Good evening owls,
Good evening owls,
Passed out last night, sorry
Hello, Storyteller.
So... The Avengers game. That sure was some generic ass gameplay that looks like every other AAA live service.
That said, is it weird that Natasha's segment was by far the most fun looking? Kinda wish they'd just make a standalone Black Widow game.
Workload got to you? Understandable.
I got out and did some shit, bought another pair of work shoes, and then just passed out
I wish they'd all gotten standalone games. They should've kept Avengers for later. They don't even have to be one big narrative, I just wanted me an Brubaker Cap MGS game and an Ewing based "Choose your Hulk playstyle" game.
I still pray we'll get H4h by Platinum one day.
Oh and a Katamari Damacy Ant-Man game
That IM FIGHTIN FOR MY FUCKIN LIFE meme died way too fast
I did not expect the Bill Clinton sex joke in here either
This series is so weeby in the best ways
this is the best book storytimed on here today (besides Parkerbolts)
Hulk was probably the most disappointing, cause it just looked like slow Ultimate Destruction. I'd really much rather have Ultimate Destruction 2, to be honest.
And again, Nat could easily support a solid stealth action title. She's kinda agile TPS moving, has a grappling hook, a cloaking device, shock gauntlets... probably a few more gadgets as well. Wouldn't be surprised to see the dart gun bracelets at some point.
I remember buying this shit when it came out. I think I still have my copies, actually. Adam Warren did some fun weeb comics. His Dirty Pair stuff was good too.
Jimmy Olsen was pretty alright
Superman Year One is some solid stuff too
just pretty alright
someone's running Parkerbolts??? Good taste, my owls
Superman totally fucked a mermaid and that's great
>jimmy cuckson by fagitron
And people giving Superman shit for dating around in his teens/twenties, for real.
I really love the anime style teeth in this
also, dangerously furry OR stupid sexy catgirl?
I'm the owl who's been reading the post-superman chronology stuff.
I have to say, it was pretty unbelievable of Byrne to make us believe that Clark went through all of college dating Lori, and he NEVER got a look at her legs.
>finds the will to fly after people start calling her fat
Not really sure this counts as empowering, but okay.
Speaking of female empowerment, am I alone in finding it kind of off putting that female characters who are brash, crass, or grouchy are instantly hated. Not just by the usual "ew cooties" crowd, but by feminist leaning folks as well?
Yes, it IS a cliche that a strong female character acts like a jackass, but I can't help but notice that only women ever get shit for having abrasive personalities. Dudes are praised for it. It just kind of reeks a little too much of "you should smile more" for my taste.
Yeah, even conscious of it it's still a total double standard. Which is part of why I actually like DAI's Vivienne so much, also because I like writers who are confident and strong enough to write characters they KNOW half the fanbase will hate with a passion.
Caitlin is never NOT sexy.
actual blade runner shoutout
belated F for the amazing Rutger Hauer
I'm fucking dying at the actual panty shot here
Caitlin is legitimately top-tier waifu material, I totally see her character appeal
Gen13 would be more popular than Teen Titans if it got a quarter of the promotion
SO what was good today
who wants to spoil HOXPOX from the start for me because I'm fucking lazy?
I do not disagree with this comment at all
It is absolutely a double standard, and a potentially dangerous one. By stigmatizing abrasive characters, you limit diversity of storytelling. I very much get the nerd for positive female role models, but it is equally important to show female characters being, above all, people. If abrasive women weren't ever allowed, we'd never have Kate Spencer, and the world would be poorer for it.
We also wouldn't have Lina Inverse, and a world without Slayers is a world I don't want to live in.
Waid's autism encyclopedia is fun
Superman dates Lori took me to I'm on a Boat and you know: Dick in a box is still some funny shit, especially if you happen to remember Color Me Badd as well as I do
Miller's Supercomfy
Oh shit, this means it's definitely "trashy 80s nostalgia via youtube" time:
>tfw just waking up in the morning and watching evidence that the world is insane and magical
What a scene
>this thing sucks, it reads like a history book
>it's literally called "a history" dumbass
...I have more feelings about this than I really can express, but that's totally a misuse of both dead French dudes AND totally understandable at the same time.
I didn't insult it? I appreciate and enjoy it
It's "Fagtion." If you're going to meme do it right. "Fagitron" sounds like a fake Transformer.
History of Marvel Universe is way btter than I thought itd be
Possibly, yeah. The advantage Gen13 has over Titans, and a lot of series really, is consistency. Titans can be vey hit and miss, and also has too much status quo changing nonsense happening all the time. Gen13, while it does have its shakeups, manages to keep things at about the same tone and quality throughout, even across creative teams.
We can see how important this factor is in the MCU. Say what you will, those films manage to be consistent across nearly all titles, and that is vital to keeping a large audience comfortably engaged in your franchise.
You seen that Disney streaming service twitter thing and how people were eating it up? Blade Runner should've put a giant fucking Mickey Mouse face up there instead of a smoking geisha because Disney sure is leading us straight to a cyberpunk future and people sure are willingly going for it.
There was a dumbass in the storytime thread
I, for one, am amused at Sony maybe successfully exploiting Disney, because I have no emotional stake in any of it whatsoever
I like them in b&w
>odds are, no one will notice
Same, but I am horrified at people's unironic desire for a pop culture monopoly under Disney.
better than anything morrison's ever done
pretty much, honestly
that's a very low bar
points off for not getting the correct umlauts on Motörhead
There is a particular earnestness about how straightforward it is. Morrison always tries to work the meta stuff into the actual narrative as an in-universe thing and it gets old eventually.
I missed like the whole thing dammit
Well how is everyone
HI user
Uhhhh I'll keep going with something
Huh, it's kind of hard to feel my hands. Maybe I drank a bit much too fast?
Warren also knows how to write human emotions, something that morrison could never figure out
drink water
belated mandatory link:
Morrison's entire fanbase and popularity has confused me since the early 90s
Wow, that actual Usagi tho. Because the censor bar over her eyes makes this totally cool.
>tfw salty that Sailor Moon is the main reference point for magical girls in the west, when Nanoha was robbed of the chance to take the crown because of the shitty no effort dub
good idea
was going to go buy a bottle of Becherovka tomorrow
weeb alert!!!!!
Brainlets mistaking incoherency for good writing
omg sudden feels, what the fuck
Since Youtube is also recommending it, have a video actually honest to god filmed at Studio 54:
that dress....unwearable unless your figure fits it, motion....
The greatest costume I've ever seen in person was Jeritza's Turandot premiere dress
Eh. Former weeb. Just kinda fell out of the scene at some point. Seriously though, Lyrical Nanoha is great, and you should all watch it.
>I hate having pleasant dreams, cause I always wake up.
... That's way too real. Damn.
My shop sold out of Year One 1 but I bought 2 and have only flipped through it but a little sad JRJR doesn’t seem to be taking full advantage of the bigger book.
I’m kinda fully sold on Hickman X books...
HOXPOX, uhh Xavier made a new utopia on Krakoa. We got glimpses of futures 100 years and 1000 years in the future. One is a standard X-men bad future, 1000 is better for Mutants but they’re gonna get Borged. There’s more there but that’s basics. Moria has the mutant power of reincarnation so every time she dies she restarts her life with all the memories, but only 10 times. Latest issue turned out Moria and Apocalypse had a keikaku to avoid the bad future and I’m mad I didn’t realize he was doing a Days of Future Past riff
I got a bunch of people to watch Princess Tutu with the promise of "it's actually based on ETA Hoffmann" (which it is, and it's unusually respectful of the source material) and they all loved it
This can't be as good as Roxy, but we'll read it anyway
>Dudes are praised for it.
Honestly they're praised for it by people who wish they could act that way. In my experience those people are also loathed because it often isn't hand in hand with good leadership ability.
In fiction they fulfill wish fullfiment again for people who don't stand up for themselves.
Frank miller’s Gen13 would be something fun
the faces are Oeming-esque
Ooh, some hardcore Satanism!
I've not seen Princess Tutu, but I know enough to know it's a fuckin trip. It's a feels driven magical girl deconstruction decades before Madoka came along and made that shit popular.
>Grunge miniseries
... Kay.
Grunge is a good boy
omg, go watch it like now. Storyteller commands you.
Tutu is the best thing the magical girl subgenre has ever produced, hands down
90s Sabrina show gave me laughs and boners so you're wrong
Tutu will basically teach you the major story ballets
I'm not going to judge you if this is your kink
not much, anyway
unironically hot
Oh we can all relate to that to some degree. Pretty much everyone wishes they could afford to actively not give a shit, and tell everyone else to get out the way or be run over. Most of us are unable to do that though, so we like to watch fictional characters do it instead.
Again, it's the double standard in place that is the problem here. That power fantasy is simply made less available to a female audience, because abrasiveness is commonly seen as an undesirable trait in women. And even more sadly, said stigmatizing is perpetuated by a fair number of women as well.
did we go Lovecraft here or what?
hey, is this a religious sex dungeon?
>good ol american steel katanna
Is that fucking Shinji???
Nah. Not enough cats named after slurs, or twist endings about how the rape-y fish people are nothing compared to one of the characters being of mixed race.
Y'know, racism shenanigans aside, Lovecraft is exhaustingly overrated. The sheer fact that the defacto term for eldritch/cosmic horror is 'Lovecraftian' is just a bit obnoxious in how reductive it is. There is more to the genre than Cthulhu, for fucks sake.
im jealous
Hell, it swings both ways.
There's more to Lovecraft than Cthulhu too.
Fucking annoying to see every piece of Lovecraft media revolve about the bastard.
this story is too spoooky3me
People are fucking HYPE for that Colour Out Of Space movie.
I think I knew lovecraft might not be for me cause I read that story and was like “oh it’s radiation poisoning”
I'm....pretty eh on it.
Seems like it'll be actually trying to portray the things the characters see, when the horror is just the out of context view on how the characters are affected.
Pretty much missing the entire impact.
Real talk, even a cursory glance at some of the non-high priest shit reveals that there's damn cool stuff. Not even the pantheons, but the regular monsters are so fucking cool. Ghouls are about the most vanilla ones, and they're still fucked up. There are vampires that are floating balls of fire, four armed giants that reside in the dream realm, alien space pirates shaped like crab pyramids, a sentient color, and don't even get me started on shoggoths.
But no, everyone always harps on old squidface. Goddammit.
I once read a comic adaptation of Arthur Jermyn (one of my favorites of his, yes I know the subtext is blunt as a boulder, but it still tracks as a pretty decent story) and instead of Ape's Deep Ones building an army for Cthulhu.
Like fuck off man.
They could make an adaptation of Sweet Ermengarde and somehow tie it to Cthulhu.
is he just a bigger dumbass when he's around his friends
He's the star of this one-shot, he has to not suck
What hack shit is this? The Deep Ones have FUCK ALL to do with Cthulhu. They are servants of Dagon, who actively has fuck all to do with the other Great Old Ones.
>a program based not in science, but the occult.
GRU Division P?
I'm also 90% sure that the movie Dagon (an adaptation of Shadow over Innsmouth) also made the Deep Ones servants of Cthulhu.
Despite keeping the "Esoteric Order of Dagon" shtick.
was The Sinking City any good?
There’s something darkly funny about Cthulhu being like a blob that eats and take some over all Lovecraft stuff. I wonder if like there are Howard fans who’s feel that way about Conan
Also Wolverine does live to year X100 in PoX
sorry, I'm trying to book something and drink both
Deadpool should be alive
I'm sipping on a michelada
He might be alive? There’s like a thousandish Mutants left, mostly in Shi’ar space
Ugh. It's a shame because Dagon and the Deep Ones are interesting in their own right, but they gotta get dragged into this bullshit too.
On that same token, probably lots of Conan Doyle fans who are sick of Sherlock Holmes and could do with some new Prof. Challenger material.
no comment needed
EVERYONE is sick of Sherlock
>Sherlock and Conan vs CHtulu
Dynamite should pay me
There was a recent novel where Holmes fights Pinhead.
This really IS kind of weird Oeming, isn't it
Spider-Man takes have been absolutely stunning today
>Storm Sony HQ
I am dying here.
Conan's Marvel now, so knowing Dynamite, it will be
>Sherlock, Dejah Thoris, and Bettie Page vs. Cthulhu
The "Everyone in Hollywood is laughing at Disney doing the work and then losing the rights" take is Good, Actually
Snowboarding somehow managed to be an X-TREME staple of both the 90s and the 2000s.
>tfw Ice Cap in Sonic Adventure 1
Oof. It was janky as fuck, but goddamn was it fun.
Seriously. Dude is almost as overplayed as Batman. Doyle did other stuff. Can we please stop harping on detective sociopath for a bit. Or at least have a version that openly acknowledges that he's totally a cokehead? Goddamn.
Especially after all of the takes when FOX got under Disney's thumb. It's...too good.
this... interests me
Sherlock of Mars works too
He truly is Muscle Jesus, damn
it's reminding me a bit of his odd Doctor Thirteen one shot
Oh shit the preview bug is back!
its tricky t r i c ky
Don't know much about it.
Hope it would at least be better than Scarlet Gospels.
FUCK. Fucking SSX Tricky was the absolute shit back in the day!
If by stunning you mean disturbing. People have been calling for Disney to outright buy Sony. Because apparently Disney having even more of a monopoly is fine as long as Peter Parker can continue being a twat.
SO we'll read something tomorrow, I hope
thanks for reading!
thanks OP.
The Jungian Adventures of Teenage Punk Runaways?
Thanks for posting as always, Storyteller.
Seriously though, the Avengers game looks boring as fuck. Also, it's a live service piece of trash, which frankly disqualifies from being a real video game.
thanks OP, this franchise just keeps surprising and stays fun
I'm electing something like Top Ten or Promethea though that might attract a lotta n00bs
Yeah and on the other side, next to the motley crue guy is Kaji.
Sherlock Holmes and the Hellraiser box (lament configuration?) is pretty perfect actually.
I like Conan a whole lot but Kull is a genuinely more interesting character and he barely gets any love.
Adam Warren should write Conan
bump for storytime