This show is entering its 10th season and will have over 200 episodes. It premiered in February 2005.
Was there any good bits?
Part from the 10th Season.
This show is entering its 10th season and will have over 200 episodes. It premiered in February 2005.
Was there any good bits?
Part from the 10th Season.
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Robot Chicken is still airing? You're telling me they've still been making it all this time?
I heard from Isaac Kappy that Seth Green is a pedo
I still like it
they ran out of ideas 7 seasons ago
the only bit's I found funny were the Bitch Pudding ones, do they even use her anymore?
Haven't seen RC ever since they started doing sketches with dollar store toys. How's it been since then?
>I'm still invested in this sketch
They need to do one with the loud house or it's fandom
are they still doing that stupid thing where they poke fun at not being cancelled yet each season
Bitch Pudding was only fun for like two bits. I liked the Palpatine's last moments bit.
How in the real is this still going on?
Are that many people still entertain by the 80's character saying bad words shit?
Its more like, the animators are doing a great job of continuing to be paid. This shit is cheap to punch out.
Funny story, my first time doing acid, i didnt know if it kicked in or not, so i decided to watch my season 5 dvd of robot chicken ( least funniest in my opinion ) and i was laughing out loud like it was the funniest thing ive ever scene. Yea. It kicked in
In an Interview, Seth Green said every episode has a few bits that nobody liked while making them. He said it's because he never knows what the audience will like, but this fucking shows and it makes every 10 minute episode of Robot Chicken have 2-3 minutes that are just fucking awful and unwatchable.
Does this mean that it will be adult swim's first syndicated show?
they already tried syndicating it on TBS and they dropped it within 2 weeks
oh damn, was it low ratings? Complaints? No reason at all?
That would explain a lot.
>Inb4 Family Guy does a poke at this where Lois finds Chris' hidden stash of lolicon
>Implying the Family Guy writers even know what Lolicon is let alone what LOLIS are
Unironically the worst Robot Chicken Sketch and the least funny. I fucking wish Mike and Matt sued Robot Chicken.......BUT. It'd fall under parody and as such would be dismissed....despite it being made WITHOUT the permission of the creators or the copyright to do so.
Hell its anime jokes show that the writers barely understand what anime is.
i still don't get what was the joke.
But again, most of the jokes were "obscure 80's cartoon/toy line that lasted two seasons, they are rambo now"
Reminder that Lyle was making fun of this all the way back in 2011
>He said it's because he never knows what the audience will like
Ha Ha Ha!
This man owns a entertainment company
stopped watching after I realized every bit is "hey remember this thing? well here it is again, but with edgy adult humor"
Not as accurate as this
Same. At the same time I realized that half of the sketches I’d be embarrassed to be watching if someone else was in the room.
Season 1 of Robot Chicken is the only good season because it actually went with the whole “flipping channels” thing instead of just 3-4 entirely pop-culture or self referential sketches in 11 minutes. You’d get actually funny bits that were only 10 seconds long.
It's been hit and miss since the beginning but shit like Super Race made so I could never truly hate them. Sounded like Reynolds and DeLuise had a lot of fun.
They gave her an entire half hour special and SURPRISE it sucked hard. At least they threw Billy D Williams a bone.
>it's now as old as some of the shows it was parodying when it started
>It premiered in February 2005.
>14 fucking years of this shit.
Jesus Christ, why am I still alive on this blue marble
I remember when it premiered and I kind of liked it but thought for sure it would only last a season maybe two. My GOD, user. A year is nothing anymore. Nothing. I Remember when a single summer felt like an eternity. I'll be old and crippled before I know it,my life having passed me by and I'll still be here if here is still here to be.
>Was there any good bits?
Robot Chicken Star Wars Episode 3
DC Special 1
Christmas Specials 2-3
Fumbles... It was alway fumbles
This show and family guy made me develop a hateboner for american people who grew up in the 80's. Most of the people who i know either had childhoods in the 70's, 90's or 00's and i really feel like everyone who grew up in the 80's only talks about cheesy catchphrases and music
This song will never fail to put a big goofy smile on my face.
Only bits I ever liked are
Animal Discount
and Jack Sparrow Sex
Sorry, fucked up second link.
It's stop-motion family guy cutaways with less celebrity humor and a dash of "hey member this pop culture from your childhood?"
that was a load of crap
Is it wrong that I knew what that was going to be before opening the link?
>Was there any good bits?
here's several segments I liked;
by season 3 it started to get stale, and after that it just ran out of ideas
don't know how it kept going, Seth Green needs his pay check i guess
i never realized this was a blatant dig at seth green
I think it's a general dig at general nostalgia bait comedy
>that DC Freeze Villains sketch
it reminded me of that one issue of the comic that was based off the 2003 Justice League cartoon where the League fought a team of Ice-based Villains called "the Cold Warriors", remember that?
It's not particularly funny or clever, but for some reason I always find myself imitating the way Jon says "Uhh no, no..." from this Garfield skit whenever I see something particularly godawful:
>What if thing from 80s/90s that wasn't vulgar was now vulgar?
Well it being this easy to make it doesn't surprise me that it's already at season 10.
The pro wrestling stuff they did is my favorite.
the show's very hit and miss overall
Didn't the people behind Robot Chicken also make WWE Smash City? It was like shorts about wrestlers being silly for kids.
Dunno. But they got Hogan and Piper in to voice themselves for that first clip in the link.
And the Franklin thing was a spot on parody of the more cartoonish 90s WWF wrestling.
I thought it was cool that there was a stop motion animated show on tv, but the novelty wore off quick
it was WWE Slam City, and it basically had WWE Wrestlers doing dayjobs with wacky hijinx, John Cena was a Mechanic, Kane was a Lunch Lady for a School, Rey Mystero was a Crossing Guard, CM Punk was an Ice Cream Man, Randy Orton was a Zookeeper, Mark Henry was a Chuck-E-Cheese-esc Restaurant Employee, and Sheamus was a Movie Theater Usher, the rest of the wrestlers that were there at the time just acted like dicks to the other wrestlers
In the show they specifically reference the guy who was on before them.
Guess what was scheduled before Metalocalypse the night this aired?
>He said it's because he never knows what the audience will like
Has he tried making something he'd want to watch?
Gummybear was a classic
Wonder if anyone could ascertain if it was any popular or not. I'd have to imagine kids these days have no idea of the "big" wrestlers from then.
Wish we had more anime parody skit like this
Well it's less an anime parody and more just the dad "getting into it" so his kid would stop hogging the TV. Still, one of the better skits.
I enjoyed it back in the day. But it reached a point where it seemed like most episodes were a few overly long sketches that went over the top with violence. I always liked the rapidfire 5-10 second sketches the most.
The Star Wars and DC specials were hilarious.
That's 90% Robot Chicken
Don't forget Thundercats and G.I. Joe
That's not how alcoholism works. She probably has a hangover.
They produced quality bear sex commercials.
The Star Wars Stuff usually gets me.
Daily reminder.
first few seasons were funny
now it's just
>HAHA, VIOLENCE!! get it??
>oh, this sketch is LONG with a BAD punchline, but that's FUNNY!
>lazy jokes that were done before
>generally unfunny
I don't see why anyone watches it these days, or why anyone would watch it at all beyond their teenage years
I can't help but like Robot Chicken's Skeletor. I tend to quote that "MAGIC, ASSHOLE" quite a bit.
Yes, it's called Supermansion.