Is this the biggest happening of Yea Forums?

Is this the biggest happening of Yea Forums?

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If it succeeds that might just be the third impact.

>Accordig to weibo: “Really, the MCU’s Spider-Man doesn’t have the spirit of Spider-Man, relegating him to being somebody else’s son and sidekick,”. “Tobey [Maguire]’s and [Andrew] Garfield’s Spider-Man both represents the true spirit of Spider-Man, but the MCU sacrificed this to pave the way for a cinematic universe. Now that Sony is at it on its own, maybe Spider-Man can revive its past glory.”

I don't think either Andrew Garfield or Tugboat Maguire want to do any more Spider-Man movies.

pretty fucking weird that emotionless insects with limited access to American media have a better understanding of Spider-Man than MCU fans

did you miss April 1st 2017?

Truly we live in clown world

You mean a society?

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>Tobey [Maguire]’s and [Andrew] Garfield’s Spider-Man both represents the true spirit of Spider-Man
>Tobey [Maguire]’s
>represents the true spirit of Spider-Man
What the fuck am I reading?

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No way. Garfield pissed off the CEO of SONY himself. No way in hell that's happening

This is like the Yea Forums equivalent of Ash losing the pokemon league

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Welp, WW3 here we come

Wierdly enough, they really REALLY liked electro.
The directors cut where electro's mother was an evil manipulative cunt who PRETENDED to be crippled to control electro and then sold him out to osborn tested well with Chinese audiences.

>black guy is the villian
>they like it
>venom bad guy is indian
>they like it

They like Garfield? Once again it is confirmed that China has dogshit taste.


This is legitimately moving tf?

lel, Raimi-Man was glorious but ASM and Garfield were absolute atrocious garbage. The only reason you're pretending otherwise is to be an internet contrarian.

>Well, if Molly Bloom is to be trusted, Tobey is pretty much Superior Spider-Man RL

You’re implying MCU fans aren’t emotionless insects who just borrow theirs from media

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

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Shit taste as expected from Pooh slaves.
Japs knows better that each actor (Tobey, Andrew, Tom) made a great work with Peter/Spider.

yeah but the Raimi trilogy is still the highest grossing superhero movies ever at the japanese box office

They weren't doing anything interesting with the MCU Spider-Man anyway.

Spider-Man, Spider-Man. Does whatever a spider can. Got kicked from the MCU, because Sony's run by jews. Goddamn, there goes the Spider-Man.


I swear to god if Yea Forums starts pretending that Andrew Garfield was a good Spider-man, and that they always thought so, I'm going to go absolutely fucking insane

It was his Peter Parker people hated. I don't think people minded his Spider-Man.

China confirmed for having shitty taste and they should stay the fuck away from our film industry.

But his Spider-Man WAS good, ASM1 was legit decent. His Peter not so good and the less said about ASM2 the better save for the suit which is still the best movie suit.

Garfield was a horrible Peter Parker. A stuttering idiot that doesn't know shit about tech or science and steals his tech from Oscorp.

Marc Webb's vision did NOT represent the true spirit of Spider-Man, don't lump his schlock in with Sam Raimi. Raimi at least understood Peter's supposed to be a nerd. Raimi at least understood that the initial driving force to actually become Spider-Man was a guilt over Uncle Ben's death and desire to prevent things like that from happening in the future, not spend 20 minutes on a revenge subplot and sort of vaguely saunter into actually trying to help people.

>Yea Forums starts pretending that Andrew Garfield was a good Spider-man, and that they always thought so
I've actually been encountering these morons on this board for years. You can't convince them how shit their taste is, just ignore them.

This is pretty standard Spider-Man stuff, guys. Watch this a sonydrone's gonna come in and say something about mouse cocks

Seeing MCUfags going absolutely nuclear the past 2 days has been the most fun I've had on Yea Forums in years.

Holy shit, so its not just us complaining about Iron Boy. Disney BTFO

Holy shit based chinks I'll vote for them to be the next hegemon

Without underaged bitching and corporate dicksucking can somebody explain to me how this transpired?
Last I heard the terms of the deal was that FFH needed to make about 1 billion to maintain the rights but now Sony and Disney split up? Did it not make the money or something? Its weird.

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That billion thing was insider leak that most likely was shitposter from Yea Forums ala Big Marring.

Who gives a fuck how just celebrate

So, Sony just decided that it wanted to part ways from Disney just like that? Weird, I thought an MCU movie was guaranteed money, seems strange Sony saying no to easy money considering its movie division is a dumpster fire.

>just celebrate
>implying everyone should have the same opinion or mood as you

This video is your quick rundown.

Basically, Sony wanted to renewed the deal, and Disney was willing ONLY if they get a 50% return from ALL Sony Spider-man movies. That includes the villain spin offs, Spider-verse follow us, etc. They also wanted a joint ownership of all Spidey characters, not just Spider-man.

It's not running away from easy money, Disney demanded more control.


Disney baby cry harder

The brackets were added in. There is more than one person in the world called "Garfield," or "Toby." Also, they misspelled "Toby" as "Tobey."

What was deleted?

> china came to the blockbuster game so late they think that garfield movies were good

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That's fucking stupid, I see that in journalism articles all the time and I think it's fucking retarded how they bracket names. Pointless and unnecessarily confusing.

Tobey and Andrew neither one have the most accurate takes possible but yeah they're definitely a lot closer than the happy go lucky golly gosh brown nosing clout chaser that we got in the MCU
Better to have him steal it from Norman rather than have Iron Man hand him everything on a gold plated platter

I don’t care about comic accuracy just make a good movie. Raimiverse was kino, ASM was shitty and Iron-Boy was mediocre. I honestly don’t give a shit about the MCU anymore so i’m alright with a new take on Spider-Man, I just hope they don’t go Ultimate and keep miles in the cartoon.

China is fucking weird

As much as Garfield made a great Spider-Man, Sony kneecapped the movies by hamstringing the director's original vision of making a "Human Spider-Man" rather than a "Peter Parker the Superhero". If he does come back for more torture fucking from Sony execs then he's braver than any US Marine. Although I'm not sure apparently there's going to be 3 Black Cat movies, a Silver Sable movie, and a Mobius trilogy

Meanwhile, in murrica.

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Imagine Staning a megacorp.

>letting bugmen dictate cinema

This. I really don't care for Amazing Spider-Man but he wasn't Iron Man jr. Peter's supposed to be a super genius kid but how can they prove that if everthing is handed to him

Better bugmen than numales and jews.

Sony didn't say no to easy money. They said no to giving Disney more of the money from their movies.
Venom nearly broke 900 million without needing to even mention Spider-Man. They don't need Disney to make money off Spidey stuff.

Different CEO since 2018.
Garfield’s Peter Parker was essentially a modern take on the Ditko version. It wasn’t bad whatsoever.

>The first thing a white kid does with superpowers is slam dunk
And they say comic book movies are unrealistic

Fuck the MCU, fuck disney and these morons who can't read beyond the headlines. Fuck.

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I wouldn't be upset if Andrew Garfield came back for a third and fourth film. Parker Industries verses Green Goblin and the Sinister Six and then Clone Saga/Spider-Island. Maybe Superior Spider-man thrown in between the two. idk.

If Sony brought back Raimi and Maguire, how ass-blasted would Disney be?

boy, i sure love it when 2 jews fuck each other over and ruin their own grift. i only wish it happened more often.

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sony had 2 chances and didnt come close to how well disney boot did.

>>Accordig to weibo: “Really, the MCU’s Spider-Man doesn’t have the spirit of Spider-Man, relegating him to being somebody else’s son and sidekick,”. “Tobey [Maguire]’s and [Andrew] Garfield’s Spider-Man both represents the true spirit of Spider-Man, but the MCU sacrificed this to pave the way for a cinematic universe. Now that Sony is at it on its own, maybe Spider-Man can revive its past glory.”
He does just feel like a Spider Kick but I think its the only movie that really did anything with his double life

no way in hell does Garfield capture any essence

based china

Some post about the The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, and other stuff the Chinese internet bans.

Xbros rise up

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>only movie that really did anything with his double life
Did you even watch the Raimi movies? Those movies were all about Peter juggling two lives. Especially 2.

I don't know, is it comics or cartoons?

They also made Peter into an inept, pathetic dweeb and MJ into a total bitch with no redeeming qualities.

And? I was only talking about the double life aspect.

Nips also like the old spiderman cause it was a person who had to juggle with the Normal life and Super Hero life.

Hell the manga writer and artist for My Hero Academia was inspired by the Old Spiderman stories not Iron Man Jr.

Why are asian fucking based and westerners cucks?

Also, I would hardly call the guy who saved a train full of people 'inept'.

They bracket any part of a quote that's added in, to clarify without misquoting. It's not even slightly confusing.

>MCU Spider-Man is shit
>Sony pulls it back to their own Spider-verse
What was the problem here again?

He's saying the Chinese identified with Electro because of his evil controlling mother, they didn't like Electro as a villain because they hate niggers you dunce

>Raimi at least understood Peter's supposed to be a nerd.

Garfield's Peter was a nerd too. Skateboards haven't been cool since 1999. Just Look at how many geek Google/Facebook employees skate in those "Look how fun our offices are!" promo videos.

I for one welcome our mouse overlord.

Yea Forums will pretend to be happy about this and regret it the instant Garfield starts talking about Spider-man being gay again.

>china wants andrew garfield
That explains the riots.

Garfield was a shit spiderman, but what can you expect from a country that will eat up every single Bayformers film

>a country that will eat up every single Bayformers film

>spirit of Spider-Man

Yellow insects actually read comics? I thought all of Marvel's attempts at breaking comics into China had failed pretty badly.

>andrew garfield
who likes that ugly ass giraffe?

I like his costume, user. Not the actor.

>All these Mouseketeer retards missing the point on what type of spiderman chinks like.
It's the plot or theme of spiderman is what they like retards.
Spiderman bearing all the responsibilities on himself while juggling normal and hero life > MCU heroes pampering baby spiderman

Better than Holland lmao spastic midget who can’t act for shit

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Sony pull down his pant and his huge cock fall to ground like a third leg, then SONY grab Spiderman and star butt fucking him while Disney watch in horror then out of nowhere Venom appear and put his alien dick inside of Holland mouth then SONY scream """COMON IN FUCKERS""" and Raimi, Garfield and Toby appear and join in the gay rape ganbang then SONY watch Disney to the eyes and said:-" I don't want 5% i take the 100%"

This is funny as fuck, because it's true

Far from Home made most of its BO from China.

>letting bugmen dictate cinema

They dictate it. MCU movies and other blockbusters are made as safe as possible to avoid offending the chinese. Their market is so big that it keeps movies afloat. Why do you think these movies make one billion? It’s not the U.S audiences

He saved them by just being really strong, doesn't really take skill for that.

Far From Home does the juggling act more than any other Spider-Movie though.

Garfield didn't spend time juggling anything and always got someone to help him save the day.

I guess he really is far from home now.

>Indian gamer chick

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Tobey recently said he'd be up for another superhero role.

Based chinks.

Old man Spider-Man lets fucking go.

Spider-girl, with Tobey and Kirsten reprising their roles.

reminder that the Chinks were the reason Bayformers went on as long as it did

their opinions are literally garbage

he's also gay

they have absolute shit taste but that's why sony may be doing this venom made more in china compared to other movies, their taste is awful but their money is still good