There, i fixed she ra
There, i fixed she ra
Other urls found in this thread:
She still has her little Chihiro Penis right?
Now she needs muscles
Unironically thanks You got any more?
Here ya go
Have sex.
Put out first
God they can force the most SJW shit on you if your sex-deprived ass sees some shitty tits
There, I fixed She-Ra.
Now give her dong
It's not even the lack of tits, honest.
It's the hairline, especially around the ears. That's a male cut, not a female one.
Had the character designer known anything about differences between men and women's hair, a whole lot of this wouldn't be an issue.
Pretty sure they know and it was intentional, they want everyone to be butch.
Boobs don't fix everything
>boo hoo hoo i can't masturbate to cartoons for children
First socialize and adjust to that, then go on a date
Go be a prudefag somewhere else
here, I ruined He-Man.
Hes going to fix it if anything
How can you look that scrawny at 198?
>switched to single-plant food diet (potatoes) then added more vegetables being a vegan
We're fucked.
That's He-Man with boobs.
Why you do that is he not horrible enough¿
Shrink them by 10-20% because this is a younger iteration. Otherwise much better than what we got.
I am with this user though .
That looks god awful.
Take your meds /pol/
>facebook filename
You could bounce a penis off those meaty tits.
Literally perfect, this angers the dykes, and makes my penis large.
No, GTFO tumbler. girl.
Nah, that's sad womens' excuse for being obese. Glitter gets bonus points for being completely breastless too. She could jump up and down and shake less than a bottle of water despite morbid obesity. I'd rather have a scrawny girl than an eggplant.
That's doesnt look like a Facebook filename at all
You're used to seeing his head on a big fat body, and besides that how can you complain about something he had to do to save his life?
hi OP, still don't know how autocorrect works?
>how can you complain about something he had to do to save his life?
I can't. I can't complain about a person survive. I can bitch about full veganism though. But if he's alive alright.
not op and not an native english speaker either, way to arguing back sad boomer
I just wanted this. Was it too much to ask?
Now fix Entrapta
good lord, user, that's a child.
They're just different aesthetics. The design you posted wouldn't work as well for the story being told in the reboot.
I mean I'm not even asking for much. Just break up the colors a bit and shave down those clunk ass boots
A woman with wide hips and ass will at least survive the childbirth, you deluded fuck
Incredible how making a strong female character involves actually making her female.
The reboot is shit because not only do its aesthetics made by prudefags suck but also its doughy soifiied story and shipbait garbage in place of action or excitement.
You just gave Hank Venture tits!
What about her butt?
These guys don't even care about Entrapta. Personally I want more Mermista and Scorpia.
I mean I just wanted the planned She-Ra show that was a Spin Off of the 2002 He-man. Same Tone and Art Style. When I heard a new show was coming i was thinking it would be similar. I was wrong and now I'm sad.
Who said anything about children, mon Ami?
I'd even take this over this current one.
Here, I fixed Tung-Lashor
Here, better fix. More Anime Magic Girl than NuRa
Fuck, I forgot the pic.
It's what is truly desirable in a female. Their capability of bearing children.
truly the epitome of "strong female character"
kudos, m8
You first
Imagine being this much of a faggot
Better Fix
He has a fuck awful track record with traditionally masculine comic characters and is full on ass kisser for the queer agenda and feminist power borkers.
And the new Heman series isn't a Heman series. It's a series about Teela that is using the Heman name as a way to lure ignorant Heman fans and women and "men" who're hoping for a more traditional Shera to be shown or at least hinted at existing in another medium.
To be honest, I'd have liked the 2002 series to be brought back and changed up a bit.
Not a rape of the original or a queer agenda backed by dreamworks ruinization of something that a lot of women grew up watching.
Make her show a little bra.
Is this what women do all day?
No, you faggotized him you bara fuck
Any edits that remove the shadow thing that is between her eyes on the bridge of her nose? Something about that shading in the show for most of the characters bothers me so much.
It's really hard to take you seriously when you portray people you believe to have a mental illness as grotesque monsters. Kinda makes you seem disingenuous.
Imagine the smell of melon boob sweat.
I didnt think kevin smith was a social justice nut, also i belive all this teela shit is over blown
here's your ideal girl, bro
I would love a continuation of the 2002 show than this "anime" we're getting.
That's actually fucked up.
Instead of lionizing what makes women strong, they spit on what makes women women and try to gaslight them into being self hating pansexual transexuals and hating heteronormative traditional men.
Wouldn't have worked either.
Bit too masculine.
Remember, this is for normie females who're into princesses and simple utilitarian stuff. That suit that Shera is wearing looks heavy as fuck and hyper masculine.
A normal woman, hell a female soldier or world class athlete would get tired just from looking at that get up.
There's a reason that women try to wear the tightest lightest yet most utilitarian stuff and keep extra stuff in things that can be dropped like purses.
In what way?
Never gonna happen. All the complaining by a small number of fans has done nothing but make the 2002 series toxic by association. If you'd just been cool about it and tried to introduce more people to that version of the show maybe you could have gotten some good will and influenced the fandom, but by constantly creating in-fighting between yourself, the new show and the classic show you've isolated yourself and made your opinion tantamount to a political rant, which guarantees that your preferred interpretation won't gain traction.
Suppose it's a counter-balance to the agenda that is trying to make said mental illness seem normal and to even be encouraged.
If Nu-Ra looked like this there wouldn't be any problems
The first thing that popped into your head when you saw that was japanese gay porn?
can't fix perfection
>a thing that ruins my argument against the issue is a counter-balance to the issue
Are you retarded?
Why are you larping like someone who cares about how women are portrayed in media when all you want is jack off material? Why do you think people will believe you when you have the subtlety of a brick?
>all these men coming out of the woodwork to get upset about a show made for little girls
I genuinely don't get it. Outrage culture is a cult.
Different guy here. No I doubt even that would have happened. Wishful thinking.
If anything youre destroying any popularity you could get by spitting on the franchise in turn you absolute retard. Way to kill your audience sjw shitbag.
all it needs a plot and backstory
Oh he is.
He's not full on cray cray about it, but he knows where the money and power is.
He'll bend over for them.
Also, the teela stuff isn't overblown. This is EXACTLY what is happening.
No heman, no skeletor, not even a kringer. It's about Teela, starring teela all about teela.
Why it's called heman and not teela when it's starring teela and not heman?
A bait and switch.
I have not heard that there was any kind of fighting between the heman folks
What happened?
Why do you think he's being serious about this issue and why are even humoring him? You that bored?
I'm eating dinner this is just one of the tabs I had open, so yeah, pretty bored. Ah well, I'll go play Monster Hunter World soon enough.
He doesn't know, he's making shit up.
>Also, the teela stuff isn't overblown. This is EXACTLY what is happening.
>No heman, no skeletor, not even a kringer. It's about Teela, starring teela all about teela.
Dont believe it, he man will still be the main prt of the show
Just FYI, the reason there's no source is because it's a single, non-applicable, decades-old study. The drug used to cure schizophrenia was used on him because he had fucking schizophrenia, not because he was trans.
Fuck dude, eat first then electronic time.
oh yeah girls will go wild for that design, they dream of being a prostitute
Christ sake why are playing a prude
Why? I'm not eating buffalo wings here.
Buts its mostly going to be about Teela.
1.I can get jack off material anywhere. I can't get good female characters that I can like as characters, enjoy reading about, and even find myself looking up too every day.
Art imitates life.
I'll let you figure out what that means.
2.Thinking that the only thing a woman has to be is fuckmeat to be liked is what loser women and men who hate women think.
3.You're right. I as a man should have no sway over what women do with their characters.
So all of the women who are into this and want this to happen should get together and oh that's right.
Nu-ra was a massive dumpster fire behind the scenes and they had to hire a heteronormative ebul man to come in and fix things.
Tell you what. You cunts either fix your goddamned shit or stop fucking up our shit. Take your fucking captain marvel, all female soldiers from black panther, bitchy 4/10 cunt in place of hot fun redhead mj, and the rest of your goddamned nonsense and build your own fucking comic book fantasy properties.
We'll replace you with hot 20/10100% heterosexual affable women for every male taste who only stand around half naked and occasionally do an action scene where they get flexible and shooty and say something funny or hot. BUHUH MEN WONT LIKE IT
You think men won't like that?
You think men like bitchy middle aged chicks who spit on the entire male cast and take up valuable time where men can be punching smashing and having adventures while not being hot or entertaining?
The new show created an audience that never cared about the franchise before, and you have wasted your opportunity by isolating yourself from that audience.
Only idiots cling to one specific interpretation of a franchise and violently reject new ideas, these people represent a very small subset of an audience that can be safely ignored if you're trying to make money. Hell, I bet they still buy the toys and shit that get made for them anyway, so who cares what they say online?
how long until OP tries to derail the shitposting thread he made?
>1.I can get jack off material anywhere. I can't get good female characters that I can like as characters, enjoy reading about, and even find myself looking up too every day.
You need women to look a certain way for you to look up to them? Thanks for making me roll my eyes while eating, my man.
if generic bimbos who scream during action scenes and whine were what the public wanted then corporations, which are designed to make money, would put them in movies
How can you derail a shitpost thread?
>The new show created an audience that never cared about the franchise before
The few non fan dykes on tumblr hardly constitute an audience, this show disrespects and insults motu and because of that will never be accepted by anyone but a small minority of tumblr lesbians.
Sorry, I guess we were raised differently. Dinner time is family for me. You dont go playing outside or being on Electronics unless you finish your food.
So why are all modern Yea Forums females either androgynous or pear shaped?
I don't live with my family. I would prefer not to eat in silence, and usually I end up reading while eating. I've got a nice MST3K episode going right now too.
Because sexyness is a sin apparently
The skirt/legs area needs a bit of work. It looks like she doesn't have hips or a butt but besides that it looks fine.
user, it's a Teela series. Not a Heman series.
I'm not making a damned thing up.
Dude, He man is missing.
Skeletor is missing.
The fucking show is litterally starring Teela.
It is about her finding the fucking sword of power and is all about her probably finding out that her mom is the sorceress of castle greyskull.
That's the fucking series
At best Heman might show up at the end
Why do this rather then a continuation of the 2002 series, and building a bridge between them and the original series by changing the sword of power into the more traditional one I'll never know.
Can even bring in Shera as the princess of a distant land not a distant world.
Easy money and fixed a few fuckups in the original.
>Nu-ra was a massive dumpster fire behind the scenes and they had to hire a heteronormative ebul man to come in and fix things.
What a convenient detail that happens to both serve your position and be impossible to prove. Fascinating.
>Dude, He man is missing.
>Skeletor is missing.
We dont know that
Aren't you guys jacking off to the FOTM big titted witch from Twelve Forever?
Figured so. Sorry again, family man in me seem to jump out time to time
No apologies necessary user
don't mind if I do
MST3K is overrated garbage that delivers a good joke only once in 20 minutes on average, these 20 minutes being a garbage boring film. The one good thing about it is that it inspired some good current riffers and reviewers.
Its really odd. Fans of NuRa are very scared that this new anime will somehow over shadow their little show. As if it'll be wiped off them map or something and invalidate all the "Female characters".
I mean, I don't understand this line of thinking. The show has its audience it draws upon, the people interested in this new anime are most likely not interested in watching NuRa and the People watching NuRa is most likely not gonna be interested in watching the anime.
I never said the women I respect had to look a certain way.
I said they had to act a certain way and have a certain personality.
You are the one who made that distinction.
If I wanted something to beat off to or think about while I'm plowing a fugster then I'll think of a hot piece of ass who may or may not have a good personality or character.
You have no idea how men think and have been brainwashed your entire life.
A woman can be hot as fuck and have a good character and be respectable.
Who says she can't?
They can and do. Problem is that ugly chicks and queers bitch about it and corps think that they can push average bitches and obvious lesbians and chicks who're there because of neopotism that they can have all of the men pretend are hot and run with it.
And for the most part. It's failed miserably.
No one cares for nearly any of the women in marvel save for like...fucking black widow, gamora to a lesser extent, and the chick who played hel has that whole god I need ot hatefuck her into a coma sleezy kind of hotness going for her.
Oh and the big tittied jewess and sif are both spankmeat...and...yeah that's it.
The rest of the chicks are all beyond average looking and have ridiculous undo importance at the expense of any male that can be shown.
Look at what happened with cap marvel. She's full gurl powah middle aged battle axe with "I have to speak to the manager"/dyke hair.
EVERYONE including the female fans hated that shit.
The "strong female character" is not liked by men and brings nothing to the table in male properties and have been proven to weaken any male aimed property they are put into.
Men went from thinking of them as fun little side things and likeable to an annoyance that has the ability to drive men away, women went from liking them to groaning internally and smiling and weakly saying "yo go gurl" so they won't be assaulted by the creeper feminists and katy pery/ruby rose tier rapey lezbos.
>MST3K is overrated garbage
Thanks for sharing your trash opinion, kiddo.
Porn stars gonna porn star
>Buts its mostly
Except for the fact that it's outright stated in the outline of the series that is shown on multiple sites?
He man is nowhere to be found.
Teela is the lead
That's how it is.
Dont believe it, he man will be in his own show
Based as fuck
I've really only seen people bitching about Teela, and new She Ra fans wanting a shared universe so they could get Skeletor and He Man to show up in their show.
>from the owner of a 2.5MB 320X240 7 second gif
That just sounds sad. Also the only reason you like that show is because you've tricked yourself into thinking the characters on it are your friends.
Oh, you put gold on the skirt, I have been thinking about this a lot. Just a quick one to put it down to see how it looks. In general I thought the design could use more contrast, even just on the margins. Often times the show looks very flat and have inconsistent color designs. Although I don't have netflix so I only saw a bit of clips here and there. Some of them isn't so bad in my impressions.
How do you know what a facebook filename looks like, user?
>That just sounds sad.
I think what you're hearing is your own nasally breathing, you contrarian child.
Anyways MHW beckons. Hope you grow up someday, user.
Oh it's there and it's odd to see the insecurity.
Why do the fans of NuRa want them in?
Because feminism used to be about empowering women. Now people who think they're "feminists" believe it means taking things away from men. Either that or the lesbians are drawing them that way because they're attracted to little boys and not women.
Make his chest wider, arms more muscular and maybe add a bigger bulge and you have one hell of a hunk.
Why does He-man and She-Ra have to wear pants?
I want He-Man and Skeletor to appear in the new She-Ra, but the story has distanced itself enough to not rely on the MOTU side of the franchise ex. Adora came through a portal that Hordak opened, he never went to Eternia.
imagine that, She-Ra reinvented herself to not have to rely on nostalgia, unlike fucking He-Man. it's embarassing, really.
why does she have antlers.
>imagine that, She-Ra reinvented herself to not have to rely on nostalgia
It relies on people having exceptionally low standards as long as it tickles the virtue signalling centre of their brain.
Because I think they are badass.
or course underage wouldn't know facebook.
Also, I've seen comments of Nu-Ra fans wanting but not wanting He-man in the show cause again it might overshadow Nu-Ra
That's mainly why I think He-Man shouldn't appear. No matter what, nobody is going to be happy with his inclusion.
is this something else that you can't prove
I dont like screen shooting from Twitter. People seem to get upset about that. But it's there. One guy just wants Adam to be a teasing gay boy to his sister
Towards the end and occasionally as a side character while teelah is the main lead.
Dude, It's Netflix.
What do you think is going to happen.
Let's be honest here.
I WANT shows with diverse casts and everyone getting along and having fun. But not at the cost of making a good program and having everyone treated like creepy pawns and checkmarks.
You're accepted, so long as you don't actually have a personality and how you are different doesn't impact anything.
and I guess the opposite of that is He-Man getting a new show that's not even about him. very telling.
God damn right you did!
you mean the mods won't like that.
user, feminism has always been pro women and anti men, anti children, and heavily pro lesbian. And pro dog and horse fucking. Also in bed with NAMBLA.
Would you be ok with the show if they just created new characters to fill in for Adam a Skeletor? I mean they can create their own brother for Adora, Adam but all in name and look, you'll get the brother and sister dynamic too. I mean just going to change Adam anyway so why not?
I guess. But yeah, the fans I've seen are weirdly worried about this anime
For me it's the shoulders to waist to hips ratio. It's such a masculine body shape, and simply bolting some tits to it doesn't change that at all. OP gave her a much more feminine build, and having a female body shape goes a long way towards making her actually look like a female and not a low-effort tranny.
Flat chested girls still look like girls, but netflix She-Ra with those linebacker shoulders and no hips looks like a confused boy with long hair.
Why even attempt to bring in a heman and skeletor proxy?
It does nothing for this version of shera.
If anything it's an admission that what they've created isn't landing and they NEED to men that grew up watching heman and the girls who grew up shlicking to heman to tune in.
Just stay the course. They can continue to do their thing and ignore heman as much as possible. Even pretend that heman and skeletor doesn't exist.
Isn't the story already completely different from the original show? Why is it so hard to accept it as an alternate universe?
>Would you be ok with the show if they just created new characters to fill in for Adam a Skeletor?
no. Adora is Adam's sister, everyone knows that, Noelle knows that. the only people who don't care are the legal chucklefucks.
> I mean just going to change Adam anyway so why not?
what change? Adam has always been a young boy that turns into a ripped dude. if you actually knew how fucking anal the MOTU fanbase is about not following canon then you'd understand why they would never accept Adam and Adora not being siblings.
Yet why do NuRa fans want this crossover? I mean, a good majority hasn't even watch any version of He-man.
The weirdest thing about this spiel is the assertion that Captain Marvel is middle aged. Brie's 29 and was younger when they filmed her movie. Most of the MCU big dogs are in their 30s and 40s. Her supposed dyke haircut looks a lot better than her long hair and she's nowhere near a shrill Karen. She's the only female character to behave warmly with children and her interactions with her castmates are pretty friendly.
She's utterly bland but you've mischaracterized her badly. Marvel is obviously playing her up to be a 'strong woman' with a soft streak.
It's because they know that the fans of the original and the 2002 version will swarm to it.
That if it's good little boys will watch it and little girls will get into it because little boys are into it and they will find themselves liking the men and boys in it.
Nu-ra people are terrified of this taking off because it's did nothing but land with a thud with the original likers of it, and has no real love from the kids or normies.
It's kept afloat because of it's carebare type fo everyone can get along and here's some hardcore homosexual gaslighting thing,.
Maybe it's the subsection that have watched the original (yes, those exists).
As a person who isn't foaming at the mouth over the character designs not all being ideal, though some are fucking great, thanks to some of the staff's personal feelings; I did enjoy the damned story thoroughly.
It's pretty much She-Ra In Name only. It leans very heavily on the old stuff but a lot of the characters are so heavily changed. They go from irrelevant to key characters, and favorite characters to fuck go away, worst thing ever to sympathetic etc.
You don't get good storytelling with Filmco. This was a good series even if it wasn't the same characters and some sucked ass.
But NuRa isnt for any old fans so why even care? Non of the out cry from the community has ever change the show.
Adam from the original was much different from his brash and vain ( a mask over a well meaning heart ) self from the 2002. I dont think he'll be the same.
Want an agressive dominant male figure to force heteronormative sexuality down their throat(figuratively and litterally)and make shera and gthe entire world look hyper feminine in comparison.
And lets be honest, normie women and even lesbians gets antsy if there isn't a masculine and rapey male who they know will or are scare of fucking their brains out. Why do you think the /u/ chicks leave /u/ so much and turn Yea Forums into a creepy as fuck anime themed lilith fair everyonce in a while?
Also, they want normies to accept them. Figuring out how to create a heman that they can accept while using the series art style an sensibilities seems like something they'd want.'s more likely the show runners wanting to bring him in to legitimize the series so it will stay on.
A small majority. They dont mean much.
They symbolize cuckqueans
Nothing in your post is true and you read like you're running interference for the character. user, no one espescially women like captain marvel.
If they're a majority they mean a lot.
Adora is already confirmed to be from Eternia and She-Ra to be a hero of the First Ones (Eternians).
Sorry, Minority. They're a Minority and they dont mean a lot.
But just out of curiosity, what do you want out of the crossover?
Holy shit
>Yet why do NuRa fans want this crossover?
because it's correct to want that?
You dont need He-man to be on the planet. They can King Randor and the queen though.
They can use him. So it's best to make brand new characters. They dont have to be in his shadow.
user I hate to be the bearer of bad news but normies mindlessly eat up Captain Marvel. I think she's boring but I've seen too much goodwill towards her first hand to think my opinion of her is mainstream.
I want to commission an art piece where 80s and 2002 Hordak beat the shit out of this one JoJo style and have Skeletor join in the next panel.
I don't actually want a crossover, but I just want to see more Adam.
I'm retarded unfortunately.
They can just make a brother for him. The man is a blank slate anyway.
>these people represent a very small subset of an audience that can be safely ignored if you're trying to make money
Like Star Wars! Wow, those idiots sure were wasting their opportunity by turning down the new interpretation by a new studio, now Star Wars toys are selling like hotcakes and the movie which brought a 'new idea' to Luke Skywalker did NOT have the largest weekend drop in movie history. It didn't happen, and it didn't have the worst audience retention of any star wars anything at that point. Who cares what they say online? They'll buy it anyway!
Mattel is doing the dumb thing appealing to the fans of the original with their toyline, clearly those guys would buy anything!
She-Ra still hasn't been renewed.
If this does happen what do you want from it?
There is not single person on this entire site or the entire internet who believes you user.
She can't sell shit and there was an article released not even a week ago that outright states that people hated her inclusion and every single moment she was on screen in endgame.
Feige made a losing bet, and this retarded "woke" stuff that is going on is attracting no one.
The geeks are turning their nose up at it and the normies hate it with a passion.
Not even the antiwoke controlled opposition can drum up fucks to give.
Look at how poorly SW is doing in the geekworld and with the normies.
The constant desperate IT ONLY GOT BAD WITH THE LAST JEDI EVERYONE LOVED TFA AND JJ IS A GENIUS THAT LAID OUT A GREAT STORY ROADMAP lie that disney is paying shills to spit out is falling flat on it's ass.
Why is her chin a point? I guess it could be trying for an anime thing but the problem is if you don't go whole hog it doesn't work.
The hate for the new star wars started with JJ's abomination. The people who say they liked it are usually just saying it to not sound contrarian and because they are paid.
The whole thing with Luke was written by Abrams but done by Rian. Who is being thrown under the bus
JJ was hired by Igor or whatever his name is to do what he did for star trek. Fuck my shit up.
i'm not telling you until you prove every falsehoods your're trying to peddle.
>Mattel is doing the dumb thing appealing to the fans of the original with their toyline
The OG toys being pushed so hard and selling out at comicon are pretty much the only reason I'm hoping that the Netflix show will be faithful at least in looks. They're pushing that look hard, it wouldn't make sense to go against brand. She-Ra's shitty toys are consistent with its shitty look.
>She-Ra still hasn't been renewed.
And it's not going to, Netflix laid off a shitton of its animation and kids programming execs and is low on money, Crazy-Bitch is pushing her graphic novel hard and not even mentioning the show anymore and several of the artists are now looking for work. It's dead.
Which ones? Cause you might be confusing me for the another user
I don't like the new Star Wars films, especially TLG, but it would have been idiotic for them to restrict themselves to the original trilogy for story ideas, characters, etc. Even if they did a really bad job executing it, they had the right idea trying to open up the franchise. Also, Disney's not producing shit for original fans right now, so I feel like you're not making the point you think you are. Are you saying if they had made Galaxy's Edge have Darth Vader and shit that OG fans wouldn't be beating Disneyland's doors down, simply out of protest?
They ordered 52 episodes way back in 2016, you fool. It's not like it can even be cancelled at this point. Most of the show is already made and paid.
Hopefully Netflix will hire someone who will give talented animators out there some work and even bring back old school stuff like Gi-Joe and Inhumanoids.
Even make a G rated furry thing like swatkats except not shit.
I liked SOME of netflix stuff, but they really had a bit too much required homosex in there for kids shows.
TLJ, fuck me.
user, if they wanted to do a new SW then they should have set it 300 years in the future and brought in Lucas, and EU writers and top SW geeks to help craft a series bible.
Or hell just create a massive LOTR tier book end to the series starring the old cast. A whole this is where the universe is now kind of thing and slowly brought in Disney's shit heels as parts of the new series and not the stars.
TFA upset fucking everyone and TLJ just shat on the corpse. They fucked everything up in the worst way possible for nickels.
They threw away fist fulls of hundred dollar bills for a few pennies.
>They ordered 52 episodes way back in 2016, you fool. It's not like it can even be cancelled at this point. Most of the show is already made and paid.
AND trending and with more seasons that the mess that was 2002 MOTU (which was good but misguided)
I still can't get over how She-Ra gets a proper reboot but all He-Man can muster is a continuation that he doesn't even get to star in.
Ha, dyke ra is an unpopular failure, nobody likes this woke garbage that spits in the face of its own franchise
>they should brought in SW geeks
very funny
>EU writers
even funnier
he sold the damn thing because he doesn't want anything more to do with it, just how dumb are you?
No, instead it relies on prudefag designs and coffee shop AU retardation, your reboot is a failure faggot
>but it would have been idiotic for them to restrict themselves to the original trilogy for story ideas, characters, etc.
Which they... did? The setting could have been hundreds of years after the original. You know, so that they didn't undo all the accomplishments of said original. But they really, really, really wanting the fans of the original to come back, and it worked! Fans were so excited to see Han and Luke again they made TFA the highest opening of all time and one of the highest of all time, over 2 billion baby! Then they were so excited to see Luke again they made TLJ the second highest grossing opening of all time! And then it did not come close to 2 billion.
> Also, Disney's not producing shit for original fans right now,
Boy is that a good financial choice, maybe they should have done that instead of putting Hasbro in the red over the toy sales?
>so I feel like you're not making the point you think you are.
Cause you're pretty slow, I got that from you liking She-Ra and wanting fans of the old show to praise this in some sort of gaslighting campaign instead of shitting on it as they should and did.
>. Are you saying if they had made Galaxy's Edge have Darth Vader and shit that OG fans wouldn't be beating Disneyland's doors down,
Will you speak english motherfucker because I have no idea if this is you justifying Galaxy's Edge flopping like everything else Star Wars since 2018 started or not.
>They ordered 52 episodes way back in 2016, you fool.
That's what cancelled means, dumbass.
>. It's not like it can even be cancelled at this point.
It obviously can.
>Most of the show is already made and paid.
Made? You don't know shit about how production works.
>thinking woke ra has a good story
Again, this appeals to people with exceptionally low standards
Nope, hes gonna be in the whole thing, this wont be another dyke ra
yeah you definitely watched it
They just need someone who can tell a fucking story. They've got the effects down pat, they can emulate 'Star Wars' perfectly except for the part where they structure a basic enjoyable plot. I expect executive meddling makes that impossible these days though.
just post your twitter screencaps so we can report them.
>Non of the out cry from the community has ever change the show.
It just ensured that none of the fans would ever watch it, thereby killing it preemptively through unpopularity.
>with more seasons that the mess that was 2002 MOTU
Not exactly hard to do when you split your 'season' into 1/4th a normal season now, is it? She-Ra still needs two more of these sort-of-seasons to surpass the 'mess' of 2002 MOTU. Which it'll totally get, that's why Netflix hasn't renewed it yet.
I think this is better suited for the argument at hand
EU writers kept this shit afloat.
SW geeks can gage how it would work with the geeks
Lucas's rubber stamp, even if he doesn't do anhything, will give the new series weight.
But I see what you mean.
JJ Abrams "brilliant" roadmap?
Look at how wonderfully it's doing with the star wars geeks and normies!!
I don't care for this show but that's just wrong just on the basis that Mattel is making toys for it now.
Don't bother. The level of cope this man is on is astounding.
Theyre going to shelf warm harder then the last jedis toys did, and ill be here sitting and laughing
No one likes dyke ra outside of twitter weirdos and buzzfeed journalists
I'm simply not interested in this show. No redesign will change that.
They told a fucking story in TFA and TLJ and the upcoming career and company destroying dumpster fire that is "the last skywalker"...
let's jsut get something out of the way.
the last skywalker is leia. kylo ren is an unbelievably incompetent bitchy ass faced cock sucker that no one likes(paid shills not withstandin) on any level except abslute fucking losers that even the other star wars fans thinks are fucking retards.
He is not end boss material, he can not be redeemed ever, he is not interesting on any level. NO ONE LIKES HIM.
And the entire fucking failure of a trilogy is about him.
This is going to be such an absolute disaster that..oh my god I have to see the fall out from this fuck up. I just can't wait.
>that Mattel is making toys for it now.
Like voltron? Boy that sure did show that the show was a huge hit and was not a catastrophic flop that was so bad they nixed production on all the toys after the second wave. Say, those toys launched around season 3 of the show too, didn't they! Why, they did, wikipedia says so. Huh, that's odd, they also didn't sell and the show was stretched out, chopped up, and then shoved out the remaining episodes in a janky ass season clump with budgetary cuts.
But surely that means it was a success, it got two toylines!
user, you can still see TFA toys on the shelves next to TLJ toys.
Nnothing brings home how badly disney and abrams and kennedy and rian fucked it all up then that.
I googled it real fast and most of the characters are sold out, so clearly not a shelf warming issue. But please, find another straw to grasp.
i think i'll just go watch the original he-man for the shits and giggles and wait for it too come out. dyke-rah fags can have fun having an aneurysm.
just like how Black Panther and Captain Marvel were going to flop, right?
>I googled it real fast and most of the characters are sold out,
Beg pardon? You mind sharing this thing you "Googled" really quick?
Sounds like they werent even stocked yet to begin with
Captain marvel did flop, disney bought up tickets to save their narrative
It's a Target exclusive, so I checked their site. All of them except for She Ra and Swift Wind are shown as sold out. Like I said, it was just a quick search.
We don't need to do hypothetical tenses for things that already happened. As in, we know that Voltron was a flop by the time of the toy's launch. We know it, it happened, but since we're gonna play that game...
>Just like Batman and Robin is going to be a flop, right?
You guys are such pathetic virgins
Low stock and if its an exclusive that means only target would carry it, its a guaranteed flop user
user, one of those series can sell t-shirts movies clothes and shwag. The other stars a character that is so hated that there are tons of anti captain marvel videos on youtube and there is an article stating that she's the most hated single thing in all of the mcu both in front fo and behind the cameras.
CM was disney buying their own tickets bro. I don't see disney buying her tickets a second time.
user the only way they can fix CM is go full Sentry with her and make it so that all of her movie is a poorly stitched together Memory implant by Xavier.
She's part of weapon X, she was given an infusion of tesseract energy and she basically burns to death screamng leaving behind a human shaped energy being who begins to take on her memories.
She doesn't have a personality because it's doing a bad job of mimicing her personality
Which will lead into the Illuminati and then the X-men. Also have the Marvels be the new Mutants in the MCU.
Would be greeeat.
I love it when feminists project their virginity in arguments
I think you forgot your hat.
>Like I said, it was just a quick search.
Okay ignoring the whole 'quick search' for a second, I'm more hung up on the target exclusive when Wal-Mart has them all listed. Are they exclusives or is there just a very specific exclusive for Target?
Nigger faggot libtard thinks he’s smart, go cry about pretend genders
The SPOP dolls are exclusive. I'm not seeing them on Wal-Mart.
Liberty kids: eternia?
I get Adora being a tit-let but why is she-ra also a tit-let
doesn't she transform when she uses the sword like He-man does?
Like if He-man used the sword and remained skinny that'd be dumb and bad
Also Prince Adam has never been skinny
I have never seen a wider divide between men and women+soidoods over the look of one character.
It's wierd. Like not fucking them or being a bad fuck means that their opinion doesn't matter.
These same women will bitch forever that men listen too and pay more attention to attractive women we want to or have fucked the shit out of.
It's strange.
Like they are stating that if we can or have dicked their brains out then they'll consider our oppinions more thoroughly or we can fuck them till what we think is now what they think.
Like actual fucking logic or common sense doesn't matter. That they'll go along with the most powerful and best dicking.
Not him.
But isn't the desire to transition sex the expression of the definition of being trans?
I’m a man and I think obsessing over lack of tits for a children’s show is hilarious, I know snowflakes and they’re not even half as triggered as you are over a children’s show. Do us a favor and neck yourself
Would work better if Adora was as thicc as a bowl of oatmeal but wore very conservative business...uh...armor and tacticool gear.
But once she gets the sword of power she gets the full OG she-ra get up only slightly skimpier and her cat whiskers becomes a talking Unicorn with a "FaBuLoUs" way of talking.
Her being slightly embarassed by it and talking about it would be charming.
Heman telling her to grow up while what amounts too a furry banana hammock and leather boots would be kino as well.
He then tells her to put on the battle armor it covers more of your skin but it's more tiring.
He then asks why she never asked the sorceress if she could change clothes this entire time, which exposes that she actually didn't mind the hot get up and changing clothes all sailor moon/y70's wonder woman style.
You're not a man
Secondly this entire fucking board is dedicated to adults and teens talking about childrens shows.
Thirdly a show that heavily pushes homosex and making girls ashamed of their body and heterosexuality is fucked up. Those kinds of shows are not doing well with kids and are in fact not watched by normie kids at all. Even normie adults are skeeved out by them.
Lastly, what in the fuck makes you think that stating that you are a man makes your dumb goddamned opinion mean anymore then hers.
Like you have some special motherfucking thing to add because you stand up(I'm assuming)to piss.
Stating that you're a man in that way is something one of those beyond creepy as fucking legbeards who LARP as men online does.
>user, one of those series can sell t-shirts movies clothes and shwag. The other stars a character that is so hated that there are tons of anti captain marvel videos on youtube and there is an article stating that she's the most hated single thing in all of the mcu both in front fo and behind the cameras.
And the movie still made money. I didnt like it but it was funny seeing you spergs damage control.
>Thirdly a show that heavily pushes homosex and making girls ashamed of their body and heterosexuality is fucked up.
I like that you tried to equate these two points as equally troubling. Yes its clear you are really concerned with women and their self esteem when you're whining about da homos. You aren't a man, you're a manchild.
Meanwhile, Noelle Stevenson is having sex with her wife.
Neither Adora nor She-Ra are titlets. Adora's boobs are clearly visible when she's in pajamas. She-Ra wears an armor, and boob-armor is stupid and unrealistic.
>tfw can't tell Noelle to have sex because she already had sex
actually, girls want to adored for their looks.
not feats, not achievement, but looks.
you put tits on a 12 year old boy the pedis would be proud.
now seriously how messed up is it that the original she ra is being hated on by fatties who can't live up to the originals you can be hot as fuck and still be the hero and take over the world message
>when you portray people you believe to have a mental illness as grotesque monsters.
You could say that, but i could post that webm of a gender reasignment surgery, or that long uncensored reddit thread.
Everyone says the designs are unappealing, but there's scarcely a gal on that show that I wouldn't slam- or cuddle-fuck.
Cause tumblrinas always want Deepest Lore because they're all pseudo-intellectuals
>Everyone says the designs are unappealing, but there's scarcely a gal on that show that I wouldn't slam- or cuddle-fuck.
So youre attracted to men then, got it
>not a femboy He-ra
You just made it worse
Man Glimmer is fine. I'd hit up that booty any day.
She smells like a sweaty cabdriver.
I have bad allergies, I'm not here for sniffing.
I have literally dreamt of fucking her in a closet, hand over her mouth because her mother and friends were looking for her.
>calls other people baby men as she cries into her snorlax body pillow because she didnt get noticed by senpai again at her art college
Why do you faggots want to fuck a tit-less bean bag?
I'm not reading through this whole thread, just point me to the stuff by Deep End.
People wanted to fuck Adventure Time characters, buddy. You really can't account for taste, and when I said dreamt, I meant an involuntary dream scenario in which I made rough, surreptitious love to Glimmer.
Adventure time characters literally have more sex appeal then the she males in she ra
>spoons with limbs are sexier than Mermista or Entrapta
Have you seen that booty? Are you blind?
Why did you post a picture of yourself, of course a spoon is more attractive then some genderlesss thing with a mans jaw.
yes you did
You're dead set on winning this argument that really boils down to what tickles a man's pickle. There's really someone for everyone in She-Ra, and not even from a lesbian stance.
>There's really someone for everyone in She-Ra, and not even from a lesbian stance.
Only if youre into androgynous dykes
You forgot to change the skin color.
Starting to think you didn't even watch it.
Of course he didn't watch it. He just wants to be mad at something. If he can't complain about muh SJWs, he really doesn't have much to go on.
>There's really someone for everyone in She-Ra
That's not how it works, senpai. Nothing can please everyone because everyone's preferences conflict with each other. One man's treasure is another man's trash.
The real comedy here is that I fuckin' hate the SJW crowd, but I gave She-Ra a fair shake, wound up enjoying it.
All the “females” in this show have their feminine attributes expunged from them for bullshit reasoning like “muh harmful beauty standards”, which boils down to dykes like noelle resenting and hating anything more pretty then they are.
>The real comedy here is that I fuckin' hate the SJW crowd, but I gave She-Ra a fair shake, wound up enjoying it.
Reminder that youre no better then a nu male feminist if you like this show at all, for someone who doesnt like SJWs you sure act like one.
Lol still fucking garbage
Lolol this is another proof that modern amerimutts are fucking talentless scum
a OP le gusta el pedazo lalalalalala
more buff cuties please
Since lesbian relationships are the fastest to go sexless, she probably isn't.
>boob-armor is stupid and unrealistic
So is a woman ever being even nearly a good a warrior as a man.
>Since lesbian relationships are the fastest to go sexless, she probably isn't.
Wait really?
Yep, and it's not even close.
'fastest to go sexless' has to take the crown for useless non-statistics. By what metric? What percentage of them? How early? Sample size? From where? I'm guessing he learned this in a /pol/ thread.
Why would /pol/ care about lesbians not having sex?
I want this trash cartoon series to be more popular. I support Netflix producing this garbage.
She-ra originally looked like a transvestite. The "hot women" in comics are usually repulsive looking whores.
New She-ra isn't that good either but don't pretend she didn't look ugly before. Why are the Japanese the only ones who can design attractive characters without making them look like strippers and drag queens?
Why do they care about anything they care about. For the same reason they always quote suicide statistics for trans people. They let everything live in their head rent free because other people being happy makes their life worth less.
>They let everything live in their head rent free because other people being happy makes their life worth less
You brought up /pol/ on an unrelated subject for a reason you don't even know. I think they're the ones living in your head rent free.
Looks like a man
I brought up /pol/ on a related subject for a reason I do know, to remind everyone to ignore /pol/.
Rent free
>Don't obsess about /pol/ as much as I do
Yep, rent free.
what if i wan't armor designs that are unique and fresh and simply find chain bikinis to be boring,over done and leave nothing to the imagination.
Nobody watches this shit other than you oldfags. It's sadly the same mediocre shit as SJW-ra. Teenagers and normies will finally watch it when it's produced by a Japanese anime studio and has a decent story and anime character designs.
Well, not necessarily
How can you ignore them? They are l;literally in every thread on every board now. I can't take it.
looks like a slut.
Only because everyone keeps bringing them up. They're looking for a reaction and they can get one without saying anything because they're already in your head. Much like the person you replied to.
>wants armor design that is "unique and fresh"
>posts armor that replicates a naked female's curves
You're fucking retarded
Remember when DC covered up the Star Sapphire's and made them sexier with negative space?
Yeah, you want naked sluts like anyone else 'cept you have a touch of the paraphilia
Bet you love XJ-9
Shiiiieeeeeeeet still looks like a boyish dyke or something shiiiiiiieeeeet
>Without saying anything
>Posting in a /pol/ thread.
No dear you're on Yea Forums. /pol/ is a different board. I know reality is difficulty for you though.
Rent free.
>Says the /pol/ poster
>In his /pol/ thread
Back where you came from, nazi retard.
Yea Forumsmblr is cancer. Always has been always will be.
Saved. More?
Actually, just make a low cut it's all good.
Bend over
that is a disservice to the goat trap, user
Oh cool, it's Ben 10!
>$1B box office
>she can't sell
it's like you guys want to look retarded
Because you are wrong but decided to pretend you weren't so you could be angry about
Why are you even bringing trans people into the thread user?
The man in that story was suffering of schizophrenia, not gender dysphoria.The psychiatrist who did the study didn't even come to the conclusion that trans people could be "fixed" but rather that they should be screened for comorbid symptoms to make sure that cross-gender presenting people actually are trans. People have tried using pimo for gender dysphoria since and it hasn't ever worked.
Disney money, no one likes captain dyke no matter how hard the mouse shills her.
Obsessing over a 12 year olds lack of tits.
Find something better to be upset about.
who is she?
>stop having opinions and let us rape your favorite things without a peep
Sorry but no, fuck you
Do you honestly believe that Disney will commit investment fraud with billions of dollars just to make Captain Marvel appealing?
Yes i do because thats what actually happened. Theres already more proof of disney cooking books.
stop posting that unfunny faggot
Adora has tits, She-ra kinda doesn't. Its weird and the artstyle doesn't help things, but yeah.
Well I'm going to need to see that proof.
Have dignity
Too many little details to affordably animate nowadays.
this triggered the trannies
The shorts kills the design for me. Just give her what wonder woman is currently wearing for her lower half it be better
Oh I see, you’re a sexless fuck who doesn’t know anything about women, ok that makes sense
The only one obssesed here is you closeted pedo
Seriously, what's the point of that 'blush line'? Looks even worse when they half ass attempt at shading.
Good post.
Shit post. Consider a different board more up you alleyway like pol or r9k.
Great post. Consider staying on Yea Forums and doing more titty edits.
Adora has a perfect body built for sex with Catra.
That's still implying you know the inner workings of fa ebook and have used it before whether hes underage or not
Someone put movie thanos' head on her
please remove the stupid blush
Nice pits, girlie
silence, deviant
There I fixed Michelangelo
Now this is worth watching
I actually like the new costume because I like spats and tight fitting, high-neckline tops but his new body shape is a huge improvement.
Oh I assure you I'm not underage.
I just avoid sites like facebook, twitter, and instagram like the fucking plague.
Even if I was underage you're still implying you've been to facebook enough to know the filename structure.
Yes, and?
Adora/She-Ra never had /d/ level tits so fuck off.
Make the toes on her shoes a little longer and the shoe itself a bit thinner, look at a reference, jeez, and fix that left hand.
>live in a Nordic country
>the buses and trains in the suburbs and countryside are filled with girls like this in the mornings
I disagree.
Where is her big white dick
>You need women to look a certain way for you to look up to them? Thanks for making me roll my eyes while eating, my man.
Found the land whale. Stop eating fatty and maybe men would look at you too
Finally some quality
Look at this momma's boy.
The force awakens is bad, but the last Jedi really shit out a pine tree.
I just find femboy She Ra art hilarious given that the show was designed to be all "girl power" and yet the best interpretation of the protagionist is as a fucking white male.
Have Sex
Yeah there's not nearly enough corruption art.
I can assure, no one would watch it
I haven't even watched the show but damn does he milk my dick dry whenever I see him
he survived because a doctor removed a blockage from his heart.
yeah he needed to loose weight but hes basically starving himself with veganism. he's introducing complications into his already shitty health by using an unnecessarily restrictive diet that his daughter talked him into after a near death experience.
drop she-dyke, give me sexy lizard boi.
more like she-nah ha ha ha