>Off-topic; all images and discussion should pertain to comics and cartoons of Western origin.
Are the mods retarded? StoneToss is a western comic artist.
I don’t get it?
>Off-topic; all images and discussion should pertain to comics and cartoons of Western origin.
Are the mods retarded? StoneToss is a western comic artist.
I don’t get it?
Is the Ukraine really the West tho?
Yea Forums is just full of pussy leftists that can't stand a divergent viewpoint.
because trolling is not allowed outside Yea Forums
>"but it's a comic"
that is only posted for the purpose of trolling, and political trolling at that, so it's out
He's also /pol/ trash bait
Imagine being this bad at PRETENDING to be retarded
Piss off, at least boomer comics are good for an actual chuckle once in a while
Doesn't /pol/ hate StoneToss?
>Yea Forums
>Yea Forums
How about instead of OP getting b&, this faggot gets it instead. I bet this cuck will like it too.
Only trolling I see is from leftists who post the “Stonetoss is a nazi” images just because he dares to disagree with there politics.
How long will this last?
>If I put my /pol/ talking points in a series of panels it's a meaningful work of art that can produce meaningful discussion
So you're spamming and ban evading now. Wonderful
Being wrong and bad isn't disagreeing. It's being a shit.
correct politics is still politics
it's not against the rules but it's annoying and unwelcome. nobody wants to talk about it, nobody can do anything about the problems, and the worst people are profiting from the attention paid to the topics.
Yeah it’s totally not trolling to post politically charged comics and fight with people about it :^)
Despite your best efforts, OP, Yea Forums still doesn't like reddit shit.
Fuck off with this /pol/ garbo.
remind us how climate change is fake, daddy stonetoss
>what is muh freedom of expression
Stop being such a fucking fascist holy shit
Ban evasion is against the rules at the very least
That's unironically a good one.
Why are discord-trannies so obsessed with /pol/?
Is it because they are always right and you fear their power?
I'd assume it'd also qualify for being an extremely low quality post. Because these aren't being posted like comics, they're being posted like those twitter threads that randomly grab the most retarded person and make anons mad. In this case stonetoss is the retard.
Off topic ban? Huh, I've just been reporting you for advertising.
why is /pol/ so obsessed with trannies? is because they have more power and influence than them?
>Yea Forums
Motherfucking WHAT!? You starting shit? I'll fucking stab you!
It's cause boipussy is so good
>announcing a report
Seething Newfag-redditors detected
These are blatant bait threads. It fits under the definition of a low-quality post.
Post your favorite LOL comics, lads
Like clockwork.
Once you call them trannies and their discord out they instantly lose their minds and reply to every bait.
Superman vs the KKK threads are also getting deleted on sight and the fucking book isn't even out yet.
It's not so much the content of the comic/Stonetoss it's that people can't sit down and discuss it without the thread devolving into something that belongs in /pol/ that's why it gets deleted
pol needs to be put in their place
no, seriously. this level of obsession with trannies isn't good
you probably talk about them more than /lgbt/
It ain't trolling if it's the truth, get yourself some boipussy and prove me wrong
Like clockwork.
>posts stupid shit
>feigns ignorance
>"stop posting stupid shit retard"
>"heh fools I was merely baiting you!"
>"whatever faggot"
>"bahaha victory for me!"
Just transition already.
you forgot to quote OP
no, seriously. this level of obsession with /pol/ isn't good
You probably talk about them more than /lgbt/
Why is this being tolerated?
Is it Japan?
Because the mods are fags. They let that spam thread stay up.
always remember /pol/ was made as a containment board. you have always been cancer
Because there’s literally no justification in removing, fascist.
What did he mean by this?
so much artifacting on this image
>Yea Forums
okay time to get back from where you came from
The baby came from their ass but actually it was just shit.
>check the posts on that list that are complaining about /pol/
>they're from politic bait threads
yeah, no shit why people is "obsessed" with /pol/ since these retards love to shove political shit on every fucking board
If I had to guess I'd assume it's something about gays being scat fetishists?
/pol/ is also made primarily of brown people
I think it's bcause it's the start if the sentence. Maybe he was phone posting and the autocorrect auto-capped the first letter.
>posting redpanels/rockthrow/nazi shmorky
You need to go back
Why are you lefties such censorious faggots that cry for the hotpocket-jobbers instead haviing a discussion?
Is it because you know that your arguments are shit and dont withstand scrutiny?
>Watched a porn where you meet a random girl on the train
>She asks similar questions about "you"
>Masturbates and then has POV sex with you
>Fapped and then felt soul crushing sadness afterwards
I have a question, for God.
>that cry for the hotpocket-jobbers instead haviing a discussion?
rip bowsette
/pol/ is a board of peace and always right, SJWfag.
>Stop calling Rockthrow a nazi just because he has different politics
user he's an actual literal nazi.
he's not a nazi, he's a genius
>and always right
Does this mean we’re living in a simulation all along
I'm 100% confident redpanels and stonetoss aren't the same person, seeing as they existed around the same time
I love how stonetoss comics whip people up into a blind rage, even LOL threads rarely get this sort of reaction out of people. It really helps sift out the reddit tourists.
go back to bed nazi shmorky wannabe, you're not fooling anyone
nigger your css was called "stylesheet88.css"
I just hate his art style
Something about it feels like really bad fetish artwork
I miss the days of shitting on Moon over June
I always try to post this if I see an active Stonetoss comic.
That's not how auto-capping works.
He just took his redpanels art, which was already a complete and total aping of Shmorky's style, and cut off the noses.
I think Yea Forums wants to discuss cartoons and comics and people that read Stonetoss want to complain about they're political opinions till they're blue in the face.
I liked RedPanels' style better. At least there was some appeal there.
People don't want to talk to you.
hahah no maybe 8 years ago Yea Forums would talk cartoons and comics, but now Yea Forumsmblr love to talk about their political viewpoints
/pol/ is ruining Yea Forums
That's not an excuse. I phonepost ,due to my computer eating shit, and all you got to do is proofread your posts.
/pol/tards deserve absolutely no sympathy or remorse when there board combusts due to there own autism.
>le fixed points in space
Get fucked Newtonian coordinates. We relative now.
/pol/ IS Yea Forums, if you dont like it, go elsewhere
Man I wonder what it’s like to have a bogeyman living in your head rent free 24/7.
Reddit is also Yea Forums
We're going the way of the ocho within the next 6 years.
literally none of his comics have ever led to a good thread. ever. furry porn threads would lead to more constructive comments.
>Implying that Yea Forums wasn't ruined from the beginning
Get off my virtual lawn. People blame politics because it is easy to do nowadays. Yea Forums has always been bad. Fucking hell, this place always wants to blame something for ruining the anonymous posting because why not?
>Moot is a Jew
>Mods are bad
>Animu desu
That's just a small list as I'm too lazy to type more.
i hope an immagrint says this to your face in a crowded place lel
>schizos are Yea Forums
sounds about right
Stay on your containment board. Everyone hates pol.
how does this make any sense you utter troglodyte
>not wanting to be west
They forcibly invade places and try to make them fit their standards
post the water edit
Immigrants should adopt the local culture, just like reddit tourists should adopt the Yea Forums culture.
So you’re saying reddit tourists need to be well versed in anime
Not him.
But unironically yes.
Stonetoss is an alt right nazi you fucking trump loving imbecile
Based Stonetoss triggering Yea Forums trannies once again
and be open to the other boards culture yes
But most boards don’t have culture
This, lol
My only problem with stonetoss is hes literally a pandering faggot, he just looks at what /pol/s says and then turns it into a strip. Fucking unoriginal cuck who can't actually come up with his own shit.
Oh yes.
Yes they do.
Copeseethetrannybasedandredpillescringeandbluepilledohnonono isn’t culture
Pol only has hate. Fuck off.
why would he need to when edgy 13 year olds would blindly suck his dick for doing so?
Pol doesn't
Yes it is
Cope tranny
I guess you’re right
It’s equivalent to ghetto nigger culture
I'm trying so fucking hard to understand this right now
If you have such a problem with trannies why are you here? Could it be that you actually are one? It's the people who cry the loudest who tend to be very thing they speak against.
>/pol/ comics bad get out reeeeeee
>/lgbt/ comics AOK, post more tranny and gay stuff on Yea Forums
Either hermetically seal Yea Forums against all cross board influence or allow some leeway, the double standard is pathetic.
Woah, your reddit buddies wont like you saying that word!
This really, it's called Yea Forumsmblr for a reason.
Rightists need to cope
Yea Forums has also been a bastion of degeneracy, its time for newfags like you to adapt or gtfo.
i got your culture right here
>Is it because they are always right and you fear their power?
double nigger
uhh, lot to unpack here yikes, are you saying our proud transpeople are degenerates? oof sweaty
Yea Forums has always been lefty. Go to your room.
cringe but also basedpilled
What are you trying to imply here? You do know that most trannies scurry off to dicksword when they change their identity right
>Are the mods retarded?
Seeing as how this thread is still up, absolutely.
reminder that the latest forced meme by /pol/fag colonies is literally a call too remove lewd content from Yea Forums.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. Be better.
and it really ruffled some feathers, good show I say, jolly good,
Only around 15% actually get that surgery, jfc you are dumb. Trying learning about what you are talking about before talking out off your ass.
don't you drag regular show and pops into your culture war garbage you fucking undeserving rat.
Basically it is saying that Nationalism is being held back by white supremacy and that the holocaust is a lie perpetrated by the Jews.
the 6 million represents jews.
the "14" stands for the 14 word motto of modern white supremacist movements (We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children)
the "88" (which is often included with the 14 and represented as 14/88/) stands for "HH" (the 8th letter of the alphabet) or "Heil Hitler"
As far as I can tell the comic is a commentary on how he thinks outright praise for hitler harms the white supremacist movement and da ebil jews are happy about that? It's hard to get into the headspace of this kind of wingnut
What are you talking about you utter buffoon
/pol/ will always lose
>doesn't know about regular show but is on Yea Forums
get the fuck out casual
Was it the cumbrain shit? I thought that was mainly Yea Forums being retarded shitposting apes that wanted another wojak edit to be spammed in the catalog
I specifically avoided the mention of any surgery so you can't pull your semantic bullshit on me. Seriously how bad can someone who managed his way around a desktop be at comprehension?
Not everything is a reference to your cal arts shit
it's the cumbrain shit, it's being used an excuse to target lewd content and oc.
>jolly good show
>not a pops reference
get the fuck out
Ya what's the point of
>Haha now you all think I'm retarded I win
/pol/ ruined Yea Forums
it was a bubble though
its literally old british man archtype speak you uncultured swine
>cal arts
>your brain in cum
Based kumbrain
the 6,000,000 probably represents Jews, since that's the holocaust death count, plus it's doing the happy merchant hand-wringing. I don't know what the 14 and 88 are though.
which pops is and has been responsible for the rise in usage of for years you fucking casual swine.
> You do know that most trannies scurry off to dicksword
Bruh you are fucking retarded if you think anyone cant tell what you are trying to say. This is why /pol/ a laughing stock, literal brain dead retards who think they are the smartest human beings on the planet, meanwhile they talk how the earth is fucking flat. Just LOL
Yeah no
Please mods. Do your job.
Yeah you're a fucking shizo, never reply to my posts ever again
Go back, cuck
>using words you don't even know the meaning of
Kek like i said, retarded. Thanks for proving my point.
My favorite recent /pol/ moment was when cloudflare went down and people thought they were transported to a new universe because they thought it was spelled "cloudfare"
you wish nah they'll sit back and rake in the outrage tard ad money while laughing.
>Wants a zoomer to proofread
Upset discord tranny got caught out
What point does it make to leave up such trash?
>Calls others upset
>literally goes to other boards to whine about trannies
I'm starting to think you haven't looked in mirror :^)
actually chukled
what point does it make to cry like a little bitch in the thread instead of hiding it and moving along?
Dilate ;)