what`s the most definitive FF run that isn't lee/kirby?
What`s the most definitive FF run that isn't lee/kirby?
>what`s the most definitive FF run that isn't definitive
I know this is a forum for adults that read picture books, but come on
>what's 2+2 and no, don't say 4, give me a real answer
McDuffie's run?
really? I loved mcduffie but his run was pretty awful
>aw yiss, THIS is by definition a fantastic four run
Yeah, totally.
Waid's run.
Mark Waid's run, Hickman's is after Waid's
Simonson, Waid, Hickman
I actually like Ultimate more than most, it was good even though it had Millar AND Land. It still was held back by those two but was better than Millar's other FF run. It was fun
Am I in the minority for saying his Avengers was VASTLY superior than his Fantastic Four stuff. Many people really like his Fantastic Four stuff but it's really overstuffed. Like there is like 8 new ideas created every panel to build up something that happens later. Its all too much. Its still one of the best FF runs but it needs some trimming
That time the F4 met Kirby/God
Man, I loved this one. Waid's run was so based, This arc also had a wholesome ending with Kirby's picture of them being old and happy
>The mystery intrigues me
Hey wait a minute
Yeah it's good stuff. All Hail the King
Only correct answer is Byrne.
What arc would you like to be seen adapted into an animated mini series?
>wholesome ending
Resetting the status quo and Ben being forced to go back to being The Thing goes against everything Kirby stood for.
>Resetting the status quo
welcome to superhero comics
After Kirby, you mean. Kirby moved things forward. Waid's shitty ending was a slap in his face.
Waid and Byrne are great, but they're Lee/Kirby cover bands. The 2nd definitive FF run is Chartman.
Byrne, Waid and Hickman, in that order.
Opinions on current Fantastic Four, by the way? Let's hear them.
It's a shame Luen Yang couldn't save it, it ran out of steam after the first 6 or so issues.
May as well complain about all Marvel comics that aren't written by Stan Lee
Oh yeah, Sue made Johnny get a job with the Baxter buildings accounting/legal department.
I always liked stuff like that happening, made the big stuff seem bigger that it was interrupting actual people's lives
It's good. Not spectacular, but good. Issue 650 however WAS spectacular.
1. Lee Kirby
2. Lee Buscema
3. John Byrne
4. Jonathan Hickman
5. Roy Thomas
6. Karl Kesel
7. Tom DeFalco
8. Chris Claremont
9. Mark Waid
10. Walt Simonson
This is fucking good
This run is so good
Nun.I'm too old to get excited about Occupy Wall Street Doom, I hate how much to hate Eldritch Trank Doom. Nuff said.
Yeah, I agree. This was also a great showdown.
It's been very slice of life and episodic, I'll give you that.
Moenchs run. Like its hella underrated and really good. Moench also created Moon Knight and did a good batman run in the 80s.
The guys definition basically is "definitive ff run that isnt definitve".
Jim lee
Byrne, not open to debate.
Byrne. Anyone who answers differently doesn't know anything about the team's history. Byrne turned them from has-beens into a top 5 seller for at least half a decade. He also restored them to the classic Lee/Kirby era formula that they had been moving further and further away from up to that point (especially in the 2 years prior).
These posters are delusional.