I never seen this shit but kind of want to give it a chance. is it really as bad as everyone says it is?
I never seen this shit but kind of want to give it a chance. is it really as bad as everyone says it is?
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You couldn't have picked a worse scene as a reference point OP
This scene was about cuckholdery
Yea Forums sucked this shows DICK before it became reddit. Anyone who disagrees is LARP'ing
It's good. And fun. Especially the first season. The problem is people treating it like some kind of masterpiece. It's not
It's Family Guy for zoomers.
Watch the show. Ignore the creators entirely. Roiland is a troll and Harmon has issues.
It’s fun. If it hadn’t gotten so huge it wouldn’t have had this rabid psychotic backlash. Co just hates what’s popular
Most people actually agree season 1 was pretty decent to good
If you're going to watch give that and maybe season 2 a shot. Don't go beyond that
It's funny. Just ignore the fanbase and don't talk about it online at all.
Season 1 is great. Season 2 it goes downhill, but still has some good episodes. Season 3 has a good (albeit very fan-servicy) opener but the rest is trash.
Fuckin this. The fan base is awful. The show is really fun
Like most things the fan base tends to ruin it.
Not the whole fan base just an obnoxious part of it, but they’re the loudest so it seems like the majority agrees.
never liked it, you probably will though
Despite what you hear about the fan base, it’s a genuinely funny and well written show. Season 3 has some stinkers though, particularly pickle Rick, which is probably the worst episode in the whole series, but reddit seems to love it.
The first season was great, the other two were hit or miss.
It’s mediocre
everyone loves this show
it just has obnoxious fake fans who are trying to make people hate the show, and it works on the weak-minded. you fell for it with horse, don't fall for it with rick and morse.
*holds up spork*
Haha yeah user you gotta watch it it's a masterpiece! SEZUCHAN SUACE XDDDD
*does the fortnite dance*
If nothing else, that episode has some nice animation from what I remember. I think the problem was that episode being "spoiled" too early. It was all people had of season 3 for so long, it should have been obvious how much of a dead horse it would become before it finally dropped. I think without that factor it would have been a standard episode, but because it was around for so much longer, it was stale. Doesn't help it's one of the more out there/random concepts already though.
Good premise spoiled by some dumb writing decisions that only got worse thanks to both a fanbase who ate that shit up and a writing team who lacked the self-awareness to realise their fanbase was retarded and should not be pandered to.
I thought it was alright until the third season backed down on most of its potential character development for the sake of circle-jerking Rick and fueling the status quo, but even then it still had some dumb fun episodes.
It has fun and creative plots, with wacky adventures.
Forced emotional moments that feel off.
Funny improv that gets stale after a while.
Some genuinely funny jokes.
A lot of creativity.
A lot of grating moments.
Watch it until you get sick of it.
Then come back here and complain for even more fun!
What about the scene where Morty convinces the guy not to kill himself, then he runs out and gets hit by a car?
That was funny as shit
“Ahhhh it hurts! It HURTS! I blame you! I blame YOUUUuuuuu!”
First Season, Second Season, and the citadel episode.
it also pissed everyone off because it aired during April Fool's and replaced a new Samurai Jack episode
Is not that bad, but is not a perfect show either, is just a dumb sci-fi parody show with lots lowbrow jokes, you can watch it if you want and have a laugh some times
It was, but it was also extremely fucked up after you thought about it.
Actually it isn't, it's only awful if you take it seriously and act like a faggot while watching it
Its a alright show, its one of those things where the back and forth of fan autism is the main thing that causes people to lose their fucking minds.
Its an alright raunchy cartoon about an asshole and his nephew fucking around. a solid 5/10 at the least and a 8/10 at best from my recollection. It never becomes something super amazing, but its never outright garbage, it doesn't defy what you'd expect from something referred to as 'raunchy', it just falls to mediocre, which seems bad if you focus on the exterior autism.
It’s great, another case of Yea Forums changing their opinion because it got popular.
Worst show ever. The voice of the main two characters are both terrible. All seasons are fucking horrible. So bad. Avoid at all costs.
Like everyone else said, Yea Forums now hates the show because reddit. That said, I didn't like S3 as much as the first two.
1st season is good
Its all downhill from there
Like people said here, first season good rest it goes from meh to shit
The creators of the show are the worst writers and actors in the industry. This show is an abomination. No episodes are good. The entire show is terrible. Just terrible. The creators are total fucking scum bags. One of them dates 19 year old girls. Fucking creep.
I don't know because I can't get past the awful voices for both Rick and Morty.
>it takes a high iq to truly enjoy rick and mortis
it’s like a tangible form of trying too hard to come across as someone who’s part of the joke.
If Yea Forums virulently hates something that's widely popular, you should probably give it a chance and decide for yourself instead of just taking Yea Forums's word for it. Some of Yea Forums's gripes with R&M are legitimate, but the community here (insofar as it has one) never completely moved past the kneejerk "it's popular so it sucks (especially if Reddit likes it)" mindset, so you have to take that under consideration when you're looking at how Yea Forums reacts to any given show.
Not that "If Yea Forums hates it, it's worth a look" is a hard and fast rule or anything, but in R&M's case, it's certainly true. Give it a shot, see how you like it. If nothing else, there's a pretty funny spoof of the Avengers in season 3.
It's pretty good actually. Second and third seasons aren't as good as the first season but still worth a watch,
The show is annoying in a self aware hole except that’s the point
>The beginning of season 2 where the first 3 episodes were god tier
And then it went downhill from there.
its a really good show, /co hates it cause normies like it
Hate the voices. It’s the worst.
Seth mcfarlane is the prophet of zoomer culture
First and Second seasons were pretty decent. Wasn't a fan of the third. It's watchable not horrible but the characters get grating fast. It's kind of like Bojack Horseman. The "I'm a horrible person in a nihilistic world" shtick gets old fast.
Fuck the writers. They’re 80 year olds and have no idea what kids like us want. Fuck this show so hard
Rick and Morty is literally the Big Bang Theory Effect all over again
>Yeah but the characters shit on the main character, SO WOKE
God I hate these people
Any show that is run by anti trump idiots is worth passing on.
There will be 20 threads per day of this on Yea Forums and Yea Forums when the new season starts. Everyone loves it. They just pretend not to because the fanbase sucks.
This shit is what made me give up on the West.
What's the Big Bang Theory effect?
An unfunny joke in an animated tv show made you give up on the west?
To be fair it takes a pretty high IQ to fully appreciate Rick and Morty.
Nah, just a decent memory to remember a bunch of high school and pop-culture sci-fi references as well a pop culture sense of tropes and cliches.
what kind of frends do you have that they say its bad ?
it has a shitty fanbase but I personally like the show itself
it's shit on here partly because of the autistic fanbase but mostly because this contrarian site couldn't stomach the fact reddit liked it too, but in truth like most "shit" shows it'll have a thousand threads when it's actually on
Yeah, it’s an episode where they are revisiting things that Morty had erased from his mind
Yeah that’s the one we’re talking about
Mr poopiebutthole episode is one of the best episodes i saw from a cartoon.
Watch with caution tho because can be very hit and miss. In the final season more misses than hits
Season 1 starts slow but gets great.
Season 2 is hit or miss, but still enjoyable.
Season 3 had only 3 good episodes and a great opening
Yeah, the joke is that it’s a horrible fucked up thing that Morty honestly can’t live with and has erased. Don’t look to deeply into it, it’s an anthology episode
If it makes you kinda relieved for not catching up - I only heard about it last year, but haven't ever got to see an episode either: the only parts I did watched were the Judge Morty fan-animation and Bushworld Adventures on YouTube...I wouldn't mind start watching the original series, but a part of me worries the standalone comfy absurdity of Bushworld might get ruined for me because of that.
Show is just ok but fandom is toxic af