire life
You should watch it. It's one of the rare instances of a sequel surpassing the original.
That game is jenky as hell, but a lot of fun if you play with friends.
>that spoiler
You're missing out user. It's legitimately one of the greatest animated films of all time
Not surprising. They wouldn’t have released it otherwise.
Yeah I messed up and didn’t see the “Yea Forums related”
I stand by the post anyway.
Not a competent smash clone by all means but was still fun
While it does use some elements, and uses characters in more interesting ways (writing-wise) than Battle For Bikini Bottom, which is notorious for filling out characters as as questgivers, I actually like how unfaithful Flying Dutchman is to the Spongebob show.
It uses locations in interesting ways (aside from the Krusty Krab, which shows up twice and never again, and it shows)
I had the one on the 3DS. It was a lot of fun, but I sold it unfortunately. I praised the word of Game Informer in those days and they told me it was garbage
Sub par but like said it's faithful to the feel, so I guess it balances out to mediocre/10
This motherfucker can spin so fast. I wish I still had it I forgot what I did with it
Somehow a better smash clone than Sony's
Even if half the time (on the 3DS) when you died you would temporarily be launched back in only to disappear as you appear on the platform.
Nuh nuh nuh nuh we are munsters
I had this thing too. Fuck I miss all my 90s toys lol
This game was great, but I spent hours beating the shit out of the people in Far Far Away because I didn't know how to proceed and the guards just kept spawning.
Revenge of the Flying Dutchman was ahead of its time. Aside from the high rise mission, because fuck those jumps, it was a masterpiece.
yes, an xbox360 game was indeed from my childhood
/co related things from childhood? Haha does jerking off to Wanda’s feet from that one episode count haha
Man that was great.
That and Brave Little Toaster were it for me
I loved this game if only for the fact you could throw ketchup bottles at that bitch Eliza.
Aw shit, I always wanted this thing
it does. also, my nigga
What was wrong with it?
I've played the Shrek DS one
only played the DS version of this
There's way too many gameplay and technical problems to call it that user
Fucking years later and I still can't beat the Anti-Fairy level.
I meant for its time. Really set the standard for a series going out of its comfort zone while still sticking to the source material.
Got this for Christmas back in the day. The music is still stuck in my head.
i never had a good gba library but this is my favorite game of the gba i owned
It's a mess but I love it because nostalgia.
That’s because their focus was elsewhere
The sequel was way better aside from the final boss being dogshit
One of my favorite DS games. That cannon minigame is the pain in the ass, though.
Forgot about the pic
Never played that game, but I used to read EGM and Seanbaby said it was crap.
Was a competent platformer to my surprise.
It was good, but BDR was infinitely more memorable and the gameplay variety was insane
the ps2 version was decent and suprisingly alot of the va talent was in that game.
zoom zoom
I never had the full game, just part of it on a demo disc. Seemed kinda fun.
cry me a river you crusty old man
This shit right here
Apparently it was shit, but this was the first video game I ever got. Was way more entertaining than the bootleg Voltrons we normally got
Que pasa, Ramon?
fucking zoomers
Aw damn, this may be the first vidya I ever got as well. I remember it being hard as fuck, but then again, I must have been five years old when I first played it.
damn kids,get off my board!
SpongeBob SquarePants: Employee of the Month was my earliest computer game and I still remember parts like Rock Bottom but not the naked Mr Krabs. That and the movie game were the only SpongeBob games I played
>Using Yea Forums talk here
Oggy and the cockroaches freakin shreds
That jimmy neutron game was my jam
Are you sure you don’t mean Slenderman?
I only remember prickles. I didn't know any of those other were even cartoon cartoons
Yeah, the amount of liters (in sperm) I made to these. Thanks Wanda
this game's a broken mess
Nah, it probably was really that hard and tedious. I lent it to some older kids when I was young and they hated it
I don't remember this game looking THIS awful lol
it didn't
this is a prototype build
I absolutely loved this game for some reason when I was a kid. I would beat it over and over. At least once every week.
It's like a 3D Earthbound tone-wise.
I remember being terrified of the spaceship segments.
The graphics were crude in the most charming way. Peak season 1.
I actually did have this. It was fucking great, a solid RC car.
This reminded me that for a solid year when I was 6-7, I was completely obsessed with Jimmy Neutron. I was also in love with Cindy before having any crushes irl.
That's fucking sick, I want one of these.
I was amazed by the docks level on vs Jimmy Negatron, it was so fucking open for little me, the egypt museum also blew my mind. I thought the game was the largest game ever.
The atmosphere and aesthetic in this game is so comfy it might as well be home. I miss old Windows 98/XP point and click adventures.
Fuck this game. It was so goddamn tedious, especially when you had to be Edd who couldn’t do anything. Mis-Edventures on GBA was pretty decent though, I still have that somewhere.
I loved the docks level as a kid, as well as the soundtrack on it.
Oh okay. This is the PS2 game where one of the early levels is in Retroland and every ride is like its own level, right?
Nice. I really want to replay this now
I replayed not too long ago, definitely much weaker than battle and honestly not that good overall, spongebob controls much slower, enemies are super basic, the mermaid powerup is never really important iirc. But as that user said it does have charm. Some of the environments were nice, i really liked the jellyfish field areas. Final battle sucked too.
All in all pretty weak, especially when compared to a much more competent and well remembered game like battle for bikini bottom.
Agreed. There is some dread in realizing you were around for an almost-20-year-old game tho
replayed this recently as well and was a bit disappointed by how easy it was compared to what I remember but it was still pretty fun. All the different playable characters were pretty cool to use.
Red was cute too, shame about the voice
>Look it up
>This game has a almost full view of the entirety of the CN city
Is it actually CN City or just a generic one?
It's the actual city to my knowledge. They did have some creative liberties like placing middle of nowhere near by but otherwise its the whole thing.
I think I glitched the game somehow and did some sequence breaking in this because shit didn't seem to work right half the time.
Controls are a little awkward but nothing serious, the atmosphere is still pretty great just avoid the PlayStation version it sucks
Samus should shoot you zoomer
I raise you one
>all those seething boomers
I still have the CD-ROM in a CD case underneath the bed
I still go back to play this game constantly, it just never gets old
Anyone remembers this game? The gameplay was pretty special
Damn I'm pretty sure this was the first game I ever got too, it came with my gameboy I think. It was too much anxiety for me to handle as a literal six year old so I resigned to pokemon
Is it the same as the 64 version? I loved that game so much. The construction site level with the paint mixing puzzle is peak game design.
>these posts
i should move on...
I remember being really pissed off since the copy/box i had back then (well it was a pirated copy) just had info/pictures of the snes game instead of this crap.
the final two levels (in the airport) feel a bit empty, but this game had so much good stuff in it
>the toy store level
>al's apartment
>the neighborhood level
also the first level (andy's house) was reused to make one of the tracks in toy story racer
the golf level in that was pretty dope
I think i own this.
i remember having a lot of fun during 2-player with friends playing this. also had the DS version that came in a bundle but it was pretty shit. no idea if it holds up
Does Tara Strong hold up
>racing as your waifus
Top notch
>PC version is a click adventure game
Battle for Bikini Bottom was and is an absolute good
Attak of the Toybots is better for having Tak, Stimpy, Rocko GIR and Jenny
I don't know why I enjoyed this game as much as I did. Maybe it was because of how over the top it went?
Fun point and click style game.
lmao fucking amateurs
Amazing game. I wish every licensed game was as well thought-out as this one.
I loved this game as a kid too, user. I think it was how much exploration you could do. It was my first game like that
>Over the top? How over the top can a "Rocket Power" game ge-
Yes but the GBA version wasn't. Also apparently the PC version was really weird.
Good god do I remember playing the heck out of this game, those last Golden Carrots was hard to find, needed to bounce on some dragons to get the last onces in the Medieval area. The ending was dissapointing though, but overal a good game
shitty game
I couldn't beat it because the hypno gas level scared me :(
She got big booberts so yea
I remember playing it as a kid and how truly terrifying the sheep dog was
Angelica shat her pants in Rugrats Go Wild!
Just another daily reminder that she did.
Specifically the PC version of the movie game.
Mis-Edventures on Gamecube/PS2/Xbox sucked tho
oh shit, you too?
I thought it was alright but I need to replay it
I fucking love this game and honestly like it more than BFBB. This is coming from a 3D collectathon platformer junkie. The way they tried to translate the aesthetic of season 1 Spongebob is... interesting. It gives the game this dreary purgatory feel. It’s creepy but I love it. BFBB definitely went more cartoony with the graphics like in later seasons of Spongebob as opposed to the sort of realistic backgrounds and style of the earlier parts of the show. I mean, it’s still a cartoon but I think you know what I mean. The music is really the only downside since it’s so repetitive. But I fucking love this game and don’t get why it’s shit on as much as it is. GameCube version is the way to go though.
It’s solid for what it is. It’s just not anything spectacular. I play it every now and then and I think it holds up the same as I remember it.
It’s so easy and quick to beat but I love it. Rock Bottom was awesome.
Based game
Why are you posting weird beta screenshots or whatever this is? But to your point, fuckin love this game despite it’s unpolished weirdness.
This game fucking rules. If BFBB is getting remastered then this needs to as well.
This was my first PS1 game. From a gameplay perspective it’s great but it’s so limiting as a collectathon. It basically forces you to go back to levels and get everything you missed just to move on to the later levels. I know it’s an incentive to go back once you’ve found more spells but it shouldn’t be mandatory in a game like this. At least not as much as it makes you. Still love it though.
I got it at an airport many many years ago. I was convinced nobody else knew it existed.
Well the controls were crap, camera was crap, the fairies were as annoying as having two Navis, and some of the 2d to 3d character translations were horrifying.... but it had best girls Vicky and Tootie in it so I give it a solid 10/10.
i first had a copy from when it first came out but god only knows what happened to it, so i bought another one on ebay years later
it took me 10 months but i finally found another user who played this game
> Game released in 2006
> Uses CN characters from the 90's
All of the shows featured were already over by the time the game came out. At least add characters like the Eds, Billy, Mandy and Grim, the KND, Mac and Bloo etc...
is there a video of gameplay of this or Jimmy Neutron vs. Jimmy Negatron?
Oldfag here, I loved this game as a kid.
Is this Yea Forums or Yea Forums?
Genesis version is better
I remember GIR's voice being completely different from the show in Toybots, at least in the DS version. Like, it seemed like it was placeholder dialogue with how out of place it was.
Dunno, about DS, but it was the same VA on the console versions
at 0:42
I remember getting this when I was like 6 because it had a cool cowboy on it, didn't even know Lucky Luke was a damn near 50 year old property at the time. I recall it having a lot of gameplay variety but I never finished it and im not sure if it even holds up.
It was a decent descended game as far as I recall and it really felt like you were playing an episode of the show. If I had to take one thing away from this it would be this sick jam that always stuck with me.
I used to love this game.
Plucky > Furball > Buster > Dizzy
Does Americans even care about Lucky Luke, Spirou, Asterix etc..
I wish I could find fucking footage of Reggie failing that level
Some care about Asterix. Only diehards know the rest
Almost everything posted here is zoomer material.
That is because it takes a special neuron to be good at making PC stuff.