The Amazon Rainforest is literally burning to the ground as we speak...

The Amazon Rainforest is literally burning to the ground as we speak, and all you care about is what multimedia conglomerate is allowed to film a boy in spider tights?

Gaia was wrong, she shouldn't have trusted that humans would come to their senses. You are not the cure, you are the disease.

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based planeteer chad

Gasp...Teh real villians is man??? What a revelation!

What the fuck you want us do about it, man? Start another Kony2012?

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Put some respect on his name

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Hey, I hate humanity, you're dead on.
People retarded to the point they'd rather bitch about a cartoon spider boy than care for the planet.

Because its Brazil, they would have deforrested the place anyways.

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What's the planet ever done for me? Every time I go outside it's either too hot or too cold and there's fucking insects up in my grill. How about you and your grass and leaves and weird smells fuck off already.

Your ignorance is astounding. How are you not dead already?

The only thing that's really astounding is the average age of posters on Yea Forums. Nuke this board of underage faggots.

Lol get fucked. The planet has been trying to kill us all since day 1. Everything good we have in the world we got because we bent the planet to our whim.

So what happens when we bend it so far it breaks?

In what way?

For something called the RAINforest it sure seems easy to burn

Massive ecological collapse

Rising sea levels means mass migration, means less space for food production, means strife and inevitably warfare for what remains.

Forrest fires become uncontrollable because the initial fire preps the surrounding area removing the moisture in the area. Thus making it easier for it to continue to grow.

Once that happens shit gets crazy and fast.

When Notre Dame burned down people from all over the world were in crushed. They raised billions of dollars in the space of a week to help with the restoration

Considering that a much larger, much more ecologically important piece of the planet is currently on fire, some kind of mass public response would be nice.

It's not close to them or directly tied to human history, so it's far easier to ignore. A lot of people influential in preventing further ecological collapse are the ones who will be long dead before they feel the effects, so it's not a pressing concern. It's far easier to contextualize a problem when it's right on your doorstep, not a thousand miles away in the relative middle of nowhere.

The problem will solve itself eventually.

Possibly through our deaths

It will only be solved with our deaths.
Thankfully that isn’t a question of “possibility” anymore

>The Amazon Rainforest is literally burning to the ground as we speak

Well then what the fuck are you doing here, asshole?

Mass culling of humanity by the inevitable massive ecological collapse, hopefully, that's if we don't kill ourselves trying to keep what's still around, which will pretty much guarantee that there will be nothing of us left by that point as we grind each other to a nub.

I'll be dead by then, get fucked next-next generation. At the rate society's going they'll all be suicidal trannies with minimum 92 mental disorders anyway

I never said I cared. It’s their decision to come up with an answer on. Both sides do have legitimate claim.

In all fairness Brazil was sitting on this. It's like barely broke in the news.

Can’t farm (you)s in the middle of nowhere

Yeah I heard about this and we are fucked

He’s a planeteer. You can be one too!

I'm fine with CP saying fuck it and becoming a god of disaster and destruction. The rain forest is burning due to shit humans in the area not giving a fuck.
>No government wants to make a statement because it will be viewed as negative
>Brazil is a shithole. Good luck in them ever saying anything until after the rain forest is gone.
Kill them all Cap' and let whatever god they worship sort through the bodies.
>EARTH to crush
>FIRE to incinerate
>WIND to pummel
>WATER to drown
>HEART for cry of the rain forest

Who is to say this fire was not made on purpose so Brazil could reforested it faster.

Surely it's not a coincidence that the current Brazilian administration actively discourages any sort of conservation of the rain forest, and both actively and tacitly supports any efforts that help in clearing it out. It pretty much showed up on all of my newsfeeds, it just isn't being covered with as much urgency as it should.

I hope you have a long long life and that you get to be a very lucid old man.

Nah. The real villain? The whole time?


>they raised billions

it was a tax game for rich fucks, french will be forced to pay via taxes

Was it ever found out who burned it down?
I heard there were a bunch of church burnings recently.

>Forgotten tribe that went extinct in the rain forest is rediscovered due to the fires
>Ancient evil is unsealed
>Has the same color scheme as Captain Planet, but hates humans
>YFW it discovers the cartoon and blasts the theme song while killing everyone

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It was a French worker who left a cigarette burning on the scaffolding.

wtf i thought brazilians said their president was based?!


There you go.

You'll only be dead before then if you use the escape plan.

Oil and grime!
Poison sludge!

That’s like what Zarm was, a former Earth spirit who decided to just revel in destruction

Hey Captain Planet, in your themesong, what comes after Kwame yells "EARTH"? It was probably that fucking dipshit WHEELER who started the blaze. Get Gi to put it out.

Them barnacleheads be having me workers take an unexcused day off!

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>world gets hotter
>water levels rise
>octopi populations are booming
We’re just doing our job to pave the way for earths next sapiens

Big facts right there. God isn’t dead, he just left us in this mess we made.

Yes that's what happened

Yeah but now we're going to get killed more. Not less. Bending the planet to our will this time around is basically going to be a terraforming effort.

>water levels rise
>octopi populations are booming
>squid populations will boom too no doubt
holy shit
Nintendo was trying to warn us, right?

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>and all you care about is what multimedia conglomerate is allowed to film a boy in spider tights?
>Implying I'm not multitabbing

Get a better computer so you can bitch about that and a pedophile getting off scott free. Yes another one. Oh and also Germany is gonna get fucked by Brexit too apparently. And there's a swastika ride.

You pretty much never run out of things saying we're fucked in so many ways.

Eventually is a window through which you could sail a ship.

>caring about a planet thats about to die anyway

Jokes on you, generations of medical research will extend your petty life.

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Defeatism is cowardice without self-awareness.

What was that one comic about immortality being invented, and billionaires suddenly care about preserving the environment

New planet.

Good hopefully we can get a hard reset
More space rocks crashing into us is also great

We put it back together with a bandage and say everything is ok

Nah. Just always vote the Rent is too damn High Party

Brazil doesn't want our help.

Right-wing politicians don't want to save the environment in any country, not just Brazil. That would cut into profits.

So, the only living organisms will be humans, and organisms easily controlled by us? That doesn't sound half bad.

>the only living organisms will be humans, and organisms easily controlled by us

There will definitely be organisms, but highly doubtful they'll be humanoid, much less humans.

You’re right, we should save the rainforest to make more comics

We'll survive literally anything, unlike other species, we have this thing called 'technology'.

It's the best answer they have, anything else is completely baseless.

no you idiot,the human race is already doomed,and we are taking everyone on this planet with us

Except the stuff evolving to survive these current conditions. Stuff that reproduces more quickly, allowing for higher opportunities for beneficial mutation such as increased intelligence.

Like octopi.

>octopi easily adapt to land and begin to evolve
I can see that shit happening.

>Causing the sixth mass extinction is okay because octopuses will fare well
Rope yourself

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It’s not “okay” for us.
But it is great for them. And some species of fungus and bugs, and jellyfish.
Shits relative.

honestly this planet is better off without humans,we are as good as virus and mosquitoes,too bad the damage we made is already too much,but i suppose some thousand of years can sort of fix some of the things



>the human race is already doomed
I call bullshit.

I for one welcome our new tentacular waifu overlords.

So when Gaia gonna go “fuck it” and unleash the apocalypse? Shit there no shortage of ways it can kill us

Slow and painful seems to be her method of choice


We have no way to save the species, man.
Big corporations are the ones killing everything and we have no actual agency.
We're fucked.

I'm really curious to hear what you think I, an American with no firefighting experience, am supposed to about a forest fire in Brazil that the Brazilian government has no interest in putting out.

The moon is black and white for a reason.

Pollution and environmental collapse are a self correcting problem. Let it run it's course.

Trips of Truth. This planet is a shithole


and if im not mistaken,amazon forest is unrepairable once burnt,so rip

It pisses me off so much. No one in power wants to do anything about the megacorps and the majority mindlessly buy their products.

If I can could save the rainforest single handedly I would. But what can one person do? It seems hopeless.

Fire vs Life

If this was in your own country, and was a normal forest fire, then you could hypothetically drive down to the area and volunteer.
But this is in Brazil, and the fires were started on purpose to clear more land for cattle ranching.

>When Notre Dame burned down people from all over the world were in crushed.
Notre Dame is in a white(ish) country.

What do I have to do with brown people shitting all over their area?

Apparently thousands of tons of orange peels can fix damage after twenty years, if you’re motivated enough to fly down there I guess

Joke's on you, nobody can afford that shit.

>But this is in Brazil, and the fires were started on purpose to clear more land for cattle ranching.
So should I become vegetarian, or just give up beef specifically?

well shit i cant eat that many oranges

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Here's a fun fact... Norway and I think France used to send money to protect the rainforest. The new government was studying OTHER ways to use that money because "fuck nature, I like farmers and "progress"". So they told the government to eat a dick instead.

This. The government agency monitoring devastation showed some data that there was a lot more devastation happening in recent months, and the president got pissy that they didn't run it through him first to divulge what he wanted.

>reforested it faster
Not in the program.

>that is not dead which can eternal lie

People are saying the fires were likely started on purpose, now. For land-clearing/farming.

You could buy a cow directly from small local ranchers and split the meat with your family/friends

Need a comic about an environmentalist superhero depopulating brazil/destroying all international merchant vessels to save the rainforest

How will that help? Buying cows == profitable cows. Profitable cows == more cows. More cows == more land for cows. More land for cows == burning down the fucking Amazon.

>Norway funded rainforest protection
I believe that. Every Norwegian I’ve ever met would probably take a bullet for a tree if given the opportunity. They’ve got more pictures of flowers in their phone than people.
Cool folks, little intense though.

Fuck you, it’s possible to care about both things at once or neither

They seem too good for this world. No wonder they're too soft on criminals, they probably have a problem understanding evil.

Cows actually have their place on earth, in grasslands like in the Midwest. So if you know where your meat is sourced from, and who is raising it, you’re not supporting big businesses in the rainforest, you’re supporting small farmers in areas that actually benefit from and have evolved for centuries to support grazing mammals.

I dunno, I saw Midsomer. Wouldn’t want to fuck with those guys.

Wouldn't be surprising. After orange babby man started his little commercial war with China, they stopped importing s0i from the US and started importing it from Brasil, much to his dismay.

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Gritty reboot of Captain Planet by DC when?

Jokes on you I can’t afford products so all I can do is stew in existential dread while pretending to work