The first episode of season 4 is about Rick discovering a following of Morties who admire his nihilistic personality...

The first episode of season 4 is about Rick discovering a following of Morties who admire his nihilistic personality and it makes him realise how edgy and obnoxious it makes him appear. He overgoes a pretty big personality change in the episode, becoming somewhat more compassionate and less of a bastard, which sticks around for the rest of the season. Its a commentary on how the fandom glorifies him and his contrarian outlook.

Promos for season 4 will generally avoid showing major Rick moments so as not to spoil this change.

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god isn't real m-morty
wubba lubba dub dub!!

That's a risky play. Making episodes based on things your fanbase is doing is how Adventure Time went south.

After season 3 there's nowhere to go but up

If they really want to break out of their mold, Rick needs to be shown to be wrong in a big way. Not just told he's wrong, he needs to completely and utterly fail, repeatedly. Otherwise you'll always have the "Rick is an asshole but he's a genius" crowd.

Very nice

Absolutely not, it can get so much worse.

yes please
but we all know that ain't happening, they can't touch their golden goose. very nice fanfic though.

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You're not wrong.
I'm only going to tune in for a shout-out of more Bushland Adventures.

I don't understand. He loses constantly. Half the point of the show is showing that Rick's lifestyle is awful. Everyone hates him, including himself, and nothing he does, no matter how competent he is, can make his life happy.

Is this real?

Because they don't show that, they TELL that.

I REALLY want this to happen but it never will.

The problem is that the kind of people who idolize Rick see all that as a strength, not a weakness. Emotions are for pussies, Rick is a badass god-level mega-genius who is always right and smarter than everyone. That's why these people are so insufferable. They think being an asshole is okay if you're smart, and people hating you is a badge of honor that shows how dumb they are.

Showing how Rick's behavior and outlook isolate him doesn't work on these people. To get through to them you need to knock Rick off his pedestal. He has to be humiliated and lose, and lose hard.

I unironically just want the show to go deeper into its lore. What ever became of Rick's friends since we last saw them at the wedding? What is Tammy planning with Bird Person? Why not have some episodes that show how Rick and company became enemies with the Galactic Federation? I'm aware that Yea Forums hates lore but you can't deny that you're curious about some of the things that I listed.

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they showed him crying or being bummed after being rejected by that one hivemind no?

>after being rejected by that one hivemind
God this show really is meant for reddit edgelords

Chew you havisfaction a singlicious satisfact to snack that up?

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Nah, Rick destroying the government in one outing by some retarded accounting when their backstory is hiding from an all-powerful government shows their worldbuilding will never go beyond a few cheap laughs.

Just go back and make him more like he was in the Pilot and Lawnmower Dog. He displayed traits of absentmindedness, senility, and even insanity, but not nihilism or hedonism. He wasn't shy about showing that he cares for Morty, who he considers his friend, and even complementing him when he shows any amount of ingenuity or quick thinking. He didn't seem to intentionally cause any harm or destruction to innocent people either, he's just a fucking crazy old super scientist.

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They do both. Half of the time Rick spends on screen is him having to deal with the consequences of his shitty actions.

You can just post the reaction image if it already has the text.

Didn’t Rick pretty much admit defeat by bailing to another universe in Rick Potion 9?

Go away Mary Poppins.

he still got what he wanted in the end

I'd say yes, but to his edgelord fans that's just him being nihilistic and not giving a fuck.

I hope the fan commentary isn't too on the nose.

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That sounds fan-fictiony as hell.

I'm not even saying it's fake. It just sounds fan-fictiony as hell.

>Just go back and make him more like he was in the Pilot and Lawnmower Dog. He displayed traits of absentmindedness, senility, and even insanity, but not nihilism or hedonism
He was pretty hedonistic in the pilot, when he jumped to the universe with no old people and used it as an excuse to bang all their women.

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No he didn't. The show kept going, but he still wasn't happy.

Rick was the best in Episode 1 where his genius was hampered by the fact that he was a drunk, as opposed to him being a complete Mary Sue later on

He was always pretty hedonistic. Wasn't the entire pilot just him getting drugs for himself?

>He was pretty hedonistic in the pilot, when he jumped to the universe with no old people and used it as an excuse to bang all their women.
He didn't go out of his way to do that, to be fair. He just got sidetracked.

just make him drunk doc brown again where he barely knows what the fuck is going on but flipflops into saving their asses without realizing it

That was for science

he clearly was only mildly annoyed since he had to get rid of the bodies and that was it, the next scene literally showed him just eating cereal like nothing happened

wasn't there an episode where he literally tried to kill himself because he got rejected?

Not quite. The pilot was him wanting to acquire mega-seeds for some scientific purpose, the making you smart thing is just a side effect, that also results in you being immobile for a day.

Later on there's a party episode where he does go through some effort to get drugs for the party.

Yup. Rick has emotions, unfortunately for himself.

honestly, I don't think people will ever get it that Rick is not an idol
I mean, the only reason he's alive is because his suicide machine failed, how much more of a failure can you even BE at that point

>his suicide machine failed
It worked just fine(he tested it on some poor little critter), he just passed out and slumped over before the ray could hit him.

That's what happens when you live through loss after loss. You get used to it.

im trying to say there was no real consequences for him losing since it did not majorly effect or change him and his life went back to normal "with out skipping a beat"

literally nothing will work on these people, they are too stupid. the premise of fight club was that fight club was retarded, and it was also written by a gay guy, but you know exactly what type of straight dudes like that film

i just want jessica to have a personality besides nice girl tits for like five minutes

>the only reason he's alive is because his suicide machine failed
that's pretty funny
kind of like that futurama bit about bender and the suicide booths

Because he's already lost enough worlds and families that he's prepared for it by now.
It's why he can't bring himself to care about anything.

The machine didn't fail though, he was just sloppy drunk and the machine was a ray, he passed out and the ray buzzed harmlessly over his head.

yeah but he is the one who causes it every time but instead of becoming a better more careful person he just chooses not to care about things

Thank god, i don't know why they tried to play up the "Does he care?" question for a whole season because it's too obvious he does. Maybe taking Harmons divorce issues out of the show will make it funny again.
Watching miserable depressed people self destruct doesn't work as a comedy when played 100% straight like season 3

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Not every time.

okay let me rephrase that

yeah but he is the one who causes a majority of the time but instead of becoming a better more careful person he just chooses not to care about things

whoops was meant for

Fight Club is certainly a good example. A movie that's very clearly saying the shitty/fake macho attitudes won't save you from the alienation you feel turned into a shining beacon for people with shitty macho attitudes.