So what Yea Forumsgirl does your gf resemble the most?
So what Yea Forumsgirl does your gf resemble the most?
Hahahaah, most people on here have never had a girl-friend, never will have a girl-friend. Have never even been on a date, never felt a woman's tender touch.
We just had this thread yesterday.
Anyways, I can't think of the Yea Forums character with the closest resemblance to my wife but I guess I'll say Mabel Pines.
Meanwhile, she says I look like MCU Carol Danvers.
My gf is a Yea Forums girl so her.
Post pic.
As of last month, now my fiancé :)
She looks almost exactly like her, just very slightly chubbier and less busty
Pic related because living breathing sentient anthropomorphic animal people don't exist in the same vein of me having an actual romantic relationship.
I really wanna have a legit one but I'm too much of a pussy I need help
>No Replies because it hurts too much
already answered this last week:
20 lbs+Korra
Getting a girlfriend is easy, it's just a matter of working out and putting yourself out there and keeping your powerlevel to a minimum
My ex kind of looked like Evelyn from Incredibles 2
How dare you remind me I'm lonely
>tfw your gf resembles a girl that turns invisible
But a bit shorter.
I wonder if it's a fairly recent phenomenon, or if there were always weird omega males in every epoch (and we only know about them know because inernet)
Yea Forums isn't your secret club user, most people on this site are normies now.
You guys are dating models?
Get ready for a lot of the shittiest muh relateable characters, some from webcomics, and black girls.
To me she’s a supermodel
mine's pretty enough but overweight
I was there last thread, but Connelly + rounder face and nose
Wrong reply fuc
my bf says I'm most like Entrapta
Thanks for the normie advice, normie
Big Bertha from Great Lakes Avengers.
Velma but little short
I'm starting to wonder you're secretly trying to poll how many people here have some form of social life.
Anyway, guy with the brunette Empowered look-a-like. I keep forgetting to mention her lips are thinner too, but I suppose that's a given considering the art style.
is 19
still looks like 12
Post pics of gf
If I dated korra i would just have a boner sticking out of my pants 24 hours 7 days a week
yeah, sure. Like it's easy for EVERYONE regardless of extra variables on top of that.
>putting yourself out there
what does this actually mean?
stand outside of your front door
Pulling out your cock and casually swinging it in circles as you walk down the street
Non meme answer is actively finding potential dates at interest groups, meetups or even work and trying to establish relationships with them
My wife is 30 but she looks 8.
My gf looks like a slightly bustier version of blake belladona. I thank the lord for every second that she fucks me like an animal
>sensible bedtime when you leave the workplace at 11
What if you are balding, really ugly and have a small tiny deformed penis and havent had any friend for 11 years and graduated from a special needs school?
asking for a friend
age? If you're 30 it's over, if not you got time and need to lower your standards.
So that's how heroin addicts and wife beaters get laid.
i just turned 30 and i have zero standards
Asami is more of the model type. Korra isn't ugly by any measure, but she's definitely not the prettiest. I used to date a girl just like Korra. She was a sex fiend, a gym rat, and a volatile cunt that couldn't accept criticism.
What do you look like user? Are you deformed or severely autistic, something has to be the reason behind you becoming a wizard
Also even mentally challenged ugly people get laid so stop using that as an excuse
She's shorter than a Cali teenager but the color and hair and gains all fit the bill. She even used to play as Alex while her white friends played Sam and Clover.
Thread got nuked five minutes after I shared mine yesterday
>shy weeb teenage chel
>thicc mexican kamala
Either works fine
Shorter hair obviously, but godlike feet
She is plump and adorable and I love her
Do you enjoy watching us suffer OP?
>Yea Forums doesn't date asian girls
what's up with that? every other board does
They’re hard to find in my area, simply put.
Some of them had better chances getting a wife whose father was a friend of their fathers.
Others died in war or joined the clergy.
Would rather have a waifu than roastie to be honest. To put up with another person who won't put up with your bullshit sounds like a pretty situation especially if she wants to start a family.
She's got Kim Possible's weird cone tits
Not Yea Forums but mine looks like a thicc version of Mercy from Overwatch. The big ass is to die for.
>most people on here have never had a girl-friend, never will have a girl-friend. Have never even been on a date, never felt a woman's tender touch.
Im perfectly fine with that
>what does this actually mean?
Not being ugly and/or poor
Sue Storm
First get money, then you get the bitches.
That's the only life advice you need.
This one.
Pretty much, brother
She fucks dogs?
She does not, but she tried to get her dog to lick her snatch when she was like 11 or something
Sounds like something Mabel Pines would do
She's a whole seven inches taller than me
I'm not gay, user.
Here you go, OP
my gf is the cutest
Im not really in the mood to give a jokey "haha just kill yourself" responce so here is my best advice.
Be nice to people. Real Friends dont give a shit about a tiny deformed penis or an ugly face if its attached to a great person.
Also most women dont care about balding it happens to most guys.
I havent had any friends for 11 years now.
I don't have any friends
I just drop them like they dropped me haha
In appearance or personality?
Couldve sworn we had this thread 2 days ago. Anyhow, here’s my bundle of stress again
>gf looks
Found the underage. Leave my little sister alone you zoomer fuck
Sexy hair desu
Im jelly
I hate myself for being sexually attracted
to the artist
Are you the cousin fucker?
Not really a huge fan of this show, and don't have gf at the moment, but the girl I dated for a couple years kinda looks like Connie from SU (when she's not wearing glasses, and has long hair.)
>normalfag bunker thread
I hate every single one of you, get out of my board
>couple of years
Shiet. You have me beat in longevity. What happened? You just gave me an idea for a thread btw
What if she’s Yea Forums?
Not every relationship is perfect and prissy. There’s usually some sort of compromise, whether it be distance or incomparable schedules.
Just lost interest and met another dude. Women be like that sometimes.
My wife.
Hair's not quite as red. More an auburn.
Should have been the first reply. Fucking normies.
I’m sorry, user. Can’t say that hasn’t happened to me before . By chance did she try keeping you around as a “friend”?
You made it. Why come here still?
Other way around actually. After I finally accepted it, I was hoping we could still be friends, but I guess she thought'd it'd be too akward.
Women don't date retards.
I feel like I'm getting pretty close though.
Yeah, i'm pretty sure OP is being doing this one for a while, maybe he wants to know how many of us have relationships?
Anyway, again similar in both looks and personality, we started as friends that constantly fight and make snarky comments until one day i ask her out, relationships with you friends are best, i love her and we can do stuff we like together
It's a double edge sword.
She's your in law cousin?
Shut up. Shut up! SHUT UP!
So how did it happen, do people in your family approve or thinks is weird?
Femanon here and I literally met my partner through a general we both regs at in 2013. He posted "tfw no waifu" and then I offered to be his waifu, we exchanged contact details and the rest is history.
This is the only pure post in this thread.
tfw no brown gf
living the dream user
Did you find out he was the user with the shit taste?
Except thicker and dresses slightly more edgy
Probably that fat midget from SU
Rich girl with big tits and a goofy face
Is your girlfriend round-faced and doe-eyed? Because that sounds cute.
That’s unfortunate. Well, you could always try finding one in this hellhole. I probably will if the current one doesn’t work out.
>Long distance lol
Because of what I do for work, any ‘ship I get myself into is a LDR by default
Im on a similar boat. My ideal wife would be my “best man” as well. But there had always been some sort of complication. Hopefully you’ll have better luck. You seem to have something decent.
She has jaundice?
I look like Honey Lemon but with Gogo's body. Eyes are blue though.
Susan Storm
whichever Yea Forumsgirl is a short ginger with a nice thicc ass
unironically pic related
>Just get a great career bro!
>Healthy eating
I can't cook and healthy food is expensive. I would like to learn, but I don't have the time or the skill.
>Fulfilling career
I don't hate my job, I even like it, but I didn't choose it. It's a safe job and pays good, but I will always have present that I couldn't be what I always wanted. That's something I can't change.
>Active romantic and social life
No time to go out. My work takes like 90% of my time.
>Drinking lots of water
I do that. I try to not drink sodas and I don't drink alcohol.
>Regular exercise
I used to and I liked it, but I have no time for that now.
>Responsible financial planning
I do that.
>Sensible bedtime
I work at night and I live in a different city. I have 9 hours shifts, then a 3 hours trip home, then I sleep a few hours in the morning and I wake up to get ready for another 3 hours trip and to work again.
>do more than forgive: forget
That one sounds a bit much.